Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1958, p. 9

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what is the future acton voters may have a boiy tune m tke poll booth come twaernbe if cmhidatei are i plentiful as ut yaar wtri the 10 plebiscites lie rig cons id rej fjr the tomi tletllofl ttw quftltci of voting on the futjre of trie piaatf cmlilii commiuaon it one tuf has bn lon u th pfjial ljm only wt n at pmf luvo wi t ho 4cxit t rkivi rromuhw duvumon pi tor lo vuunetumii of tfw pin aof b4cu awtoit ptfuirjj to vote on u4tfdkr fctt puc liicwjid cart trni v a waaw vu iwr apavfiani r vfrt to ton joun ccuoj thaw wil fmojd to ba ictm qumiuvit 4v j tit io laiy rvawtl tbdrfl oftlmjwad uvw mjliju bfu titty iliy iuy t attummimi wtttwt r4jm l ii itfcri hlw fiuiw4tl iy ijjw wiinji would i- tit rrum1 tififiomlwur linie w nugll worwiif vttiy lfu ukkltrn ui wt faviuifi ol tf muri uaaj paftarn fri nbud m 1 028 wtttfi ii pul utlitus commisian wit formed iveaded by e j hanjfd we might wonder wlu greater efftci- enc theft i to be under council centred thn p u c 7 kji tier whove rnanaqemnt o b cfjeraled what qoaima abom will any ruw ajxuait lukt and is this really a tiep lo a uu urging ol j town manager ttlm of qovu1tmii ora- of th most important r erjui remnant i for vojing iv j t 1 i ru or a ware vest of tli evmll ifiat lead to any ipetfific miller i0 litiign o hold a pltbifcril on ih fuhm ol mia pubu ubhtrs coiiun uon will tr lujiiujuj lad i token yesijf that could b txtvmi rtljti r wty ullci llie oljl il liujruuttly f hi nli ti ed with tiw evenl u idling lo hi li y sld t lantju and trie raaujnt lor t ii it w1l ihfrt t ample hnw for a lftouujf f ihwiatkjft t th iiira in lite in itreui of ac ton munii iptl lmmitiaion business as usual th sijtfisy f vtniog pott iti lrgav niaiatita of mk i iml in lh unitad slatrt an nottmad roomitly that it will ttqn cjcfallq au otuitx jvwar af vartvauj irnmjmiialoly trw ainikiimciitiiit wrt iit- by wlft m ncl pm mdnt of th curl- pubt pany allrojgrt it my trf an iminown i ki 1 many rralrt th rr ttl a dumlxi n larrjr nvam foily nrwtpnpr an i wthun th ii do mil iiki yxi tlwiitr if if l nuy fir iiviha ifiat ifkf nuinljr who hill ijkm un y- ol arlvr ftiiinrj i cfwinj jtrtg at to mjiy ibnfj do at tim iattat and oih ihiut v n ltiont af f hangmg the p he lvayi bn a rtty yood nuy iinc to otif way of think ing tul lub- fmvhsly we ran j fialp ifimkmg it will ba little c htir mg oiiy our business ones the average canadian rare how well tr how badly hit or her ommumly flovffnftp h niter e1 in i or a i government ele tion over the yi any mlinu i i he flnwrr mut le a reviuninj no hardly more than thly rnt of thue eligible to vole in mkii elt tiot uually d to agaii1 fifty ti tiaty pei etn m juimih tal rlriluwr ani xvrnly to etfjlil ii tent in feleul e- an j yet a- hai often tat en ijfpivnl i all thee levelv of gown nwill that of tlte numi ipility ihu- u m m lo- ly wk r iwjrje iikvi gaibige rnlle lion htel ofmftm tioii m epjit light kj politr fue piil mkh trvres a tfiee r aff vital to life i we know it ihey mty not ih tlte ltvt woid m e lenient but we would le m a pietty mate wilho ihetn tin tf proviion i- tfie liirmr- of mi in tlurrc n pal o local qovfinnwnl and fine ouf hu inrw nnr tioijli ve fofgcl thai murikipal buvmivs today big butuwit tt eploiive km war tti rf oof oiti townt and vd la jet hi mean i an enormooi cpanon of thi e iixdl nvemmi wivuri and where ele havf the huge unit rusafy to fin ai e tli eapansion conie born if not from lae ihii the mtync itvl roolfollart and nun illuii vkho tetve llteu r ommunitiri lear a li i id on llur fiullfr i rep tl iptxeibilily lo pnf llu- lu niilk uth w fly and well all the rnorr reif m it ten why we houm au re ti t ttai llie bem qualiftef and mom able licn- beome candidate and ufe eifi turn in the week immediately ahead we an do wcrw than remember that lix ill guite as ninth a ift wider spheres i net tto qoitnrnfil vr fieiorvt other peoples views canadaru have luitl v a large receive of ihn power ptiiiif oul the saint jhn tlorutjomal mixh of whih will be channeled mo good md wt i m im loieseeable fulme palway pus n servue wll conli ire to hnk iuav iie kiluraay mjji cuida whiih pomk out it it cjune apparent that we cnnnoi have om t ike and eat it loo we cinruai have highways and cars j well as pa tenryr tflni and we coi if anyone want- to yve r tse t f hi t ai jnjhtst tmmiomm iww- of ixiitivh col ltmbia t crntenrual yeai delait tiie va- couvar son ifiat ihj the qrearst m nion year iht provitne hat evei seen bst l hat th took hkv pnty the bet nn tig r a vastly rparutrnj salmon n dustiy ai janes smm laf piendenf of ihe fujuiiet ast irttioo f i pc ts ths is the cmly area m the woild wturr rte f sh i ali h is gon up iveiywur- k l t4 qoiruj down bhiiin over isiiig hvnig tqsts pati have houed a fmoui nun m order to qual fy for preservation but rather ifidt it ihoulcl iepn sentalive of an earlier more tpci oil aje whi boiliimgs wete built to last mo- 1 important m mr def enlaker i air ifeiue stati ment is that onncuncmg pro dtnlon sharing vsth tfe umled states as orts it t ottawa journal in this new mcod of co operation we will ik disapkuiled d mie amet if v s are not prepare i to go the whole i in taiimng the poiuc 1on jnd avalahlty f ill wtipons alonik n other wf c ti alolute oil ii or ati on is the foundation of conlmental defence and on it ttie nations can timid towatd a setunty other vs ise impossible f- mw can tttuie tte canadian natiori cf wm fnvolon- s is t he f 4boflufh examinar if anytlinq anafans err on ihe sde ot iii t and we must sadly admit a id of pompo t il lo a le out pfovil tinatk ii i iid to tw west lndi s can hai dly tie on s doted niunif cut culaily toxxit pxtmis oot the wauiipaj trhw- ihmks the laontrwal slr canadians fiave a um4 thould not be allowed to obscure im d timet uti rest m seemg thit he ett ind tttt that itie avtrage cauan s eamg moe fedefaurn ijets on its feel as gmialy as aiuf a greater variety of grade food than potuble iw protuetns toin ex on on nc anj ever tnjfore x ial are many and no l inciinvdei able m stepi to pjeterve old boildmgs ate hcam- anf there is a qo-vr- rterrt m noisriiso ty ttovett hv ttie kimajla uji vjlfrt betnq taed about ttv nifoilhfy of tlier for a ty w liose attriv lion as a tout ist centre vtutusn but boh tiom i ad it ion i and u lutevf c itt itistorival astov jtiout it gecgraphvil stjndjvnt caradi hai a role would lie slly to tear down buildings which i bnngro he development of ths ore all part and parcel of that history tnii latest member of the ccmmonw eath to com do not mean lo siy that a bulking must plele fruition the acton free press publkhail by iht nult prlnlint and rubluhlnr co umltl kvhitnlevl m isti and iuibiid evtr tburijav at a6 mill si i acioiv oniii mfiiilier the audt bureau cif crculatioi tie cusa aul tte onlaruquebee dii- ion o tin owna acerttui rati n reciuvkt sitb- rriplttitiv pavable ii udvancx s3 00 in canada 4j0 ir the unt eel state n niijnhs 1 t5 jtnifie copies 7c authoni- id ii seeond clis mail ltlvfhf ppartment ottawa tltr attle ajur vr piikllavn ia artoa g a llilla eviitormchef piv il r dills productuin mannijer -v- jamett a dilli alajuxin kdittr business and eo itor i alotttce phone 60 q acton mtf v trv- nvj v october pattern ihtttu hy kithtr layittr ptmi mh4 mrnr wohijjs sine mvt iv iviv tint try 4 okiim tut i onihtii i titlp minulri injt r tall utr voliktt faxu nr tlxrinu 1t umii kami- alrilrli srniiiil im v4m i itt 41 d ex pre upinuii vn ed lite uijuke club jlixl ih i juu th vatiikee liod in ntiy timet it must iif liii to tt tatiixl up lu thr uua btit up in wlutri4fit hef lirld a aurceamul if lit mertutjt in octimn r to git laah utulrras of a iiiuniriml miininiin mmij 1 vf always admired m ol inv uiu it- 1 imitation of a dk uuik tim summer uliin he wj sikitiiiat mmitaj niemtmrt of thi mt xd frteraltitri tne yihinf nxw lined up her iiamate when the iiik it im tolled and uiul ttum i kvkit wondiil mldt cinmli t t ti 1tri jljimr sum hi jf ctinli v fituluut uvmkuiiii- ottu i oiuiitriis liiv ixniilml 4 i 1 in ii uri it of ll- mi nt ti i ridii in i tli rimid lit tn uhieti ii somrtluks it ihirv ttt htth kuls livi to i t jilt ilrivsll no juil bi ttiey tan bel fluty jafftdoa rrw preis iiik trlkjmonf has rip lulitl j piett llupoluint tmit i i itti if in this coiintii in lurf cjii- uda 2ui tt leihoiii sjktni tuiiit- lti 7 7muu4 7tt3 rail 17 1 imlliii of ufiuli vvete 1 1 ui it t nee thy nvtaiil 4jk ulls lui urn man nnian and rhim in the eitilr ti i t36 k i t ii ph in johnny muit i ve jut kii k 1 ii i tin imii r in th kiil ii mtlxr will inl tll lull i jlinni ii ii tn tinn in im1i mmln hill nr tiiinc ilxut ttie tun tin i4ii is tin iim uialion l iitjlit hold fi uiiii imhk no vvticit- jji tin v kit ki many turn i tin toy hit uii- txtiluit lo lltni ilok uneli- tle runl had nl- niovl a iiiidwi dike attiattim and if im murrharin t jiven it tin i soill you watch thk lihlv ol iiedelliaie ii iwi1i tin -ih- b p- t if nujm luive been an iiiiiimoii tlatii- jpst in cask you re thk iiiankviivinc wet k- ettd in the topuui ity of the world sent a recent smvn tiai ehbilil tailed uuil threequat ten of a million tormtiniins m r mil if all petum 18 and ovi either mlkl at to wi 2 ih ivvet n milt i flis to nvil most 1 and th i uitilieil the f ii kt icame if the w oild in television or livti ned to the tiuiidini t of im miilil inapl v it on tndin the total livtmini to thr rimr in er radium in the met ro taonto mei n r nni io ni iionfsi i- i ml li ill hi two 1 1 lidf 1 111 s ih t t mil and lo v till a v ite1 m til is it mitwlllk e litll 1 v i mak the allol hksnts ok anoi h i iii to 1 n im w ii i in vi 11 l siixv induit appi nllt ttt net i s t v and not i- ml 1 d vili vv ti tv miv le- than a ketp f w fi nl i it th m willi sluj old ttjuilld foi ilu11 11 nut j1lluuluji- -ih- 1 ti ne nwnit mi week davi but in hmii- ii ktiiii olid tloll to kp win n tv ml had bet n 1- h u ti 1- t ttti lum it tu i a 1 i k 1 i11 ilue eai n inr tin- for ii that a an h- t f tttudi- ttnpiiable fiul uis lv hour ii 1 t ii s i 1 o v n m i the bible today this sundays church calendar saptist church acton rutr ii v t n u holme ba h th it luu aienae mmhy octoufk 19th itvl 9i i in sundjv school 11 tilam he called me tint p ni umium service o n diettt in men or nwu sa- kj r mi centre llarrui sunu y r ice male fluur women men and yuiinjjc people welcome acton kntecostal taurnacu 33 churchill road paoc iuv kenneth j rrld pvor 75 cook st phone 40w sunday octoiier 19th 10v1 1000 am unhjy sehoql woft am morninff worship- 7 jo pm pvanxtualic wedneaday a pm prayer and bible study- friday 8 pm chrlflt amhanuid- united church of canada arte ofturta hev gordon admv m iio mmirr paonaie jit ltor avenue phone fht mr teori ijllutt orftuivt and ctmr luader ilovver ave acton phone 6 51jvdav xtdluui iwth ltv fl i m mointni iviv r itt ml tu jiimm chun h at f chun h sihnd 11 h a in m of mint wirnhip meslyttrtan church in canada kvox chlch actov rev andrew h mckerviie babd slndav octobiui 10th lovt bo j ni church srhonj 1100 a m uivmf nt service male choir and men uf chinch in chmi- too p in fsemnu worship utf church of st a1aan the martyr neclor rev ii d smkrcvf l th s t n iftft jeffery i phono 265 sunday octobkr lfilh 19sb 20lh 5utdav akter tttinlt- 6 30 a jn holy eucharist ojfi a mfctnirch school iktio o m choral eurtuirut ibooroju baghihmt clou on ocioiht fi lft comnutte railed lldilemivvion i hihle m vioto via f imed in it rminy in th itille soriitus it- function is t ptovid setipliik jiiiont iii- phimtal i ihitual neetl tmia as tli n mill of ivli ih s hiv vnt- ii v f hit dioriliil on iv pitmml hotted towardv exil- v an i rifuieth in wetbrn ciet- ninv rid m west ilerlm thiv mh nturj hi i n ailed the i nlh of iii hn i w sill e xuim1 im t niltion c nn in- i m t th hoitulaiid lv lie and kafufee 1u inn il iv fifth in- hittit f wvtem ctimanv vt iv i vil i i fm re itui uifc ht7 bit petiptc ftom rivtiin ni- iiihi fld lo weletn ttlmjili t i th auvoii onlv a tnlinitd l mui a i vi vind- v 1- ltd jiers of uiiilet vi a anjthru ue would miki t in im t n th t 1- uf tin 1- i l th v vv ii f ti i rm tnt il m th r rntiik i il lit iv unknown i ins p pi u iv lo k aluiit ih iiutunt of ttit it 1 f and ih ii it litionvtup i it xtanv fnd the atiwr in flibl v nivn them nn r lt4tht llihl mi on h p ni l- l ovi j07 1hhi stliptul urud rradlnc su rjilini f m tltx k sun i iv ji i 3 l j mn- d n t it lt tiiitlav ii i 1 1 it wdn iv j i 31 r at t ii l jt i a1 i hi kulav 1 oi 1j s iiil tui 14 1- thanksgiving dinner on 49th anniversary m nl mn arthur griffin r ii 2 ai celebraed their dlh w-d- dm iniiivtrjr n sundav w th a t r dnner prevent l the vclihaon veie mr nd mr huaid mcarthur of knn mr s v gritttn sr mr and mr r i davidson and mi and mr wm thompson a peciul wedding cake w as vet v heautllullv decorated the gooi old days kms back in 1938 r v s r back in 1908 vakeh twm iw kiaw l iw r pa tkraay u4wr it 1mi mr gyrre siirr experienced a psiiluj wo dtnt 0 friday fvi nis he ua tepuciag grimviu- in a farifxi w a j on w in n the tt am juii 1d tujdetily and uie w in i uti over tl- ti of h ntit ft tle ruil of the trt at l- a tm off lid the otliirs wife pain full- llv1 he has ixfl ulxit daraif th- wit k on ruttliet ur ja it kerrudy ani mji i angus airived li-ii- fi it tle trip to oitdi ti itah inst vtuidjv morruni ui keruudy w a jy fr m m ml atod on d ft- iilii i of the l in il n lojut and vsititr salt lk bv arid tli i alii j4s l lfoultl1 ti 11 iavs ui 1 quantdt nlvwljhiyo ntflld fll tor 1 can pit llville on tusio ke neatly alt ihe tali tins tvl was favored will tin vk dlifhlfol autumn weulli r 71 u- ruliin f homi wfr ilium dlv liiliirl and iikht fint mum ill v i- lniikhl int ihi 1 iiv in i- hi td h v v f la m s tunps in 11 tp l t fjut iit iv tt i i t th jn tat 1 h p p 1 ih wt k ty i t ttv itt id ill ilolti tilt to 11 i p i 1r it txlay iitt ii i tuil ik hai ininimiol n 1l tot 1 fi mail d hviy in ulli w lii n ilimxttot hi 11 ii i as mtti il10uti1 rail 1 ni data iv lo tin toot td he has t 011 m 111111 at vtak i dtf thr pott hoi foi he t uiii wliiih hi mail iptnl- to l- plattd ih flat lab nun nl us is will ii 11 t t ih 11 m t 1 iiist 01 it w 11 in in his ml on nov iimii m mr ni 1 ill- n his rou tul le ttiav mill f iilif- upai tli 11 111 um sotss of ih f11 ni m tone it y is mi fit- 1 tt- n i nun in of ih t oil iml i h v i id th bap r i o e 1 v of i ui in i a pi il r is mi aa n k i 1 ton of f ml 1 11 11 1 1 ii 1 n t 1 t ih psti n the s vk fm ika um u iw rr rrfu twttnauy 0iaw- u a tniirh neeaul protection lor twitji yujjiji and lit luti txeii pri- v idaa at the ium kfue in arvm thiv wtik wiutit iron ralinih have 0n put in the r litre if irti of th iionl tiiliafict- to the build mi nd il- on the sli at the vi 1 lo ih 1 11 1 lv r rnnl- r 11 th ft s is- ftu wi k v as 00 iv mi j her- s- atut m lb kuinl y art 11 ai lat rd 1 the bui ld t a ult i ji niliev lo lut hum veal that i s t- 1 uid out in mui 1 iri our 11 4tu oo i av ii p 1 im kor- lio1 iv tt ipts 1 t p ol io 1 ts w 1 1 1 1 y j ih uj ih iji th 1 i umrt and ih 1 wratlo 1 ol it sj ji la vs 1 lol as 01 dot m jl- t nit s 1 ii ial i s tijii 1 vol i in nil i lo in ih tt in i it t- 1 k i ii i s ii w i i t p k d 10 1 ui t he via ulaij lo 1011 vsliljy ii lfs i 1 s 1 h y flss i an i il t 1 1ni to th u u hi i f il tori t 1 s m 11 il i 111 r i im- i i m 11 i 1 i ii 11 lb r lb 1 tm plat- 111 i ii tn mi ii it r ih 1 i v 1 a hai and li w s lel a h 1 1 t i v 111 l- moi i in k 1 s i it olh th 1111 ilml ih v id it u olj all ih 1 mrs 11 i- llts tk ft t kn-v- luuh ln i num isvry on sunjlii and m ndi wie to o k d v nil t nd1 1 v in s and mi n 1 i mot ty ih 11 u 1 fovs i m dlw 111 t miwt- 1 h loll kltinti 111 th it h11 mllm mutait ition ril mmdlait iv j 11 m 1 t sii vill- 111 an i lb n ih n1 1 and n 11 laiuht i h 1 h okiv init th inkoffelinil 11 im- f th mim hand of th init 1 i h as i i in the i m itunsdav ti mktiving mi vi r 1 i hi i 11 hauls i ho a o ii ilv l lv litnt- r 1 i dill mi ll s 1 iv m t ad h s 1 ih a toll la kn last k il in m llousnii 1 md professional directory and travellers guide iiiavrmianrniip dr w g c kenney phi l mfu r 111 syimm i mill m k acton rie phone 7 r tdenc- mx church st e phone iv dc d a gaprctt phciin and surfein ornrr uf w lltnrv and ft v er sn rumlfy uneival home phone n00 right nr diy lb ot r k shoemaker mr c hurhacnk uv a hai int pheir 2111 si dp pobert d buckner phvscian and surf cm n wrllnjflon st aa4nn ont phmr trv offne lloinv llh p m afti t tihns hv ppomtiiu nt riu kutatt aif inhuatakiat f i wright 3d wilbur st acton ojfltatio phona 9 areuaisr rrii kstau and ihmirance wm r brackfn irsurance agency s miu st eal imi u- in rh lur gkntrai insitiiamk j krr wood imsurancf agcncy iife aint general inmrinrr ptwirur mu 134 mu at after hour ta 43jm cuelph a d mooce dc pltn r si 1 fie siralst 111 mill sttfl ihuie 4u r 0 olfiet mm 1 2 i wtl 711 sat 2 imrt e i bucmneh ro opt in misl 41 m ii st v phone 113 of miurt weil if d iv i i nm jm kvtn iv hv appouilntnt almtiq acxmmjanmnq lever hoklej charb ted accountant 51 ilan st n 2z k i st uijjrnphil ljjoili 1 in es 1 1 41c4 lj 4 fll11 neville iloutp co ar vn uiu ni ajudtar im hi ik 1 up icy 3 mdl k- a ton uuriur of main letfiirvine lu 130 uloor st writ head of fin vi0 ii ttnui ir 2t ointal do h ieib dental tuiritjuun fifios- corner mll aid kradarick streali offte hilr y apiinbnint tki rpiihsr m l dr a j buchanan tvntal surgeon qtttaa mill surrt off c hour tarn lu i pm closed wednaadjy aflrrnoon tffipluiiv 1u earl g black r courn r i a 4 ciiutaulm acxthntavt aniir mdjf 1c3 ua st m ltsn ont tk 4s travitilats ouio gcay coach lines 4 4l hf4 lkavk acton luylujht tuna faj ii 1 t bound it 33 j m ipaily ascapl sun and lljfl aaa 3mt r ml 1 ti mb pm 13 p m lu p 1 hull m full pm un and weatbound 10 27 m 1167 pm 147 pm st im 717 pm t 1 pm 1132 0111 1 13 jn im sal sun c f liiatheftlandqc irritar x office hours 11j3 01 and llu nirrilar x ioiiriuir kuurjr xublr ulu imdimim in eirl 10v it was ortcat that j urnciiul iiuriwavuitvjostructuin durjnc the vear would he in the cruiiriceriim category which in clude high wnya jmmuic jmwer luye uiifis mid niqv builtuni 1 w pm- 5 0 pm saturday by jjjrojjuxuaju only officeis ipne- re 151 a afiaida ba darruter solicitor noury public 173 main fit 6 artnn ont phone 57fl office uoura a 0 pm a k otf l hour jn b p4m saturday 0 m 13 am canadian national railways standard ttm kaatlumrul dally a 40 a m daily rvrrpt sunduys iu00 am 71 pna sun day tnlv hoi pirt llally vvrttt sunday ttyr avgtorfeiohm iii am 27 pm uaily ilyer at wtalbound dally 11 p m dally axrl sunday dj0 jd4 sit bjax 7i o mrsalmmy looly im pa run- day only mtiai buj sun day only pua m omasbtw pm nlyxees4sat and sun sj1 pml i h

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