Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1959, p. 10

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xeeping pace in halton the proposed addition to halton centen niol manor that will double its capacity is another indication of the growing counfy and the necessity of increasing services to care for that population the county council has given two rad mgs to the necessary by law for the 900 006 addition and tenders will be called this month the present manor was opened in july of 1952 by the hon w a goodfellow who expressed the hope that those who come through these doors will find comfort se curity and contentment of mind the opening of the building at that time completed aq agreement with peel county by which the two counties had operated a oin home for the aged since 1909 in the 10 years prior to the opening of the manor the population of halton county had increased from 28 515 to m4 4043 in the six years since the opening of the manor the population has grown from the 44 000 figure to over 60 000 it is not difficult to see from the popula tion growth that a similar growth must take place in the county accommodation present capacity of the manor is 105 and when the addition is completed 220 of the cpuntys senior citizens wilt find modern and comfortable accommodation there the plans tor the addition to the manor would seem to be in keeping with the com ment of the hon w a goodfellow in his opening remarks on that brrstenng july day n 1952 when he hoped those who came through the doors would find comfort se curity and contentment of mind the addition wilt simply increase the number of halton s citizens who may enoy the facilities of hal ton centennial manor lets do it blow ft wasn t so long ago that many phases of business and industry in canada had a tendency to hibernate like the bear until the cold weatherwasovetseasonat unernploy- ment was accepted as a natural by product of the climate as something no one could do anything about it took the first sweet scent of spring to get these activities under way now things are different the number of pbs tackled in spite of the cold increases every winter more and more houses are built and it is no longer a strange sight 10 see bricklayers carpenters and roofers working in zero weather perhaps protected by a tarpaulin and plastic framework the construction industry is hut one example of activity which no longer sub mils automatically to the onslaught of win ter in maufactunng while layoffs still oc cur to some extent in the winter period the practice of layoffs at this time on a tra diti b is becoming a thingrof 4he past the answer to this seasonal problem is not to b f construction however for nb one is more important m the attack on seasonal unem plpyment than the householder any painting and decorating planned for next spring or summer could no doubt be carried out usi as well right now to ad vantage m fact when one considers the well filled labor market available as it is at pre sent the little things too mean a ob for someone the building of a cupboard re modelling at a house finishing a recreation room and sanding floors if industry tabor employer consumer and government work together to reduce seasonal unemployment the desired result will be achieved old man winter can not be beaten but the difficulty he ciuscs can be alleviated melancholy winter a by either taylor jottings y jim dills finai i y managfd to ret cli commandments as women s organizations begin a rtfw year perhaps these 10 commandments might be helpful as clipped from a saskatch ewan paper 1 thou shall come to all meetings be it on horseback no matter how sore thy limbs the next day be it on bike which is really exceedingly good for reducing curves m the xi pla o be 1 by th al ever so great a squabble with thine old man over how much gas is left 2 thou shalt be liberal in offering thine home for meetings even though the house cleaning shalt not be done and the wallpaper cracketh 3 thou shalt load the or to capacity with neighbors and friends every meeting though the springs of thine car cracketh alarmingh and thy husband mutterefh dire things under his breath 4 thou shalt brtng lunch when it be thy turn be the bread ever so sour 5 thou shalt not come late even to ex hibit thy new hat which thou boughtest et the mail order house nor thy newest print dress which thou pickest up for a mere song at the local store 6 remember the roll call keep tl in mind test thou shalt be caught napping and nobody waketh thee and thou misseth the lunch to say nothing of thy ride home 7 take part in the program whenever possible blushes become thee not and mod esty is a past art belonging to the dark ages 8 thou shalt not interrupt the meeting to talk about thine operation aches and pains not even thy husband s 9 thou shalt speak thy mind at the meeting and not on the way home lest thy words backfire and sm ie thee 10 thou shalt give thy husband a decent meal after the meet ng and not let him clean up the leftover sandwiches or open a tin of soup the touchwood times punn chy sask whatothers say dutton ont advance what to do with loafers and trouble makers in high schools is a problem about which there has been a good deal of talk at least two local boards have decided that the matter shouldn 1 stop there and they are taking action to oust noe cooperative stud ents who loaf and make trouble a warning will be given for the first offence bul after that out they go it won 1 be surprising if other high school boards follow suit cost of operating our schools is getting to the place where it us isn t good business to permit students who lus don t give a hoot to waste the time of teachers and other students who are mak ing an effort to get along such a rul ng could have a good moral effect too if young people are taught to apply themselves in school they are more apt to give a good day s work when they get into industry or business this would be benefc al both to themselves and to their employers it ilway s oim t be ont of those jobs th it i kcip pu hint off decorations inside wire down wdl ihond of mv ro m vil of tilt outdoor light but it rully d itsn i like is 1 mr to 11 nnr lhm is i hid inticipiud mil now thyrc in ihi btixis f r n neither yenr th il h iliday scjson likp most diys j 1st sh mtii ti slip by 111 in iwful liuiry ip yo0vf horn folio fnc the cub in revolt perhaps you cm itil mo which side to cheer fur bntista wis i dictitnr and thcie seems t be no nrfpiment ihout that castro led iht uvoll pledrini i dcmocfjr but 10 fir his per nti n his n lit f eirmirks f m trur ilict itirship ptihnps it will bi ncetssarv for the sm ki i i 1 ti 1 1 k irn thl rt il itilcnme evfry timf i write ihoiit the wnthir i j t cr ssrd up before lh piiper i pi irs but wi hmnl hid 1 j muiry thiw j hm vf- fvfn thf fskimos ire run ning into prhilims of ct iliilun a special labtl is neccssar n v4 tdiknut trut fskitno art pitci sv fr m th seing pnduced in a production bisis as far auij as hong kong inodintilly the for eirn produced mat n 1 is biinn shipped mli cimrti t 1 risil is lykim tms are sifigh nds mill pop 1 in th msir his bnina rdunt m ir ihi olduirm sleigh r ic with runl roods n min sect 1 ns tdcul fir singling dr im r s rt of thi ronds n sundiv ind 411 wis tn hmd t i i l t s h i filltss til v i f this sundays si fhs in tow p 1st though i thmj 1 f iht i sending p r it it m bl ftjffu tw foi i owinc p em en utlid the sumliy dinrur i tin irihid h m in old scrip b k but it sumed ti time 1 pusint diy pi lie iti m ilf in his moil he wilks tin fl ir a wild impatient ir uch hut ifu rw ird hi w mis to snore on yi nib r uih net c neh tin ugh dietitians may cxp nind a wiser e lint sc il ni hippy medium is fennel in sunday s 1 nfinj m ilc to mimed wif it often vivms to b i prove n firl thit mm milurs i lw exl tm s oni ed th 1 tin 1 pik w1i irii w pnll most civic crimps hive lit id tht ir iitmimnul me imps in n w with off cuts mined f r th piismt ytai s iclivitv countv c uni 1 11 ytt it it ti t wild us in il tiu il shfhilrl fi jimmy 21 llirts i p issib i tj ihit n isei- t iw v i s ruvi m ly in tirhtd wirdm illh uth r ill ini tltm tt be i i th i 0 bf gi ad i st nine it i l tht idil r n th ttluc iti ti il subject disc iscd in iht sub n sm ii f high sell i i hum t md published li t w tk he uul inn t l m t tit i is c n i uk iljicl with ai i tbr ie its ribil i xts comint n jt v ilrn rortirfiiy ti hit a rabid f x ed i r kp ih rp rts r miqt ih iki ii hi ipi a fivnt dnl in i i ii t rjpiit fictmlly n it i mr jrciiitn ljs w th the skill an i t i ihe uch if violin fcssi 111 th brief comment church calendar the need for a spring tree plant ng pro gram js again reemphasized fh s weel as the stately popjar trees are being removed at the local tennis cojjfts long a symbol of beauty n an ideal locat on the trees are being felled w den nq of mil si has re moved all trees mere and a plan io replace trees in other sections of town sfiould be economcally possible n he spmg t acton pentecostal tabernacle united church op canada aotmfc omarw rev cordon adam ma bd minuitr mr georrt flhott oranist and choir leader sivda hnur iflth i9s9 11 oil am sunday sch x i 1100 am mirnmn w rh 30 n m f aneolislsc tudiv ft pm priyrr and n hlc stud the acton free press rulihnl by tk imtfc rhmlnc and pnbluhtnx ct umlud fiundod in ir71 and published cvor thursday at 56 mlft t c aewn ontarki mrmhrr ot the audit bureau of circulations the iwna and th on tano quebec d vi slon of the cwna adwtidin rates m rrqumt sub scnptiins pivabe tn advanc 3 00 in canadi 4 00 in the united sutra nx months tl 75 wrgjle copies 7c authrirn ej as secitnd claw mai prat offer department ollaa thejwiy p9r ever pvbthttrd tn 4rloa g a dilk editor in chief david r dills managing ed tor business and e 0 i t o r t a i oefice phone 600 acton fridtv r pn chnst ambascirt c twist is ytir answer a fritndw wcloime t all the church op st alban thi martyr anglican rector the rev h b stokrwf l th stb 185 jcffery sl phon 283 sunda january lftlh lfls9 the second sunday atteh the epiphany 8 30 jn holy euchansl 9 45 am church school ii 00 a tn bcirinners c1a5 1100 am choral eucharuft s1nda january 18th 1919 900 am morning prayer 11 1 am morning worth p 10jw am junior church tnd church school childrtti under s ilt tx cired f r at arl scnitfn baptist church actm ttr gordon m holm ba bth 115 bower aienue sunda january 11th lss9 945 am bible hool fwh ifi itcrminft instrument whith mr griinna plis is the thtremin th re ire nh 17 snen n troments m m rth america thru f which jre in camda thi iiisinimtrt is lued ihoiil being u uuhtd rjduj mvvi u v anmnd the inslrumirit ind stiund is pm due i ft the m ement of the lanlf ihtn the electronic field mrs a j buchanan hostess forwms the membrmhip mrrtinf of the afrnkn anx 1 ar ms of kn x chi rch a held al the home f th i resident mrs a j bueh opened the meeting inspirational meajte lor fr rtiliifia fnavst the good old j5ays ii c nnce f the bid nntmnls in lh it slnct its rfen a good winter f r ntd i skating rinks this vcar and skitinj in iht pi nrt nit too miny vunliis lntetv hae been suitable fr iiidline tht spill outdoors a canadian loiirlsl in suitjirlind wis suniewhit dis lurbed by tti slht lie enthuinm if i i nl ttuitlc who tmk him mnunl nn climbing be especially eirtful n i to fill hir the guide ciutu ned him beciuic thin is a n uhty tinjt i ms pi ict but if jii di fill r mmbir i look to tin i jht tin vnw is cxlri rdln iry 3t rsrrrri v r back in 1909 ttkert from the wnfrut the ft fres thowdiy ftnturjr i8t mr william johnntone has de cided to odd another store to bin fine block on mill street it will be an extension to tin went side of the bio and will be of brick two rtorlcs 25 x 60- nnd will be built to conform to the archlt- ectural lines of the block erected two- yenr ago the first flodr will moke a com modious tore and the sccchd floor will be utilized as a society hnll the long limbers are now being gotten out for the new structure a debate will be held in georgetown by the epworth league on monday evening with messrs blelby nnd reed of georgetown taking the aformat- ive and messrs e a robertson and c a g mntthcws thejiegnt- ve the acton juniors and seniors played a hard fought iwftch inst thursday wtfh the seniors coming out of the rrlbtch with a 98 vict ory over their opponents it wan a foregone conclusion by many that the game would be an easy one for the seniors but it proved to be far from a piciilc for anyone from the ring of the bell play was hard and fast with both teams playing to win with eich team leading at times holmes right wing for the sen ion was struck in flic eye and pitint of the juniors was laid off with him to balance the tcanrl each playing with six men in spite of expectations the game was comparatively clean and no ill feelings arc felt over the incidents of the game though the checking wai stiff and at times hcivy tpn minutct overtime wit riven it the end of the hours liml with the juniors scoring once and th st mors twice to win the fiime r m mcdonald as referee kipt the time clean a septet of hnckoytsts from guinktlown went down to deft at it the hands of the rovers a junior srpiad from acton on tucs- hy niaht in art in by ihe score of h 4 pi iy wis fist w th act n car iyn thi dge throiifthoiil the jim md mceichrn in tht act in nets dninj fine joh back in 1939 taken from ihe tone of the pm frtw thursday jamnry chief r m mcdonald and mem bers of the flro brigade were present nt council last week to request consideration to purchsie a fire pumper for the brigade re placing the present fire truck arid obviating the necessity of putting pressure on the whole system costjif this equipment wna from 2500 to 4 000 according to ho machine purchased the council acknowledged the necessity of the equipment but deferred action until a later meeting when the whole matter could be considered carefully and the entire brigade notified of the meeting actnn tanners received their first setback of the year inst thursday night when elora rocks downed the local lads 5 3 after a rather rough and hectic game el ora deserved the win as they un doubtedly played better hockey throughout the game in the sec ond period a total of 10 penalties were handed out with acton re ceiving four and elora six a total of 20 minutes was handed out at th meeti mo nig of the acfoii library bon7tj the resignation of mr a t brown was presented mr brown has beeri a member of the b iard for nine years nnd the chairman for the past seven years an outstanding event hit annunj meeting of the acton pair board last week was the present ation to mr c woodhall of the service diploma pf the ontario fiirs association in recognition of the meritorious service which mr woodhall hns rendered to agrleul lure the curling rinks are now in good condition and several even- ings of the game have been en joyed at acton arena by the local club the club is still short of curling stones ind would enjoy htnrlng from anyone who could loan stones aelun band hns been psoviding music for skating in bo arena on saturday evenings which makes the sport more popntir thin ever while it play nt school yester- diy norm in fiy r sufftnd a rithei bnttly jnjured leg professional directory and trav medical jftjnff guide funfral dirfctors greenway crusade in baptist church bi binning on the evening of jnmiirv 22 evineists beffimld ind mrs gncnw i nati inally kn in am will r nduct i spec 1 urns of si r lets in act n bipt st church the mtf tings conlln ie from iinu ir 22 tn februarv 1 with mttlings n the tink nights i xcit siturdi nt i cluck ind n sunrtiis it ii 1 m and 7 pm mr ind m s crenwiy irt til int musici ins and art using llcse talents m conducting vict n us living cimpugns in can idi in t vns in i citus for tht pisi 111 rs mr ind mrs c rctn i hivi in in n mirlistc n 1 list im n the iccomplish mtnts f uns ivang iistir uam is tht r us nf music in thtir services mrs grcnwij is i gifted pianist inist ind hvp plaver while dr w g c kenney phvsclnn ind surtfeon olfict in symon block 43a mill st f act n office phone 7h rf id nt ll church st f phone im dr d a garrett ptusrdan and surgeon corn r of willtiw nnd river sts rnlrunc river st aclon ont phone 23h dr robert d bucknw phvs cinn ind surgfin 3i wlllingttin st act m ont phont 079 office hmrs 6 ft pm ati moons by appointment rfai fstatf and jnsvrancf f l wright 20 wilbur st acton oniaro phono vt appraitfi r rial fslilc j bert wood insurance agency lift jnd cemrnl insurance pi m vw 124 milt st after hours ta 4 8950 guelph bruce e shot milker mr phone to night or day chiropractor a d moore dc pilm r spec fjc chiropractor iii mill street phone 40 or m office h inn mon 27 wed 27 sat 2 1 e t buchner ro opt mttrist 48 m ii st f phor dehtal dr h leib don til sumeon off cc corner u i iwl frederick strfts office hours appointment teljph6ne is dr a j buchanan denui surtror ofnre a m ii street orfire hours 9 am to 6 p m ci fri wednesda afternoon ti lephtme 14 ltoai 00 nm who shall be sae1 nol the greenway mission com- mg january 72 to february 1 mesbytbiun church t can jprox cmmchf acton rev androw htllerenzie ba bd slda january 19mi 959 9 45 a m church school tlooajn mornirtk worship the onven r f the program mrs h i benn r prttfrrrrd th n bumury mttdv iftptc ottr chtireft ai i tht penpie t cmada tv ng t ih hcm for the m nth the fmm-b- canadians it wis ihonn thit as christians jnust witness to our fellow cinih nns thro igh our conofts di t rfa through our attitudes r simpithetic attemptii to un derstand and appreciate the vary ns q iat 1 ft t f ihoso w ho w 1th us ire the piple of cinada a sting mcs benni in the ser tre offcorslnp ete mrs h al- tison mrs f- anderson mrs d kenned and mrs h mamprze ktrs anderson and mrs c o jones reported on he guetph prrsbytcrtal meeting shlch c f leatherland qc barr sler it solicitor notary public office hours 11 a am tint am 1 00 om 00 pro saturday b ippointment nlv off ce 23 phone re lit acton a braida ba botmfr solkttor nttiry publi t mans fi a ton ont phow 7b offer hnirs 8 pm 9 pnt 1 pm s pjn satucdajt is cork r crtrfph ta 4 2242 office hours 9 am tpm siturdat 9 a m 12 am hastings payne barnflers nnd sohciu rs notartr puulc 1a mill st attorr offioe hour- moh fri 10001145 am 110 430 pm sit jo 00 12 00 am pmttie hi 1xane0vb wwd coats tour local bfentatiy audio fidelity associatf a division of pedaeo ltd h ptpgb andltlno accounting lever hoskin chartered ace itntants si mam st n 2t2 king st w brampton toronto i phtirii gi i 4r24 em 4 9131 neville stoller co accountants ind auditors trustees n bankruptcy 1 b11 st acton c rner it mjini thvphotic 10 held ofr ce to bloor st west toronto lf 2 6l kaut g black b comm ria ca chahttrrt accountant jjrmer bldg 163 mun st ttavnuw oubf gray coach unes coacifm lcavc acton standard time eastbound 6 33 cm i dally except sun and hoi gut am h33 am 20h p m ih pm jl pm j3 p m 10 os pm surr and hoi i wembound 1027 am 1157 pm 237 pm m7 pjn 77 pm 912 pm 1132 pm 112am ifri sat sun and hoi i canadian national railways standard time ewtbound datly 6 44 am- daily except sundays 1000 am 7 16 pn sun day ootxs0 pm daily except sunday fryer m gvorgelown v03 am 853 pm daily flyer at georgetown 0 1 1 p m westbound daily 11 44 pjn daily except sunday 830 a m 8j0 pm t45 ju l saturday only ijx p m sun- o d a write box 340 y only tlyar ai daily except sat and sub 6ufinu

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