Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1958, p. 4

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th acton ftw n kunw oefabw 2nd jos 120th anniversary services air eborcbill united ckatxh a m napak akovi ply dainty lunch ww vd la latur li j batte l a4 aueul u braum to haarin arid evettiiui at chuitiiji inw uaw cfeart fc4aria w 4 ga haw luv knwtl afcn d biu w eonval- szkla of gueljh g h4wiw ag uttal aurgaey a4 iw quel iijn i eifcea uue4t laat w ur and ura fred sfcoruh and uoi u idred waluwi ul u mrs- jack butk tan a ulo 0e yfceaiiuat vw4a wii there wa auec al muut uy te frtteada ia l a over the w-ek- churctuu choir aruj oirhtra i aiwl yw lov bouquet o ftewera mr ami un frrol vaaaaiee of and uiu i church rrr beaul ful mhawaaid u ww ufi charlie blnni dortj tiu aiauetalnad al a kitbn htwr lt ryiday rvalng at the hume ul lira buua in hn- or of atlaa jettu wauun a bruje- tobe wring u evla giaaaa and fa4on fall vuulwl last weak at ui huan ul ur and air arehlr krrr ura j j julian and on grr 4 utiu ur and uri vwiun altquart of inao vultcd un runday at th hitmt of ur and ul nurman tuiirf and atw dcfl itie inn veraary ur and ur laruld muummi aiul roalfcit ut3 haid ait url jo- iliuiy of iftiniuy v tiled mi ann and ivmna fay ufkvown huiusa at the latter luiiti ur tfrifard aa a bride and gruuin and un j h t1ihiii lruufht in drforiin wagon lad- t uiigratulalionj t ur and mrm ra w fifu william thurrilii thud lme on uui wtb miii a filung r- tae a msauiu reorg swim club to form two new classes a marling of piu interealed in the water ya hwtreaalag club was nald at thn vmca on uon- day rvnug tn urpa of lh mrrtlnji wat to tturtiui the club to iuurt iu ftrlrnt funrtloning throufh ihr coming wtatv araun and to ripand tu minbrhlp u inrludr l many aa poaaiblr of thr orfin- nrra who aa rctult of thr roah ing givn undrr the y mmi lummi r iwlmmini urogram ir- rrivrd ihnr ttifiratrt earlier tn thr month ttw- following offkorra wara r rclrd lulph weaver chairman uri u tarwintkn aerrrlary and dent snow treasurer tw clrfrrii it wt decided to form two rlataea one f arnmr wimmin holding the three itar qitallflratlon r better and the olhrr children wttla ik ful ala or lirginnara certificate fnir coschr were ap mlntetj u run the rlaims v htrh includa tha offirora f thr club ami ura sa uia tarwiawka and ur wmvrn wtu bo rmnible tr tli arnlnaa and ur navl ura snow far lh junuxa gulph ca whrrr tae club merta donn the w inter have been approached for an additional swimming period but until a da cuuon u mada known rnth nuaaj will meet at guelph every two weeks u embers will he rarw4 up at the acton yuca it iu pm on friday evening and tranaparted to ooelph the armors u ill auut on fridav octobrr 10 and the jua- i hifi on the ftkllowinu friua caaara cawmlaaml all rkildren posseaaing the re- quinsd cartifieutts and all exlittng members of the club ho wish t join or remw their memtkrship should contact mr tarwinaaa acton 1074 to ensure enrolment j there are also a feu acancies in the sen it r clau for luimmrri ilh tha required qualifications as no concnient pub in trars ptwl is avaiublc to and fr tn guelph at the time required the committee wish in appeal to the parents of members to htnteer their er icea for this purtxne should all iarrnts ttliintnr a roafer ctmld he arrangad u hlch would man that no one vniuul in calleal upon more than one a manth without this help which has iseen augmenteil b the ubl- quunua ys vi en in the pa it wtll not be pttaaible for the club to carry out its program vs men hear two delegates to santa monica the- inlrrnatuutal convention of yt uens flubs was described to members of the acton club when ihry riinineit thorsdjy d ll urrk the tu immlhly supp r and bun nana meetings la under the guidance of s mens rrsutnit ltalph mrkcoun with pat mrkik ii as fine masti r tviegatis to the convention at santa monica i alif inia wwir u mrkeott and ur uckrnie tot- or slides rrr ihntin and illutrt rd the unmiimn lug talk udiitr- lly the ytari buines was diwiv et and organised mr mrkcmttn nmiunnil the h iding a lurk y ihl at hi farm olha bunnes includil the at- titolsnaa of maantasra at the on tar in lealoaai nwveattiaa in owen sound last wrattd llefnre the mttting adjov nod all members p rest it t agrem that those cone med in thr affair of were doina a vary tops clufci wins froject dij taru i tfasudahaj ul- tucewlil dldlq3 i rodoy iytvtthoifsrwahthirbmw at tn atum 4h rorage cu0 hail and ram storm all achiewnwit day tuway p 0nfetn or b lit jir la at lnrnw awimil sttirty ruameu aflueemy wm d4r the ur aa um- ujb narton have winner wu th ha turtiiu bought ux brt uodjer prop rt score ol wa iuinu out of a iwaaible movinj in all welcome 1 um he will b- awarded the t r 1 r norton to the nan- urawla and sun tropiy manlty rtuau is lh n of mx and ur jack mcfner ur and mrs ur marry uurray k r 1 aetoa hotart uelnory teturned fra and u a student at the artun cvn- lrd n of c viaiang uiir uui tinuatum sihunl lie is a meanber of tlw acton junior pipe band- in wwftj plee with iaa points was jsbtuj alutwi fold bv jonn kranwulmk ken cnpfia and ronald ufawhrn four tern boys completed the fo- age prujerl the basts of awards it wo for in id score 200 for financial slalmornt mo for exhibits at achuvetnml day and u for judging rocrijittitiun answera to qaies4mfui and attaadanr the acton 4h forage club was sponsored by the acton agrurullur a stcu ty and organised under the ioiirla of the ontario and can ada drtw ia ol agiuultuxu heaker qub holds first fall meeting plans were rosnpl4ad for the imking and oaportunily fcalr and for bejping with tha fowl supper at the f rtt fall meeting uf krtna cnurch llaalhar club tlw hoitaaa was ruby calvert jeffrey si lucy hot took the prav r ajul jrn tlaiuer read the krnplure secrttarr arid irrsturrr gse trair rrttotts there was nc ivttor the final chapter of th tialy book w as read by aodrt t 1s- chow tte octotm r meet ng v ill lm hall at the home of laicy hosa r ij she lmi a and a sorial tune nwr l a and coffee eups foil vid whltehorw capital of ifte uum terrilor takes iu name from ia w rotehntr kaplds o t tin vert ll wr un j it nraa who has lew tyjha iu us urytwn llujai hh u uiiprovtig but it si tl in llopilal thr mmv friends of ui d a flussrll will be pleated to trjrt that she is improving nlrelt aiu will soon be able to return home wmdn bells bre inging it thi community inre again im and ura ve hwmdjehuri and family ie ntoving l tht n new hamo un hva tin tuve name a shoemaker new group presided thirty five man present and past principal of lul ai h ui on or lodgaa ia werltngbwi duinct gathansd in crgiwri lat wtslt la torn mn assortaclon t whit- amos slurrfuisfer art on wat etert ed firal prhtet the tsiur were welrejed tj charlaa rrtiwirk hnad of ttr iks llallan clutpler ham wturn the aauitrred m the uaaanic mall itt la luaig lire iewu president of j shpular group in toronto distrid was inriml to talf in uiganisatioi work john rry iirlj i elrrutl as fcrwcliuy tiruvui imher off ireim will lx rlit t ulrr data thr aaaoetalion is open and preamt priiwiuli imlgrs in wllin unlr prr4anta4lvs fiojn fight f ium alltiutiil thr jenrgmwn nutting gorlprt k inherier 1ilmn ton aiml past iiiik ue ihiitiaio iiruon ajt a tul gnujjhini n qi n inji an pi mm d f i tin or uhi tly i the yuca firand b tha dinner was organised am served he tha ldie auvilusry hold surprise party for mrs j j flynn ulsx itrryl fhnn entertained a few frimdi 4 her raalkre mra xr j flvnn it a mrpnp birthday paitv mrs f ivnn w h w is dr plrm1 received some uwlj gifta fv landing congratuladoni were l s smith tornt s st and mrs karl kytter judith jane ilob- bv and trrrr mr and mrs a williams of ge rgetown john kirkwootl of oakmllr el wood plonk ev mrs j k smith mn j watrrhoue lis il haw thome and john moore announcing the opening on trflhrsdat oct 9th ofiut ron amianct and tv ittaits call manning electric no milton skating club stovsorbi nv rotary cllb or mil ton oahcimo and rtcuh skating oastts tuattuyt thurtdayt 4430 44 starting tues nov 4 rot smith of gwalph toacttar m ihhh 10 40 uuwi 3 wmii 17 so tees tayarue in dvancf or 0j virst day of lessons privvte lessons avilanle amkatlom kml lessons name i addfru ate if unlrr si phone l check day and type uf laafami dtred i tuet niura clasa dancini i firure tnvale ednaaaay store ladies a childrens wear quality goods at reasonable prices mrt guj mj mrt thomftt juuu st actors from the y acton omt t mas ytj muttom watlns tuitc ro sox 147 mmton ont wdnudy nlimt boat tnsu a difference in tha ihvh which lutd ilfeohy luiird tt turrt utla uu4r autmn eowtrn ui l ily luit u oil stw4dvu ave k nrrt rcrrrr johmmv coucmo toek asoumo tw womy stfrt mrtction the new mcro plaitici planl in aclco hat almoit len tompleted and mcxkeri tv buvy laying cement block or the walll planl official ejipeel to be moved in jid m operation in the new plant by the rrttddlj ol novomber and conitructlon officials claim hie deadline vvltl be met tito new plant 40 000 square feet in size it situated on aaem street north on recently annened irsnd formerly ownsd by anthony hofnaqel kuvit vs am oinnimin mauv smimttyts ptain sattlno tun vtaj vrt 1 00ay mi of juht ladulll thlltholo of saci iksrs fri wi auxanbh thi ouav couomal mat 2 shows nightly weekend ih europe srtyre dlnui l j j 4 family mother did and all the small fry wtll find esc actly the shoes to their taste in our large taletrion of the newest nicest styuiand colors bensons shoes the fbiendiy store rvuu st acton o gggggfl f ruitsivrlgetsbies ontario n unkst i am y mclntosh apples i 7 ilhlcri iiuiil 1 coidfn hum bananas 2 lbs 35c 5vowvniitf i gl cauliflower 2 for 111 ads 29c oclan sika klt til nkni in 1 ii cranberries ofttaino orown 1 ll cooking onions wmi rrr cm roni i mtrkx- hi iili 25c 1 11 ll 19c b sure to pick up your fre entry blank at your local iga stor 1 i 14 tins green giant nibiets 2 for 33c crown brand cortt syrup 29c savr llrl i 141 ha royal guest coffee 69c inavr het iii ikcj robin hood easy bisk 35c a economy corner avimui in 07 tins i tomato juice 3 for 25c hknleys 1 iv tin grttn gage plums lie 1ga tkcs ol io book matches 2 for 35c bonus booster food features mfrellve oct 3 3 1 tusira thr teaa each item with mie 300 bonus bucks ayimfr j 07 tin sliced pineapple 31c spaghetti ni ml t bali s n cit tin chef boyardee 31c lancakl mix iix oil ilinfhviik i in lkc aunt jemima 23c giant s171- colgates toothpaste 63c frozen foods piehwawt strawbcrrioa i pvr 3 for 89c saabroolc mixed vegetables 25c n rim w llh rree t m baaam rueka dairy department monarch margarina i ii n 2 for 53c royal ooid mud cheese 47c willi free t m ronu buck iirat mapi i llal illady to i at shank i iss 39 smoked pork shoulders tarlerite prime rib roast taiu1 h1tf sliced botogna ntlltns smokh boneless ham slices 49c ea ovr frft ttu bovvr urc kh wmi taiii run short 1t 65c lb hi ikc 43c ea n ti c iiaovac ww oven ready spare ribs 43 ultll extra special betty crocker layer cakes pie crusts 3 95 come in and taste a sample 1 triaaliaibiib ledgers iga

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