Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 11, 1958, p. 7

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maurice c beaty premier exhibitor wins with champion female l4 wk w toutad on torn of tw uauiha of finrt daya jufing of hobwltu awd jcy at tb cjx suft la iuu italian -tliu- of both iki kept up tju winning pe mi th ennclud- lug day of judging dairy cattle it would be fulhardy to atwmpl u lls4 ill uttajt uuiinjjw beettlte atcldmuuy would tnlu ufne- on and that would b unfurttn u wa can bill you thi that in jryc tha llndala tutng of maurice c beiya among many strung rlaaa this rtw along with ithtr prtm had th grand champ- hr full ntw uw1 on ua uk on finnsle and he wai the prim- vfond prur in the pmgmiy f iini ler inhibitor and pretnii i urtedur class barbara riyla twin hivir in the county herd dau which tscrlunt cow ahuwing at the clu for hi animals with nut mof i etui of her lacuuun itlvvd silh in tha tutu from any un klnbili the sain- claw of nwtur nullum llaltiui waa third york second unit females oitford first wf aim rreeli among other iinies the utond day that iulut- tmu uruui had th sctiui juit milking twoya arld m pawing on u lh hulsleins uur- ley sherwood of burlnlun liad scoad prise ciw in mtlk in a ajiahaaijwtlrifaglti t tl halton proud of mrs hazel reid second in dairy queen contest if you were in the coliseum w tha rinala m ota leu dairy oueen coinpvuuon you will agree of pttw ntality tibd d oltnitnt ab illly of self eapreulnn efficiency in milking a vw and in disnfcl tbet lh interest and unmtn waa ing and su rilulng the milk marh arrlflc naa lr pity thr vr judgta hm wa rorapetiuoo in which thejr had th fuui t tpa bul tm 40 young ladies from ai many dif ould they ick a winner ferenl oountlej and duulru ur 1 to lh cwnimliilun lhr mad tnuy hr waa cipt i- 1 gtn mtrrvlwm thr f yun tadit individually how would y u ion lh which four having w it rapcuv nujhia aurvvad th two amifutal night u therr to battlr it out ur thr ut of thtlr rrarartlvr count im and pvrhapa fur thr trip ovrrwaa which waa thr top award t tin wknnar tpr tfcm hara ware i four topa oo bans halton breeders win awards unfnrtunatrly wr wtrrn i alilr tn grt down b tha u f ratlla hradi judgad but wr look a ualk through tha aubloa following thr hon fira ilrnaon a addrrsa which by thr way waa well vntth hrur ing fiacrrury of u s agnculturr bcnaon rrfutnly irfl a favuruble impraaaiun with on urgr audit m a he ably do it w th ihr trchnul nglcal revolution in agi icutlun and 111 rtaulllng pnblrmn of heavy inveatmrnl in marhlnrry the importance if mjjmrnl ihr nad for iwcialixation tnul a question of vortical inlrgrutum rofning to agnculturr but hu tan it b dirrctrdt of riaung farm coata impact of gitvrrnmrnt on farmrr a frrrdomi rlc raaard crm according t sacrrlary den arm united utra will have rrctird rmpa thta yrar daapitr act bair controla itcfrrring to ocrrogr nntrola ha addrd that la not tha way to make im nf itxhnolouicul advance- and than ha went on lo dicuu forrtgn rnai ki t their socalled glvr away prtkgram rlc in con eluding hr la ted canada and thr u s ara rummnn parincra in re taining our frrodoma let un for- rvrr hand together baaf wlauiara but tn get back t thr beef braada at wr walked through thr atablas with the chief rxecutn officer of thr ontario milk con trol board and saw a blue nlum in front of one of j m w 11 mot i and sana angui bull calvaa- an other rad one in front of t c amog and sandy buchanan i re- mr va junior champion armor lu i- far calf nnr among other reda in front of llarland merry champion shorthorn ateer othera of the aame color in front of reford aardhouaea aterfrldv atrlng and finally tu s g iiennttts bootadalr herd v huh ttmk the premier exhibitor and premier breeder awards to mention but two of thrlr top award then on to w f jamaa maldan rrm an tua rntflea c f pateraon here- fordj orant campbell a short- horni all of whom had their quota of prlir ribthina and then on to the red polls when halton t leonard coulaon a ii coulter nd caorga ileadhcad dominated 1 thr show and took all the kranri and reserve champion auarda not i to mention practically all of the top auarda and finally for a brief look at halton a jerseyt and m- telna lanmr of whlrat kwaids e mentioned a week aai then my frtrnd turned to me ajnd aah 1 never realixed befuru junt ho fnuch good livestock you hac in halton oibk kalranu unfortunately wt didnt get time to ace t j nrounrtdgra turn- worth puja j ii wtllmotta ilamp- ahlrea sun may a percherona or the poultry or the grain and roou etc but tt w a jufnr the flnata in the dairyquein comp etition in which halton gals won in 10m and 1u7 and had a finalist in 10m tkr tbei gik inwi r witliout previous warmn tl what dairy prodoru do sport and how murht 2i what daily product do unpoit and mihi to what extent 1 what it th imputation f th itritinh falea tc thb aaalgmaaant sure is was fair bul it una tough auignmriit out in lh uium all ifivr a finmlel paifoim in any evri that haltmi vt hit ltli yti it it is our opmi n lllrk and whtte in lh stnuigeal line nd tha y came tiornr i award contract i for 16 bridge thafm c h the ontar o ie- prtnunt uf higjit3s has nwjrd- ed a tagtjhi conlricl for a w de bridge owr the st ii mile crk on uiu uund hikhwjy ti bridge projett fohow on the heel i f tfarjljjar tounihv pars fjr a ctmrteiv off the h klma uui looking the creek tuumhtp actjuutd e lnd fui i he cemtlrt in c injumtt n with ihe tilth a depiitment ful low ing lh- diputiunt u mnk to wdrn lite hifchjv ul lln dpioj- hei to hit- bridge daughters of knox start fall schedule haiton county weed control news v t mearthun wild lurt vawsh uay to i county wekd msprctor the one of ui bat a red free ijwn is to grow and of trui so thick llutt it ctd itevir ge a ihjnce to i th hininlves tins lutv eeds ort going crab gr sji ind tuck u ted ure ha dt r l i ridiriiti but there air sevtiul chemicilk on the rnirket h rh ale huite efffctive when lie la n i itappy a a retult of their arhl nftt4 in the nunly hetd um ith t ti r un lie ninkring hal ion place inid lliant arirtd and i nn firl t ml district forester explains procedure to apply for trees a gund n winy rijuevl arc lm ing tevivttt frvuii rrsnni ineientrd in rfoiitfig ttilin f tin r i ind woit of firm eiect to r t 1ke ih ed ing at ti litilnel olln mini lie uiu unrd to tin 1 that mliilly the i pjilim nt f umdr jnd kortm piidu e plan ng ttorl it earh of mtrril miturin rur the tn f it of ltoir pvrmin who are intert el in refoiestatioi i h prndiii fr obtaining plant nig ato k l out lx i iw th l paitn of iindi nod it the applli nn th raid family hai a mile competition of thair own must i and joanne held her aimcr- n lew frtmi inl wt re tide by sdt many complimentary remurks fiom outsldi n vt rr ovrrhiiltl concerning halton s hart 1 held h r poise h r ptrvmality and in t efficiency etc itul vhm the judg a im uuhi cmr janrtti icktnan of ilr mt county waa the iob dairy qiu ti and h i ton a hnl vtas rtnii and all halton la still rr piood if tha ir dan il incea halton 4h club prominent at ex in the special shorthorn heifrr calf lrlm uuen ut 4h club mrm- bcri altltftne caratlyn tluri- honae took top honors on hi r calf vith hob mirry inking the red nhlhn for in- l showman in the mlor judging mmm t i ion om n to 4h club mnnlirri le- tween the agia of is and 17 yeirv another hnlton young lady nimp- ly ftirhira pickard vaj fiil in a competition nf 4 contestants in the same dimsion markurrt uw son v us third and lorna wotiduv and marv lavtrence vttn aino v11 up in the money keviur hertuai in thr senior section open tn thou iklwiin thr ages of ir and 3a ears don taylor was second mary marquardt third fl segs- worth fourth tn a class of 37 tn dairy cattle in the judging of beef cattle carol n gardhouae uaa fiflh jun ior in a cluaa of 37 and in the sen ior division sandy hepburn u ninth george qroanleoa waa 13th and tom hunur lmh in the junior rii ision jiulging ship tom lliii jr and mary inu tavloi wire third and fourth n5- iectivilv die ilioio toi nur rv st k ailahle it it el offie l it hrtteli r ontjr lo aaplleatiema kejailrd ipplitm druh s how man ni- iea to le plahtatt utt of th rain nil tff i 4 tl 7- til id ml n off r in paving diiveways and paskino iots if intrrctrd call jack mountain milton tt t374 couict hiek estimates wark aiurant4l applir illon is i rdad to th io mwi x d th fdl ng of it dili smot m mltph till ltd fo of thi aph ti of urh ra nt ii ad of fire 1 di endent on suppl inl d ntand if the mtuests for a err luin tpecir do not i initl thi nur sery supp lea thi n ltoie tetjuesta would im- supplied if imi tha olh hand hie reverse were tine re quests would l cut down uecord ingly applications for spring planting vtock otollld ba fllil at hlmd offtct at nn eaily date it u suggestid lhat the mid lummmi r months is the lime for 1 ind owners to avs is their prop rlj andniik i decision as to the numbers nnd spccn s of irrea tin v wish lo plant in the spring of 10m uakr hurin district obtnnt nur erv stock munlv fntm iepirtmrnt of lanrti and forests nurseries l- ated t aildhurxt s williams md on mo th acion ff pft tfiurtday sophmbf 11 1958 hold meeting for y auxiliary the first full nun ling of the larfus auxiliary f the ymca was held m nday evininc w ith the new pnudnl mis miy wild presiding rurth r plin were made ff r thi i uchn and pa liny lair to im lull thr tttrly part of oet ber aft r much riisrussk n it w j d cidtfkl lo contmue th nurtkery school begfnlruj th aniddu of october if enotich tatchr voltiar- teer a new member waa wel comed the meeting night wst rhaaged to the firt tuesday of rtarh m aith beginning in octob r oj lh mon day data cotiflut d w ith lv iu an 1 mght srh j t 1 m ton f uitr ya ur we u oh y m t off rpt ruir al the it r 1jm jt ire s llll ugh en ig fo seed g ruiination yt the min iul 4 ra f t in o t r w rd i i id uki- j u t tunc r pollock and campbell unuffturrv of high goadc memobials memorial entgcavintg 63 wthi u kurfk oa1t tlrtohk tou come to oramgevilles centennial f all fair september 1617 falte grounds buy impoktid dutch bulbs now i hintqns 5e to 100 store rsh ufh mik mmk is the perfect dbink for the whcxe family drink thra glattat mvmry day acton jersey dairy top value used cars good condition safe pricud right 56 pofto four door automatic radto 54 pontiac four door radio s3 ford two door s3 monarch four door s3 pontiac four door uuronllan medal s3 ford two deer si ford ten pickup si pontiac two door 49 chevrolet two door 49 meteor two door look em over take a trial drive were convinced youll want to buy complete car service general repairs lubrication front end alignment and wheel balancing little motors no 7 hwy acton phone 700 on trll r jut rdva 1lly av umll r riit mi in ia4u fiami and hr ias in thi mil vioas fush von h ii is thi clown- anchors aweioh urwr hh ic it bitwiin hiavin and hill hiioa crani nm bi1 ii ii desionino woman orien fir 2 shows nightly uofr two days of exciting events parade of floats centennial queen contests harness racing 4 h club proecf display of agricultural antiques ladies exhibits blind concert farm machinery exhibit auto show hon ture i w a goodfellow minitter of agricol- open the fair at 200 pm wednesday sept 17th vince mountford matter of ceremonies c robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists pamorly it p had fhonr ouhmt ta 42071 ss st owoa sttuamt insurance appllctllan formj for individual paydirect enrolment available at banks and hospitals in communities without a bank the forms may be obtained from the post office indivi duals must reclstetby september 30 to have protection effective january 1959 ucpoitantl dt ae ntiihr at an iwmtfw j y x nghlmwl tlviwujta gran onttmo n0snt1l services commission iob0hio j wl i llll os only 3 day to convert your victory bonds cunrrinn period txplret september 15tk avniil the uslminute nili take nlvantarxe of on rolilen opportumiy lo gel up lo 0 more inriime on your victory lon investment for quick service tee your n rarest branrli of tlie bank of montreal if you hold itomu of the sth 6th 7lh 8th or tli victory iiana with aerial letter le tinning 17 i p3 15 or 17 bring tliem into our oeareat b of m branch today we will be glad to convert tbem for you and to pay you your cash adjustment immediately you dont have to be a b of m cualomer to take ad vantage of thia aervira and you dont pay a penny for il dont delay convert today at ml o fin r- 1 i j you con ahs buy cenvertlea j lean remit for cash i j m moh oticm our iociiimm ok nadisy j ovollobla lor tkb purpot j bank of montteusax gudi ztofgmt aden bramh william mackay matuajar woikiho with canabiams ih sviiv waik of ii m iinci

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