Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1958, p. 11

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j m i n i mumiifinrnnr i j half on county declares war mac sprowl ont federation governor jon ah foxes w i dt to ur scourge uf r4 barrage of farm problems debated lt m r orul 11 irt4fci sown brr ii mr prtrruro wa thr i the oauho ifaderatsosi agri culture imw a in bar4g u far trouaj lt wk u 40 dule rtr laaboo irt- bees llwdrd the fcuday annual convention in toul keyed u the future by taw cctfvwuon ihejri of tli pwrmer new rule in uarfcetinjsf dleagu knwvj out policy duufkwiih the help of mat ditruuuial pkr and lengthy dlirumtont of rlutio uu swowl of avion w eluded govemo rtvf c ill on of ihf eewlulioae drtll wllk managed eeiminy through jha uu of uuoie pdurtiun two ru sya- lawn aswf ftiuita pricaig mem- ber decided they fawored pruduf i tun ronuol wlti wwili also fhmilril inarkt lmg ihit left final dfulwa i fmlmiljr group within the federation j j thunton of vutorl count spor 41 leeigth in of ll aolutlon rl ni ng fiat xi ti wtre needed and tlu it j u1 l easy to apply jal- this w i t in areordamr w ilii the i ndir s panel daruion held eirlir u the day aand c aired t knii biggs dairy romnutifmfr ni r 1 no panel nirfnlwii ki munoir chatham wvkiiiv of thr ontario kuyelsaan orimrti atfiritunn said that farmers wtit not reed for theae nmlmli oilier panrlil were l nest hic- katl j teaming ton rttirnlim tha btbaaea grower kenneth crew whole milk producer frmi trenton and c harlrs huffman peatreaidrnt of the ontario vge- labia sfuwrn avc uut crwaut tu three djy ronvcntmn g uv mmbrr ihc ntfirt unity ti rlm- deeply into ihr jitralton tf rttirfel tnlfratinn fmilrwl faiminj aa it la alao railed a panr1 dikuuton about vrrtwat integration ttrld on 1h acond da and arrtil rr miluiun wrir diaruaard and paud j f on im which railed fur waar h and atudv f of ihr adiaabilit of fjrmrr n- trnni into intrrtrt ojwi it om f fond production and inrmink tw pan i diarua on ui ii1 lis rhairman prof liatph cttmpt ii of ontario airroltunl colirfr owph uith km lliunrr unr loo dtitrirh farmer and mrmlxr of ihr iwtmi ora rrrtilivr mrlt in hrkw ayr grorgr hrctgur jlarrlilnn and altrt pond jarvn thr p4nlnptaald that vi-iir- al lnlrgratim rirj cdt for farmer but it would likrl rnuf an inrraae in farm nw and a dr frtow in the numtier of farmert tlic fideration nrlini grnrralu aeemrd to feet that as long aa de velopment of ajrtirultiiral intrgia- tton came almiul through firmtr co aprrativea and other frm or- canui1tnni it uould n provr 1o be ichi tmuhleaomf l the firmer at the aanie time drli calm tnhud reaoluihm iniktttini furthn atudv into farmeri rnirrtni i tail ing of fuod i ng thit luf were not in tnr ir rompli te fn legralmn of prod irt ion prurtinj and arlling funrtioru lrf orgajkiauaa convention hufhlighta included the addreaar of cordon clre r ot- xmw president dr ii ii llannam prnident of the canadian r nit ra tion of agriculture and hun wil liam goodfrllou mmmter of agi i culture gordon gieer ril ni on farmer to work cloael together in the fulurv to reorgnnie the facu of life and atop irving to rope alnglehandihfly with an ortcimreil world me urged them to form alrorujar farm marketing organua- tloni and to adopt aelfhrlp yr of farm marketing program 1 hannam pointed out t thr delegate that producer marketing board and the stabilisation juwt t otufre con flirt in their effort to do the aame jiu for the farmer when the stabilisation iuvird offer aurpliu product on the aame do mestic mat kel that the producer marketing board i offering thr ame product me jid ihu ua concern iruj the official al oltawi i and that it uaa the tehrf of the cra that thor muat be unt io effectively do vt tail the operation of the tup group i or llannam dracrihed the current aituation ulth powdered aktm milk quotaa had recntl ben placed im the stubiliiat on t soard purchase of ihu tuppot tvt product vira bhgipaet hon wm gitodfellom apokr to fmembert and dwecatra in the aftri- of the second day voicing hi upport of the ontario farm pro ducts alarketuvg art and the uik induitrv act me maid that he u- tnainuuned a mulrl apirixei but tj di4 indlcaie that tine criafr- 1 un i d4 ut ur scourge t4 riud fux- w lino ut ev duun uvw i onui io uturb preceaui a rej daiiger threat to uur hunvao pop- ulatiuo a 11 u to 1 lork ctcipertivet uf odiaru tialun cuunty council apuruvad w a electml biaid thr r rojmrnetmlfctmjn uf it cum othtr nirnitirn j nut tee i aftirulluif t their ltl 1ivijlui i j i tuthlmy of tat uiik in the bounty ud iuim j kl imkuh fiwi 3 ou lu 4uv a ifcmirnctfxdatk ubjtrt lu tl uvd ui farovart ruaninj thetr o n j uruld affairt- he touched bruwiy on lite i cla kfcburg h04 pjb of which a plabitcite wa iceiitdent heid kit july and over which their the eaecuttve rlectrd at uu- inert- hal lrn much controverty tng irr j a ferguson st when queauurud fiom lh flir lltutna hrie huffmati llrivw aboot to virui on trie puin t i aud l4n ljtetnure laxgu bu uudiit4it ij ajtn public w uj luimtn huggeau uymt a utter n ue fcubjr t uf rabktt be to1 b roj rr- h uruu r u boot hildrvn m tbe pr eoaditluitf ao rknget may hav tu be m4e in the p an tin letriat k wu niteunjtrued by aome to mean that the government u a gung t change the hog pln sui h up n i the ciii a ii uuagrave clarkatmuk plike on pi half t artlnir htlgg preidni of lb ipei ir in utarw a i in he ilri id tli deveuhrnrnl cf the iin ii y onr tt1 delegatit eui t r dr vrlupoitnl of the lirw 1 a i fr r iuiimi- coipn i n tfllia in ji ur io ti mr haitbtd lutfnbrr and i1i1i f i wit f 11 t t trie arhitlrr 1 ll l1 4j d jatpei v l president f a mei iliuue 0 m 7sytaid t hatlit uum et i n f 1 of it r ou jr m r n r g i p are re- pj ulixl b rtverubrr on uvr j nunibe board of guveirwic ue- tea dr nurn fiamrd abovr uwkr ph e wile rlealtd goverituia um spu wl aumi lthll siiiiiaoit d su u tald wil uutill l k wet pet uw r ii ii iurmii otu u ledle alfred url van murne hing hay lhe lltvn uw s- irttf haile kvlttnia liuijtw t twin flakvt lialltmti 1 lod k utiiun lllenleun toot fbthjufi ixungiaai r wyera chatham m mtiu huttgiw aldii ut uin uuirhrh juaefifi mlllfi l iln j y srnun otlwa u ailui ikidfci i yi mm r pri i nmir mift j ii i iwu kik f 1 i t r i 1 ti ji t i of agm ttr ulnning pn t irl an l eaprrim- ihr i aruid an tederit fkjtu ajuukul maalmif to be u il m sikiln in jmn ibb emltr o the co rtmut in surance aaclation lklh of lti te young papl actlvel engaged ii agricultural ptnnit and url from rounty eltminmti ni ihrmnh fone t lirninationa to thr ftnuu in torontn they a an ntttrd troph ir from the ofa in hvogrnti hi or their new i it let sii rt endif 1i the ilidmi of ihu offtei at hi titiul rimi i ing h id on the ren ng of nmi lr 13 be elect president r if v annual competition won by peterborough the inlcrcounty 1 ivetock dslauaf acdgt titinei ni h id i the coneifrfi at the itotal winter rinr on thur lay of uv utk thiv r mpel il ion i o n to l jitn of thitt muting nun uml i thi ir of 36 ear u ho hi not t in th thr romp litmn tr9 cuaaea mm pet i tor jutie in dair cattle ihtet ihre r i a u ri in tkef cattle ihiee i u of inr und urn ruu of ihi and kivr mnl n it hon for th n placing on alt id rlasats thr jeffio bull m inrul tro ph w hlch hi bt i n in annuil rompr tition since lh f tf t koeni in 102 ua won h lh iitm t itn w nbng pt trrlxiioiifch count o ford wa second n nd n ot th simimf third thr helton tram composed of vim g marshall edward segs- uoith and iv n th lor putid ulh in thi compttition iniltng id h s holden optomlt1ist eyes examined glasses fltted 7 deuobi si ouilph nwm yaylar 57150 a miudtomr i have always eurtaidaewd that thr ut1 lotion of ihr tllteitl romlxil n etiginr f i die hori- rpi knl a veiy gloomy mil t mr in the progress of manhind bo mt sit wmiltn ctuirhdl uiio shot tup hrkt two 0kvillr hunur mair tpopkuu nd jimmy llolridge re- tunmt iiimii deer hunting with a l5o mhirid if lit point hoik ac- cording to torrikm hth mm sp ttrd ihr tag at tlir lamr limr in f rd hut there aa oolv nr ikiii i h ir in thr bork t11 luri 11m pirli k uhm bulli t h t the target rauliixu wfiieh ahouid be ukia unilri pi brut rundtiujv hsmuj fn uoily i ujm il farther appv 1 of tffriing mucial pi lies to hunt cluba ur v4it4en atue latkuii fur the large bag of fujng dninig ilia ind novrinbri isth to pibfuary xsih iv tti foi pi iav award will be llfiu and um f uid ptim isu arid tumh pxur ul ttue award ar to l- in ldiuuii to tlte tguli bounty oi 4 fio per t il huy be shiggeatiwl that nnder riiil ng iuixlili ml the tiouiily fclw old tim- lns ti t laiud al hifhrf figlil tnt xliiltlulf vhria pim ir 1e t nrit i tt ity in ike an inl if uu l unti imii g tan1 m iriuimlinf unliea a a n at in f fa t nr in lurmad from a tauahie tower lht ir r two i f hall ji t jstrm i tintiri mu lxiity is be t paol oiimiofmiy su h a situation oin eault in only one thing nirai ty thr tmtlrgiinf of f mi ifmu r unl litui srul the higtn i uir bounty ute nurr bol- lagging will takr place inridi nlally tinrr we wrote tiuf column for last wtek laaur une iualivr rand wj datrpyad nrar tiii gi lumi und n vi lul i thi r i uu i air ntiig on touring isvcs kver ticr ut pw- aue us tle winter tww 1 uuit it vaa rrujf tava luo at fuft uiii aune fiuaj ul snar rreuy li o iod u oie thai tsy v jja proktxd u ne it i a fue uiter spurt fur all u uuli alhlrtes uho idtr a nmuiiulii uf ff4b an with a nuuauni uf ef fult hr lw it uitl tuvt reuuiieribeut u a auiu y su4 uveou day tt sue plenty uf these rry ml ajd you lutal furr uiirsu can give you ihu uifujtibaiiui a day ui adtawr uuil a bleh ul lul dotfa aul stow la a targe nuulfd tltrnnos fill soouur the huj w ttlt lt cuftre slash away a paikagr uf loll and irlujtis ui hr tiuik cuippaiuueut of you ui hundu up w u id lad u a dnvr uilo ttkr rkinu y luiubng yuiiiwlf w im irwur ttii vo rtowa fiijm bwne base yahe ui uw uwrk utvd whwe uu cai paik atd htiull while u iff teg unur hmel to utimi iri if you and you pajij toalat ustrn auiin tlu i ate uaaiy plwtt 1 oi ty mi liildl ttlnr tlr nm i l aiiyuung fiun aih t lout h ukkle ruud tn u atea uitduv bul aoo 4s aim fcal u ute isi- whur u lul it uu iu ltti idy member iy ihr rsp ir llmi fuuklllg llnrif tmy k ttw tiwe swu a rf the snaafalta au thai ihry i hujiovris a uggeliti t rat dinin al annr liunl place on ihr way boow th acton fr fit is truiiy r4wmb 20 19 m name mac sprowl nw prewdrtf of esquesing federation group triuraday rwtii of ut wk uvmght siuoulatjujf ir provokiaav saw uw atkuaj wtu uf the j ad perhape here ajtul there a bit uuruut radtia4t of agrcuhue eoauuveeaiai held ui the kauawukg towiajuj hall at stewartwwu detuu ds- agrtwable driving conditions tiiere was a fsr attefusare but there shuuld have baa isuwiy nme tur highlighl of the evwiult puiaui wa an addew by l w l hoppe of hie fain kixnimn tta tbe iwt ttiat is per eerit of our ptiuumiun who are engaged ui faiiwiag twelve orl aevai per caat of uur sutaxaj meoroe in dtcait thai we atul have uj ma fannaea and he t jdwd it a only the snust affuat with guud sited ujiu who wui f ahle lu stay u bamh at the oouiw agtuuluirgt the b r of agneullui wtierr cvllrgr on the avbjeet i tial ihr uivafrunrit p4i woik at litegiatn or so raluo t itrset piftnt leond ttfqw cu rarnmg t w 14 hsu pee wwkrr ut ir i to oy tha uaal tus add va dltry tw prttgsrmm citsured ly iavj j waemaat asird alao kahust- ad urrf eaaeu by w couiue fiweeetary sv uedical seevieea ad a h gatel- lar aeeratary of the mail rd fratsun of afteieurtuee wae ha nausure that the ajsaul swirl lag r ue uastosi atsvmkajuea viu ha tt u id ucmbcr kh tt elecuuc of uffera tvf ihkt rrsujled s tulwws preai4msl ktac spuwl wicepreaidrnt cd 0vm- port sacretarytrraaue urt w j diuwn vtltakltujmjr4 tittftrrh butter tlir rt1ji i iillu thud of llr i ttl to givtyott gaej klrphtme servire your bell telcphoae inaulbiion man whatever h uante may be u a lol like jack maclennan on tltc jnb lul ajulllul wntl rcflfd hi carrful training- llot mure tlun llial c like to think lliat fncmuy amile and unfaitinit cuurlcay icnil a putvint tuucli lo lua brieryiul we try lo encourage ttut friendly apitlt all through the butiueaa yihiii ee il when you uut tltc buaineia oaut youll hear il in the operators voice with a amile tbia helpful friendly spirit unneotlhe many waya in whuh we try to gtvc you rood telephone acmce tms wu tii khtetm csajfawy or canaba kodak film rtamaikwal saacisl ft aaeh nil tura uft at hlnlarit saw tor ittpiat you may untiam a new roll l iua tor only m regular me hfcitafittia shara xt some people have a flair for giving they have a talent and taste for choosing the moat exciting christmas presents they givethe good things that make living more pleasurable many of the people will give modern electric appliances this christmas and theyll insist jon having them ready for use on christmas day because they know these appliances will make christmas and every day for that matter a new and exciting experience so this year do a little hinting just say youd like awmething wonderful for the household something the whole family can enjoy and dont be surprised if you at a superb modern automatic electric appliance to helpyou live better electrically the safe dean modern way iontarlol atusctricitv dobs so niuchc1ts so litrlat

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