Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1958, p. 5

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sports roundup pars sevenioles hits two bogies m holmes wins acton open crowrwwl dmiun collar during i trailing ili luhirul ur liuph th aftm oikn golf twniainrnt r t tyli r j m j nud 7l i iiyjlsu 73 iy iu 73 j co 7i a nuutn 74 hi id ut oiunut villi- flai and cimntiy club imi saturday ktl i mbrr th mult holm ratrux off ttvc tmphy fituii w other l if n uith a hw im of f for h tiila 11 lynjf a m iui gun ihr in lt dump n l ir t mii u w mh fc n md lun ljin mi pi mm v ilh i i if j ir 1 tlt id iii 41 vvms for hnni u runm i up wnr lord hi ttv und i hutur triuii willi tut uji julun 7ujnr luj hrv a m mtkni unit mif llh ihi t jli t i um llurk tundn- ml hum hi m n vy ilnint i u i h tw nrl llov illul litl d iuuk wad oil tl pliy f r lh v ik t k he ht lh in nut atlflt hi ill i i und miruhhini 74 k rii ii mik and h cxn jr i trh m hi i ii ti fi minimi 141 l kin nd miki c uut pllfct llliil with ill wind f i not iujthmi 11 hit many frurts m 1 h m 1 h nk i i id wi nt i w win it titn iid i inlkjiy v i i prii ii lli i t ii k i hi ihr it t ht tlir fitly fc i imm til ton n t ii m mi iikktiiici with m pn i r hi rffoii und fuimrif 1 w i unt i i it mil v mm iof j lnl i t 1 t p1 uu lm lllg 11 m 11 wl 11 nt 1 v ilh n uuil und i wll hut lift iiti u pi t f i lo h i v ii1 ria tiling i uik iiim k i ihi ngi t itv nf thi ijy 1n hi hi wm pminlht wili n tint iif i f tiijinlt dnti thf hus foim at ton i inr hntr- iliai uhiimrhiiri other prii wlniivr w ri c vorcy throwing rluba llu- firth il j urywiah utwtsl huldth huh j gunn higluit hutjcn huh j ktuptk mt 3 ntul lliuit- ilh uwt un ihtrl 31 fartlalbu in niir of uimly tbu j7 ar htfi jlfr hrartnl for lh ntiu hul intim- nl orfengfvillv und ilh mm i hi i titfniiig tit uiw tunc riiitiiiiud kuv and tidl tlw days iutiv1u willi n buhhl iky tivii- lul ki1uitif ihr pi mnl1iiin f trihiii unl othrr iwurdi thr iinmittr tindn rhainnun mlltr cni m ifivrn immii ut uji- ltuitu- hv ihr tlfi ftnl f i ihr run lwy oil iuiikh nl ii ktnimiilt inihtditt m j kruptk j jh i llrny n1 i lyln jr llollio uuwb i iji m ken hulfoid thi hailojul pouttomi at thy r battar known by their computor on ilta yraanv ar aft ot rmhi join goy bill coon oon black a fomf aciwi boy arui gord beaiiy stoppinq on th ivanth kol to tally lh co duinrj kt acton opn latl saturday ecn player keps hit ays on lha icorer lo makt w9 urn fccavr hi ui duai without men tionmrjitoir it can le laid the lour ar conndervd top league gohert and held their own during the day after all this troueoi of itmng up hit thor chetlcr peycha found it paid off at he tank the ball tn the cup the picture wai taken during the acton open last saturday at orangeville stjndmg holding the flag it mick holmet who wat crowned new acton open golf champion aftr the tcoiet were tallied chester can tay he played ib holes with thi champ the hwor blackout hurt tiion- 4 odr divot diggings dnv rsnine affectrd onlv tion of the town legion news lli h i off uit himt tin wrrk witti n in tuiiiniig lhr hud ki i t lh nih 1u7 ihr union iitlr aunhiiv ijitt thuivty s pt mu r 4 thr ludtr hint j imlliu mil dix id d lo pit ktnl ui hiun h v ilh rhiii foi 1k s n- though h v i01i luck f m it m ttoiik nm h t v lh i h- i tl ooht br nluxit lh o mill am11 rnlvlng llu wmnuu mid lruri ttihiiu aitouji r la unr ittniud ao invitition i rri ivt from tin im utit auxilinrv lo nllnd u khdh i tun srptitntri 1 any mrinlm r ih- in lo allrud hollm ontiirl mmy irwin lmuni wi mini lo wml ttutt immtmik to itii iinnunl t nt th itomil vok ihll t ii sriti iuim r 22 ind j1 mnndiv nininii of thia unit thr 1 julnr itmlint of llinnih lt7 unit hi id nl vlmh lime thr rhcqiic for voq um rri ninl thr tuditft hmd wmk ut laivmu thi nr funds la much npiirttintid plini to nth nd n hit or it ton day tcrvlrt in inirflrluwn thia sunday w rrr f innltml cm w it lit ihr lkou il 110 vhuip all mrmlmts ir jiskid lo ill nd if huuuhlr a jcnnr church narart will tnkr plorr in port crrdit on sunhy sptrmlmr i cir will hue thr u kion it 12 4 mii the hninch arr orry lo iwai f onudi 1111 hi inch iltm ss plann hnx r bti n nmdi to mui v afull probinni uf miils ivrnli tor branch 107 thm nt niton watch cloaclv for news on the proom d roi n nuist conmituilatioh to the rmmittf for inakmg the acton opm a hue ancrxm tiin thin ir th- l worktxt hnd mikink a nr raniintt puixhninw the pnis and uoidmt the lumh no win tie lh in 1 hiitt ilunr u off to tin in chnnpioii uick hxlnus who i imr thiouch lth u m it k2 01 11 hhs hi win the tiophv jind the putigi that ghs with iteconuni 11 ihuupon in gxilfini cm id aiviudinn to 11 previous rprt rraidmu muvn uuil itimo it wu sjid lu finishiil trout in the tirht nine hut ft ii down in the lust his hum uim situida cirtunu rcrutrd thit hluino iaxk nic ut- er mick who told nw ttianks fntm all the iiolfcra un j to ted tvltr sr foi ti i ins hi tuts to oiangfilu and ikntinn the aenrt duunu the daj dark llasae roy butler turned out to be the dark horse of the duy whin np- priiachit ut teeiiff tune uvc picture he ran nnd hid behind the buthet even uhvn tnld he would tuuat likely win 0 trophy he dug in deeper so uhat happened he won the trophy tor the low net with a g3 bet he wiihea now he had posed or that picturv well that winds up the golfing column for the ear hope next year to pee more golfers join in the port and take a whirl at the ac ken pen proclaaaation whereas the canadian junior bowling council ontario division has been giving its time money and ef fort reward the development of youth with one objective to build better citizens through directed recreation and since in thu respect are not only living up to their objects but ate also performing a very significant service to the citiens of acton and wherfas leaders in the field of education recreation and industry recognize keen bowling competition as a strong char titer building that makes better citizens benefitting the entire community by reducing juvenile delinquency by means of encourajging team spirit and providing centre of mutual interests and whereas bowling is a sport end a recreftiiqnthat all boys and girls can enjoy at an early age and which does not demand an especially endowed physique nor a large cash outlay to enjoy and whereas bowling week is being observed frorn september t3 through september 20 throughout ontario now therefore i walter h cook mayor of acton do hereby commend the canadian junior bowling council for the outstanding service this organization is performing in our community and i further proclaim that saturday september 13 1958 shall be duly observed as junior bowling day and saturday september 20 158 as parents day and i urge every citizen of acton to oin m these observances and extend a salute to the canadian junior bowling council for their work in providing a healthy organized recreaion for our youth done this lhh day of september 1958 i signed waltt h cook v mayor in i anil vi hh a t n mor altit- 1 i to- th hul line jlniilr 111 ihiik i i hotliitf wid jmh lhtfidiihii unipit ulut ihi hoi i of l lll till fllkt i utfll 1 m t rfitull umli wi lh v ku si pt inlii r i iahh n u i mm i mot nun to i n the i mr fthift on ihih lh y vi iiliimlv hud vv inu- up mioii ihi pink jhoiil i hi himhliii f i mini m il i e th th itm i 1 h i m i itri i h p ful- mill i t ml tn s pi n i and i i afriwrn imuiii ati1 ik w roiio iv u i k 1 t ii i 1 tillii up h f i tl t 1 it s 1 i i s pt n i ii tl tui r iiom i ii vtint v k h n lh- ii il i iimoi i vli k in i nl ii i t f l u lm nil j i h n k to i i in i v oll ii 1 ii t i si 1 ot th kf i ilrniti iuv mom lh n klllk in1wdiil lo f i l i il movil inj tti k v nls all v ii j on m th kiiudtiiilt un siiturd iy spt- fitiln i 20 thai h im nl diy und t is to t nhhrttrd with a ln- n un nl in v hu h f ilh i 4ind dint hi mli x n on i m hi i it vs k tl iio1l fi ml ill t l v llrn iklll m nh m m 4m i r p n i nrrni tl i i ir w i if u n mtitd mi nixing tin ini 1 lhr 1 inn m nt i m 1 ll h n 11 v tt ii ln i tit 1 l pnl mt ul h a fin fon f im nd phlv in o h ii k on win h y in i i p i i ii d 4 m f h in u i i t i ii i a 1 ii 1 id- f pt 1 w k i n i n u i m ink i 11 ai m coxe son riumtlno hi all w0 iavistrouohino pa oil i oil lumun on wlllf tank fttr etlimot phoni 3j acton bowl bowl for pustur bawl for hotllh open bowling i mon tuo wed thurs fri iikp evening vf sat afternoons eveningi f acton bowling lanes nmm 49r 10 main tl new 3t nylon tires new low price 3t nylon deluxe supcrcushions by goodie all 1095 oo act howl see us for safety proved goodyear 3t nylon tires at lowest price ever we mount vout thus fkki of chaioi thompson s wo lonl 69 ars trluk- tc salts and sfrvicf th acfon fre pren thursday september ii 1058 tamnu tofut the aruwi trnnli club have duu thmnftilvfa pitujj in llif punt tuu wet k by ilrhutmtf llu- uihiuru club in luaiiii urui hujtu intki on tliurtduv auijuat 20 tlu imal ilwb xvtvaunt tlur vuitir y fight nbti lua to four twn on wwlndiiy kplvmlm r 3 pljy i viailod liimlro and w on u tin in mil matt tw t ihrr with lhl ulni ail ii iniii into tttv umifnulb u4iliial foil ict it knit n tlwn lu i nm und ii iinr tuuulit wll ht lml in p it truit on sluidn s uin- im r 13 thi uinru r f tin k m v tl ntt lh mi t n i il t in in thr ihiiinpluii t ii h i ic onnly tiiil uuifui hxluloi nipirt f t lliiu- malilu will lit uili lord y u um iihmiim rt hm wu lh ft the mayfar restaurant a ukui ilar lu ea wimiv kiuiuu fl ii j n jmhu llit dinf out this wffk- end and get mote fun out of urn ma coutti mixif iioht lumcmit tmack haimuh4i mot bodl mtthch huf tunoaii nihkt fish l chips our ltiiuy mcyfslr beiuumnt acton sport starlit w i wmlliii ha a hif ui j lull i ur in hi am ii in nl- iiiiul unkiir i i aitiil u uln r hxru ttutial lut it 1 in pt tlir ut aam iih im plnyi41 i timlial t itllumtotl mmii i un i r urlirm f i bamlnll mill hmkrr unm air i fck- ii i ut tlir tuition iui1 ut i iilhlit l t u i in in im trr i vtr in thr in vhialili ulwy r awtnl ii mill hiii lit tiwmtiirl llinr r hi iiiktrr ilir ulli i sj ill unit iliul iiiruni hiirltry imi milir all th imy l liimn hint mriulr in ii llirlr ii um iniiiinl i ufti hit hnkilmll iu- 50000 life insurance nlntl aft 30 a 35 ac 10 a 35 ilklll iii amua prrfmum si loass iievo ist 11 i n t i ii wil aga 40 asa 41 aa so a ss i fr i annual f ranluaa 1144 1441 sit 17 til u i i i i mm till jmiham i on roy gatenby occidintal lifi n am on acton 43sw vtollf iul il- mimi il ii ill t mil fm i mm i all thoil v i it loip f r pint idnik nl poil n lh u ii t f t k t lh a t ii kill ir il s it rt i mitl monuments itamrton i i una ubnnlld n hiiiitt hlliiinit ri nrr pol und rnarkrn a gia d iuy in luk wjh c allaw preap a queen st w rrampt khe phe il inu mrs jl 11iis iip tom nichoi riioaia nnmpum ol 1 ims simpsons sears of guelph wim 10 annourirr mr aiiolfllmlfll oi mr colin lewcock 14 maim st notth hon 16w a immr nrw kfprrimiallvl simpsoij jiaiis iconomy iood p1ah an0 all flft olfal aiimancis lfcujljin foidprit fpff pj arm ptrpifpaiopi kfnmobf pangc vashing machinf afo jprfpi or iruipki carfteva we are proud to announce that we have been appointed official distributors for supplies we cordially invite all boy scouts cubs and leaders to inspect our supply depot and use our periorial service lor all your individual troop retirements oaotjicta brampton geobgetowb

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