Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1958, p. 9

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stumf tk4 annum mnvom wjt was held frhay and saturday and mmy nwnbav pw thatr animal for ilipwmnth ronton m vinoui comp- the cnu nq ii wat the loaih annual fair preenih by itw local and dutrict exhibitor claimed pn in vi liont rniriei ware up in nearly all the cleitei and cjood weather halfon agricultural society 4nd an wilh the ecfllo of is mingle hailitorm saturday afternoon 12000 attended made n fine day for ih fair atxwe ha lion t junior farmer nated crowd of almot ag rep reports on farm tour inspects oxford corn silos the acjon free pre thursday oclober 5nd 1958 h alton county weed control news by v e junior farmer groups 1 1 have many exhibits tin- anuiims ilh b ui arthur couwty wefd inspector t mil low elktitrr- nop trr diiartmrfil f artu prianar m weej uir liae this ytjr rrc karkrt c j rel llt a ijtr fmu upphritiun i r 6 u imji uj1l in the iro nice jjcp ammr in at liot hi fcil j i in a r 1 i x li ttie f h 11 lorn uf mulrr per wrr jki m ops lujmli of ui out it it vulti ma tx ututttl n th vpr no llx i hi i3i intent tif agrtiiil ture is ap0ifrt aftr two killing croats fttarrib the j trv n tmir i on f th parmer eet r till t 1 n wtnt v ik ii i f ii w r aunty x lotiys is nut in vuntn hi the duimr n mprraturr tiratilr niverthrless jbove- 4 l-gr- of mi bright y luot an unmtnt using u in t mimes rly rhnm jit it tating ilsntni for a nun tails of hjtl- hat it it inity lami this till 4rkej ruj fmltft i km i t ir t t f niuitm t 1 fum iilwfi tin jil 7 b ilimmi mi is ap it nit t u f i v iir1 in ln iml t ll uih it iw w1 i- mjiy nt 1 ii lr idle f tlie is say uy p 1 1 wri1 ntiol in haltn 1 nil lr anil all mine lul ik- iui ii tt lv k tlmr 12 luji rvf nt mmi m iim cnndn1 t a thr 1kt1 jtimoi had tducttiorul dt splay i on such timely subjects as fjrm drainage ii roiinn ttc while the displays in niiiicunip i ijw j cluirnpion- ship i j 11 is n adi unit this us u ii l hu m un jum n iiivtit- mull jim r fi ii r and junior illtltl 1 tfict hnrl itu mix is the 4 ll t i a m i i- xk1 tl it luil- i is in ii le1 t l ttiuim tided n ttw 0 um ml tu rt uturh ui i hit tfu i j t iijh in mw w 11 i r u 1 f tin ir jum -i- pnrmtt urtxm uhdi 1- inrlil- l ttir ntubh f tl 4 ii in 11 i 1 immlmit nd u hi ii 11 tettr f lis hulli iiueleimir e tr 1l lull i n i tl m i i ntliiial dljpiuy lltluki ki1 i ti1utt- hud j in pollock and campbell msnufwlurni of high radi mfmorials mfmorial fngraving hi wur tl north oalt tslephonr a ll lu i 11- 1 m l inki ik i si iis wm thr jiiaulai hrh at whui -timii- dial iki evn it itu ki i iil msy tr trrfi 1 ci ad loirr sd rum nit milr no i x1 tt in lllt flrsl i iunlv an i vniatl iwli- utnnr i li itt t d ri- ttie irunutkm in aarlrultiirf win mre than rn imprrrd n im when ue aeriuniianltd two ear load nf llallnn farmers in oxford ciiuntv a vk or two ago their partirnlat intireat rfmtrred anmnd new mi i hods of ensiling frn and liandlink silhve it dmn unm m lnng afn when we and our neighbors used tn rut our nun ith sirltle shoelt it up unit huu i i m on a itnnc bunt in tin u int r husk it and in n put thi nun tks through a rut- ling urn oh rnl1 by man pucr thin ramr itia small stave hila tn in follnued by the ctfiient sih und ui tliouitit the old nlo u us a grint ronv i tin iter and mi it km visit rleal ranat hut to kit uek to our trip om flitt mil u llurthrvlm farm mimi uiree mile nnth of wodtork a u yi nrs nc ue railed at this n uie nf our snl and crop lours and ui thmight that they had a very modirr art up at that time follow inc n tiarn fire hartholm went t ihihi hmiim with milking luirlor mttip true thev have er- rrted nriothir iwink twirn with alnnrhionv mix stnlls etc but thnt is for tht ir niinc tork dry rnu on the north side of their luun- vnrd w hit h itu idrntalli is pa rd with n im nl is a 44a s inn ole mrn fii iom houslns thin on the south side of the yard t a hat hum o n on ttoth sides fquiped with fini rurk where the urpr dair hi id kit their hny at will their milkmc parlor neec iminl- nles in rou fivr- on enrh sirtr of the inisxai it whirh thr hinlsmm oh riti thi milkers rtr t prigkt bue nut the m w development hen to vnim truh was a nrw upright ailo 24 ft b n n ym they hme two other upright cement ailis hut i kupikim thr ate- nnl h x 3 or 40 ft llu new mlo ts quipped with an mituiiiaik mllice unloadrt which h prcsriiif a hutlitn stnrtv dropping the silace down a chutr into a ccmi nt nianisrr etuippotl with n kiidjjet aiim thing like a stuhlt or 111k1 r cli im r u hich distiitnilei thi siuc to u jwirts of thi conn nt mungrr then u mide a call nt the alex muir and son firm on thf 10th line of kst 7nrui aal w hich we us- rl to plunce our wh through thr snow drifts to thr litth red atht hoiih ninii two mile uun ivr- haps it onl imagination hut a wc knik tvuk it sornu tu u uicts iianl to ik u gusit riiwl nuin snw thnii iti our modem winters maas ilus hourwr to 8 kiik tn the humside trn of ak x muir s it is quite a modet setup in comp- i auaun to luillnini at iluinsidr thp only milk si t 2 couk hi thnr fixcstull milkitu pai lor and at the pivsent lime ure shipping 38 or 20 cms iluilv ho t lo h ti thi 1v win n hum like th t at lluitliloi tnplitlv om n in tht wulh an i 4 s 71 ft m iiu im uondirng how ah mint und son runy that nunilm rw n iv urn in addilio in hfli a 110 a tc puiture inn i tht th h uttli tm k at thi ir hnmrmead ti thev ii i iinti thi ronslittet- trin itjuip n dtffuri nd the 1 hum lyi c irralar mangrr i is ii circular met il mange r iiiiik impliitu iiround the i u it support 1 on a track ii it imnti quite nil v then ti t or roof vill tie con- lit i und the mio to provxle v imr ptotisrtion from m- nt wi iltu r after knarrting a pasture uhuh tin muim lint und it a h n ptonouimd as nutntanding we ui it on our wuv to small llis neat mossley hue we saw an al mhwi idinltral silo to out ilivnl itt mi ih muir farm in fait wi undi inland the jvmale unw were tin fust in the area to mnsttucl i in of lhce new sclfunlouling mik with a laty ausan art up tmrm trwras the other new thing here was fnu n if proiehed forage liutws wturh thi small hro hail om kt iu ttit whin tlie trurk omtalor dtives up to the blow i r at the silo all h has to do is lourh a lr er and thi ti nl hiding nnost ciim- mrnrrv and w ithin four or fiv j national ftljctm i sni i ml llrie he tn h 74 miiioiial election m nwl i of w tin h 12 hii imi n w ii li hi 1 iuiuis and 12 ht nh oovix i inn tlie iiiaudm r of s jts in the 1 num of commons h n mi i i v i from ihi in 1117 to t st ms ot si ily kimiik in it i im thtis llo mentianur usllfls for vfiq9 h 1 uiuiiid intisktl for life i in ha and astiie lirlds uliri rfdy i uax bt 1 im- killf1 ot 2 4 i i idlrnt on of yi how ii wet 4 l pieits a protih m in ntl hppulion usly dimigi tl the loiit f si v tons of chopped com is in the ml tl- is mil nensjutry t tell ymi ihit such nli and equipment rr- rrsi nt a tremendus invrslmcnt und it mikes one wnndtr if this is a fnrirunrwr of agriculture in the future as hob hurren state on the dri home hoys ur an liv ing tn the wachirve agi jkr huge shopping plaza will begin in october stirt in to rex ix ihv1- ckorgktown on the iniliiil stai ping plutu is planned t midoctolwr according hi slop president of lit 1 opnu nts i td a building m iftait wn taken out for cotimiurtion of 40 000 sjunre icct of floor sivnee with ulne rs- timutiit ut j4w000 the fnm uill slut t itridini land earmarked for tin plaza tht highway and dth line ciiiiiii mr hi slop said ron- hlitntion will htu t us so in nt ts- sihlt w hen th lind u pn pared thi pliwa ts ii vulumit fiatun of the oei mil i uix pkm which al so includes an oftiei liuldiiu in that urri ljuui liiu ulsu liirn m 1 aside foi a hoti i suid mi heslop lirgt chntn erin r w ill ic- cupv h ill of th plinmd buildm hut tilux is not at libitv et t dvulgtr tin nmit or tlu chain the other 0 0oo wiunrr liv will l jv ml ibk for t hunk drug sloit construction hardware ladies wear shop anil f n huge shop- eight smaller store news of the plaxa was first mooted seeral months ago when the a e ipagr real estate fim was named exclusive luting agents h the ivlrex firm farmers gift saves him tax a recent releaae from ottawa indicates that a farmer who legal ly transfers a share of hla farm t his wife or une of hu children fur forming purposes can now claim a miimium esaaaplion from u nation of tiflfloo on that share such n deductlen may be claim ed nnlt once b a donor aecordinf to the rvport the mast mum ex emption was provleaialx 4 000 this increase tn tax exemption enme nttoiit through an aaaandnient uf tht liuotiie tax aft karl gathofs tv radio ttcunkian mti lhm fl cars axinnrnrp ray acmh shones night ts 73101 24 hour sqtvice t new location one m lc smh uf h ahu o 7 on fourth line acton i dr b sorrell and dr w hawkins wish to announce a partnership in the practice of veterinary medicine commencing october 1st 1953 at the guelph animal hospital practice limited to small animals cc 9 elizabeth guelph ta 212782 now is the time to modernize give your basement that modern look with an economical clare hecla gas unit all installations made in accordance with national warm air hrating and air condiiioning association requirements and tailor made to suit your home ettimates without obligation why take less than the best call root hardware limited bockwood ont hioni lit 40551 compctltioi wonderful thine a canla la haurhhlncj under free enterprise ond a nlveally la ftfca itl utueance buaineu in fact canadian affix ike aiorald security el life insurance te hiakry tkot in ratalien la national incee tky lead the world in ewnertalp ef tkla vejuakta sseaaorty competition in the life insur ance business assures the ut most benefit to canadians who buy this important pro duct they can choose at will from policies offered by over eighty companies m this country before signing on the dotted line to tfpch a wise decision they are able to draw on the ex perience and knowledge of exceptionally walltrained life insurance agents because of this good and use ful servtcecanadians are continuing to acquire more life insurance every year ovfll xi auluom canadians own uff inuwancx puichatfd rom r ovfl tocoavctino comfanim the life insurance companies im canada s lxi0 i iniiid nat t mid 1 ll ttwiv pr rent oft aohllltlon in tire with in imvjfl an ladi total 1 i im v fuurallenal iluaiav lly m aim t thr i us- vsh i it in i ui join i ru used car bargains quauty buys in av conoitioni 1954 pontiac two tono radio 1953 pontiac laurenliin 1952 ford recently overhauled 1951 pontiac radio a1 shape 1951 ford halfton pickup 1949 chevrolets two modelt 1949 meteor excellent buy k are you ready for winter musct and alkwllst iii whiii i if 11 hl nrl rlahl m for wlitur dritlnt akj fr jour rr and irark come in today for youi tcont end alignment and wheel balancing checkup general repairs and iuuication little motors no 7 hwy acton lhoni 700 ti ball m ll fakwrntua iis ti faaf ball mi hral hi 1 rih u i kaatt el uuiiu mil tola si ii idviuno yaw kiaual fail uiki tl yar law a4dnu ikau tu ail hjlinibll irom vain lull carrier ll my rul ohkt 7 mulu vw imii il livti tail bmlnni ctrrtt t k laartil uatla tnd uty la to if talalning im al tktita ckaaai tl talrtu car nwa u 6 iran yaur lltil pail ollict lltia ull imt ba mtllrl try utt la ciuil in 1 ban m sl u os i office massey- ferguson breaking fresh ground i marneyfcrkuoon limiud world- renownad for ila ouuunding achicve- menta in agricultural mcchanizalion in today breaking freah rround in the industrial and construction fields alert to modern needs the company now has applied its engineering skill its experience and its facilities to the production of a full line of outstand ing- liaht industrial tyaotors and related specialised equipment on new community and construc tion sites in industrial plants and factories in mines and qunrtioa masscy- ferguson light industrial equipment is helping to build new homes new roads new towns help ing industry to increase production through more efficient muterials- handling methods as part ot a program of basic realignment in organization market ing nnil production mahhoyferguann worlds largest manufacturer of farm treeten and selfpropelled com bines is breaking fresh ground and moving ahead to new achievomonta jn tho industrial fiold massey ferguson lilmited toronto

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