Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1958, p. 1

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eighty fourth year no 13 afjfpn ontabio thursday september 25th 1958 twelve pol- sevan csnu acton ontabio thursday september 25th 1958 twelve paget- seven cents puc estimates 33 lossper unit on water service installations a breakdown of wt r ti rvicr nivi r hm passed the nt wly ap- uumaiuautkris on 32 lu in thr proved y rtr varira from 1 10 gualm subdivision rvald the to 2 imhn in thickness public utlwtits lommiuini wa the commission agitd applical- wllnfl a liu of 3j on inatallal in mint 1m- iwadt at the utilities ion chargts dui mn tin ngular offm and an liiapeethm of thr meeting of tht coniiiiisioii on htatr nude im n approval for t1uruljy shnui 1h flat rat e kittnti1 a rsptait ntbinittit hy v ti i broken valve superlntendi nt j lamb it fi j how 1 ilnlf hi thomas the u muiit wr inlalld at aj ml th ma nil u t r in thr oul ftfpuihj lnla iiuiunii infofitul thr audi nun tmunkimo a coes with two pxetty young kktsit betide him it teddy 13 month old beer cub who wet preient ei the at ton fair lest week pictured on the left n lynda wood end her girt friend mary bream both of acton the bear quite um el lowed children to pet him end was fond of iweeti me e e few bottles of coke during the two day fair the young cub i being trained to be e wreitlmg bear with the t green amuiemtnt co of toronto i- aiaavr agree to december vote for vi mill grant split wh breaks tw u al th trginning f the council rirhsld continued on 18 gr two l afcbj i a actor council agreed to plrbii- n of mr kachlin voted c i tat at uw paeeeinber tint on for a affmnatlv r half mill rant lo im- split v two local band when they met on monday night the action followed a lequ m from the two band and an ra plan at km of thr planned finjncial split of th fond a letter autmntttrd bv cxinc ilor k pootitl band represcnlalivt n- plained a toinl meeting of ttoih bands had been held and they had agmd to ask ruunr i to present a plebiscite at thr rm ng election it was pointed out in the int r that thr arum junior pipe itand share would not le leas than 1 par cent of thr haf mill rant and thr acton ill in nt rand siaie would not im its than t im r c nt uf iim ki it was furtht tip iiiid thmt th rrmaininf fi rr cent u mild ih- dividcd annullt b thr rxtvnlimt of th two band aroidmu t tin rralr mtd iir fir rrt4iin i tr thi 1 rt vi tt kuril lit ihr iti- dtfit of thr cturii nnd d ting otunrl t r an foiiuwiiik u h i1im usm1i tt citflt million mcnilmti and mini paarll wink by miilaiy ihjumf j utirt hit- tto rxiirnikxton rulud a i u of its r tnttjtll ult on iht himiii a mum charg of wa paid fi 11 wat r arvlc mlalljtio agreeing thr ttti mttl nulnuk all ddrd up rill nlht wrrc aatifitil th tnliti n wnld be rrertifiisl mult i lh n u hull era ifimnt nl ln n b iht mi vic- air fund fir in hiwiih tiyt thr builder j ti traaraarary afe hirt ff th i 1 unit it r t i ill shit mui for lh in tlul ii l i of an oil htating fuitltn at lh alirr st hili binlhin vi rriitcd ihchntil in th ntr 1 waa to tw mio kallon ont oi 1 aupplj uink th proim i ty ronnnilt w author lint to ijrtiw up sjucifn il- itna and iin un atti mi n vtilh ihr coni if mitori1 huaaly tslva hydro atii tint ndt i t i m u informttl im intuit duiiiig u iciii dlaruaaton w ith oitit 1 m i 11 m1 don anmtronj- of the ii k 1 lfamilbn tin y had tnju 11 1 1 artort hydro drptrlinant itut ill mw ol for thr mlt to iljlu arrvicr on minn slfttt noith mr mimoi mintil out tl it r i wotlld fttnnu lh wun ilnt ta rrnui on iht pol f n tln at iur ttat rau hraun a fornu i i luti n vlini i ulalioru f- r ft it r tit hi 1 i mh n acindnl and a n w nlutnn approv ing h at i v ith n if i n hy i tu f tin ing hi fl lv tht to k lllll oul ii t ilr1 1 ii ailiit a i it w it f mr mtt u i imii a hit t t m tfx uli l 1 mm- j ii i lid tr npany a u t v c up r rnni mala t hi i tifitin i 1 wwa n jlecokiijrowdjamsjdoni officials claim event huge success sparked by t xirlltiit wt atht t rurly 10 000 pxlr filttl through til gates at tht atton iark itit friday and saturday to ttijoy thr agricultural sotittyi annual aut uitjn irtnutnm of t liihit coajiirtitlon and t ntrr luinnit lit fall fair pitaidtnt w ttionipvn poliitrd out thl yiuti fall fan wax tha ufgrat tintr wold wan ii if not thr largrt in iht h to y of thr arton fair filday evening mtnf ttian i laooplr rnoyrd a tutrue alww f r th first tntir in many yrar aid satuiday ovti fltxlu paid lni- n al thr gatr for tht uv ml ttioinpaon til th t ovrr i utki fn fv 11 l u i- uh to mho i i i 11m n t n cmhlhlt r rials r rvanlsuj khow tof gt intu lull rtt it fl day vt lung rliutg paiud down mill strttt i th iri i achit ltltl lljn1 tl anu at thr ami thr i ml nun h 1 inlu lh in huit an i w fi ilispleiy i pljyuti urn all1 w dim vtl ltih nut l rius 1 ti t til iht fi d t thr lavm fj ttrfilttl i im j- lutiithmg jiit ti lit hut ti m for th kit th uuii u i liwludtd in uk ihonl iiijiiiiki p llurrntukrwt l t i th knock diw ii miki fi pi a in ii atlt4 kuiglt tril t mi pattiuva umlrni hintv n nun nt fi oi at hunur cum c ihh tit th rivl n ken and jiw1iii wa oitt nod hr th tult by ihr itny flflr tntiu lmgui lh t th nhihil li pr hlgbhghl of ihr iin4 jaao mil mi wk thi high uiu j whin i itd n ly ii i jv iiigtin and v run tth thrtil im ftrt two rritjy n i hi lt ht- jid plll iht pnr miwiry ht hikh juop huring tht kridaty tuning hw t ru ii4k i v ut pwuikin glowing t heiitiploria id i iiaintt luth udirir aiu jhn krll and hd thru rntnt jkidi- iwth mr rj h ttt and it ft i on mallon scene president sees no layoffs wiln rmifj ti overt i hi ti 1 on i xtt uti ti i n 1m f r juntor pipe lund count- 1 agr tti 1 tu j i i ment and jim od a pbichi drawn up for tu r imn tin htgw grrarrt rolluwmt ihr t ii n law u i hoi tin t u mn r rhik i i k i ui in t j n ukt fit iv t lo t of r ii mir svti nt w idtmalk fiom 1 mr el to uilbut s ii ion of mi 1 m t with ait utet tot nt m 11 maekrrw t jrut sn f i 2 arion t i wd oiu d ia bale hmiim j formit in ttut p t t for th w k t t iht it d the t wn fc n i j d gui jnttt j in tud 1 n t tiwct tou r i r m h it i tht j t t k 1 ii eetn t m t j i 1 thtt a imllm f mi t j k f john mieil t veulow w a u led o mjt twt t ripn trd i th titn c ndin f th p till lit w a tr t i t mat w m cnnc i r ljt il hrrv a hirm i ii had- i tnvrslijlatl n into informed h m v t it h h it1 even ear ago i in w jit un iter the bidtfr mr hcmi- irniak 1 it fi irif engineer rid umijii t row aa it wai ivii mr career ijunt thit ila inattlett two or three m ti agi were n vmrv ivml tion th i tfvr ones instilled run vip ji add ing i jt the idt w ilk nit down by j 11 mkcnuc ire tctirr lan th other the lkputvheee told council the engineer hid ajoured the rmiv mittrr he would makr a thorixirh check and pointed out that fie en gineer dd not want poor sidewalka it waa pointed nut that the en- 8heers claimed the curing had been lh bic problem tn the pat end i new- curing prore was available and wiuilrt he used it uaa aucctrd that j lonccr cuarante or the work hrnjblain- fd and mr greer contented td contact the company when the vote on the issue waj 7 called all membera with the txceo nt piogrim ttu atatemrnl to employees on thr divtloin day tiawford oidiu now kunt mvi i it ul nt and gt in rul munag r of a v it- la ltd d 37 th iht atiowiittqiums uivrl- numr f t opttimt im gram l lonllnuini aslrtjinilns um h on d i h i th 1iitn minilr aaidit would in r f i mk h t t flwn lh phry utatemt nt v e autu ipatr nrx ualth t whuli tnii m n i h ui in tht op rations at ma- ti m v n t it hi inn and 10 i n n i an idut tion in tin m j i- m flight i x i n tht j t li plot its nth i in llu tnginiin loll m d piutin nt r th piodo tion h al prrsant lvrl m ration wi ntinu n preattit u ami it tn th t xi lit nt p irniam v i tht ariow and tin nitun of not t anrelle military threat that wt far i want to trt most nmhtitir- ar t ronvirud that when tht 1 1 v that ihr allow program hai vitw lak plare mil manh iot tkt n i nrrlltd nor ha it tet n anow will t 1 itil ml i ltitlitl not to put it inu product- duclicn th rt milnt i at u n in tht president atreaaed concluded ii i- it m it 20011 ait to irt- rrronetii laif y wo pivaitd with ihr tioj which ilr li itw nt lift t ht mast aluaru lh hall wa l to t- thr n t 11i mtit t v i nt ly whitt wavliit it wat dt i atrd with liang an t hlo wt atort ii tly i i law a 14 d rhidm 1 11 l t luid i j i m xi lit aiair itmmd best heavy hose on the line m the b0 take cla at he acton frt r im weekend wis woo by alvin taylor pittufed alxvr n thr win i on wih in wilh the hone the ytjuvrif itofvmifi wed tht- rtiumdl m ihe conipetitior anrj tamn oul prt utl wiiht t liitnm in the rwdvy hore clawci were many and udgc had d hard tune picking a winner approve ymca program to operate minus secretary good fudge a full m a i kin n xt wk th it lt t i ui i th n uiard and t nrving on lit a gertrral m i ttirs th ntii iph undt r halt h its llda r bidinint n is sup imviv hivt iirttl lo ht still i n til ith n ktl of lh wit k art uf hitlv imim h iv bet n hireri is l r gtoup whith i tiiiildint mipiintiilnl imina to fit into th yhi dul win fmili iil it ji taontd meet ink h v club junior ttid in th 1 im niktil iwfdnesday isi v h ivwt iimii m iv rt llothwi ii 1 1 1 1 von telwen hlm th tul ind llu vi mrni tluh in id los wot k t htittoin of tht i lmit 1 i p i it d mimriim wt re n itinkd fu mond iv tveeunfi trjcfatlut lou ohlnd will im m charge duimn gump tiiii ii dph mikmsn wed tin ivond p iiimiivv ink t up mi i thurs- dov lnd kh und rndaya hud m i a 1m 1 illnu h limehouse w a acton wl sell fair refreshments plan ivnnv 1 1h i a v itout mid m h ti on war lint 1 r 1 1 t rr w ith a di fl r 1 1 a rmi a i i ii r 1 1i h 1 tin ir imp y u m 1 ii 1 rail c lavkaw at to ntgl t s h 1 h 1 t imp of wlk 1 ill 1 tu on d 1 it in ti t th 1 1 1 ii i king tud- 1 n- lh r k mlt j 11 i v and tr it ie 1 i hour ti 1 ii n 1 h 1 1 v t nil in h p u ik t u u 1 a h r it v o h 1 t v fi- amp 1 1 p 1 at t 1 i it 1 fk t hi t ik itmg h- k f 1 o imw i this a 1 ii itivr ii y ht uon 1 intll mr anl juni t intui- vtr niuth ail unit tpir ft r thr mmr g oupa w 1 landrnott rt hlithdav and v with 1 1 tlr ji niors h d ft ditit na king thu oat is i oliv lit and idy many rsmml r hi uting w r silvt rwad wl out in w 1 in y li vi ac- l n u 1 i in o w lun- o h khl it u 1 llithnarad w 1 a 1 jun f 1 it lot iuru ot k- tlirn t 1 r m 1 im imm 1 ith- i o iii ihlt lln r ilu mi it 1 m 1 ci v i thunll mr t ml 1 it tmtd s ii hi 1 in 11 it itttan l an lll oil 11 im tn lh an co plt pt n h 1 1 llat md ii v v nhita iii lt na tarda iii ihl- lllt arlltlllra ana s 1 1 n t 1 k k at t m ti i itm 1 1 h if mil i t i ii i t v h- 1 hillrn it ii i i ill srw artlvllle id kill 11 t i i v 1 tlltv r hnu uns fv th tight 1 h u will mv 2 is to wl in v lit to 1h out of m ho i s up lh i vt 1 wnl l i n mjr ti i ii hiu thtihiu nights f i 1 i n 1 1 alatll phnt otand champion yolklrlltl avoat n ihnwn ilxn with prtu dnicom of elcra the boar owned by paul s ucle j a kelly o r b flora took the pne m hi clrti mr kflly wcv rnany priej at acion fair with hi hog and sheep hi s a consistent exhibitor at the local fair and usually share of prices ieep he s v ins n s d a thorough high school champions declared at field day ctfavdc nine to 13 btudenu at th ftoaemarv r latt p tton tiah khml enjoyctt thrrr i jo pu nt i tett f rid da a the ii gh jk htwl in fir ju wor ir- tit mur d- last fridav september 19 ixior woi ti tvi lu wti 22 hrn ihry purticipvated in rsent k nt ind t i ft mi tut w 1 1 ingmg from w vard dahev to pnlr juoann r lu tit h t k ault high jump hot put and n i earh wi h 2o vn in uwn rk0 vaid rate fluth ii uuo oii mi i m i irowned chanpuna m thr bo- rjiiittl u till inn i i up t vent wet btntam jim ival with total of m point ami t atoh hi nl- 17 ptunu and mathew huwtll ley plaieti mtind with 2 iritv iiii id with 13 point in the m hut uirl itntv amu it irr junior b event btb daintuh r in up t al o lb n u overt won the championship with tj win the c lamp onah t and fu 1 ivonts and rtinnerup were mcarthr ifcond vt im nh garth ram ford and ron mellon 13 point each vfclth la pouita on of the hlchligotv of fie iter- in the intermediate elav stuart nvtn w the bovs open ru1 vard udenjm crvuned champion race vnn by bruce anilnwv who uita a total of 17 points ajtd pet comptted the event in two minut- uiwionervind u ith 15 points caj and six trcind iravinc his twix senior championship went to competitor yard behind frank cooper with 20 points and i principal e a hanven reported in second place was ross shorull the field day was a hue success with 35 points j with participants turning in tin ex- litis cfeatsttvletta rurnt performance in the various tike macke won the bantam sirls events and all students taking a ehunjionihip with s3 points and 1 keen interest in the cotnneiitions i in tivitlm havi it i n ii itiki 1 id h itlmiiilun and tu niimiit tlul nt tlnadv un- i h w i thi phsvu 1 ullutt rluh room ill t i n on nikht an sat udiv will h i jctt day itallr hrhrdul m ttl o th tluh w 11 i t tu lj i m luiluu1 f u kuik nnili r hay hip u i th m hu i it nltod c tub wilh 1 it v mt il l in m i hn an tutnui okiim l ilk hi ut v etint ilay rvitling th mi h nt r mrlph instruct ti th iiiiviik tub senior b-td- i it n with i it r dunham i i it i ui i junior tiut mintnn un in ink uptntir uie also plan jum r ii v lul w 11 miet lhuila a ltihr is still brink ukht lr thi kioup which ha ttiti iiknud in irevmua yeais a limit will lc hi id every tri- t tvnmg tailing nel week it i btinu ttmsorrd allematelv i thi tiuimiik ilub badminton acton wins arton high ka u lis titter- vekoat rild day ekasap anih an uemawauy el taje week at the srhival gressia here when tky ran up a tetal ml 1s3 nntnu mllten purad sereasd wtut 111 paints vtin third with m assd georgtuuii feerth with s4t palnta rraee andrews leeai acfcaal alkul and gualeh legum kraak aur rappd the treejiy tee the m ard race far the third yar in a raw whan lie lad the tiald iu runneru rawylrthtf the stretch in twe wldtslee aasd tiv seennds a cemblete list ef nitliua asd wlduera uill be aisuhjaad iu buk weeita tasiiac mkizk winning stccr in tho commercial feature for the bank of nova scotia trophy was owned end cared for by 6ob morry of milton pictured above during the presentation of the trophy re left to righh w thoynpton fair president g norrlih judge bob merry and w woodburn manager of tho local bank branch tho competition was open to a boy or girl under 21 years of age and the calf had lo be cared for by them for at least ilitty days prior to the fair there were 19 entrlei in this event

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