Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1958, p. 2

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ts acton ftm prwattthliraday novmpbai a 158 council okays formation of relief campaign f are cooperating if we admtntiier counel by reanlutlon instructed dared of arton by the lquor con- t cerning tha was being iwild by the existing blaw it a uma tu llul thi opc u n nd 1 do trl mrd following count il iht lommittec ptnrttng further ac- i throw ever thing into a men lli rhool cro mn guard w irk nfl r p htion for mi outlet hwri i i n i kit this in runt of ihi in and they ii be glad to rppl the wi lnfda i rl win a rachlm and imuv eyilinuid iui rt in continued from page on 7 t tmnr i taking no mt on nt ltd if uf dun i uki it lliiyi jjyor cook rw m nlfd hi w i an gt it chan ttif y il want ry lurrihrd tu rt m oimhlng diffirrnt if we enforce jbou br ul 1u n the bvlaw n the utt that e jfc ou ftjnl wi rr ii11mxj cant repeal hold tht lwi not f nd uuy timincrr r hn noted he had t breaking il irt im do it l gaily mid heiid no com pi a nil f m mt r- jrjl poaoliuii i rhsntt alanit tu prtaril t ft howa to defeat khi 1 1 i dunt even know u hat the a resolution llul emmed rewind i by low li i don t see uhy courwlth ty bwi ioai and effd ve i ucliii lit t ir djlni with b ijw bt jmillhd i it to ut hit ii i t t hi will tot 1 r f rtrryuttm jwwlol illor ftit jif dedarid an armndmotit out 1 1 hv 1 a rvirvlhrijs linr the in reliant i tie repialrd nd the uit r inluftiu i lion im- filed and rdiird in n l j niptry and the ulil imij wj operate aran to be iiottfiud councilor mfud n piriil uj r cook ipl oni d the p t maoling bf thi public buildr g torn vetk had shown thai w- olftet r hiktw wlti r i filjtivt a wr ittniud i uttirr poll i wink jithruh u lit mm r hjmmi a- nd jtij off r r u j u tie ii rf a i ird m i mon vouk 1 rr iled a t jrj i counnl adjourned at shortly after ii pm depiti protisli by cmin- til if fjru in l i t ihret rewlu- li t wi s i 1 id table not 1 it t i jhi ur il nd to ciuif- i ijpr niw utl ii iidin fit d lh og td tl an- t n woil 1 sioktta um efttmkwalyfa of lrr acton lgon wnor sxt lrxutve piduird alxjve s dflvij mellon flgni up foi uocvy m h league ttm winter alxjut wo txjyi nave eg luted tlte ptt twt wftl for rwxky m the minor ports loo but more rr rpctei to reg i irf tifo0 iaton qtl undler way in iwtier to coniniollt tde youngttrit the motive ia opnrtg 1t dooi at tk legion hall th i saturday to allow the rett of tlic toy to n up ouoit w n d i jld dhai 17 d ikii4 pavac a mm ndiornt tint mum i in t koporf o kadiaroxcsi uir nujlt- lf tockwooo in nortfi wellington agrnultuf itptrenlmtivt wi llington c unty in mini k ul meling f ur riuinaj relili d aginolluie umiliy m rung k mkwxml pird i in ikmii ihi niimlmi of rhnl ii k11 tw hud miiiil 7 i ihoti fi mi n th willmh1 n ii tntiiihd thn wnul 1 lw only thu i f lh i tu ni f wimi d it i i i waltj lime hel wh lr ntlier 1 ri1 w otx1 lot i i rpr in i 1 ii w hire ii perkins g high whnul vomiruetlaii in hi d mrlrl frthn l 045 uoo l l 14 w eragiij agfl a rnultjuagd prpuel ub- diiidet gremeit ivrug furth r devlupinent in ur iikiview viilmjiviii by cu llnoti n con trartlfig co was read 1 rmm 1 by u mayor th agreement nrri4t n rom- nutlee hd liern rrfrrd lu coun- i fur their ditruulim ii vim4 mtlltion of mrvirei ijuiiding re iirtunentj and olhrr i ouftrl tig reed lu forwarding h icrremeiit t tie colitft f ti mudy 1 until lo iruflilmed tetrdid child- na week following a rjuial fitmii the ulutn iitrl a ab n t r ltrtardd i idrrii hevlewm the mtiulu ut notui mallon urtmin lhr f wade arrangement to alu i f j meeting m port rdl dral lt the uk of the i lit vll otimrvatloo aiilin mt d e r rr n l nd- llkr uim llc t jrenu tt ugh ut the uoh mid a letter ror i if f uc lit itp ap- t f r i jwi wlfii 20 l t 1 tlu tin ti rji n uii rooda liluu bowl lwi r hhli open bowling sl awfrtoon a evening acton bowling lanes k 10 ml h draw jane groeneboers name i p i llul 1 a r 3imi klled a hi r riu rhiu f a i t i 1 hoborltan ntl v id li i big day in rockwood to re unicef helpers as new bridge opened ijwt wetlneadav wal a big day ailtieam wer in the village on the nrritaofl ofikltetung a hhult tm- omfting ormuinf fur th new j hilton and m tl bridge over th riw r whrfi ta a p n te t it hon kri ham damage bit irnprovem nt on tht form i hridg whirti tu nived mi ot pme well mnii 1011 whn it v n hoill 1 hi wi ill i i in in w t irv lht lr f r th i vmt w tti hi nih il nd inim iiik a urg nun ihi of l n lud ing nrliol rhilliu oint latkii t ii immura lloy st out a flotk luijulr lire itiok iukn va tt pji uofil junior hniuil unit i f ii ni mipli mi nt w en i on i tin bidk ill ho wnniig n r inony trkihtl iivn b hum j ph k am ii g t him uti i bad a part ir thi ii i h pre ntrto r uhiii n f w 11 john im mlf for illin ihiffenn alfred lles mp v llington vuih hn ho ci mmtr r ihgbwntb w i rut tiiid ffirl itil niid u his kinik mi ntionid lh it tin to w bndt w u inix it int hi i i v rn t i hghwva s tf new ilorhngton iwy sky wav wtiuh m lx kticl n it d i follow mi hi m rung id1ie mis mrni i llirtiv m hi tlx honor of ruttfig uu ilbbo c fol i iv ii ti the pi rat riling if a i or mm by little mtv uoote djiightt r of it v ind mi a h mooie u th itipiil 1 at tl ill i of tin r it 4 k w ah allid mi t 1 d th 1 ii gattirnnt in thi kink rift nf th nut nii 1 anthtm runaeml held rnllowin lin 1 nt f duijition antl luo weeka in bt jlli hspilil fuilph jumii lln tlt ailuuing uvi d nwa ud iv tk t ik i si in hia mth iir th lit mr flli nl inn trig wu a n r th 1 di mr nd tu jhn iiitinnnig w hti foriniyli reaided in iu itouil itikrkwikkl he itutia in nxium hia loa hi wif min mark two imi jhn chtrl mild djughtei mn hotert lltnr itlilrni two aiatera mra ln niglilingale irioremei and mia ftetl axlwaed itjoei llu fuiittnl look pi ire mond v hi iifvic at the homltv she- intker rutiiial i limit at ion rrv c a ii mh orfin itnt und ntati nt tin oommittil in mihkwimwt i eim h r a miniu- r of floral wr itix l xilt nt u tml to hi llullow en puue1 f fi id i in nit a in n the lowit ii 11 i r tl ihi oung f lk hon it dam gi w i luoh rt midi u liiini kloi ige i ui1iln krtn tdjhoo u lh th tn llm uim1 w riling n ihi s ulli nrw bridii w ii s ui in mark of m ip i ml and mix hutlor if lnrimto wi s i i aith mr if d mm v ill uill b id ft t ii t io dl w i 11 i r init ik ik hi untliirw ihe diuila if the proje t i t t fi l i tl dildin llirimmhu ilidl tt 11 rid id nt t i dn t f ii hallow rn i ibttd n i ilbri r lh all it nam t 1 mlllo h lh i diaw will bt iiiiiiii- in mid jleemlmr vh i m in th wk following i dol i will hi tl wn t pixnl lh ib pi n bduilf o utiadiui ihlldun t si in n dak id hi nth ong mi ii f lh ot i f th minor sports group extends registrations alton lat n minor sp it pi ktnl alee j hnaon uu uk u nooned thdl 1 l l v uo i latiint ti gut f r h h k u w i nit j dihappomtitl at vr mihi1 ti rn ool the oinlivr have arranged another njrtiation dnv ihi st uttny in the 1 r hall fr in 0 a in in ii im mr john- n ndd tint iinnp ninu iuim lin iomi ldil f r ue at the milton arena it piarlirt msn on for th it mt im in i mid flet team enleretl in th mia arhedule fht foiiunilti ut n pi brik plan for lh h kkey rrhtstuh this tonung heaaon ind lni i pi mtitl v vnil no n i iiuivt ttu in t mtnlttee appointed thi f how n hivt twin np pjointetl by thi riimniiuie noiji ilnyllaii and barry inneo manakiti of tnr rnidgt t turn john con ningham and hoy kirkniu mm agrra of hi bantam ti inn latrne uiulu and frank irvitu are acting at liaison nun tmtween uu ixetulive and team managtr il tht art im n hicki nkhla jurk pink and 1111 mndvo i an ovjmpmi nl mnnaji r gib jordan will nd us r fi rw itirhit f ucain thi ir hi mg r- ponibli for nliiuv foi thi ganns tht pi nidi nt pom hil out hut cm u i iin uie in ing maib d nt t pari nls f tht ihildttn jipp for their aaaaitantt in hdpmg with ihk kt ihih w inli i iwnoti 1 w h i n k id llett for iml h tin la i ly ivtnmg 1 h 1 iw i th sottoh daiii tub n ng in it i ai oh hall silu vmng mo nan nnll ulph w f tin vin n f tin dub i i hi n in md th wo in i disappointed e wh 1 urn d thr i 1 1 ad u ii 1inlhil thi v ihr n mill raim1 wn art mj tua w higher ihan tbut of hn i i rtviooa o whin lh inh h i iiiiii wis unleitakin in town if jam y iioiuihi hool win tht hlg diaw in ditinibi r lu will u notified ly win inl ui i uin me nl win mad pi im tly uu vnk hi- ofruiul- midit find lluy would hai to flv h r fiom hntiih ilunilna iathn than ontario 1 h to netawit ar m ivlng there iikhii chiiatmti iv will i r it tht p m coxe son plumbing heating eavtstroughing fas gai i otl fumactt gai waur tanks free estimates phone 35 acton farm woodlot day wednmday nov 19th im at i 3d p m at h llsrkinfh mru own d hy karl hindi y and sonv 1 n ild ni if hillr 14 in b n ilh of con iph lat 24 mirmm in i r imiu townhl si i h w u c i rtfnd tree f irnm h mdlik hiv but i f r piof t il riivii v ii r pnliimi w ith for ter meet the kig buyera judgl thr eviiiipint pi di monmrated shaw voar uklll with aw and haw ontfutk rrizfr spunaort il l ontario ilepjrt- m lit f imu mil port ms it it n i 1 hompeu r onl irio d0h7 ie roolcd iv the mice of paint alone i its nut what a galloiuti itswhitagilbiit savk li thk krrtmrrthk yimktmk cost whfithafirtl toublfve onaoofil vinyl plasho paint i twly rw wdit a ihi ym m until imi huh fmtil t a cwb iw u mmt imuu uwlhal mtttht mlltt nun 76 gordon hardware limited ac robt r hamilton fred a hoffman opiometrists rirniirly f i held hone oueiph ta 43071 58 st gorft squir l voua tv and radio service karl gathof ii 4 acton tvirphono 0y acton 40 nlghgotown t 73101 insurance fire theft accidents disaster gives no wakning ao bfar il i loo ut cull your local influrancc actfncy and tirutoct our in v etmint denuys inturanea aganey puohs 4u h ami m aeint p tax notice- 1958 municipality of acton fourth instalment now due attention ps dimwn to tin pivnitil of 1lih tit v huh are now pj abe in four itutnit nl 1 axi lit piv jt it to uie municipal tr jaurer ut the acton public utilities office instalments are due s fouows fouith instalment november 17 according to the tax collection h law a penalty of s of i per cent per month will be addtd on the amount remaining unpaid after pu 17th dav of nnvtinbei thli penalty appl vt to each lntamert tn a similar rrjitr the attontion or ratepavers n directed to the penal ue and other cuuum u printed on the tvvcrae aide of iery tail notice and explained in detail on evcrv tax bill 10th birthday bonanza of money savers chenille bed spreads spec 795 kroehler rockers your choice of color a sso 4450 table lamps hostess chairs bathroom hampers swingking reclining chairs drapery material 48 wid rg 3 9s yd 250 yd thaie are only a taw of the outstanding buys luring sue anniversary sale diop in today acton home furnishings n 7nrn macbmtom tuio vlilapm wlmltkum t oitawealan leuisfe ttu wlnatew set all the best of all the new ideas all in one car rlietlp pratlaleai inslrwmenjt panel make pavmcnt now and take voub tax notice wrrii vou when makivq payment j mcoeactme collector cresscaumley luggeejelpawe mere icenomuej liiglwae puuiauata vut ezxw sport sim from any angle the 59 pontiac is a dream of a car and that goes for flashing performance and marvellous value as well as the years best looks all uu beauor ill uu fcuum ill th luiury youve longed for u youn in one hutniftoenuy new car pontiac lor 59 tventy4ii dirtlinj new modeb tht great uriea canada hiffu choice of aconomlcal vtt and a new eotkumy suaiosli an newly fellned for reater efficiency and there are three fully automatic traiunuulona yea therei lamethini for everybody and everythinj for yen in pontiac for 591 alfculad tfya- rhi 0 j all thejfionders youve waked for 15 pontiac qau af tse aaw franklin prouse motors limited queen street acton

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