Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1958, p. 6

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ihm acton ftmm iru thunday plmbr 1 1 1958 white glads candelabra setting agardolmage wedding vows tit andrews prwbyutun curch kllchar wu uoavlij with bououu of whju gladioli and lit by euwilm tor tk uvruji of haua cauwrln dulmm wwl mytn officer join u agmr sat urday splember ft at t oclock in th mum dr r g suwsrt trflculd at th doubu rtnj wfwnony nd fc johnston played th wtddlnj sulf th brt4f partnta ar mr and lira charu ii dulitifsj of kit- charter tna fruurn graduate of th ontario v4rlnary cotug and now in th atr krc li in nm of ur and wra u w agar uf arum nyus cwuf 0w th brtd wort a walu length guun of whit nylfin rhlffnn uwi nl and uuut uffta arcnld with a rrnibruidrtd lac ihwji fehund with a troup neckline and brlrf slrv th fitted drtkp- bd waiklllit nundtd into a butwd skirt htr pltl un hfcid- drwi wu trtmmad with lrldcrnl ftaxjulnj and ad uarlj and held har arutuldrr irnglh arauoprd veil of silk illusion h rsirted a lnhiqurt uf pink and while iweethttatt raea white fmlhrrrd runtltimi and alephan olla he was glvro in marriage by her father th maid of htniur uui jiiannr shavr wur a u4lli length tfuwn of blush piftk chiffon with a shtr- rd budic and draped nacklin hr cap of pink chiffon wu cwftlad with lrldcnt aaqulna she carried pink awaethaart roaebuda and pink ftbrfd camatlona oraumuntn was plying officer donald forslrr of ivnhutd al berta usher wrrr john barf t credit and james hplvlvogrl kit chener gumu wrre received at the hac ienda waterloo by the wrdding party airs ilotmage worv for her daughters maritagr a imwi gictn rid while dieaa atvd bruits fialh- red hat willi a outage uf ixwiii in unit lit agar choae an iiubiuliurrd cctrtia colored dress with plpk ar- cutrla and a oirsag of pink feathered carnations slili ttf wwl tlte ckiple irft for ihrir new hum at afoot jaw kaakalchtwon travailing by way uf colorado the brute wore a red ault with cowl neckline and blouaon back with a beige feathered hat and brown ar- ceaaoiiea hrr corsag was of while wwethrait rosebuds iueats wrre uitariit fnmi c 1m- tun seafoiut tor unto sarnla crntrala allxrla clinburg mdim and windsor as well as kitchener arul acton personal notes of actoniani vmhng out -of- town points and of visitors in acton homai ura mildred 1111 waa visiting frlanda in acton this week master dean lemon left by train tueaday fur ilcltrvill school fur th deaf friends are aorry to learn that bill itlanche is a patient in sunny brook hospital e i rydrr mill street celeb rated his soth birthday on wednes day of this wit k mr and mrs frtd itrdnvan of sautt ste marir arc visiting with mr and mrs j j stewart mu marilyn rngrwaldson nailed with mrs lome slmiann and fam ily at waterdown this week mlss g hmiae of ayr and mrs clem r nil of gait spent a day vis iting mr and mrs it w hinton un angus mcdonald and ken neth attended the mill huntley wedding in gurlph last saturday lltllc johnny hopkins willow st underwent a tonsillectomy at gurlph general hospital on tues day mr and mis j a llmry and mrs jim currir of wingham visit ed with mr and mrs j u frank last week mr and mrs ilakrr of montreal the parents of mrs jack main- prize were visiting mr and mrs h mainprlze this week muses janet and nano linen valdaon spent the wnkend in ha milton visiting their aunt and uncle mr and mrs james mafvh and family sunday visitors uith mr and mrs jack frank were mr and mrs c brown cathy and narb- ara mr elyn and miss darlcnc play ford of toronto corporal clavton frver of the rcmp spence iuv n w t is visiting hls parents mr and mrs a fryer fumcr avenue for six weeks on completion of his leave he uill be stationed il vancou er ilc mr and mrs stonlry lvruc of huntington park california re turned home this u eek hav ing siwnt six weeks visiting the for mers sisters mrs tred mccutch- eon and mrs william hallcntmc and other relatives mr and mrs aiuiur grlfrin and mrs and mrs farl fuller and fam ily of k it s acum mr and mrs h u davidson and mr and mrs william thompaon bent sunday at lleantsvlll with mrs lleitj keeler and mrs j o martin and family sunday waa mrs maitin aoth birthday ftautmatad mrs f j shorthill hostess to wi ladies mrs f j shoitlll waa host n ftir the september mei ling of the women s institute when 18 mi m bers altendett the meeting open ed with the wl ode and mary stewart collect holl call waa an swered with name a canadian newspaper and where it is pub lished mrs wm mi iean gave current events the motto was given by mrs tom gibson he proud of your farm heritage and have faith in the future a vtry fine display of flow rs was shown by the memlers thew weie grown from seed which had been givtn them in the spring tear taper the o m mrr of caniidian in- dulrier mrs don ii row n had made orrunri mrnta with the pub lisher mr dill for a tour of the acton free press plant which all mjoyed the ladles expressed sin cere appreciation to the staff for the courtesy shown them mis baker resolutions conven er presented thoac coming up and thev were dealt with plans were made for the booth at the fair a cordial invitation was extend ed all ladies to attend the salad demons ration being given by he home economics department in the church tnarracnt here on friday at 110 to o clock the meeting closed with the queen and the social committee mrs lawr mrs hamilton and mrs wm kukwood served lunch and a very fine meet ing came to a close we wne sorrv to learn john snow was taki n to diielph hospit al last week wi hope fur a speedy rccov cry mr and mrs arnold mcencrv visited with mr and mrs cecil algur in hamilton for a few days the first hand saw was pro duced at the divston saw plant in acton on wednesday of this week 1 ta i outstanding buys in good used cars sa doooi 4 doot sedan tulen radio a udy 1955 hymoutrl 4 door sedan clun and patfect hmclunlcally 19s4 fod coach tued tudia rum ilka mw 1053 bukk custom 4 door sedan tuhww rsdla automahc auimaic dlmmw twlkh thj li an avcaptlanauy tead en 1951 ford custom coach ra s cevart swart economical trantportahon al low prica sm ut fir easy terms thompson motors acton itd mien w acton 45 main si n weekly newspapers importance stressed at cwna convention there is an encouraging evid ence that business and industry are beginning u realiie more than ev er the important nuirkt t that weeklies serve in ctnada hugh t mccormlck of u- mtmlieul mon- iur and incoming president if the canadian weekly newspapi as sociation vld moo than ifk d it gates attending the soth annual convention lust week in toionlo hut he said thrie l vi r had ben a lime in tht rwig and ctlir- ful history uf tht weekly hi- r industiy in canada whin th f- waa w toitte uignt ton it to n- unite wit win us u kty ti mlvr liking mkiij in tiu buxiittu lift f 111 iimlloo rlv mllllan headers r 100 ifli it wtkly pisa has had it- prohhmi lul luttuntf like ttay whtn coiiiih titioii fioto olh r media ming uu tnl demands and ki on thiul n ut vtiy i ilaltiui as a f it t in nui national h mi m ni k sad h noted that the i itdtail pl president tl day in his om n- ing addiess at the cmvintun hud mriitioiud that in coloiado an v eiag of thie we kly iicvomimii per ytar aie lx lug lnd i1vn fii go ad one f l ini isil f this dagic dimlh of nh mihuii ily irixs i st wi hasint ihii keiiig up with tie fwtt ai f business ohiijk tllnn in snid we hav wi t cxiii gong ft r the rcwtiwe of rn tli rial and 1mui ad veitisers thai there is fii us and whlth tielks kiip in in tmaini ss hundarsu hth mr u onnkk f it llut th itelter nt wspim rs mipf lition of the cwna wm riiiiing the cilunre uf wttkllts an attiut ive looking pam r is an uddit in- ilucifiont b tht advt ilihi t hi ointed out mr mrcinnuk said thut the 7 kid wrtklui in canaita mhi u llg mtantlul tiiitlkit utnm liniiit on ioluiml llfi cniut i rvi etimate1 he nld lliat f tht 2rl ikitituinco in un h mim of c ommons im at ll unit wn i i til tiy wekly tiiwspiixi for ux work nf tin cwna in piotnoting lh chum of th wkly lnu mr md oiiuuk load nitlung tut tuaim in iht 22 v n th it i h iv h n attending cwna oiiv ntxn i hve li n impiihmt ty tht mhu nlui of tiu tomxuitioit h sod 1 1 vahii us a fintiinil kinip hin always unprtsaed me hut nnri n ctntlv i have un i thai tht cwna ttn ik- a pwiful ir- stiununt in fuithtnng iht gi f hie industry leal avanoa in nur efforts to gt t mnti f the advertising dollar in ui la tin cwna through it ommiin s is the lest iivtnui w hiiv h said tli rou h th cwna w can i am suit find wiiys und mi am to inctt ave our advertising rt vt nueh mr mccormick s k y rudi thl- lengc was furthi r suirted by similar comnu ut in w t rul com millih rejwrts uibltji at the con- vt nt nun oiu of the most iinlnt slips he suld in this rtguid during tin uikt ytji was tht sttug ui of a promiotiii and puhlx itlatihis 1 putlinnl at load hilt and iht taking on lff of 1 i j i j fi- loyely of tiu ltwmanvll suti nun f duett its u tivilus a imnitxi f iiiiniiollri rtiu lihld at th t tut vi ntfii piuiud tills ut i us u fnwtd nit th it wuld do uuuh u assist c n a tun uii1 thu b in i txlttr hi- till lulg f la- of i li itslo ad uaurlng fraudent iril ly f tilt i iv p- i insi uiii i lirltil ptiulnl in hu hmld tht foiiuu tui dpaltl1 jam a as a itm ii il 1 was thsl uu piiviiu i w n a hi alt tl il im mi r long mi rlut pi as i t it to it il divisions f the did ut sunim i engagements vvvvvvt mi il mt kun i th i m i mil dughl i joy im t i i h it aithui sintlh son of mi mid m iniitl j sinllh it it u iph m tnutgi to tak u n r m i ty tvining st ihimi jl 1uhi i l 7 10 odkk in st allhju himli a id mn h i a t w him 1umh ih n nt of hli ttiogit i u lih j so muv to mr john ien lvi1 mrliii- tld son of mi und mis john m untld of a ton tin mam to tk pi sltllldv toli 4lli nt i o i lot k in 1 unity unit 1 hoii h slit lliuini w ti cont mplating nihlic rt lul- lons d partiiu iiti lilting tosls of ptihhsiilui and piinliug wnt fiiting uttklits to the tfuuiiuds mr ujy sid h filt inuiiy we kins in atiada will now ri ly ing on tin n i niim n is i punting hot tun with tin liny were rnxlinic it tliffu tit iilikfy ii dtiiialids of iinph a on sitle and tin uikr th th i i nil j fffert mi uy u p lot f unit i i foil thi ugh wna thla wt wit uiuliit hi kiid lh tm1 o i i louuh wimii u until ft a town tht i mn lds p v ii i 1 is f put 1m thil u i ot t utw11 f miss helen dolmage honored at showers a imi f s i i ii ih mis- k tr a i i m ff of ui t ii i t ih km m r 1 uiu i lk n khuo h 11 s u ii 1 w1ii i i h v pi i n wi hi mi t i to nlllt lilltl fl acton fall fair school childrens parade at 100 oclock saturday sept 20 prti for get your entries ready now i boy and qlrit dacoratad tricyclat roy and gtrfa dacoratad bicyclas undar 9 ftoyt and qlrit daceratad blcyclat ovar 0 oirli dsxoralad dll buooas floats welcome prizes uf 100 2nd 75cj 3rd 50c all antriatt ratal v priia check these september savings 4c off good luck margarine ingers0ll cheese spread jewel shortening 2 purex toilet tissue 8 1 ib oz jar 1 ib pkcs sous 29c 29t 65c 1 snow white fresh cut cauliflower 19c lge hds 9 mill st y v sap il ij is 16 acton ont hsurti claud monday m 830900 tmuf day s30s00 to adopt demerit point system to control chronic violators a furthvr step to prd i ulri di pntnla arr ss4sm d fr s- driviis from rlimnlr violutois id itxdiiix uu ipd tiiuit uy inon ih hiuiiwuy tiwfflr ait und llir cliiiudul ctadr will ur tukin wliarn tin uiituilo ibpuitimnl uf tisns- hi i intnlu s u di i vi r di un it ixiiil syttim lutr tins wk a 1 muinah mkisttai id ndt vrhirl told d i tlir um un uian 10 in ph fuilurt u yuid tin riiiil d y iiuprip4 r pauii u sllurt tn oimj it stop sign or siu i ik i alttl falllui to fpjtt oil hi ui ml iii shi li kmiixiiir iii jul it in killld f wlull plrf i t dull a4l tr noltll ulolutt nil thr kulijwl uf tltinriit point sysuins und whlla a pn litiiinuiy ri imit tis bull pr s nlitl to the aliiri u sn asst- liitkn nf motor vhil adiiilhikl- lutoi tin finl p it i uhdulad foi nuiti4liii ui u ihttt it tar in sun rianim lutn this ntjlli ur umfnul iit1 11 hit ip tilul v of th i wiii will l pi s il i v ua ijit it ho iitcii r oii in ii nfiu vlifltv wtlkkjlipa iu01 iii totrfll ikkjlips lua iii totkllln pouit 1 tu b4f ly fmitvt tun fn i ikmj u itsull fi ily 1 in b4f ly nliff n tun ft s uluk thr tj i i s hnainl hy ih hitttay in p h or i lb und oil th sjftr miami r iht fiuii l j viuii4is i jili nt of riauiptit to fjiii insiiiium un in tu h t iii m l th muinilati iii is will uki pi- ut jl tlr juhsiui i t- uiimt dti ilutn kit 11 ii i of yuti ui ih ontiil ih pjit 1 nt of iftt ljl ai1 in li tn 1 f ihi al i ltij t i in y lul lk t u jlal f v inonlh ruh ilu iti1 s f ih vi mi mmnuli mn i a r hum biuius w f a u l 1iililh miii it value pltthasal j v11 i ib ih inn kludittl lntlrl iln th uiiintutioi t sis points f i on vi timi u wsi inns t 11 i is to lr suit whin u dnvii i ui lit b mni di mn it miints lt ll h tattled to th- i imttnisnt f ii m hiuinjf wluli an ntull in i it iii r pi latitlnll ol ihiiihdlaitr 111 tint bii tislon mmiidsloiy sub h nai ii h his ut i tim nt points oiiviilioiib ftn lunliiitl nrglm- iiiv iving th lim nf m iimlii l lha hl o floii ihrit tlllvi hs holden otomittkt 1 vi ixamiihi ci a mj lima 7 sougut 1 0ullh kana tayujf j 71 jo mji vkhll ih itd allu utit nt otlmimii khli till hll b- i y fthod ant 1 nl i tfl i 1 sishfiri i i il il vii lion u ill iv dtvinc iv l 2 id ir t tl 41 r i i d iii in p h in nt uit ltlilltf th closed for moving w will b cloud for faw wsaltt dus to moving to nw prmli in lh sam thanks ws trust tki lnlfrtslifi in rvic will not inceftvtnuiw yu 4wl tdat w my t4 forward lo your teimnud ptrnt t our nw lmitn jack mccallum youi impitlal flvo dialll acl ontario hundreds of ladies items on sale come in and look around mens work pants from 389 mens cardigan sweaters burton front all wool sizes 38 44 reg 995 now 799 mens lamb wool sweaters v neck shape ls reg 595 now 399 mens dress pants worstedwool gab from 5991322 mens vi dressing gowns only a few left reg 1995 now 1297 mens flannelette pyjamas reg 399 299 mens nylon windbreakers fleece lined 1695 now 995 mens suburban coats all wool reg 2950 now 1999 girls gym tunics reg 298 and 398 girls corduroy jumpers 198 and 298 boys suburban coats heavy quilted lining 1295 995 boys orion sweaters v neck 395 and 295 boys running shoes all sizes 298 and 249 boys- jeans navy black and grey stripes from 299 towel sets reg 369 now 249 boys underwear reg 198 special 100 syotk fukchased and sale conducted bv lightmans limited of toronto stock liquidation eisens clothing store acton dont wait come in and see these terrific bargains now ladies snuggledown gowns reg 595 now 322 ladies snuggledown pyjamas reg 395 now 262 ladies winter coats greatly red reg 4950 2195 ladies dresses still a few left at 500 ladies suits greatly reduced at 1000

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