ttm sy lawtlncl kwt hkxhct officially opant tomorrow rgutat iha flow of watar from laka ontario the gint ganlry friday sapiambar 5 opening of tk hig multimillion dollar cran it uid to operate in gatst m th dam located 25 milat proct will undoubtedly ma an much to canada and i ha umtad i upitraam from the long sault dam matai above it th iroqoo dam now com p la tad whkh will another great source jf y of power 0- for ontario i ttt it thr ajuutiat si laawkfounrap during the past four years your hydro in partnership with the power authority of the state of new york has brought the international rapids section of the st lawrence river to the power producing stage on september 5th we will join hands with our partner in a ceremony officially opening the great power project the 32 generating units half of which will be installed in ontario hydros powerhouse will have a maximum capacity of 1880000 kilowatts more power for living better electrically the safe clean modern way electricity does so much- costs so little toe jwtxm jfth tee eightyfourth year no 10 acton ontario thursday september 4th 1958 second sect ton on st lawrence power project opens tomorrow unoitt amd ovtft to meet ihe problem of getting men truck and equipment to the power houie tile without durupt iwj hip irohic in thr cornwall canal two llocl lunnol wen built under the canal lur the trucks kwmhou adminittration building hour two huge rotors for genmajors under tomliuction at the time of ihis ptiturv in the background it thr central part of the toior assembly honor gibbens family at local gathering thihhn school wu hi mum of i ulti r intl mi i n1y i nun antfubl 30 whin liumli j ml in ah ihiii nf mr mid mn ijwiinu ilihcna mtl in imii r mai i tti m nrnl i lu u fnnily till imhiiijj lmllfil wilti mhiiii lt hy hunniin l nth ml timilol ly nhnan t limit ritu mii llnmiil hy m virul m 1 nlmn finm thr childtin imludmc niv hy thi h nnirk mu r mi iinipuiiiil hy mi tnt m hnlm t- noil iii1k rmcram prewntril lutli nhirliy sxis iill ami kulhy olduiki oftmd it m1 vnky ni m ton nrul i hi islmi r v- i is dthchtiil tin- mulimi with lit ir iwlhl hmrini unit tilth hiknl mtin with hi r smltih lu tin- mrtinipanird hy itihlnr knyi r pluvinr thr hirpipa ft thr hii rm in thin ralliil mi mrs i o llmik to ud lh prcw ntitmn mtdn m cxpri ini thr riii t nf thr cnmmunily in limine mich iihmi nrikhtxu and tht w ishiit for a hippy fulutt for ihrm rrmnuun mftdt tin- umplr wur pn milled with awrmniinmi r chum mintil rlcv nun i hi mmiiiuniu uit un k- iivlnnil tiihlr fmm mi cull tht thin giblw ns iwiys nit urd pi n ft ltd pnril set and a miiiii i mount if nnniv kilhn minns ci l ihi liyt urn pracl honk afti r u fi w jut chi n fntn nt ijjh- un mho liithitlrd mr m stu h diinun wldic miv sjvi r unit kathrr murjm mr unit mt cu- l ns nki i fiw uill ihimii uiinl rxpriksmy tin ir ihnnkhil- hrki at thi kuulliiiivs f ill th ir frirmtn lunch i mrvtit hv i he ouhlin indus and thr rrmaindrr of the evening uix nrnt in ilincini obituary culminate dream two nations to open power project p thm f i iii ty lb t i ii id 1 us iniinir mid nln t l mm11 ult ml llitl pii l 11 i i sum mhiuiw mill i iiwnii ml ii i t i il it sl i mih i in til i n1 i lidd hy ml n1 hiul in f 1 rfiil lb ilil mit t tllll tkllll lilt lllllm hi n tli t iimti im ul ii i in lh iln l s h m r isl ilimi minnti r nt oil t t i r w vt ii lluiriimii itiir tli mull n v ynk will jmlly st rl i n i i 1 11 i ilust s f tin l mlnpm mill mimi 1- i pulmiij- thi ah mil tm iltx tin puln tn i mlt i nd ii onl ihl mil lh i anlhiitv i it still nt n tlk lnrrnunl amltv 1ilmi hi- in i in ii ill mill im in hiui r int n 1 im 1 nnlv smi1hiii hi- mm in whnh tin ur iit ii t i it unci i- ihiik l nit t4iiin -i- siwin i hi muiiii ill m hi tly in hii f tin k cavton im tndint thi llmi i hni is t y ftim i m i nr f th m1i1 of n u nk in t ii n tos ph h john on v m t f it stiti f v imonl s m 11 mi jit md mt ii iiintn ihi inidi n vp iki i vii h intikluid l jhm s l i n chinniimi of ontirm itvdu mtl i thr aim in in lv ihu it mj i cluiinnin nf th p mir aulhouu n ihi smi of nim ynik i f i hi htition 1 hioit1 th i o i tvy of ihi nipiir1ninl of nllmml 1 f in m mlmn- uitd f ik ltyil liirlin onln iii mn v iis i nil r oixlni ht i 1- nt j mill ix- h ml in tills pi i inn ir miiimidi tin tmti1 on thu ihtmkiiiu will tii iwl tiy mr could tin dntiniiniah t fcm sk ill hi s to1 on u jti pud phitform 1- 1 1 o th uiliii dirk d tu n id in and aim jn in i imum s tint mill m ldl it n t in i it 1 ihiiimi ir v 1 itink of i ilii n- of llh toiiti h m i l 11 imd ll mvi th ii hi j loi vu w of tin p linn i inlin sonu i ji ni flu hiv ihm imlly mv11 jnd mill ut- ii it nd m liinchcn ul tin in- m 1 am ours ulini onl inn my ir mil i ann y mill in jmrtt ht- mith mr lnu m in un ilni msnnllc and kim invalid for 30 years mrs j gibbens dies mi- janus g iblvrni puwd nui nn aiifiiiat 24 tht ifilh innivrrsurv of hir huhinti drals ind hrr nlrt- 1 unirthdiiyiihii batlabiliij a in ft innt h ltt hitjh t hdiop tn itir plitfnim nvnil-ol- ii ih uinl of uu- imii nitinri t t i d in thin imtmttnl pnji t of nd khhimiii a fkur nf t in 1 situ ih11 a in ip of ni w ymk stit m ti lwnl mini ii inidiin minintn mhmhu hold i in ip nf onl 1 1 m tfm vims hm lien niid up nf hundinl- nf tiny ilttjir i impn m f fix d tn thi htkdtop nut h ni to thi ini sl ijmftitr sulu i ak mr frtm mil mr llnnmin a hljhlictit of thi intukwiil n ff i i ill v n tht pnji i lh mon mill im- thi wurld pnmiin 1 udi n thr uickdmp ihi si imjnl mill i k up lot m im k rltl fc i i 1 s inuk mroiivlv likht mill in i th it nimhkikn l 1 tin in ui a hi 1 ui lutn ill tlvh viih linll khouuik in m it plm v tiil jm w i i now flown to tin ihiiii f jul iru llviln ud i a sn y si trrnrrmlnrm 1 m st ijwriilmr lwtr fmjrrt in tw 4inpl il in iiro lir id nf nrhoilulr tlir mmnmru timtiillnl i ip i tl on on i p i iron will tn lutn imhi ki om 11 fiom 1 i iiiiul- m 11 units in j u plmli 11m or i mo ifvrtto plmit h h 11 i hll im ihlm ll ii s i- s 1 n i ti su ii i m ni of th 11 ilvitin h i in n ml m s ni of ihi mmt t v ml int nt tdt it of thr pi j i i in ann m ti hill u ii ih i n i inn ii tin ii- im it mwwi i dun in r on f ihr vu of th pr nt hiirmtn of pimi r a ut i i it v nf thr sutr f n w yoik th atlinlir stlni n h ih q iimii is i fkhl for t hrfvl 14 c n- un nt miii tnih 1 plrntiful in ill roimlin s in id iuii thr notth all nt t1 in cinidi rli r diys kpinid 11 fir inland us lki niilrin tin it iirr iiim th in 7mi pi iniry h villi milh in himd i oprt id k rh intdi ii pioviniih nd until mini yiif thi induvtry m as thi ltit mntl un of ni- plomiii nt m ninhin nunnfmlur- mu immmlm d hrr wkh birthday mi aucuat ib lnvalidrtl fur uu- pjwt 30 yrr shi died at our uady f mrrcv ikispiuil tn tiirxmio thi rirmit mmiimiu hlixabtlh sh irpr vhi ma 1 lst pridrnt of the cttholic wnmrn 1 ixagut of st jnmph clurch actun kunrrums mi tt st vmcvnt do paul ihurch m tnrxintn un wcrt- nidas atuinst 27 iu father v j muttui conducted uir u-uiti- at ihr grave ut si joseph cimitei dublin patlbcarera vtvrc tve urandioni jamca cilbtn william gitibcni januh paul john o donnell and uco lluffman tiif lau mr and mm gibbon had ix children joseph toronto kuthlecn imn u j drudy tnr- onto mary tni v b odonmli madclrmc- mr s d paltermn jnmm ctehawa and lawrvnc formerly of rjt 4 acton and now ul kitcboner ti onlulo hydra photo befoke consttuctioh kimttdthltit hew ike area looked tkc artit indcal on thli 1954 pctura the two key itructureima the long saolt dam and b adacent canadian and united slates powerhoue between batnhart hland c and the canadian mainland oaar former corn wall trarttformer station d the project openi tomorrow