Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1958, p. 10

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i 1 the record is set th wrh w bright k crowd ti record frw midwy wat tw urgt cvr hw jthtbtlt wr plentiful and ir compafi lion ki kf might wlt b th hiitcvwr record of th 1954 diton of arlon fall fair bacfc of any luccatsful vnl mutt it a lof of coopfion though yh wv co- tftn taking ttrth irmn and pattern dir 6c1ng fraffic st john ambulau prurvi to lai car of 6mf0nt at wll at the euhtbuat who toot tfw troubl lo psepar and show thai uhtbilt th dirttot who planned and cartad out tka evant and tu dotm of other who contnbuiad thair tha lo ih uccht of the fir with tha records stabliihad on friday and saturday acion fair h nw chiwng to b evn b00 and better in ih future a higher plateau ha been reacnd from which greater objective may be viewed alt mote who helped deter ve credit non of lite tail w timple but thy do emphatie the value of cooperation m a community toward a common goal acton fair i58 hat been concluded but the records are lliere lor tte future big time chicken ftaci a yaar to ago teen aart were roundly crittcued for a q n torrwiimet played calud thcln the game conn i ted of two dnvert rc tn at ch orher on a back road and the one who twerved to avoid colltnon wai named chicken it wat pretty hard on automobile and equally herd on teen agert today on the diplomatic front we tvf two maioc power reong at each other end unlett tome fate laving formula it arrived at shortly one of them i yomfj lo be- namevt chicken leorr the entire world if this doetnt happen the resulting eploson might be big enough lo flatten the earth tte whole race teemt to he over the previously litile heardof itlandt of ouemoy and matio off for nun ruvu hat d flared seme intentions about assisting china in its avowed mtent to reclaim formose united stales m equally ttrong woiii hat ntdtald itt intention to prole i forrrvoie for tfte chm ete nlalionaliltt the situation it getting a little beyond the realm of v id ttuff tim threat have been getting a little iwevier llw weapon moved m a idlle mtohjier rid the diplomatic fuiore a itltle tlftmrr tl t all ovf iomf far off land but w tn the vhrnkmrj world ijrwj mq distant rventi loer we miy play an nn kriant part in tliie little iuiid tim shorn si route between bum i and the united stalet qort right ov r you know who h tomeone rioein t yell chicken pretty toon trw cold war may te pretty hot right ovi r top neutrality m ty be t a word clearing the waves fortunately we guett we were not an addict to the late but apparently unlamenred qui show dotto from those who fid make t a regular practice to watch the show we hear it wat pretty dull ttuff at entertain ment tort of a kids game to winch had been added a huge audience on two n t works plus lavnh money pnes then there came charges of cheating and then the tpon tor apparently convinced of the truth of he charges dropped me a hoi potato it was almost mevifahle that similar charget thoulil thrn be made against tome others of the qui programs so far not lung hat been proved and there may te nothing seriously wrong with any of the operations but the vrry fact that the 64 question had joomed up to a 64 000 question in a few years and then on into the stratosphere of possible winnings lent itself lo question arwl mjylw naturally to charges by disgruntled rontettantt who had teen the dangling bail of a fortune suddenly jerk d away from hem certainly thr charges niadr thould le fully mvrsliqjtrd and ttie lim flint qui fion ol tlw ir lioriity srlllrd but tieyond tr matter of cletnmg up the shows where or if there wrre quest lonablr practices of giving urfiiii advantagr to some contestants ovrr others the f racis will wi hofv draw attention to the fact thai he tv waves have bcome clu tier rd up vwith this type shows those instead of good solid en tertainment and programs designed in the public interest tonvrmprwc and necessity we would siy hat the qui business has been run into the ground and tin dot to incident and others may serve lo restore some degree of balance m tv program mng anyhow let s hope so fence building and mending in the interview reported in the august issue of the towanis magazme ken loheed of toonto newly elected president of ki wanis international was asked th following question having been a resident of both countries canada and united states what do you feel is the essential difference bet ween canadians and americans his ant wr was their place of residence i can t see any others a correspondent of curt writes from the united slates one thing that worries me no end that all too many newspaper edit ors both in canada and united slates mrm picking on a scab and doing their best to develop it into a real tore i refer to the mmor differences which exist- between our two countries which definitely can be settled amicably by talking the matters out over our histories we have had these mmor dif ferences and have retolved them by titling down as the good friends that we aie lo dit cuss them and arrive at decisions thai were equitable i see no reason why we should not continue along with that same orderly procedure addiessing the international ki wants convention at chicago recently sidney smith canadian secretary of state for external af fans had tint lo ay oftentimes as i ponder martert concern mg relations between the united states and canada my mind turns to a favorite poem by robert frost which tells of a fence which hat to be repaired at spring mending time and llie poet uyt i let my neighbor know beyond the hill anil on a day we meet to walk the line and set the wall tetween us once again as the poet has done i like to pon der whether good fences make good neigh bort it teems to me so much depends upen the neighlxirs so much depends on the kind of fence if they are unpeiqhborly neighbors a fence separates them if they are friendly neightors the fence becomes a meeting place where thwy can come aid i ilk atout their common interests and their common problems i thinl the fences can be a sym bol of some of the best things the fence between canada and the united states is a very low fence and it has many gates sometimes it is d thcult for us to coopeiate with others m the uncertain world but a distinqu siting characteristic of per sonol jnd national maturity s the abimy to look ahioad and to love even thoie people whom you cannot always i ke among ourselves in the united stales and canada there it nor much problem about liking one another i do not pretend for a moment that there are no umeierved points of difficulty there inevitably are just at there ae un retolved differences of view bet ween individual persons within a country the important thjog it that the good will which hat made it possible for us to resolve many problems m the past and to deal n a friendly manner with those problems which we now face should be made to gow and empend j the acton free press reubkaj y ike duw pttaltaf amj rwuaikterce ueauaj roufsdad in lfttt and publhahed every thursday at m uill st it actus ontario uamber or the audit bureau of circulation the c w na and the ontarioqoebec dtw tkyi of the cwn a 4 rale an requetl sub scription payable in advance woo in censdaihou in the united state ilx month 1 75 r single copies 7c authors eg as second class mail post office department ottawa tfce easly ear evee iwblkked i aetata o a dills kdltorjncltier david r dills production manager bl jamei a dilli managlnc editor vst business and editorial office phone 600 acton the good old days back in 1938 tikm f u bm fcl tw tt w teay h- arum ilmt tijihu arc bc-in- eontrullvd by an rtrctnr rrr fr tnw u k fctrtirig i lt itibrr nit tttll lrvtri- tuir nt llw trt lighu wttrn ituuutr light inttfint- us fall ltw i t nlr l turn thr light i itf in ihr murnng wtun llu light imi ti 1 tl randl- rurllm r iiii iik tit tw th gmtril tir pioimrty t f ii tl it mj a mill st arc urwlr tin brk art intdiltun im it niadr al tlir wrtl mrnri that u 11 ujusrr out thr 1nir tiuiliting jii t rnlurgr thr ttry gti mtttn i viimwi lui liring maitt l r iiuvr thr ftnwy fimu ttit iitiln f thr tirr uim luvr it up jt thr uai it itit tuilihng a wiimimi wj ullmurt i kslurday uft riwn t thr h if thr liulrt atrtiu wtnn aitj i- i iiuir rlli am- 1 uiii in narrtugr i william lumill n vl rid- t r mi it mi crorgr w lr f lkt ids k a llrk if st allni angl tn ilunh a t ii ff nt i lhr mgh h ii i i 1 ily in 11 uln u mi l i l canine gypsy fimi ftttkft tllr nl xt i ill i n u k ik t ih tlx iioiim sim- chih tik rtihi mill u miii th rluli v t in 1 minkh n th un mlm i himr atni in ild m im ii i- tf is vi do kl u th houhl ih mmnilini m li i h itit ju t ml srni 1 mm ik 1 in t ll i nii tings t i 1 hit mii liiius u ill it htlim r iihtig sli ping rnjln u jusl j i m th t r il iii th i n i u my mi i 1 prt pjt jlimi fi it mh tints i hty mlt is will l iniuirii in pi jt mrnii nrrn mm t it it m n t in hits in t i using mirx s fur umthvkhil pi jttts mill in nmphtil hinnol tin nuntu r tf iuhru hhoill tm trttiirniloiii if tht hus pt 1 t hi ard fmni uti l un t imus in tht ir disirr fur that uukli niiti1 it liumi it 1snt ultr pit vnt un iik mi tint ttir llu i i 1 ii lit l u i delists nir with i t hi t t 1 iiisil m iih d i k pi r ttt tht i u is plisfuu hgllmi mit s nt tbrnunu- ihtm at thr idrtl ru r snim silu hut thrr i w s s mi n i to ntrtl that tin n iinr itnuit fu prt rition itlao a tlt i in i nuei n puhl fchtil in ivlriit ih it sis tin jutu his iwsrn i big nur il f irt in this iiintrs outsnh nf iiiitini il iun on thr hinimj f h rs thuvts i r in i i uialv thi ik whit t ii in t ikmj juut a citkhy tihin s full i ipirl pssi hoi g lo movi da4i tkir k1s usually rl i il rtductd pr r s jlnnji fnsh hiked pnwlurt wnil h is xn hi nuil i pprtvi ilr tht 1 i r tl v 11 lilt 1 fll 111 s l i tjs tlwilk th t i1 i i i i k s m pi i n th t s it t iktt i hu sv i k i n i f lln jimhiiii t m- i ii i i itx hi it n v i i kln i ms 11 s f i i 1 i ttffu ii l in i ii in i i in 1- k il t l 1 snmrrimis iv it un t s is til nis s n in ll s t in lul in inti t tf 2h t nt i r ito- hii li n r id th t i in iuif lii i t ml h s pi xlm l h is in dff umis an idvi t s r k nuii from indi itls h it t i i pin i u si ml i ir fui r fi h n pim r i nd j r upl nf d imimi nn vilam in i k s tnuti illrrt this it mirisj ur h i kls sp i ii t 111 is ill s u it vs 1 i d mm id t is mt hitk iir nut th it tu m in v ii lnd is itlciii am hntht uis h i t ml uit t r sti inn hi tht r n lv s ii mium v t 1 i m hi f s r mm ir t p iiiit i jndki i th ii lit n it r d s iv d lo h is i m m t i n1 i ri if i st i th d 0u timr affl m r i in lltt iim a i til 1 iihiii 111 i k t f tt n v fixing w uy ih i ii li m willi il an ly it ns lk ii s mm tm to thr d i ivsvtit is loin ihiiniiir u ik wound tht mini r and u vvini loiilitul tulp noliriii ihul dtion imi d n t knm immitli ilxoil it to ilinv it on vy smii i i linn fin it if hi pur is ikl l ii pil s sou u iom pnrr hut hy km tit ii th hlilr fix r ib ii ii j villh i hr s rrntnl rnhith unk t put u in tht h i hum hi 111 i lv u hi nd of r in i 1 ilxioiikh ontii hi t turnrd out ti iptl a hi us hold i li i ms n sit t mi i t id his in ihtnir ilxiil it ns n saarning i uplt of d i lalrr thr tiimr ti it i ippi rtn1 th in ikhlmn n uhtx1 vn1 to uhul min 1 111i i 111 i ntiins til lions uid v nt up t ttjit his tl in u ik lions hld r mmmi th lid ii illttl tht dim th hi t i lttl rh it justk ti iiiiti hi i ii it i pi irsl t ik d s nld r ikd vi i ii t wii in i h ih till moi1h t fohi mill h ill nils 11 n 01 ih 1 til i ni vtill ltoit til f th i itflm n i hi i v ill h 1 mr siimiim- s ft n inn l m vo h i it j lits lt i tlx nl 111 1 h- ilnst nnl t s k k j f ttrm tl1 tun th ui uj f i sp obituaby was church elder clerk of esquesing i nr m ii nn tt pi d im n 1 li n tn irirlof r it 1 s p ih i 11 f r i i m i 1 1 t li 1 i u lkt iml i st ii v vi e n mlhr of i f tnh f 1j f t ut m rs mm i r i i d r i tn s lln t i this sundays church calendar ptffttythlan chutch in r knox chuhcm actom ltrv andrew ii ucktmsir ba bd slnday sritkunih 28th lvl lluouorning worship 7u0 pm cvvninc wurmhitt- llnluin firemvn annual church larsdr moo p m sunday cwmng forum the chutch 09 st alkan the maitvi rector urv it r stokrref u th stb 11m jrffrry s phnnr 30a 17th sunday after trinity sunday septeuuck wth lt u am holv euchsrut iu am church school 1100 im beginners class 1 1 00 a m alatuna and sermon uidwsck service thursday 2 october 1bu 8 pm harvrst thanktgivtnj au are welcome unittd chuttch of canada aataa otsterle rev- oordon adsms ua bd baptist church acton slnpw s rilmltm th i i ii u i in it lis p ml i s h r tni d i m d n t jf r h rm h 11 it f us wins tl s full 1 i in k f 11 ii it n t vi n oitt oi k ii in i f i n l o t i 1 1 w i 1 1 w ypu uidnt ml i o t im i 1 u h asmh irfti n nmu il in tun it iii mpt ii lev- gordon aduns u paraewaje titswer phaae w oeeree kulatt t and choir lu avenue phone r- mr oeeree orfsnist and choir leader tc bower a ac bhena sunday skttkuber muildm 0 00 am uorntnv trayer u 15 am rally day 5ervtce 3 00 pm dedication service and opamng of new church school acton rentfcostal taurnacle m churchill rosd 1 mic rr krnnrth j rnd pator 75 coik si phone 619w slnpay seitfainfen 28th 1v 10 00 am sunrtat school 1100 a m miirnmi worship 70 p in faniihktic wcdncwjiis h p ni priir anl tlrflc stuj friday m p m chrit amhassod- ur tuesday september 30 b pjn two urns will br shown the psctfic garden altuiop film of chicuuns skid row out- of the night und scrap and vitas 1 f t m n h s w i f d it i m s l c s tn i r i i r i t- ui i ll f l tr il urtmliit oi t m1 s lii ti t st j h i ui i im n t a i mr p i- h it v id of nu r ill iik don k dnm nmu i wij r ill f ur smutc rruccmrni i j m ci rt r uhhi c t ry r uiiili tm n pllb an r wt rt cjlvn mllt r rrink imftl moikun ujdill j nm f jit it oft rt rtnjthjm and r v m i r n u tt flout r br r r un pm liul1 uotitrt c i rr c v j it k milltr and iii 1 pr it when the sar of 101418 ended canada participated in the peace eonfirtnct and signed the treaties of police which uue her the rtpht ti a heat in the litntttil uf nations aisuinbly i f f ti j i 1 ii i i j i i i- i 11 its o l lliolul ipi m lt i tllttl if h- v k i hi s o 1 it ii v i l- mil h n hr in n t l- i t in ltmtt in hi it t t 1 t twiiitv nrss k tin i sr h n in 1 11 1 ii k i n 7 tni liu y in a t n 1 i n s i sis i r t ih i n i i i t o d i sd r ii iu th i 11 it 1 1 i tl t io t d h i i i i i i i i i j i tit ih hull i mi a 1 i s i i i l l u o iii lo f ii s i si 1 h it t 1 i nt i i ii m i m i m1 f t 1 1 lis ms tl i v k os al i i in o i i i i t i 1 i t t i i f tl i t i i ii i t im t- i i t 1 i i i sd ills f i 1 1 f m li m i i 1 on 1 f i i i k 1 i 111 tf 1 s- i ii 1 i s st i 1m h i i sd nt s th n is f th s in is ujs hi i p dt r d iuk i o i tti jiuituls it st j vt i k pl tt th fiont f thr 1 t tid urnt tin it s i n th si ii t back in 1908 ysbse ik 1 u ike vr rrw- tmuav ss4 t4 lead virwjjy u s rr1 ultrr djy udli ttu uottumttst runretiii i korkwtmkt it tumf utr uccuuori of thr rroprrung uf thrir rhueh for u vt uiiki tltr iliurh lu imh und ru k ii pji rfitd ltj l i li frrally improsfd in jppruiwr it wimal hllr liy mt sir js h id m kih thurth u t sundjy iniiiii ii v j wi- n tt iiwiol ih wrni aiul v v ity j hrxtoit wnj u jpl mi ftiitt llnd nuhimtnd nt i rtdot trd hi mrvur t idi i th1 utliuii f 1 m foin m ii t hunt fttv k 1 ftlf f i jo i ii js lh tl i st 1 b it ii 1 1 i 1 art n i f th t11 i i- i irtlut vtn d i titd hy th ull 4 ni in ull ii ii sjlii 1 it u i f 7 in ihr f il f it uno 1 i ii lld h him jh- flit dy st n n i- ytd f i iih u 1 1 i t rold od t ik and lh ft jrt ttl iukmi i hiviifl tin uh thr n im inn i f 1 in th i t ii 1 thr puw i i i tl t k s t i th v i t i i n 1 l f if i i i s t i t j 1 i v i ii i i t 1 i i i i r m h n ii i i i lr m ii f i i 1 h t mi 1 it t 1 iv ml ii i l ii i in i i i 1 i ii i t imim n ot t ri m n iiiy tsniu in i it 1 ii mi ii a fit i two yri til ii mm syl lltlt ii 1 tn s i t i i p i i i iiih id- t lt 1l ii it 1 i 1 f t i t i i i i i iimii 1 1 1 1 i i h ii i s i ii t iii 1 s i i s ii i t u i u i u i i it i i i 1 11 i mm 1 ill ii v tt i i 1 i ii m i c vs ik i i i it i i i i k i i i 11 1 k t i i tt i ii t tl t i 1a of ii r t s in i i i t i i hi irs i a i 1 tl ii l h professional directory and travellers guide mis ii i wrong db w g c kfnney a mill st f artnn offirr thonr 7b rsul nc 1 h t hurrh si f phonr 150 dr 0 a gaprftt ihvtcitn nl surer n cnrnrr of k ii ind r sir sit ntranrr r v- r st a n onltrto 1lxnr 23 dr robert d buckner ph tu ian and surron m v ii nit n st alton ont rumlfy funeral home ir ftoq n ftil or d it r s kmniilirr ijr iiirtlfracttkr ait imimr rtt offur hours tt pm ri l i st att al inhi rant r f i wright 20 ullmr st acton onjr o h iir m alsrim r mr i r sato id invtiranct a 0 moore dc off il ik m r i 1ai 7 it sit 2 i nrrn t e l buchnfb bo op m t t 4 1 m 1 st f ph me us of ff ii um v in l s i tu rt no m s ii nh imintn rnt al nttind a tor ntino wm r bracken insurance agency 8 m is cv j bert wood insurance agency 1 if ind genrrii inuirinr n 1s lm 1 m st v rr i hir t 4 3ft v tue p i diti dfi h uid drntl suritesin off c 4 rnr- at 11 nd frrdrrirk streru office lliur iw api mtment tciphonr it dr a j buchanan dental sureron offer- 5a mi street offer hours- 9 am x pm tlmil wcsinrijii afirtikii tel phone 141 c f leatherland qc narrttte- sulicitor kutjrt public office hours joooamljoo im 1 00 p m ut p n saturdatih spnointment ny offim 22 phone res 151 actom a bra i da b a barrister solicitor notary publld 173 main st s acton ont phone 57 office hours- tl pm 0 pm i pm 0 p m ssturdsys 13 cork st tl ouelph ta 4m43 orflce hours t sm 5 pm saturtuys 9 sjn 13 sju lever hoskin hrlrrm r untn m mi n s n 112 k if st llr i i triw to i 1 irv 1 1 i 4hj4 im 0111 neville stoiler co ro it nt i 1 ud t r if iltv in h- ikrhu 3 m s atoi n r at mml 1 i ph i ir 10 lt j i fir ml ii r st writ r ni i r 2 farl g black ii c mn it i a t ii uttr- ki 1 i t oln i avt n r tl dt 183 un st m t i ont 1 h s 42 ttavillw cuid i gfiay coach lines om helt leac acton ijvllht time jjitutund su im iltjiw eiept sun sn4 ii iu jm 11x1 im 2qp- m 5 0m p in a 13 i ni b 33 p m lot ym sun ij ttol i wet bound 10 r7 am 1x5 pm 2 st pm sj7 pm 7z7 pm 9 13 pm 1133pm 112am fn sji sun nd ir pm 112am lri fol v canadian national j railways standard tim cajt bound daily 540 am ifeily rsccpt sundays 10 00 om 7 14 pm sun day tmlv hu1 pm daily rt sunday flyer st qorfstwn 9 61 a m j7 p m daily flyer st georgetown 1011 pin wsstbound daily um pm dally mtml suncuy 40 imu p m t u pm saturday only i jo pm sun day only 903 am fuistopi sun day only flyer at ourlph ifts bjh dally smcspt sat and sun 8j1 m

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