Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1958, p. 3

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a koocwooo churches hold work continues orj the occssrioei of kmuvwnwjr aarvtea m the tbytrln churcto d hrv4 vuva s4tv1m at st jlcfc cbureji sunday fear wr larga eoaruocm- kor lb pr- bytrian curcfa u wj th jvviry end tor tiw eombwml avlw ol th koekwood tad fcdan mill touvvr tat umi mjnwur wu former pejtor luv frd wullwfein of si paula praaby- wrtaa church gualpfc spactal music number by th etvoir in- ejuded vocal number by wis carulla clerk wiuj conlx tbuud much le uv aarvac her solo putr ww baawi uu winn rev f wuuawnao dlteours was much during th evening srvlr mr martin bauer jr sang i hr thy vutc pracsding and at th mo rulon o th aervlea mrs john rrman organist conlrtbutwd mulk flmwn at lb rhurrti were t thlr wm in uw fall wwn lurv 4 festival harvaat faetivaj twrvka wa eon- tfuctad by h raetor iuv h 0 blnitraaf th church was dacac mml hh pfoducu of girdm and farm and added much to dignity of during ih aarvic rrv mr apptetun rural uf si gaorg church cualnh waj gut snaakar mutt by mia uvy ljoyd organ ist wu alao enjoyad toward th cine c aarvlr holy communion wm ubaarvad special service on new bridge viiilor eotimd during church service war mx and lira tboa ualtby pualhw mr and mr fred day aad family ancshfr otttar vuitura ttoliced w tmm giwlph rijufcuj iftrug ttur work tj being carried on al th new bridge gatansloni lo th rauining wall ax being consuuft- d j wall a eaich bairn and gutter lo carry cii water crisiid ton ha been brought in lor fill ing in ml u cement work lao ud or crib work ar pretty wall pic had up out of th mill dam ur and ura frank fowk and amall daughter or phoeni anion pent vrtl day with mr uarg- arat oatrandar and other friend th many friend uf mi lily crui gualph formerly of huck- woud ar aorry ah had tike mi for luii to fall and break tier leg her niany friend wuh tur her a in onnectlon with annlveraary ktrvlcva al ebnrer church itrv gab umn tteltanfed pulptu with mr griffith for th morning aervlr at tl praabylertan chun hrr mr john barw auppluyl for itev f wlllumaun at sc paul c hurrh outph ofninf rrmome arul open houa fur nw axsdjtum to itock- wuod public school ar to be held friday vanlng ttt rocbwood horn and school aaauriatlon will aerva ur mcvittl will be chairman scouti news lai aau a- trwa ttu wki meeting tailed off in th regular way with the troop bains called into the horseaho and flag break after impaction th troop waa broken up into a group of tanderfmt rccond claaa and flrat ctau arout theae group studied teat in their own rla the patrol were linrd up in re lay faahlon and knot raeaa were run the next game wu the hum an chair game with two boy of each patml carrying their patrol member to the front of th room and bark without dropping them p4l gum point were taken in both of d will bl a tang with the other palnla th boy have earned to decide who will be the honor patrol for the month of september during tha courac of the meet ing w wer vulted by the ula trtrt reomtmaaur of the area near the end of th meeting hr gave the boy a mu addreaa and wlahed them luck in their year of scout ing the meeting wa etoacd by the tinging of tan and scout silence the duty patrol thl week the stags cleaned the hall and wrc dlsmiaaed ramambcr your uci next week fellow bay tteaal htula far casasar 1 hardwood produc belter coau than aoftwoikti s split wttod bumi fasur than round branche 4 fire burn upward use long tick 4 ftre need air leave plenty of pace for it 1 s lav the fire and have a aupply of wood before lighting g conserve heat hanjj thi ktttlci brforr lighting the fire j koll opening ceremonies at roelcwood school opening ceremoniea for the new two- roomed addluon uill be held tn friday evening m rixkwxid schm iss no u hrn it will be pen houae for parvruj and friend alfred d hales mr will he rrc- hhl a aeu a the conlrtor mr schiedel inspector mcvitue for the dttrct the township official and tha eramata school board rock wood home and school will b on hand to serve lea linda braida sharon bradley pass dance tests sunday brought to clow thr fall figure tkatlng actioul being held at the curling club in guelplt many acton and district childrti have auandad candidate for uut run by tt cfsa duplayed tali nl aim ability and long noun of practice sharon bradley acton haa coin plowed preliminary dance nd add eil one bninir dtince i rat by auuit the sieau tango linda liraicu acton irfctmc a ilvr danrr ml altilt hy completing her three nl vr danct in plng the hjrrn tango and rocker foxtrot over m acton kalera arc pre paring for the winter whn which opens neat month the c lw a thl fall havr been fun by lua gmhh mi th ouelph college figure ckoung club rvirton weekend popular for local visits sunday uitor with mi m1 mr albert ware were mr im mrs frnle rdwards and fumlv cuclph sunday visitor with mr ttnri mr j p qcnhom uere mr nnd mr cliialr tlvr and famiu uur ling ton mr and mrv jack morn u and familv and mr and mrt gor don adir guelph kumur viwton with mr mil mrs john alton and miu jennie tovcll were mr and mr mackav sl catharines mr lucille walker rd arnrt walkrr durlington mr nd mr alvar tovell and ind t and mia audrey schotl kitchen r mr and mr hnwdcn and mr and mrs robert patten and finnh cmlph mr oliver mcculu v nnd on and mr clara itlacklcxv t- nmlo mr john aliioi vitod in to ronto on monday with the totll routine mrs cutting of winona i mat ing with her son and familv mr and mr uayd cutting and ray mond a aa locals a acton ciuxcrt nand will play a ctmcrrt al halum manor in mil ton next tuaaday evening the new canadian tire corp oration atorw i taking on a differ ent appearance with a new glas front opening 1 expected early nevt month st johns ambulance first aid course classes commencing wedneday7 october 1 5th too pm acton ymca enroll at the y for further information contact ml ftotthamy at wow missrokteu at 573r thank to max storey for the crn h grew and supplud for the corn roast last friday report have it the corn wa good and plentiful but un turnout poor many comrade wtuikded d-c- uration day service in milton lt sunday and helptxl to swell the cruwd in attendance good new for the euchre play er starling fiiday ottobrr 10 play rvsums in thr legion hall with the uks biggtr and juilier titan ever uint forgit tit ug and initial ion night in thr legion auditor lum kriday bwnumiwi at 11v p i 10 tirw inrnibrrs will be iwmn in to the branch o trt rt out and givt tlte nrwiu r m big i no id and to- j y a lunch al tht wrnir lum dart playarv maauag on aicin rmiici tun 1 i un lart puytii li ktuix and ir hall aka iiiurtui jmtilu to fn tact lilin or atund a tneetilig on tuesday neat at thr legum halt twinty d 11 i- u0 will be vailabti fur the lutky prison whoar iminr i diawn monday rv rning at the grneral inert lug ttu u your opportunity lo start a sav ing account for motht r christ mas preaent if thr nvmry not clainirl the ante i iaimd for uir nel mrrting in t takr a charter and loar out on uir 20 gtt ihrrr early for i ml with activitua giltmg bar k to normal for th w inli r month fune iirti will ihn im- coming ui und to h up thi rrputwtloii of llratuh hr7 u littli piuttlce hy our ilmiu will im taking plun iht m nights attaod t oavcnuaci lrridrnl elsie jnhnum ion commander mn w t inlay and landanl baiir loiia angrll of thr irglon lidira auvihaiy at ttndrd ttn annual convnitin in toronto lal wet k ovrr h7j m m in is it giktt nil for tht tonvi ntion and 070 partictpatcit in thi jwiadi to iht ctnotapli f r tht irot ation duiing thr thi c day event th osfsmoa ohio visitors at local home misses mary and ttda robcrteoa of clevland ouo ar pendjng a three week vacation at their home urn with mr w e kobertwwi on sunday they had a thejr guests mr and mr uuy mcphad and mr arul mr d mcgeer and fam ily of toronto jerry fuiu r hj tut n a pauni at the curlph jluapiul undergoing treatment congratulation lo mr and mrs lall 1st liiw on tle arrival of a young iun at a toronto hospital and lo mr and mrs karn on thr blrlii of a wn at st juirfli hosp ital gulpii jiuji aitk i u fl on fridav to iiiiini iin hi i uroikd yiaf of ludy m wrutiu umvutrfy iiulon uum marion and mary 1lnk ir jutlph v itd on sjluiday itli ttirii iti i and bfotlni in ijw mr and mi kd mrwart miiuuii of hr family htld bwlhday paity fur mr k klotartrr on saturday ryiinng liulr miss uhxn hunt r of guiluh hhik a fi w da lat rik with tin giandpartnu mr and mrs a snu lau mi m j kson pnl tin wrrk end with mi and uo geufgr t tun kkiiank nd ml watfcon at hillsburgli mr and mrs jat fc wvc fiavr titen it id i w lift thr f utn hi pjiriit alikt ui h tiuiitagi ll kummi i niovrd to itixkwoim during uir wet kind rrpri m ntutiv r atti ndml mift ttaikpk i and well a dam ing und hal ff l h k ml ough in iakii uciivmm time- out from hmiu hold ch m lo attend ttu confer i net and tiring back ideas for our local group uk greatgranddaughter christened at knox t hrtsti nd on sunday stptrm- bti 31 in kixi lrrsbytrrin church artim by it v a if mackrmir was kathlrtn anne bjby daughtei f mr ami mit gaiiy m t addrn shr ii th granddaughtt r of mr and mrs garf mcraddrn and mr and mrs 11 liar boor mntt git at cranddaughttr of mr and mrs it rry sinrlhurst personal notes of ac ion i an vrnting ouioftown points and of vmtoft in acton homes mr and mrs- j adamson of gait wcr v uuung in town sunday mr and mrs it h wsnthroufch uf toronto wire gural at uir humr of ur arul mrs f amir urn and family on saturday i mrs ctcil maplrdtn whi had txcn visiting dr and mrs 1 c maplrsden and family in 1 that a ntw york rtlurtird lionir by plant on monday mr and mn it uit hall f wiiikhan and mr and mn vjui f hall of kitcharur ix nt sunday i with mr w j hall and miu maijom mr and mi llruld lit bmw n id h mi mi n f llrndiu ka and inldi i villi vimwd wtlh mi ud mo i i johikklon on sluiitoy mi and mil laittut amllt silk avr w ill be it it tiallit tht u i mh w raiding aimlvi iwjiy tint ctuiung saturday ad v ami on grstulation are rslcndtd al lat wnki griirml intt tuk of ivil ltftnrr hiaorinil mifc 1 j alton llarbtr waa rht tiit i uaii man of ttir aociul club to u loi h all new members uf civil difinn will be wilrotnr mr and mrt j ii llo11 n ur irving l lki up imiiiuhi in staiuoniugh willi many lidunt munoili of a i i n and thi many frit ndi they havr inadi dui mg thi ir 18 years stay ht rr mr und mrs jack price and family moved this week from ac ton u kiuhrrur mr price fur intrly auatant to lanvn curk jack mcccuchu will b aaaajciatid witii his brotlm r trucking and garagt buiiint in elmira viftitiiik iht pat witk end with mr and mn j 1opt uur mai lir itany muvgiavt f mlddlimm ijigluod ttnd his hvli i mivs jum mugiavi win lb illuming to rigluiid ith film uftt i bmiiling a ytai m lidon out mo umuii mn wilionii mi mis grot- riyu allindtl tht uuniit liihtitoti aia n- vnh o ut widm vlay and itouliy at ih oat gut l ii hothwdl miu oj caimn ur harry arblc ur vt4 koch and mr doug coptiaiid th acton fre prn thursday october 2nd 1958 ys men delegates attend conference acton delegate attended the 1 ontario regional convention of y s i men s clubs at owen sound lut werkrnd hust fir uie two day confi rtncr wa tht owtn sound group wh art no long r in the same district i a gutlph galu hiampbtn brant 1 lord kuhnwwauilo4 and ac toil but art affiliated on thi reg j lufial it vt 1 auhji io tluba wtit rtpit vt nltxl lloimiit uk ludttt b gl if liuiiu on id buvini i s4saioiift ujf kshp iidlaiinjut u i atunduik fiom attt vi mm wayifct softinisl sstaaijlmij iwssswlss club llgl m kiiti and m kali h mkwn muiimu nt lli m al diitrb vmik mi a w a mi monuments uamfton ieif n submlttrd ct mi u ry irtlrnng cu nrr posts snd markers a good display in lok wh c auan prop a oiwin si w irunplen hhmr rkua fl 1tiu bm il mil lf tom nichol rummt mnrnfum 1 1mx rsurfacing pjunj imcilion ufcttt un urtk on tu ttnlih of msm ii ttiinn iritm nunim r 7 h ghv iv n trth tluou ilitlitmlil to numb r 24 htliw kinn ivnj oiksilli m th r i hit lu ii ih i m mm pi jixt mr ki th n illy vintti 1 lv m ilintt r t ititl iwn 17 tin rod c hunnt i on txiu h it town rmlnl f r i hi movrtl tin it i nth hit wifi and h m vi ml iomto- ihy sain robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists rurmcrly i- v hcid phone cueiph ta 43071 si si goorgot squjr acton junior pipe band first general meeting end election of officers town hall october 16th 1958 100pm all parents of rand members end well wishers re cordially invited lo attend cyclomassoge heat ano massage pad t i help in ike vorr at hmfi mum lex ils1 1 kt new cilm dowi ti risr j lit rv ner-e- icviiracc deep drilelcs tnucv ri storing sleep inert ac blid circula twn whirr applied rt in rs the moderate pain of medic ally diagnosed chrnii and ub acuti arthriti- husitt rheumatism w henev er thc strike get th raeu rrmng far a aaw tu wstaaul ab- llgmiiaa by ealllng r h eui0h ntemma aetori repreficnuuxe niacara deep masbge of kitchener wattcrn ontario distributors ready for winter prepare for winter now we will sail and lluih riiar nil black ctock yaur radlakv kataa ckaclt amlfraata ckaek sahary and alactrical ayttam ckach wlpara and dalroalan wlnlar lubrlcanh ckack all l0i shellzone 299 per gal installed lor two wmiii only safe buy used cars itu nn snv bati iu rokd sedtn cmiiwiih iss chev rtdan 1m7 movabch aauautb kadi 1u2 desoto uedan lull eur why delay for service call 52 today frank t0th motors am klim v i hi uk mn 1i in w i frank carney c sons fufhi garnets for a complete line of building materials plywoods flueliners plaster cement tile nails insulation rock lath roofing paper glazed pipe ready mixed cement discount for cod phone or tarmt can ba arranpad no ordart lakan aflar 13 noon saturday diop in at tr 72861 tr 72519 armstrong ave georgetown shop and save buy now eisens clothing store acton goods still selling at cost price ladies flette pyjamas reg 398 ladies flette gowns reg 398 girls flette pyjamas special boys flette pyjamas reg 269 boys flette sports shirts reg 129 mens flette sports shirts special from girls gym tunics special 298 flette sheets reg 695 towel sets reg 369 ladies jumpers reg 1495 ladies car coats reg 1598 flette diapers reg 357 mens suburban coats reg 2995 mens reversible windbreakers 1695 coloured blankets reg 495 mens work pants from mens orion ss pullovers reg 795 girls lined jeans ass colors special boys suburban coats special from girls car goats lined special visit eisens get value for your money stock purchased and sau conducted by lightmans limited of toronto 298 298 198 198 98c 198 395 595 249 1388 1399 269 1999 999 399 247 544 299 797 1088

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