Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 6, 1958, p. 3

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v cfltftftayftno thfln hist annivusjuy adam furnluie store in at ion ar holding on annivermy sale pictured above the aclon outlet n manai by aai j d mathews of georgetown who came to the acton store from the ottawa siert iioie m hamilton mr mjlhewt hat had years of experience wilh thp company having workttf at the yonrjc stirrt branch in toronto ihe ac ton outlet opened last decemlxt ami it part of a tham throughout canada mi matrvew pointed out this wwek there were over 1000 tturuj throughout the brjtuh empire united church to hold second stage canvass the dcvrlwmtit program m artwi united church inrun in ibm rnuitt il mvnnd uk this urk with hit formation of a rum- mitlcc lo kitm-ivim- u lit i-firmh- lhcli canvas tf nil t-otitfh-gal- hm families it i itil f the tan- vui hai brn wt al tayouo alt ltnf raiivaa jcrririal ihmr- man uuj that thr fundi ufurwi will citvit the itst of finishing thr new chun h building n1 also will mcllldc nmnml weekly cm- trtbulumib 1 the church budtfi t mi to miuiotn und maintrnanrr wr will mk weekly lrdic luiyulili- owl a ihni- year txriod auld mr un ul us we did in ihe ibm rant mm 11ns time how ever we are uvlnj all cliurvh memlxti lo inrluil- in their plntn- es not only limming fund omliiti- utioni but alao their ixirmal uuk- ijr mvelnpc civiiiy in thai way wr will be able to mitt the lifting cttat of oimialinu the chuuh make a more fitting cond ibution to the united church miuim un1 maltilenanre pnicram and hi build the uptmr ktruetuie of ln- new buildini we aim plan mliii- bir retairs unit i novations in the rxlsung rhurrh slturtuti- ftsn4y h4m00j inereaajni mr 1011 kjiid thnt although the baaement of the new church had been built and vim telni uud t thr sunday school more rhtldn than ever before wire now on the loll we minplv imil hjw iiiif apace hr kmki i tilth olnt or ihe ciiiviim will 1m- ihe loyalty dinner h ik- in 11 in the leiion mim in 1 week tin dinner will he five their will in no sol 11- hat ion of phrte ul thit tinir and evii chinch ftinily u ill be ldivnliiillv im ititl by the li a c- estimateover75 rti poppy drive it oltouike chilli in in of ihe poppy drive this 1 mi for ai ion and dint 1 let u jmii d uhit looks like the iiikbsi popiv cimpucn tit dilr will i underway tomoi nw eveninc ikudiv with 1 ciil- vaa of honieh aiinin on sluiily iiinthi 1 font of olunleei w ctmduel llu ti tiditioiiil la d alt hofctem commit tew mr lng the runvua orgs ni ration hint of genrral chairin01 ijintf initial gifta chaltinan w j livutty itinvau onuiiiltee diui iimn cordon ttttllv hmiii rift 1 ban 111 an krank iioum tiuio chaiiman waller wixklburn ui 1 uiigetncnta chaiiman j mih m chic hoateaa toumilttee chan ntun mn anthony ironndr rmmik licaiiiirr j 1edgrr team captnn hi ore shimmaker cyril uichtoi unit ub armstrong kauinatap twin sons born to local resident riirdnli1ii t m il mn kivihhi snm on the itnvd tui ihvi t in iph hmtl the tcit hi id hall wi in poly ul the 1 him h on mntiy nilht mi lloiuiii colt 1 11 mi mi mai ion wnhu f kergus s t th w keiul will mi- ihtli mchner yoiiiik peoples smlety met in the chuuh on siindv mcht the lllun ineudk of in ml- km t will h- phased know hi o able to be op toold a u r l spooks orderly homemaking club cl- l holds third meeting damage blight thud meeting uf the kpi icht 411 gliu 1 1 nix niukinn club si is held at thr home of mis i tieu lb ii oil a vrgelabe ifiiish 1hit k diffierif ull fnllowil by mo- tfu et sharpie readmit her rhili kliiry ifter which ihe iil pre- pared a vegetable plite nw han congi atitljlhtlu to mi mil mis stan iullir on the anual of 1 n on krirtiv ociout 11 it itu cm iph hofpibd svi11 rf the aeiinit pupils f the lcal schtkil lomt ted in th township imitbe fvrkn eoitil i llmsbnii ul k vlatlara mr nd mi aieck sum1 1 no nii md mt jm k s in d 1 iilo spitit the weekend ui the fontiei piientfc mi and m dvid stewart mi and mrs thomas ii knes nd dorm v in tied in willow dile on sitmdiy wth mi and mis alex iken md nuffcv mr nd mi- arnold suit nd diirme mil ihmjllas mecoixm of nuiiiu kallk vuitrd on sundi with mn c suntr utwl mi y ilildir and johnstone of clinton p nt scvciil diys likt witk with hi ilei md hiilherinliw mi md mis viin stewart mis mid webb and mis jouen me k o o jngevdle weie vimihs tun u the week v 1 th mi and mis w ii mckwm and fimiv sunday uts it the nine home mete m l husli u f wiiiiu and 1 i mi ulnier iai iu- of ilrainpton hil wi- 11 tr ai ton 1 t ama 1 ihck ally ans iianks olaaly imvkil d mampeiidrs rdeilv tliil thev eu tliey left twlr 1 s the ntiils an estimated tt pipl itr inoi e aie involved in tin jeat campaign it ik emttii1 tliit aitoti aii riislnct uieui w ill ih- th ruiivaail ieitii1 the ihiumoi 1 ml o koui ke 1 inphimexl lhit ihippy fund- aie held in ttust and uii- not used for lotion blanch op- rat ion this money i eiiniaikil fr w el due uoik awd that whirr it kimk stated the ehaiininn he addisi that oei 70 pel venl o all aikh welfaie wm k wiujui wlvr- tiitt or dependant who do 11it te- lung to the legion in eoinnicntm- fuitlui mi o- ilourke ptintxl out that all pi- cvrd frum the campaitn in acton are unit in this uivu loi weuare purpomiu and mis kdir kine usmninl mireft weie sundis is i d mi and mik tho h y 11 i m nd mis km hob n 1 i 1 mid 1 and ixnna of it vdie sunday w ltd the fi m p 11 nts mi nd ms i c hob it- on md with mi and mis noi man mikenn altrnd mretlnxi mis t ml ii old tin wk shop f twe d miiii lli- m nms n h kki on mmdiv ni mum liui iv ith tlie wmiiiin t iiiuti ms y am bald and mrs d c holkitmtl attended the h ad 1 s liann mii 1 ttie s iur i i slitutis pioil sew to save dol lars and make n e at the o a c on tuesd wrdnmlay mavlnx soitn mi and mis james sirutheis deer hits car animal killed car damaged a late mode station wagon tuf- frred o er coo dam gt- tuesday evaing when it will in collision with a large dr about five- mile west of acton on no 7 ittgh way uil li ilate of thi tittown drl- ving vut t towii rd act n was sud- dinlv c nfronbd wiui a huge dlit which i uited nt in front o the vchule le was drivin g and c raiii- id head on ml the a iiiiibi k lling it iiitar lly coitu hie w it ih nmtt o the north 1 altun opp detach nent iiimmuj td th ace id nl and not iflll ul thoiili to ii itidm- the dead uii inal cume ward ll ma hrws tk u- ami al to lulba cell ti 1 manoi 1 a the ii mill 1 ts then n itb i m to i mi villi tat s wr i a pa jui budget of 26000 set by knox church lor 1959 i the aclon fre prets thurtclay novefnber 6 1958 n it may be four or five yars ject asking i before the new addition is started i and prayers mr smith reviewed the ltt8 the cooiwration everyone in tbia plan so that the church may grow budaet of expenditures du to re brcom sreater witne for a bud et of 34000 for 1m iuas thr budget wa presented to the j pairs he ratimaled a deficit at uie chril n tn eommunity unanimously approved at the con- 100 members present ut the meet- l end oi this year a film strange- in the house gregatioaal meeting of knox church mg by general chairman of the ut porker material chairman wj hown by ted maiimn on wednesday evening october 29 secur project for knox murray on lru f xhv new mr smith was chjnian fir the to ml preseiit aeeds and ojlocale smith i budding milling will clarence coles as ask help pnyrn secretary f hi the mniler hev a uckenzie cake and tea were ei ed by the on the pis- daugh j607s for a budding fund ivw needed each w irk m the rar t attjin vli figuri- the church u priparru f r vstation sunday on nuvcnbei when tfie slew jidshp of t talent ard tiisor w 11 be pljimd t all fjmiji s oi t congiikit on i find rock n4 aiuiuob ol k dedicate pair of candlesticks in memory of fo ron rolston a pair of bur candlesticks were woid pr- lib d and dediotrd to the mnnoiy of m officer ibmald hobtoii at ihe ii am service at alton ttnitil hunt latt sunday a lousm mis iii itimm of i- ntito pisi1- ihe muorial k to the tlik of miiai oiwlle hhnto morning fire artnn flrvmvn this manning thursday reapanded to a fir rail al ike farm of horace myth it u arson al s 44 am klra chltf j nawun mparud a rhlmnty on fir al ika haasa and said th dasmag wu small the ehlff muj nawevar usat iom of time in locaung u lira m due ta laxfc of tnfarmauon given in railing usa lturtsirsl chirf newten rrqorsta all rural resjdenta to give their lot number line number and town ship when reporting a mr georgetown propane gas service bill mcenery proprietor pttoflat tringu 72032 2441 3591 call collect if nictiii y sales and service free estimates on alt type of gi imulbtions cjistklliutor fok afagas limited aqinceurl ontario irrriat lyjl to the khiy 1 chi and memot v of m it c ii holmoi y o itobton id it plain- ih t well mil k n c many on nivhuih r b iik7 mtnlxo fi jttei it i u m t vii- mi hdd h wife mis anne k0m11 und th u daugliti i labile of culph mis claode llume and llettv clmdl 1 je me hiu f iairy hiiiii1 mi i mis jh houton cuelph mis john kolstoii u h i daugh ter lois mr mel kolstoii and miss llhrt mdmi of toronto mr and mis j iblston of acbxi roys electric service handed ruurh master eloctrirun complrle line of klectrical appliances and fixtures itepalra to all makes oftt oil ilurnera complete stork of parta oiuturs and controls sales sfjiv1ce rfpaiks tar fra eausmataa phone acton 430 e l buchner optometrist in acton every wed afternoon oncc al ii mill st e acton hourj 130600 evening by appointment foil apimintmknt telephone iis in uu fn hivr i in unit nuullr i shortill sheet metal plumbing t heating gar wood fumtcti eavtttrouqhing 184 churchill road phone 464 join acton citizens band advanced musicians oh beginners welcome wednesday evgs far ytirthriuuifurjnauon awilv aclan teswn hall boo pm we want you to know the facts concerning the band bylaw hr r torn of th fotti paving this mill ni mt for mite will insuie is ioiiiuhihu- tunnbii 2 to mipiioi 1 the aclon citivi llil id in then wok will only about tlll pir year uml a tost the 3 if itwuts wee to b hted f ink ill acton eve i i u iiniount the rani if ei im lo 4 a lienh-iuhm- anioiiu of mu to luiys and tii u w uhuij t uarillll avail- t i rvij til- in i tl i- jlid tiu uihiiij to ivnl tli-ini-w- i mull triminjt 3 every tiuiv tlnm- liin1 iut nf town ti pliv aum iots u brvat dal of tm publmv t aotl hlhid tlu- honour o liivilti u hon tor k0 vimiti ciiiltributinu to uu cultural lio ol its ituons ikiui clukirvn and adult vour suppobtis earnestiy solicited in voting for the plebiscite on december 4 support -the- cittzerts the acton jr pipe band stewarttown school opening the iloud or tnrtes of school au i no 1 township of kmpietiih laliiit an unit dioi to punls md oth 1 inteumid to atlilid the opiiini of the mw autoin chil al stewarllown on friday novemrer 14th the oihiiint eieinines mill be peifoimnl at i 111 pin by mr stan hall m pp for haltoii the baby feels secure but is he family tafry involvot mort ikon phyiicol protlon thr thouuj b guoranlootj bnonclol wcurlly millions of canadians gl this through lllo tnturanco thy own moro of ihit valuable property in relation to national incomo than any othor poopl in tho world waste no time worrying about that small boy he lias a twofisted grip on security he belong to a family which considers life insurance an essential part of its progress towards financial security canada is rich in families thut treasure life insurance as a present pledge and future promise of security obtained by their own initiative friendly helpful agenti have shown 7 million cana dians what a valuable property life insurance is every year an increasing number of families buy life insur ance as their major source of family and personal securttyy nowaday living pal ley holders rocclve 5j million dojiart ovary weak from the life insurance compahiet i trr the life insurance companies in canapa milton arena p rogr am thurs nov immr skating pm imt mtriai ijii r him hrv al nltit 1 casnao rrl 1 int b ikmkkv gcor0etown v milton sal nov r 11 bllt sliatinti attirnuon a tvknin mm nov jk lattmkb iicm krv 2 lisrnm lurv nov ii lllllli shatint laaara 14 pm jk t lltmkky at nlht wa nov xi a i hit a prrm ikhii hlldrrn 24 p sm nhilt skatlnfi in th nla bis now is the time to modernize give your basement that modern look with an economical clare hecla gas unit all in5tauaiions maw in acrokdanoe with national warm air waiinc and air conditioning association riquiriminis and tailor made to suit your home ettimatat without obligation why take less than the best call root hardware limited rockwooo ont phone ul 6m51 save profit or you frtohlty grand union del monte catsup 5 85c del monte fancy peas 5 1 89c del monte tomato juice 3 89c bicks fresh baby dills 2 89c mclntosh apples fresh crisp 3 ib bag fancy red ihvttt voo savimo ih 9 mlil st vvioileffivinovmw acton ont hourt claud maniuy m 30900 oihw day t ijo600 c c

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