Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1958, p. 8

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are nine seconds worth it awtfiuvg tp turn it on wllu avmu ki p0t wwlrtl parlrfolaury chlmrjrl mi hly w ihtwh to hw iy ww fmult tfcn tk uiil hmtt if wvkuith py no nuu atw4lhw to ih iwh tit llltt rv tkl h tifcwhi ihfcl tw io0 v4 lfkh limit i hie oilier i how vu i lalkittj twut kt il evi nxutif h ytuj ikjtt tlhvrvg thu mkh l 10 bun v j m uu 41 itnvnwj l 4 1 ulct 111 m t htjl k ull miw vwul iivnj liu ihm a tpiarltfr of a inimiw tltoltf iniu ms viilv p i lit t trm wtkoui tuwmt lui kr nluiwm yni 1 1 yxvmjd il 4 vowy utl imi ivul tvv lkl t hi tw vavwut lumhul thmixjvtt i1unv of tk lwt i mil 10 i twit tutor mikt ol tootl tt tvlvmfl fcwrt fltwt 1 1 4 tvil kv4 hn kwt i to tfe mw auuxjju art i vol tk hmil vvtuoj thll i n of tk iulk irt ullruj tuhi vi1i lt wt ullllt lit ml ilt lc paicmiii aa lili t iiimf m invlrth im thikiaw iii lv ikmm wi 10 walk 141 ihcfll iui ttlltry m ihsj aiiilt llkninelvcv tkvtl iii- inl t i mmulll llll hit ml liiwn tut 1 til in- is lwn 1 1 wuliet thie in vrowvli really mil t l avet artd wtveitier iiivt ml jm it vti 1 n t in iofp cialo m niimitn tli- 1 m t t lets just consider th ult tvftitmnt wt vinlm yt ttmuy yoo hv rut il out mil pot t iy vt ihow yx 0fmichiufn wh it j wy c lvrmj 4 you knw 1 h fvfttvt kvvr cki potl in w o ll k at n ort i- no ow xi i lilc jh1 so v t rg lett jo tkiiir h kxi miih q n to a1 cmi a to ntt ilmmh lull of ik ihrjirrt mill iloitf pckv ittniul iiu tofuhov yon will wail iomw qfot noi will go to tl iwaifm n loy itmtw bib loait ihp iui imm ljn pilt ivnn your tiuluttuj t s jt vkti tk ticxl bilti ar o hirjh the i11i kf tivrmttt v pt mttst himiy ni moiimi i aifl jflnt tullijiv wcm 1 cu itinl i m qo ng to xmui imi 1 dy limpij foni joie to itimw lookiuj few gift ttml i if to fhtl hy tinnih p7 j jffoi j gifts inys ty wf re ipri1mq inonry liwp wauf ntf livmg like poof foil i oii rir amiiii out cmi t iffoitf 1 nw ot clievvit nxf ftils arr lotti 3 sfx dftnafiif 1 frtllrn off thry vn ha a to up p ki to mrtl plinl rvni mol o llic olln have closti ikiwn don t know low the gnvffnmn will ffsl il the nr iinertiployrtl fallow in momiumi i iturntmi luo tlvivl to h ii 0 no t nc vtill hi of 1 you will n mm o t vvtiil tot 11 vton nywy i ifviilv nw nt wil pr nttsf yfvfi t iy attvemimm iii hit ihiii u min llxnii im umttm hor n mll liu linl wtvt irihl nvrntn11 ttiit invr undi- lift riirr mil u njt r atv4mitnr no iininnid lilcntg hut il tlrt lulmt giv iriul 9 immlinl tl urn unii itlicl 111 tny oilier plw iihl tlflll thit muitltil i llvmw w stioull pfm uhil 1 poiil li ivi- v mis u- fill inl nuniiy to ihtui nut s 1 1 vh it vs ii jmmim only o long 1 itw pirws kopp iomhii tht l- t out ln i i it a i your niw pipm io it tin- wi itttn word vsll onlniuf tt u inm li- iihmih rl toinmuikilioti i im not p r ft t i hivn nirr immmi pmtft ny nioir thin rt mi u- luniiin imhuj lir lift llmll uin t- mm ft it mrvuffl ly ill minlirtl- th mo- 1 i your ni pipcr t ti iiom to n tomplivh contintly inl rtttmillfsly to improve my covtfoc my sfop liitl my rrvnis to my timiinuniily intt to my counlry canadian weekly newspaper week tver wonow whil iiiaics 1 cclly ncv ppcr tickv no is 1 qoocf time to piimmp the qliostion ilnnnq cinidian weekly news pp4m wetlt mc important tlunq m any weekly news paper is yoit ys without our readers we woud he lost you are the reason we eist our job ii to serve ou wilh local news and views and the industrial plant that pub liihes this weekly newspaper owes 1 good deflt of its prosperity to it how well you thmk we tto our job if a nation is healthy the mam roason behind its heilth w thjt its small towns are vigorous developing communities around th cntr ol that energy and vigor canadian weekly newspapers are proud to feel they play an important part the weekly press is really ihe von e of tmall lown conaoa more than 700 of them from col to coast report and record i0c1t news and views through their advert vmo columns they aid m the gigantu ob of mov mg local and national merchandise their ob of informing you continue woak tyi week out whit hover wa you look at it they ar the basic medium of communis ldon in the nation now during canadian weekly news paper weev is a good lime fcr us 14 assess the importance of a free press loot through 1hi weeks nsve of this paper it woi 1 to s fat at tti nw york trns nor will it have ttie circulation of life magazine but it like ly the only newspaper in ttie w orld that jivei a hoot about your town it 1 gldd to back local projects glad to help local organ- imtioni ixcnue its future vd yours run down 1 common pith vht improvements hwe txen nude m ttn industrial plant thit protfuces your news paper during the p 1st decade right acres canada new presses and typesetting r chmes are common sights m weekly plants newspaper publishers ir proud of the progress they hac made tiey are proutf too each week to serve you with mom local news aritl pictures lhan ever before right at the btqmnniq of this editorial we made the statement that weeklies are the voice of small lown canada well that s still true but wr note m recent years with inter esl the growth of the weekly sutiurban press these posh cousins cf ttie outskirts of big cities are a new national phenomenon dght under the nose of ttie big dailies and lots of iv st 11 ions the suburban weeklies flre prospering at 1 lemfic rate you see nght across the nation people are used to hometown news and even when they le come a part of big sprawling cities they want to belong to something like ttie olil home town now it pla 1 n to see m out very com plicated society today that the bg c dailies have a place and so do tad o nd tv stations how could wt fo without them put wher ever ou go or w her ever cu come from chances are there s a weekly newspaper ready and able to serve you with local news views and advertising and now during canadian weekly newspaper week the weeklies of canada take pride m the service that they have given to canadian society the acton free press mukdftiv tke ntlu printlkf aj puhlmm c uaslusi feundc4 m ims and pubhslutj vvci thursday at m mill st e acton ontario member it the audt dureau of cireulatcn the cwna irsdthe onianooucbc dii- tion ol the cwna advertiang ries on rttjiitht sub- rriptior pavjble n advane 3 00 in ciihatltf 14 u0 in the unlfd stute sot moriih 175 unflh oopiet 1c atithoru- h1 u scbd claw mill iok office department oltawj tlie eisly patr rh- ituhlkhfd in auh o a liill imhuruiqhier ol david it dilln productum manater vgw jirrtn a dills manajinji editor bbv business and editolllal office phone 6 0 0 acton the good old day back in 1908 back in 193 kw kuw 1 imt iim tii ssaw t ttir lannii wilt itmftutl itr arvltr inttw4uul luvvlfitm i ratviiitriirr pruvnut by ik ihjp- f mx linrv m atut tu uk filing llw rluhtixmh null rut ur t m k n lu uri rnert tmtits mut lutkiriia u n nl if llr litf lli tt rr fil imuuw kr idmliefs uir rt 1 lit mil t j lifil l if i ir t tft iimi uur ki dm ihi t rtmihtk rti u u imiw w iii 1ti m j i mir or liu irullik til t li li k m ml f i l i i tl j i i i i m 1 f t a i 1 i t tl t i f r i i i i l i 1 1 i i k llf r i i tl r f i j t 1 m f u n s1 s i ion v iii rf 1 i ii i mi t lll l 1 d ih ii r di th f u lui t lfki iy llc i u yi i i tit hit i it i lrn ruin if ny tilifc4iirfm r i kill ii iglitrt lu iirhrr failnr quiet interlude gad about no 4090 discharged i tw nu iiiiiii v 1 11 i in llllml1 fll ih v i u i th imi t i li ii s mln rii ii x uk hll l i itiov tovti fnm iu- i1 l l t miliinin tiv tti 1 it tl k ui11 t luik with niv lki1 fltinii l ti iiu i iv i- n nr lui im ii tl ttl f w- k tit wiim t llo il km t i mv ntilini ti i m ui in lit ii u niou i in iim u tl fir t i f t m titlin i iniftil 1 would h i n um rol i ti uhi vi toll i i 1- k in fi u tl i or woi iviimmi tti ol of liil outs ih ii imii bii- ko iiitt ipti i i hi i o ii ii t ii t i 1 1 i ht i t 1 1 i 1 t it i nil til 1 i ii ik in i r im thl i vj i11 i 1 kiov l il or ot i 1 ml jim j1- il t ml i i i i i lo ipek ii ip ntu iii f ih t uii i i in 1i t i 111- tol iii ill lt iii ll 1 1 lll i i i a ti v i il ti i nl fi in vt ithm its t ti in tt i u ik iijnr ix tint is il i i in tli m u till i v iv hi 1 ho hi 1 ht ii 1 it s tvh n tin i witi 1 i li itmiil il l im h im ii lllllllll 1 ix it v i ml im v f th mtnl int nliiu i in th iiik i to i tiv ik ti in ik r l- ox mi o h t o hh it in is t il isti 1 fi m i ht i in f im- of im iiik i tk ii out tlr v m vnli i plimit t 1 if of i i n llol fi in i i is ml hivtluii tti lull lit vt iv ill- ih tt ihil i v m i iniii s hii in 1 lb mltilinrt iltoi til n ti iv in iv vtll ui litis ivi n mi uu h mi n i roll aid i it fi m tv it iv i m in ilk- llv t iki i itv w 1- im iv tow irt rsrovt iv ti lit ihi i i k tt ii uinm nut a ml tor the kimtruu tbit anletl vi op i i un f i mi i i n imnh i unlhmk ol no klit- i th tut thil lullv ht h iitvviin ttian hi uiy thank omi tmsne t lnis v i l-ipai- un- ii tiitiitu ttuy ire life- s yinl- i ti inluii tliv i il leinu i woullnt fm n m- inn h nt out tint tl it vnd alnl ituniil to ruinii int tti m nl i f hii 1 ml ni niii couiritf holm- iti i iihit in- nill 1 nm i il u t t i rtunit lies iv a unit i tviv t it lnlittl mli nioi mil i hiii mi in ijtil ink hi 1 i it in ii er a toll tut i mt it bark otil lis no k mil i 1 fuv is 1 t divi v 1 h wtiou f vrll i mi not otj to t i- i i i t i- i h i sk iitmidi1et or soured h nisi t d 1 1 i it tt ft i t i ttv v i k j ii- ihte u nuir tl v mi fo k ir oft ii s tvit- i in ir tin in k i 1 1 kill i iii this ms iv inikiu iu nmiidv t i r i i un ml i u h k ii th t n i nnvi r utu hi m ii i ii i i u llll- hi v iv iv i ii it iii iv hi i i iii- umti it p nt 1 nm w ill ti ii ui tut- itv i ill lip to 111 mim lit iohi ijht i ind ii iv ihii lot in fo ils m m pt p iim eipv i n 1 il to 1 link in niv horn i 1 h l ll to l it ii lla i hi vt unkv i h mk v hi 11 tr niv km in ss itipsontouring ky carol ian i this sundays church calendar hmuvthian church in canada knox emmca acton hrv andrtw h mckrnzir a bu slndav octohek mh ll 1 1 00 am tho r 1 iiralmn i 1iu iuntniunim 7uo urn ktmns worship baptist church arton ii c m holm 11 ii th ii i iioi tnii mniiay ottoilkil nil jim ims 1 in siunu- srlil 111 i un luun wihli cimi- 7 ci t ii iii uns si jam i the church of st alban the martyr rrrtur rev ii ii slikrrl u th mmul stb li- 1r5 jfftryiit iihunc 2a1 woliu i l p in tar m-i-t- llh sunday afteit trisity haiarst thimkiicivinii sunday octoheh mh 11vi r3 amhulv eocharl htl j m church schkil 1100 am churul eucluirtst 100 a m orginncn clou united church ol fcaw iada rv oardon adanu ma bd minuter parunaje m uowr avenue phone to mr aeorga elliott orkanut and choir trader 76 mowwr aim aetna yhan 8 sunday october stfc ihu 0 00 am klomlna proyar uhm am junior ckureh ami church schoul ims al w acton kntecostal tabernaae 33 churchill ruid i a o c itiv kenneth j riid pjot 75 ciok st phone w siinday octonun 5th mmi 1000 am sundav- tchpil 11 10 a m morning wnrahp 730 p m fvancehtic wcrlnruuy 8 m prayer anil lwt r nemhbiiri nrenl rcitncl il i r w 11a nt rolt m llly i 1 o 1 ku fleft hy h ikii i u it hoai 1 i 1 i k 1ilfl ih f fc i ihitf n i viv trior mr am on k al 1 f uppli to 11 11 it 1 t ok t m l- 1 i- f h 1 t 1 1 r t if- 1 ii tn v rori lo 1 oi- 1 it 1 i t i ih jl 4th k 1 vii 1 m 1 iil hall 1 it rihwv vino 0 o a t- 1 t it o i j v i4m liol 1hit tl u 1 1 1 i- pi t- m t tf f i d i it ni i- 1 t ol i i t a mi vol lo t j if th a i vl 4 lt m i vi h 1 u i v i t if i a ii- i 1 o ti i on wimmiv of i 1 vr v t t a ii il ihili i i i i t i i s i i ii1 ii linll h i f t im is ii ir t k i i mis kiltiii uwkiir i mi a1 t il wltrl wi iu 1 in it m- p i 1 n1 mi iu rlni 11 i 1 knno 1 t if at th v it ol iii im i tl i m i v41iv s t if 11 i 1 mlt i i tl ilimlu i tmliy mi tl 11 lliti i tl- to ir i all ii hli ill 1 j 1 11 fmlh a v i 1 f i ih it i itini fi n rli i v mi i- i w i r ih un on 1 i i- i m i a 1 m it of ii ly i ii i i v ii i v fi i m i i t it i t i h 1 i f i lt v- illt- i ti i i k t t iti of i ilo j ii liu uiiiii iioiiift i llil in- p o t i i i i i m of 111 liilil nun f il s mil th- 1 1 f ii t o j i i v h tl is who h v ih f o- 1 th n v i i i ti f t i il m thrulst 1 i vl viv l v iiimiui on j 1 t lk- lllllu th vt k ite1 iv i i ill i wthti 1111 vi ot ti imiki 11 tt i nvit n 1 ih ifjrit tl in sh 1 on of th illln tmiik ll t i t la uii ii wiiiilnu oirt moth i lkt i hi in ii u innton lilv til rn- ii hl hi- f i tin iimii rf tlv inn t of 111 tvvii i ii kill tim11 th ii l i t tl tlonin t ii i r 1 1 inn- of ith i hi v w i o j m ll nv till t t i nil t w ot t th in ul- nrl 1 il li 11 n p i i for ff i 1 i ttl f i tl tl n t it 11 t itv w ill i th h n j n ljlt il iu t professional directory and travellers guide it v w llrki 11 mi ii i mi 11 nl1 11 u t ih t m i v nl on 1 ii ill n i i vt k misf tllasrolltt wotmfii trovw authority have vim ever triniinl of utilirinu n tup in k i i ipiiinteil wtlh your ty niktiiitlv- th ii v7xv ovt tt- ll i v 21 uouvidv of cm- nl niv like in ridvtup uld uips w hi n i use the wold m tirti- mi s i ll i 111 ill vol til tthi ii u iihiv hut iiltn t host who live hi hit t wns i it i s mtl mh tv n i tui im ss dikvnt ini- plv t nl nl tnlv wilh thosi ptpl ii so ii immttiwte priximilv hut uilh th ti ltiinnh tn ltliov til lv ilivtniie mii- rim ly tik in tn mm in nuiests ml hoi hie wt li- sti i liis a sin pi- drtiniton for n ialitxi1im vs hi tlefiliiv il hv tiunllnuvs nd thiv v wli it i 111 111 ttrtl rrhnr brrtp when i lii i 1 on i- t rttnl in th popl in a ihw itiiiniuiiity is 1 ni in hi m fms a titchlttlit ol uiinv of mv tiipi iv ixihaniiini r ii s wild h uv wvev don vm- v to nt ulnuntluwl kivh i- n en ihe loiintiv ovtr march out loiil atiillis ant i vcliinne i n th is tut relv and ittf dv lie iiothti wall li i in ti the oil- ihii iol avviv an ildtil laily o my acquaint- iuo is m t ntluiviaxtic umaletir loin nt shi alwavi takt s her vio lin atoiifc ii trips whin idle axriv- tn in a cmmmtnity hr hxiki up un ithil irtstiuiihntahiu and joins tin in in loin pleasant cveninus uf t hittdit r music ollrru shaker i know another woman uho col- ucu suit nd ppper hhakerk rum 11 over the rmtnlrv while at home she rurremind with cullect- iitn in ulfcit prn irices when nhe tiavrii a- looks them u and thu mukc mv fruntls and neighbor away front hnmr triivellinc brine home the fact bible study friday ii p in chrut ambaujiu- ed tn the peoptu who live next fhmir your neiithborx in intires may be ucruu thy contlntnl dr w g c kenney ihv niriin nntl surdinin of ue in svmnn llliu k 1a mill st e acttm office rtiinc 7b ncmdrne- ma church st v ihmr iw or d a garrett phvntcian nnd surfetm cirnrr willow and liter su fntrantr hivrr st ai ton ontaro rnnnr sin dr roflfrt d buckner ihv sinan and surfeon 3t wtlhnimon si acttm ont rtmnp t9 ortice lloun pm rrai rwtat amp inhubanck r l wright jo wilbur st acttm ontario ihtrir 95 airiiver ltril kstho and itimirance wm r bracken insurance agency 8 mil stret h nr fl rm v5n tjknkhm- insuramr j rert wood insurance agency i lie and general inturanr rhmr mt3 124 mill st alter houn ta 4ouv uurlph dc h ieid ientil sururnn office- corner mll and fredenrk stre 1 orfiie ifimiv llv apimintnimit teikimiosk l dr a j duchanan iwnul surceon ofriclva mill street office hours- 0 am lu i p m clttard wrdnrsdav aftrnuum truphodc 148 ikfial c f ieather1and qc harrutp- solinior notary puhlle office hour 1100 a ms00 am 1 00 pm s00 nm raturdavt by aprxjintmnt only olfim phoni ftci 1s1 acrron aflralda 6a barrlatr solicitor notary thfetto 193 mm st s aclnn ont phone sfl oftice ilnurt 6 pm d pm 1pm bprn saturdays lit cork st guelph ta 4m ofhm hour ai t pm baturday 9 mm 11 un rumiey funeral home imione tm night r d y itrure e shoemaker ma iiirorttactob a d moore d c rilmi r sjnrific sim i ih t 1 11 mill mr t imion- 40 or 0a offne hour mori 2 0 wed 7 sat 2 5 e l buchnfr ro optum tivt 4fl mill st f ptmnr i office lloun wttrirsd vs lll aiw m t i rurii by apimiintmcnt arnmvii at intij lfver hoskin cti irl ntj rcmintantt m ma n st n 212 k jt si hi ttptoii 17irirlo 1 phones tl 14ic4 k 40t31 neville stoller co aertmntantt and udilotr tmlci in llinkriiiilt y 3 mll il ar tun u tutor of main irlrphixie 10 head office iso itloot st west loronto lr 2muu earl g black s willi 103 mam si miltun ont tit 8gm2 ttavfcuw ouidt gray coach lines coaciirh lkavk acton luylithrtimb hast bound c m am i daily oxcrpt sun and llol i hs8 am 1 1 33 am 108 p ni s 08 pm su pm bu p m 10 us pm sun and hul wrt bound lft 27 a m 13 17 p m i 57 p m 5 37 pm 77 pm s ii p m u33 and ifl canadian national railways standard tim east bound daily s40 um dully except syrulnyi 1q80 id 7 u pm sun- any ornv 8 01 pm dally exrept sumday vlyar at georgetown 03 m 1 817 pm daily flyer at garg4twn iqlm 9th wemkaund daily 1144 avmj dally except sumday bs9 mm1 8iu ilm

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