Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1958, p. 11

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announce prize winners for acton fair exhibits rwy under hs ur and ur u mcdouli mr and mr n smith bct ftnlmal in elas mr and mr m mrdkijru lll hor stake b4 mr and mr m mcdougall urt graham tvrgumw j hamtl- ion un wheeler grant camp- bell ham poaim strtgla overland ham pony undar 44 irttttaa drivmi by child under 13 years howard f 111 ii r it lack leant of shetland panie under 44 inch dnvm by a child under i years h black sirujla hiniru pony mr and mrm n smith ii lllaiv mr and mrs n smith tram of harness mmmm mr and urt n smith h black tandom ponies 13 and undt r perform ance only uj count mr and mrs n smith ii black pony saddle rlusa us and under nddrn by child undtr 13 years ii ii lark ku mctkn it hiatal hum id brown ii llrwn hprciala itifh strpi ng pony mr and mra m mrluail mrs whcrlti mr and ur n smith ii lllsrk binirle turnout a krrr mia whwlu a croft high step- ping worse a krrr mia wheeler lady alrivrf ui and mra m mr dougall mi and mia n smith mra whrtlrr miss krrt ii hlarw pony foal ii lllartt it mrlron ii flbuk pony biod marr 14 tlurk it urlan ii ital4 it showmanship if foal it urbun loup nls lfhl i il h lllsk mra whit li r a kir un a c iifl heavy haras in clydesdales alun tal r won finta in the following brttd mare cnng fal i year old 3 year uld geld and fitly 1 yrar old grid and filly lt animal in rlaaa pi ichi nna i year id stan may 3 year old mrcuti hron bros 3 ytar old s mav ittavy htirwa in hiimu spun mpriu ur wagon lun johnston span hiavy diaughl a taylor aitan light draught a t lor ban pcrchrron tielgian mr utch mn uuv h may mccuuhnm hnii heavy ahoisr tram mr- cutrheon ilroa s may ami i jnhnaton tied wagon marr or griding johnaton j hnaton t- horse team mkutrhron lima stakr class a taylor mrturh- eon tlioa s u ci johnahtn apan cif hrav v hint a tavlnr mkutchron brn b at hrav v horse nn giotimta a taylor mr- culrhron lints a tavlr s may single delivery h rse johnalon o johnston ahmmanahip of f tal a talor howard lllark ii llluk llosi mclean enmp of s hravy hurst a a tavlor mit tilrhii n lli cattle shorthomi null 2 pr t cr a nmriah cra laahy bull 1 year sr hifr aj c ahturatmi f chunbcn y huur c patter son y hustler jr heiftr calf c patterson c patterson t hust ler c mccann ar female cham pion y chambr rrre female r c patterson jr female cham pion c patterson reserve r f- male c pattetson grand rham- pun fnlr c patterson tt 3 animala get of 1 sji c pattr c pstteisitn v hell y huatu herd c pat it raon f ii tiat ler y chambera f hall c patt rawi spec ml nt 3 beef bietd ng purpa4- rakis w james f hall c pattrrsuii w mriiy jr h d any beef bred 1 bull 3 fetm1 w marrv w jinin c pal r j wllllllult alerdeen angus hull 7 yrs or over w f j bull i and undrr 3 win strvatia r bull ralf turn jacks- n jr bull i f um suxmh w jaiora j u 11 nv it si hsinpioii male w jam r male champion wm strvt u imivr jr lohlr wn si t grand hanipnn malt- w jwm ixat niu any age w jgrms j wimnwtt t jarkaii 3 yar til ht if r w su wn w jmea t j ar yaailing j willm u w jamta t jarkh n jr mailing u jstiw j w 11 umlt jr hr fir talf u jane j vkltnx ii t jarlnn i h f ralf w jamts j willmoit r fr in chii j i n j w illm tt r ari m fimalt w st v ill jr inuli champ n w jtmn ir cr r r ft male w james guild haimptott ren ale j wlllinol irt if sue w stttrtit w jamia t jackwtn j uilln tt heirt w jamea j wlltmott t ia id utnna hull 3 year and rr t nmwnridgr j taylor lull 1 yrar and und i 3 itawu i lit hull talf t hiowniiilitr ai nuilt- rhainpion t llmuniidgi and son iistivt ar mult rhumtuon j layl i i in ilr bumpnii ltavn i hi oi icmivr jr mail rlutmpit n t hiwniulfi and sn viand rhampion male t llivmndur and sii o in n ik j tal i n a drv nuix j tar ttrat udturit cow t hio nridgr j tar f vuise t ili in id 2 i r old heifrr t hrownnl t llrmnnilgr i rjr id h if r j tayi i w hrifr ralf w a hmnin f nurst jitn lluilt i t unit nn 1g a men 11 jr hrf r lf i ma j t j 1 1 i ivnt n t irnry it lotd a mr nabt r frntalr rhampi n r nurat nru ir ftnial j tat- 1 r jr ftmalr rhampi n p mmv grand rhampi m fi malj nina 2 animal tj t f 1 un j t r j tt 1 r w a man t 11 row nridgr herd t ilmw nrultr j taikr rattlr tprciat k 1 ma and aona m alexander and sm ova mo u j wilbnait t jack- sn wivelrr droa h ilmderuhot j hunur champion stoar j will- uott heifers undr 7d0 lbs- elvln awrey k awrty j wiumott cac ti mccartn halfrrs 0u0 i us s griffin and son s griffin und sun best hetfr k awrey group of 3 anunals owned by exhibitor shown in above sctiona whwur bros ii lleiulershut e autey sttter ur ruifsr born after may i 1057 w h merry fvrlyn ur kay sind hephurn w hen i dershot j maccall bank of nova scotia trophy rhampion atrer or htfrr in commercial feat ire shown by boy or gut und r ii i yrais of aie couitney agni w showmanship apcrial best eshibit- ion of bvrf type calf shown by lmy or gill 16 ytais und und 1 hob mriiy murray swamkn rl v ill awit jiftrry agnrw mil nt v agn w 1ireater otawold 01 i uto lit j kli floia wmi lut and ircond in the following 1 law- tarn 2 vtars and ovrr ahrailing j ram itaaii lamb ewe 3 years aitd ovrr sheartirig ewe ewe lamtt ilr 1 also won fusts in the following i uu44 p 11 of long ftiml sheep ixat lam and in at ir suthdwna ham 3 yeari and uvti j o ktuy i low dm luwdrii slu fling lam c l-iw- den m stark lam lamb f hampton m sti k wdti twr 3 yiaia slid ovrr i lowyii m stalk r iun t n tluil i twr uwdrn j 1 k hy f hampton rwe lamb c ijiwiui f humpaon m stalk mn southdown uwdn r llnp ton m slats rhani ioti n th down ram 1 hampton chart nn si ittlxtowi rwr i 1i1 n oaf id i wti c i st w dm fimt in thr following exhibit in 1 j niul ovrr xn il oaf id down rhampioii aford down ram ihntn pitii oxfoid down iw and fuj jnd aot olid in shi irluig 111111 111111 lamb t w j und ova r ah 111 ling rwi and rwi umb suffolk ham 3 ytra and ovu a mak j ii tt v a mat k aheur ling nun it omort a mj k j hi tarn lamb j hitcy it ctn fort a mak tw 2 and ov rr a pcavoy it comfort tt comfort twi i ysrs and over r comf rl p tvavoy p peavoy shearling rwe k cttnort p peavoy p rsavoy ewe lunb k comfort h comfort p pravoy pn ol shrup- thiirs r comfort p pravoy champion ahruphirr ram it com fort champion ahropahlr ewt i isavoy short utkilled inr other breed ram j ears and over j wiumott j wlllmott shearling ram j wiumott p pvuy j wiumott ram lamb j wlllmott j willnvntt c liwdtn ewe 3 and or j wiumott j wlllmott c isjwden altraihng rwe 1 pravoy j wiu mott isfwtttii ewr lamb j willimtt c lwdrn j willrn m pen of short wttolti j wiumott t ijwdrn p pruvoy rliinipiuii ram j willmoti rhampion we p ptavv sheep aptt nil heal flotk ur birr j w1ll11ult beat pan nun ktublt lambs j a kilty f ham ptun lest twr umha m stalk 1 ii and under 3 s griffin and son w 1 t brow nridgr and vna actn ii mrrry s griffin and son ar i fair dairv call rxhibt k ula w bull calf s griffin and son jr freeman k r ha t alt xandi r a bull calf w h merry it hrruler nuise shot w ii mrtry s guff in and son c laab sr malr champion a noirlsh teaeivr male ihampion s griffin and son jr malr cham pion w ii mrrry raaerve jr male ayiahuta hull 2 irt niul i rr a joh bull calf a job cow in milk tuuy ralf exlit it a mi nabb ii fitrd k flla jrtarya hull 2 nnd ovrr m u champion ii htndrrshot grand staphs j w ulfr bull champian malr a nurnih bet and undi r m w stle bull cow any age c uasby s gnfftn calf k lit gnffin and son tdd heifer s gi ah xand iffin malt rhi rut son two and son c lasbv tr vra strve ar male hrifrr s griffin and son c imi- by jr yearling heifer ii hrndtr- shot u ii unit l libv h llrndrrshttt s griffin ami son ar hrifrr call w it merry s grif mac alrxantlrr mnc nuiat m staples r m w staples rt i w uolfr jr malt champion k ilia rrart r male m alrxandt r gianl champion malr m sijplra cow anv agr in milk m ah xanlt r f nursr dui matthews j w uotf matkj ho hug wi hi mik j n t h c nfort il it n it t ml rt p it pi j v p it i ilinil ram i inavoy 1 rst t 1 un i mill i ton p in uvuy p ivavoy fleet r inilnii wind shoin i pravoy i inato fluf 1 ng wh i ahoi 11 j ktllv j ktlly megs lloiir ihiu ptavloua to st pt i iu7 j a k lit wi ir ilios wi w11 sarpt i 17 to mairh 1 ifajt j a kill wheelti llroa tr bom aftii march i 1smi wheler ur ralph k1 it i roid hanipion lxai j a kt hy luw imrti 1 levioiis to sept 1 ip 7 j a krlly wlir in llro roid j a killy wtlu ip w ttn s- t i 1u7 to man b i lttjt it rtld whrelrr llioi j a krtly whrlrr ln j a ktlly sow lirn afttr match 1 19vv whrrlrr llloa whrrlfl hlo it fotd 1t fold it mtoitill imi1 pn markrt hog h roid whrelrr ilr wht in ilros tliiainpion sw j a killt raullry hu km i itidlt 1 rrca ivrtf ti i itx 14 setnnlr und fl ihinu i aiu11 21 firsu i second- 8 thud mixruilr 31 fusts 211 oud b thudi r mtmuihn 2 firsts 4 uninili i thud r ktnt- n 1 fusts 3 m ootid 3 third mtllti 0 firats 3 sctoiuli i hunt j mi phail 21 fusts 12 ucndx 4 ihuu copland i stton a mack a thittt m 4 fir sta 4 aeroiuts 3 w mason 2 fii1 i mtortt it ryhird 11- i ihuks mrx 1 dv rt11 it 1 1 it fut 2 mtm1i 2 trim u hi idvtinw llro ui fuu u mcouu it 11 t h i aiu11 1 t rid 2 thudv c i opund i fiol 2 hints i ti it li if im 3 vormdv tlunt i onv itidvhw llion ixinct jqfr uowvwtl om ext1a boom or two fin and son ii llendahut c la- o matthews cow anv agr ttrt m by jr hi far calf u ii mrrry s suplrs m alrxandrr m st iph griffin and stan c laabv sr fe- i matthrwa j w wolfe bt uu male champion s griffin and drred cxtw m alexander f ni re sn reserve female champion liaby jr female champion w mrrrv reserve female champion ii ilr11drnh1i grand femali j staples m alrxandrr m al v inder two car hrifrr m ah xin pion m ahvandrr m stuplra o mat- malr u ii mrrry 2 animals thtwa 1 hr hrifrr m st ipl t of 1 lirr w h mrrry w it m alrxandrr j w wolfe d mat thru a d mat thr ws sr hrifrr ctlf k eh k fj a m all mmtrr m staples m alt xandc jr hn- merry s griffin and son s grif fin and ton h hendershot herd 1 bull and 3 frmales w ii mrrry r grirtin and stn ii itrndrrshot fer calf k ella m al undrr j c lasby v wolf f nurse ii matth w hrrefitrd hull 3 years or ovrr jr ftmalr champion k flla rt frank hall cecil mccann hull 1 ur ji frmalt m suplrs gr tkmialkw if tsi avi man rassi u us faraa isaw for iha ekiliriai saara agcaaiisniliwaa lv kirrd kaavda rar and undt r 3 chambers sr hamputn fraialr m alrxindt r 2 bull calf c f pattrrson jr bull animals grt tf 1 airt k flla m calf c f patter huatlt r sr malr r hustler f champion alrxandrr m alrxandrr o mt- lhtwa k riu htrd m slaplra hall irsrrvi ar malr chambers m alexander k fllj j wold d mjtthrwi txst 2 dint rilo k flla m alrxandtr t hrowi lot a la lh kflasr sftam enaaa ov viatlart ar if you timfif aaj awww tpaa faw tvlajtatsan tlaait 14 a slsart afa of raaal cash step you from koind ajsaad wltb bmlduf fjam lew if your orogibsilioa u aouascl tkrres vaaaay far you al lit of u u lk form of a i- ana iisv asss fisv paxwaawaol laoss talk il ovrc wtth tka smaav flly hanil ymut marm nnixt brnrh ttvu wek- ljabkaulp u m lrm ins- i t prvritt uun litr ham a t i rtssatc to kelp fcs w rwi lana i i kr vtmaimiimal iiwivixai versa i lib lie cwn lo aksvtat saylhsng w i assiing rmr ijrm a tetter larta- i fil tka fixor jr male champion c f iatter- aun reserve jr male f hustler grand champion malt f hall best ridge co c mccann f hustler j year aasrr uv raatare 1 old heifer chambers c patterson steers undrr ho0 iht hb m r y hall c mccann sr vurliaig ry w f james j it maccail heifrr c pattrrson f chambers h htndrrshot w c robinson f hall jr vrarl nn hrifn t pjt- tt r mm pot lbs wheeln hi v terstvn f mall f huatu r v uhiilr ilr j 11 matcall ton huatl r jarksatn u c hobimn at- bank of montreal acii kxmch wilkom iuucluy maiuor woikimo with canadians in ivfly waik op llf jihcf iii ontario hospitall insurance register ftpia2j v in payolikr enrolmtnt availibli at banks and hospitals tcs5 sisj 8 f t b obained f rom post office indivi duals must repsfe by september 30 to have protection effective january 1 1959 0ntui0 holrlul utvlcts commiuioil t0i0ht0 1 a wl 4uii ott ib firsts is seconds stmrdi c mcc ready 3 firsts 4 sect aid 11 thirds d allan 3 scuruu 1 third turkeys c mrcrvody receu ed 1 firsu spiau bear dressed chlrktn mrs k whlu pujoa uumara biale w mas un w mason luimar fwnolr w miuon w mason any other var iety male and fimalr w mason got 1 firsts and j seconds d allan received i first and i sec md cln legjad fajuy male paul htnnassiy paul ph ian u allan ft male p phebm p heinesay p llrnnessy specials champion i ihrlan thampioii opikiti u p hnniyy pat stork i pair bantams i alun i pair rabbit john mrnabb i jun mrs harold mclntyrr i pan uny other et lleinir hen ton mia ii mdntyie umtui attroeuau ouplt mairied thr grtutist iiumlmr of yt ais mr anil mis j k p arm iw 27 1mb0 eis at- tt ruling the fan fiom ibr git al t dialunce mr und mrs c r m uuheon wist summriund 111 3100 iuiiib tiarkrr eating tonttt th idlrli und r ii ann vulr sally wilson amu fryi r rrmhir eating rontrst t luldreu ovrr 10 and undrr 14 thrlma phillips it belt denny j lame oalntllh dttxtraled tricycle jhn lleatty dttaite br i itutknrr mimr h thwrl allan mtkrmir ill devoratrt dllbuggir dj hi e ui urdy i inn ijruini o i htalty ilmm mtknir anr in the m i mnm tiliv i int r plimuil niarki t plait in thr wo 11 tit firal hf iiiaoraik flirt n miimu was tht biiinth of u ilr it ili compuri i t ihlikhitl in iiu12 urge instant control for elm tree disease as announred in a previous is sue dutch elm tr dumb has drfinitrly bcn found in i la i ton county not once but in several locations to lose all our stately elmi is unthinkable unfortunately as yet there li no run for hie disease once a tree n attacktd and thr disase can only be huntified by a ubornt ry test in s1mii mate lb i from suspscted elm trees should be sent b thr furtal pathology laboratory at mlh out atueks ah troaa v aa iminted out by w t seele rrfort itjtion supervisor at lies pelrr ont although elms ire j freal ire the disease auicka those glowing in the open aiound tint rows at re t a and park in prrfrtrnre to forest trees if urn rural and urban municip- atilua wisli to save the elma in thr vurloua puika and streeta utt- n mint 1m tukin in protrcl tin liallhv ilim lefofr they art- nt tuknt llir disrast la liarikiiiiiti- i lh 111 lub lletlle 1 ls involvta apruying with ins- tirnlr aut h aa ddt in an o emulsion also mvtdvea a spray- ei with the ability to cast thr in btthldr ul to 7 feet in the air so that thr taller elms may be rov- tt mtsl buwar aiordirik to mr strelr thr ttwiimial and efficient ih myif uptkourt bi tx a mist blow rr wr tindrratand that the t hy lun ill n pun hastd hvi if tht hlit mill ki i fol tnasl bufwra t i lli in oldir thit tilt v miil or in tht o bt allhv t in th rvcion rw prsht thijjssrsim 35 19s solve curuaquantly wecan t hdp authority un th subject but w do but wonder tf this is not a prob lem requiring the joint action of our municipal councils and park committors surely a progrrsiivr county like ha i ton can afford at least one of these pow erful mist blow era to protect tlie rim trn ill our park both urban and rur al cstwarvauaai alkrtus perhaps our two cttnservstinn autlaoritiea might piitirip tr in loch a prugram wr hopr hut no one will con cludr thai wr art xsing as an think the matter u worthy of en- tideration in the imnudlabf fut ure if you mr and mpt rdr think that the idea hhy nurt why riot mw a little sed whr it w ill ik ur fruit dr altxandrr graham bell in vtntrd the principle of the tele- phoor jt bis litunr in riant ford oritru m 14 dr ip- ii made ue frst workuuc mod 1 in ilrfton two iir ulr tim obi th tht nlu i pi north haiton high school district board do no occapt any rtonsmb4ltty in any way for trantportalior of pupltt to nd from high skel or o4kar school otiivilis mutmpt by vohlcut undar cenlracl to th trd pupjit using moans of transportation ar not covtrod by i ho roardi liability insurant s rjned g o brown sot rot a ry t roa u ro r o giir you gthxl telephone sendee vtur it it iiiihic tlmntlx ujmin a vjvt xwtcin tit iinilt x jiui wtuiili fnl ttiiiuiriil hut jlattt jji it tjlis ftff lilc stiiitlu ililtluitl to iioilr immi st it it t mttlllt st 11 ill r 4 ix otic 1 if mir nuiiv sr rv it r kt j r rvrnlit it rx i lux pirl tir vmir tllu r fi it ntll mihi lilc lirr is hi t lurr iif vmi vt rtu c mux nit jiix llut u lie nt tt r mmi luvr a vert it c tciif vt n 11 un 1 ill with llr usmir uu t lh j 1 tin 1 r ix j fl k iii ii v i itll it imiv i xi ml i ill st hull j itl lull ttlio will ik j- 1 i iki vm i iiis 4tmil jih t is 01 ir 1 if tlit 111 in lilt ir tin ncx llut nult mur it ltlint st it u mk li j ti n i v mm1 t jiuc thc bcll tbxcihiomi comfamy oy canada jttm only vauxhau gives you vusst iblst cf this choice no other csr in it price field offer iuch wonderful choice tor complete motoring pleaiure ai vauxhall from the really low priced 4 cylinder 5pataenger victor to the all new sixes velo and cretta vauxhall pvei you more extra feature mot handling eaae and riding comfort more value for the money than any other line of car in lu clau chooae your vauxhall now and vauxhall cives you au thesc extras as standard equipment rourldoor convenience five and six pas senger comfort steering column gear shift 4 amd 6 cylinder engines spacious trunk fresh air heater and defroster five way ignition switch spray insulation against rumble and road noise panoramic vision amazing economy sport car handling the british car built and backelvby general motors see vouft local vauxhall dealer vauxhall franklin pr0use motors limited queen street i acto

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