Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1959, p. 1

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v- ilghlyfounh year no 28 wht djm mttt tt acton ontario thursday january 8lh 1959 cight pflgeisevfen cnls operation deep freeze howling red fox zero temperature interrupt boy scout expedition o- lsighi boy scouu members of the first acton a trtp braved jwlnter temperatures ranging from moan zero to a high of 32 de gree to spend three days mid two wghu under canvas in the criup- nst of a canadian winter last week- dubbed operation deep fttfcte the hike flrat ol aiadcs pint nod to capture coveted winter camping proficiency badges i itnn fiiday morning following thursday s ice storm and ended sunday afternoon as wintry gusts dropped temperatures well beli zero taking part in the csmp were patrol leaders qlen barr bob hinton brian otterbcin rtky fnoto by utenn bair operation deep freeze as the boy scout expedition last weekend was dubbed saw several acton scouts cavnpmg out during the weekend in the chilly temperatures part of their training in order to pass tests the exercise had the lads cook tng their own meals as pictured above shown are left to right bob hinton rickey curne brian otterbein paul mc geachie laurie duby and pete new torn old hijack joe eyrnace huffs then puifs blows soot into two- stores black filly soot covered the i counters at brndlcya meat maikct last saturday in a freak accident caused by a furnace unit in alton home rumlshtnkb store next tioor rac lyckt co proprietor of the furnishing store reports he uns ittinr in tht office ana around 1350 saturday afternoon whtn hi i heard n loud bang thinking pir- haps sime of th thc apartment i taken a tumble mr west puid lit tic attention to the noise however when he tumid hi- head toward thr front of thi s n he saw black soot billowing nil registers behind rome of thi furn iture ripen on t lewr dashing to thi cellar mi wis 600 damage caused in rearend collision police estimated ww d im im o two ehicles mvohtd in m un dent on thr corner of m on mmi and elizabeth drue in ailm on bundm t uunn 4 a t ir amen b n no did is of actoti stopjnd to make n left tin n onto elinhilh drue wit nmck in the nar tn i vehieh riinui u siegtned sail const t hit i locil o pi dt tflcnmi vd tin two t ir crish furnace was apparently rutin in in good ordi r qttfck thinking on the part of mi west prompted him to dash to tin conuol switch and hul the furnace off nixl mnvi ni to tall si i vice nun who unmrdiati i rhitkid the entne unit but could find nu iikchamciil trouble it is biluvcd lhl limdi os itiou din inj the night hid eiuistd ihe hliist whin tin thermostat s united up during ihe di t mtmwhile in bindlijs mill moi ki 1 hcviiiil customers had jum it f tin sto they had bein st unlink ni ir whin thi soot p mud out oir the counliis dividing wall tin chimmv soimcini tin two biulduiks nins up the dividing w ill hilweonlhc butchir shop ind furnishings slcin mr bndlc ix pinned hi section was not hutted din i foi t the stm pipe hulo had bun osircd mir with hn pip ir and paintid foui or fii linn s mr bi idle y i xpresscel im ii mint thfl the passim f the blast wi old breik open the covered holt instuid of continuing up the chini in opi ration mopup was the irdi r of thi day lot crnplovtis tn ihi ninit mirktl as thej utumplfti t i niwiri for thi afternoon rush f customu ii ih mr wist nnd mr bi liliv n potted consult nbk loss dm to h t dumici cui rlc second paul mtguichlc troop lcudir peter niwlon as m laurie duby and seoulm istti hartky coles tint expedition thclrflrsl wnturv into winlii woods as campers tin expedition encounurid many mw smhls and hounds home of wihich wire un- wilcome not the kasj or tlus was the nppiunuilc of a ml fox in tin dead of mithl whlih disluibul more than oik occupant of skip- ing bags with n nocturnal opuii compokid of yilps uite i nju i si d with hook hideous sctuutis the unnilural yilpittk which of tin u scrub kti a human siimm hfi thi boys to suspiil tin fox was rabid and un batrtidtiv nmht in tin wn snn hour whin tht flash light biam of asm iiiuiu dubv nnd paul mcgonrlin lit on ihi tox skulking n fiw yntds fiom tin camp axis wiic gripped tmhtii and shovels win movid closn in tht cvmt rtynard had any tuiniv- lrous dcsikhk un boy scouts however thi night pissid with out furlhir incuknl tin fox k iv in with tin ipproaih o tlivlihl three tobokgans i oadect thl hiki huttul out in hid iv moriing thm tilmmuis win loaded with miiipmtnl uhuh in eluded iwn tints slet ping bigs thow and n lint fly wtinh was latir to suvi us urn f ii lan t expect big rush on plate sale 19511 mr niurjtirs went nn sak nl all akools on friday january 2 this yiar tliey ore a blaik plate with white lettering thi deparl- imnl of trnnspoit minister has win nod thil again this year there will bi no extension of thi dead line and hie public would be well advised to obtain tin ir j dates i n ly dnidline for obkuning plates is mm if iii the diimitlnienl uho points out tint li dulity iiinuianie slips must ixhivn in obtain dkii plates or n ixli i vuo wilt be ehamed it is also pi unit ii out that tins 100 dots not in miy way consist of insur ant but is merely a levy thaj in paid into the unsatisfied judgment fund established some tears bru inmphkls sill available at an i nt s offit s tiiiduiihoul onuu in ixplmiiiiu hit demerit system rli nig into fotte and all motorists ait unitd in obtain hun amphlcl mil iiv it line foi study l iilly pliks tun be obtained it tin home- of j lliijinve ar- ihui i actoi hitchid to tin somi ingiiiioiis r mi lliiuiavt ii4iorled this week that sih of tin plates bigan last r ndiiy anil will s weie up r per i nit nvi i the same day last year hi idvisi tltivus to obtain their plalis iinly in in ilit to avoid the s mil numb is in alton ind dislutt this win beini at 071001 111 with mi hukhivt ublaimng the fnsl pi in s himsilf w tin toi il ismiii notid that for was i un fiisltuiu sim i i slalion was op md in aitm tin station nuin- hy i hi ixii ilniit 1 and is now h- ininibi i l inst id of the former 77 remand turkey thieves one week for sentence onvjclid of miiihnj liukiy om uio pitnusis of j w wnlf ii l ralph lanxfoni or it it 4 a md hipold thm mil of dixit win ttaiandisi in cusloh f i om rtick for si mi nee when liny ip- miiinmri m n i 1 1 urn in i iji convicted au atloii m m was fuivd flli and costs in milton couit on mon day when in w ii found miilty of loaned diivuig on deeimber 2a ti lo mm vii niistid bv t iihi il it m son tnd b moniu of tin lx il opi d ut hniont willim tin i jiouis if tin police i ii livid ihi 1 1 poll ot thi slaugltlcr und uitft of neuly 21 bnds wh tin i win iippic- hended by police six turkeys were found in ihi luck mt of a cjit thiy wen riding in and eight mori hiiiilin in un bun it the tnmii of uitirout no revellers arrested majprity greet 59 noisily butpolice say night quiet uhhijji ihn ukit at miiuiight it as fir is tin polm hi tntd the ti ulilion illy o a full fou tv wtdmsdiy ni ledkc ihui wm town h iwii t nir in pi m full onl i lillli busi ifcljt of th m ii tn nlh i the legion od bnuith flyiiifi ktsh ints ind iktrs to urttt d uk strtets in my thi i usual n years r vt sp nsorrd by the legion dnw marly 400 tn the fisl- dutiiine wns to uk deuon orthtstri ered i jii- nipt ii sleet starts driving t nrliln its hit u port of tin iwniiit win cd the aktt iiffitu ached nwll piss bj hnwkir slut big in fall about four t m arid dnv n damage 125 in car truck crash 1 d mdilioi sti iriily w u bid i ns islmnled it 11 n it ir dnvon by cordon f kit 3 aclon and a bit id pi itid bv thotnaa sitonv mayor forecasts busy year in 1959 urges council investigate pollution fur tins ting p busy tai foi hit 1010 jinmcil mayor w ii took infoi mid tint new count il tiny would be tailed ujon tu m ike dt- cisioiih tliat would affect uu mini icipnuty for the next 1121 yisirs or longer dtirinx his lliuikuril hpneh oti monday iveninu hi ounnuil uu council to give thorough investiu turn into tin pollution of urn low wall i suppu on tin south mi acton imiuiuil tin nisi lv s with pioni jm siifriiiut inf imitum of anon in 1 uu mm oidi to tmihi with invi immrv mil pisii fiom iniiistt lulisls mil t v ion buildliikk nidiiilion lo llw hu dmtmoul i a i ill lihiovii uu oinbulimem i tin sli t 1 ikh tint i it n it m ol iih n signing the oath of office mayor w h cook is surrounded by cleft j mtqtnclue idl rev k j reid centre and rev h b stokrcef duinej the mauguial rneeimg of council mori day evening the two ministers members o this aclon ministerial associalion ronducied a brief dedication service afler membois took the cioth of office the ayor iddiossrtj the councillors and advised them that decisiop they might make this year could affect the torn munity for the nexi 15 20 years ft v k j ibid and hv 11 b siiknif or uu ail mi muuslirkul ashoiiiiliiii was tu foni rdclking isiinintteik foi uie vi ir co mm i tiers i in following appolntininln fr louuuitliis win approved with the fiisl miiiibir mimid uilmg us riiiuii i h irusl 11 d itith- im imi 1 ii mints lichls toid khilmiit j m mo j h himt w j meunel nut ii i w sjwi nnd wil r i ii liy b i hi iilin i ii limit md r w ills lniliihiiiil w l i ok j ii coy and w i mil oil wilfni tl d luthhu r wius mil ii b wi rn iri1 pol i- wiih w j miai mill ii l i i iillt moildioks w j moimi it iv j md ti low adnurimi illim old it rsoom i w ii ook i ii tiy j fl lluist and j m r i r t nut of rhvinion i ii hursj h i l i m umi b d llolilm nil w tl i ok hhu pi iiilin uih w b i km him as oimeilk n pn si ntalivo 10 tin hanilh i- willi un roiiiitiln iipimiilaliv on tin 1iirkrt boaid 11 ii il is louniils r prm iilolivi i s k rillwlrik m uk m llltlllg thi lo iv ii kll- if 111 old i 1 ik mil i in m a on ttu lid tl milfoil on una canine heroes play lead roles in wolf dog mini stirs uu riiox uj nikmi and inn iinm shi hnl d ks titil pfnfh of ait m iip hi sum dm trig uu pin uu sh al hi mtfoid u mayor charges 1959 council to find contamination cause iid by dm im tin miiiguiil nmlirik or lulod coiini il fi i un it si on isimtil 11 mondiy viniiir m ior in till follow n injiilli hi of w it kk nidi sid mimlhis ol uoini i b ill ii r uiily hi ihi iomii1 s in in i oild il usuns h m on th n dull s md inform 1 fit 01 in f hi psition of uk- town 1 i 01 a un inmmiil iddssiiln lonie md ill i in 1 d ll tie i lor hdid i um smd of uu p im w cdv sni ill gioi tht new neai i in jut nr h of aclon kndjj niorniiib jvim s i t it l uck skidtkd sdwns pn shppiiv imid const vim btnnett countv opt n is itited mud laisid md ti mud by unit ll nstir tlie iw in mils play i id u i r ii in tin piituu hi il is i id ru ir owm sound by in urn lit m in uu tompniy nikkii who pliys thi put of tin villain i o stirs with austin willis will known c in idi m l i l mil tv slur wluli pi met pi ivs uu linos put high lntkr ttu two mini ils w ho n sp md to i mm mis nl nlv vol 11 but by sijil ils n 1 1 1 1 1 d huth st finn mmi offnils ri thm fin infirm inn duririfihi slu lint f thi st pis m nn bonis of u innik lnu binldirik iximiis issid diirmj 1111 ow frlr i usli in lion into spirit by uu pitunt miui lil win up i iii p r i nl mir ihi mw mici riivlusplnl f tin mini is m pupinru thi tu h ij7 thnn j ties hi slml noilh ind stril dogs f r this ind uu ir ix hjildni nupii l r rib is d injuns issins1 t thom is md ih ctllrnt bthivior rifltd uu ibil i n iy lh lt indieitnl itmils iv construeti n in thi 1 nl it r uu att n dofi ownir t sin d eluriiik4st vi ar win 21h 1 i r ision piodnti iwo moli stirs irllo c nt f thi pnvi is n if showinc biggest tiins in ii in ijwihd lihllilm f 1 ik011uik inml ilu 1 itjlf 0il the picture wolf d k h n w k 1ti bten rcli iied for showine in u i ii xt v ti i ul von ll ihmk k tf i us it iivis ml ih iksi tl i is to pritnilx iw in it nliiilv foi wi hr inn 1 h lo t u 1 ml mm md admiiustir fi id wm b ink toiukm it is ut i nur mil i i d our town i mr iown oh lige t wile mm nm hi ri is uu acton jnd ii thi in t d mumi building permits more than double last year do nnc die il of nil anil mr pfi if ii ind thi itre where tin piilur shown when requested his two it my is buns 107 d t 4h m ki mi nt is on lst y os oi f 1 11 year old acton youngster recaps weekend in new york allan robm of mr and m crtsttnl stitnt onto sitnr corn end joined 1r4 o ontario nnd fit to f l lift md i i p al th mfiir lleslaurjnt i jnnrt it 6111 pm nnd wr i milnn iinmrt on irnal tu i w riuectlv 1 thi c a building where wt ur kils and chttkid the baeeace fl ihe tnrmrh u on mod and mkhtae ins wiunmt i nmtisl the souiik etm i ton artp r1 fud i im one fu v s birkt r for ht first flicht a eight jjuhi loidnl w lwidtd at irtkwild i ork a gutm- f th since htwtum uoj m id n young aum h pnimnit in u etunt f his txcmng weektnd his storvs for the frex lrt-ss- itkludi onl ia fiw of the nun i veiling momiiits of his in wtikmd own sr j1ollow mg i- llan h b n- sonf stor tj his rij 1 wiuld like 11 i- 11 v u i si r qf mv trip to niw ork whictl was made posmblc bj tbi tor into daily star thrmrkh a corrtcst im- ong all the carrier bots and girls in ontan mr cameron of guelph picked llafs fror hildrcei hm n ii til whif wc armed at mntwjflllo w wri triin assigned ui it bed and tllhk itnh breaklut t antonutt wcri c tiled eich morning at id wtnl out for breakfast to fn ni the hotel on suiuda morning we wm i ik n t uu nbc ndio and tele msi ii tun wini where we toured the building ind were howp how likmsmn and radio are made pos mbli we were also interviewed on ulc iion conltnued on pap thre tn ikl an in rt nths 111 mi f 11 iimi ry jill wi0 rib my j111 4ll mmh s4jw 1110 april ij iwi m v sixxi juni s127h julv t2hm ani- t 1 tli 0 s i h t hit mu trees burned lights down chr past msi it i pt our r rp4iinibiliy timi s 1 iikirn tint wc am nig i ik mir ai ton for toil md u x llu filiu ii mm of ol die i- vir 1 0i n ih building of u ri w s iw v rid uu o w rind ilistniitlil pr ki 11 st out by ok feeder n during i md ai th s x f tkl it h r sy men ii ii-esii- id d d a 1 d with ittiwl d by iii- istnal ul r wr omc r irfsl f oimfi i lili l k md unp1 i d iliu i co tor in i i id r r to 1 nd td m 1 f wind dfpans oe ritn if it t- m si p r i t v s r lcr 1 1 m v ft t 1 rod ii rf iil bv the into im hi id 1959 councilmtmrcts are pictured at the maucnjral meeting on monday evening shown above are froni row left to right couwillor j h hurst reeve j h goy wayor wh cook de puiy reeve j m greer and councillor w j mcleod back t 1 1 ti thi i chl r d hudpit jo a me f srfnu elves row clerk j mcgeacrue councillors h lowe f watts h peal w rf pounc in u ii i and b d rachln lsenl at the meeting to conduct e dedea i a ktrknes town foreman re- lion service were rev k j reid and rev h b stokreef of ported the tree gahced were the acon ministerial association t burned at th town dump t f th nvl i th 1 dijwrt- t i i wttls 1 im tx kirib ibout a rs nd wdiir i w im lo bring i mil n ftite nn ir tportli rrnot lh iuxutn hi dui int id the owitc ri flinsiiirlflfijicr i the i an iter mipplv on hi yj7i dr hj- dftr i itrd m n wi in tr pit few wii ks that w he nrr n it fied to ihe effect thi i i nnl inrcr lit for human cnomptton arliculaiy tn people on a salt fer ditt conrmnid on pf etejfit

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