Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1959, p. 7

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j frrtm 0nt ffiftgs w stanley cnib representative urges support of eye bank at legion dinner head table guests at the annual legion banquet in acton last saturday evening included front row wos stanley cn1b representative and stanleyhatt mpt forh5t1bn back row les clarke 1958 zone command for zone b 7 bruce andrews local high school student and holder of the juvenile one mile track record j h hurst chairman and vic patrick past presi dent mr stanley the guest speaker explained the operations of the c n i b and urged support of the eye banwrkestgrt less the banquet was attended by over 140 veterans and guests erin councillors sworn in salaries for 59 approved members or erjn township coun- i g c wallice deputy reeve r m cil were sworn iri and signed the borden and councillors p h re declaration at office in the ex- inn p r ferguson and a whccur change hotel hillsburgh on mon- 1 rev pelhnm opened the fust day january 12 the new members session of ims with priyer and im of council all present arc reeve appropriate scripture reading the bank of nova scotia monet problems t salaries were sit as follows clerk s salary do0 pel yi it eol lectors silaiy 550 per year is sensors 1250 innurim 1001 auditors 450 wiirue offici r 250 dm tix licenei 11 pel eehl i computed on amount eolutted weed inspector 1 jar hour and 10c per mill mileage tru int offie ei si plt hour mil 10c pm nuk mileage building irifpocior 1 25 pir hour 10c per mile kent of loom for council met iui i ng- ular 6 special 1 mi mtfc it of cniiniil leeeive jhk per day and 10c per mile nuliafci a bylaw wis passed for the purpose of borrnuing inoiuv frmn the royal bink it hillstmikh to mecl the current expenditures fui home school guests qntelevisionmonday the home and school meeting ncuvid siinu unusual advance puuluity when luo uf the guests ippiaied on television monday jf- limnti guests on the kitchener show telimopt were mrs gwen iavil vu president of the ont- mo reduition of home and sehc ils ind john ntwson of the n tin i ii i solve than with a lowcost ban through monuments brampton ihsluls subttu led u imui kteung i nm posus md a good riip i n si ck wm c allan prop 68 queen st w brampton khop rhtme l i m15 res 1 11613 rep tom nichol phone brampton l 1 39 the ji ir the rieve ind treasurer win authoi iid t i borrow from the bmk ti nuel i xpendilures the sum mil to exceed wiooo the cltik wis mstruekd t d ii nine topies of municipal wottd ui tin us of eoimeil and offieials loimul instlueted the cleik to obtiin i eopy of the revised fatit uus of ontario for the use of eoiineil all t ims tint in thut ye in or mon m im us hi l i ho- listed md pnstul in the jerks offlct ul- ton i mil ii y il in ncordince wilh tin asstshmenl act council decided to join the good ds- i ship f t itittwih wzfhajl jiajitft chinch llu f hoi mbo j mil hi iii minibus ull be dileiiu to ilund this i pensis nd i int of 147 v f 40 to otln id blot dudid tng n oid the appliance field is our business our only bus ness not a side line or something we go in and out of as con ditions change we are here to look after your appliance needs s we have heard it said your appliances are too dear we are doing everything possible in the best interests of all con cerned to straighten this problem out we have never heard i cant find anyone to repair this ap pliance properly if it has been purchased from us it is our belief a profit should be made when an appliance is sold en absolute necessity to pay for light heat taxes end wages and to stay here there are firms that market appliances and dont make ajprofit they even use them as gimmicks or gift items to enduce the purchase of another profitable item in an other department and later realize this cannot go on therefore neglect and forget about the appliance field and the customer we are here every business day of every year to se that your appliance is doing the efficient ob it is designed to do and weare trained to handle the problems that arise through the years properly and efficiently this we believe to be our purpose we will guard this pur pose energetically because it is our livelihood mcuwutuf zutibuc m fm cill hums of wilfid burl j c itid j t sclnr md ileelion or iluk ind n turning of rin mid to eightyfourth year no 30 acton ontario thursday january 22 1959 second section the canadian rational institute for the blind organised in 101u following world wnr i according to a united nations lurvoy stands nit to none rcrnoiked guest peaker wesley stanley cnib cpresenlalive as he dddiesscd ver m0 acton legion members luring their annual dinner in the union auditoiium on suuiidiiy lanuary 17 during the speakers address to the gathering he explained the origination of the cnib- and commended col baker world wai i veteran who after an injury caused by a snipers bullet result cd in the loss of his sight and itarted the institute 23 000 lllllid nthir masuxinea available lu blind mr slanlty pointed mil lint thu peisons for educalion chiiu1 for the ulciirltiition was many opportunities more opportunities ate opening 28 000 blind people in t in uln m thi org mi ilion tin lay irr onlario tlure aie 5411 with up fur blind students to eomplete their edue ition mr stanley re hilton c oiuily hiving 47 and ac- in speaker sutil unit ft ib lon iititi men lliiee hi present itlv- stuv a relative of the stoiey b f llu inslituu eotiliiit ihesi at fimiily in the alton are i who lit knst onet innu illy the spoil ki i liliuil is now supi rintendeiil of the newfoundland division of the niintu llu i xpl illation of ihe l n 111 vo kinjs of ihe cnib mi mr manhy comiiu ndi d llu hal s anky luiuikid then an 2600 1 in advisory board or thin binlk hooks in hit institute lib spli mhd coope ration hi noli d uiy in ioionlo 4 000 moon bioks thiil frank thompson was presid ib 000 talking reeoids and m my ent of the local board stall hholo instauation of 1959 officers was concluded al the annual legion dirmer on saturday january 17 by legionnaire george musselle of acton mr musselte a veteran of world war i has conducled the installation ceremonies m acton or a number of years pictured above are two of the new executive wilh the installing officers left to right mel jordan second vice president mr musselle and max storey hi vice president reports show marked progress increased baptist membership eting of the aelon by ihi pistoi kiv gurdor lluuutiuu widnewi evi suniiiy nlitiiik jiruury 14 llu it the meeting showed t ye m irkid process pii tic hid shown i ippi minlily int tin tuonliri illuiii thrprrvimn sondiiv liui- iniiii 61 in the in nunc in tin of a lion tppiin i ut i thl of i ship hiirm n the hnnrd al mecuuii i thru to si iktlll pasloi thi fnt m in lti id n m llolnus id fioin subnet at ihe of oetober chalks liiidsbotiiiili tit i k ihe chinch for in my yi irs npi ed an increase in numbirship nov show ns 41 lesidinind nine nun residua the industn tli id n thi town bringing in ni w mdiisi tie hid bun in pirt nspurimlui liir ihe inenase etiiiks lughiuhed in i specially priced cold waves from jan 22 to jan 31 12 00 cold wave 10 00 10 00 cold wave 8 00 8 00 cold wave 7 50 6 50 cold wave 6 00 vernas beauty salon 42 john st acton ont call m7 for your appointment riu tnii llv fl 4 a it hii offrrlnis unublp km mitlir chjimn of d iioiih nnd r i n wai enlarged fron immbeis llu tdtilndi of ihi tiptesscd ill piavir l god fi uimiu 1 nhrhhip during th yi ir xhi p istoi w is lhanked or his nit iim pasloral visililion md his direction of the work of kxplaliu hjt bank mr stanley blinded hlnnwh in d aecidcnt when only 10 jrcnrs of iuc lold ihi midicncf of ycterana wi arc keenly awmc of the purl puwlby 1il canidian larlon in the eilabjiilimi nt and support of he canadian fye bank ulobltsh- gl in iwifi 1t1 speaker repgrtcd rye bank was a c nib pro- jeit with support from ihe yc speeiahsls in anadi and ihe tor onto unmrsity the iiihtilnli icpnicnlative kinlid mil that r until tumsplimts ennnot be pirrormid on all blind persons is cnlv a small jjciconlftee tun beiilfil fnjju the opeiafion many aunen thiri art many lausis of blindiusn willi injiirus lienir the mam eans md only whm ihi eor- nia is injiuid i in triinsphiith be pitfoitiud iimarkid mr stanley thcspeakir ixplainid umt ihe ttnlb neither biniit r sold hu- m m ey s for ii inspliinl beil im ssmj thi whnji projiram was still fly on i vioutitiei basis fol lowing thi duith nt ti donrir the i ye is rlmovid and stiippitl in h spicuil conuiiner to the iye bank in loionto while it jh used on n ehtireh a eoinen tiinsplant there is no rilikious or nudiril objution to people donnlinu llieir eyes le- porled mr stanley 20 crfu made tin fptuki i praised tin c an id- tan litiuin and linnn lulm for thur support in thi ey tmnk tain puifin ind n vk wwl jhi history of thi campaign whin hi pointid out that in 1kw i eyts wire removed and 20 lorni i jrafli look place in 19i7 121 wue riciivid md 00 kiafts ptrfiimrd and in ta up lo tin end f nivimbii 111 tyi donitions win given und 4h operilions pel fin im on the slkhl- less the dimmd for mon yi ri ifti is mtiiasintt taeh yiar aiul llurc ire many win conlil benefit from in operation if eorm ai were av ail ible noted mr stanley 3000 riedt in onto id tin re havo bitn 1000 phdis from ixiponnairct durinfe 11 iii to ihe end of november which repiesenls 60 pel cml of ihi donors ihe vetenni were in formed in iloaini mc slanjey stated in his inlerested nodunee he hoped the campaign would mcrtanc ii was his opinion thai more dontt- mns would lie rceeived m overy- iii whs mien stul in humanity md their fi llnvit cilii ns th spiikir ih mked uu akuh for llu kmj fond and fellownlup ordul him dorink tin veiling ilud tabic gueau intriwiiii td by i list pnsidint vic iitiick heid table ruisls included i si m hill m pp tor hilton itruci andri ws dm iph lcipon lunch wifcl stlr ilnd hlbh rhool stmt in who holds llu rec id for tlu juvinili mill miiyor w h xiok c wncht of hamilton ls clirke giiirmtown 7om com- minder tiniriiin ii rum ii7 geortie miinstlh installation offic- ir c mi ntchion rnnili 1d7 strrttarv llrrb wihkis ab irwin vie palruk and mr stanley fire chief jiek new ion w s irilrhlueed is is in hoiuriil tui st mr palrirk ils iiitnutiim d lie tin iiomuialini uttimittir p mtisl tiy ihi ttrtnh i uly in ii nibir 1uv siilinitttid ihi hi owink names f r offieiji as disifi- ii d fi thi y ir 100 tnisltis miv hi i w is itiuimin ml wit li yd holnuj dc it ns ijl mclulrh chirmn fnd wrti i ms v1 wilnier rryrr cordcn it h j iildw 1 mini t olin hailli ceorgi h u up rkrk chirls liinditioroukh adu i i tid llu w mis mi i i mis r in i ilulnii wli hid noit f ihr fund i rnhibi and thi rttifuik risminsi a svujlus of 7 it i flm lo iiivh ns ind 100 rilinn int f thi r h ilil t 1 ltiotis 1 i v 1 i mr i n rund trasun i sond ly aehmil 1 i ml ilulnur is i n holmes tit os 1 1jd nisi i i mcmn wimi nitlii repluiiir llu d mm crdn itim n mrs albirt mcinn it mn uindslhiroiikh mualr llirfsrlnr urkiy dm rrllohlp nn in the absinei if 1 i ri- n presid it itim pial uhi w is ill joe fl hoist ipilily handlid ihr chorea nd wild nod ihe ht i i nl dm hi li i ihi th 1 1 m nt in m sph nil id i itorti dhin- ship and lm liu ch or something jo iri i m rs ment the intuihl tn n sviot-lu- sst in tikink in i put i b t the t intpi l the i i -a- lellow- n hi id mild all i 1 id 1 t 1 i is u 1 u i i haimc mjdr r r vi old nil mr shouldir i fnanjjlalmn if ydirs ii d m r miiktd the is mcf iiihrn nr- th tu w i j iiir yeai hard of hearing free hearing clinic at dominion hotel acton thurs jan 29th from 1 pm to 6 pm ilr totr hfaring md ifnfi ani ciifkn rfc rdli s4 tn make htfe brrerifs jor 1l hskfs lsfl har a vrrt hcairinf tnl thh dbnqld dn ntiv if you hatrn i ilrradt dimr m in tbf naid six months ask to tee the smallest hearing aid n the world by acoustrcon smaller than peanut eye glass hearing at its best see the ga 135 only 69 so hcoijticqh 260 king st w kitchener sh 24121 i s ah llu f n m ilmir i ttt urs tn 5 ir rnt tbrrr ectilary n ld llml nly v tlhtsllip i ihr hi ldlnc mrv h 1 t mis k i in i- u lji mcc utrh in tli tlir rtti hotim h i th rrrprnttiility ltcnl rare f the chorch and the pirsonai i rrrir iitc to inxt n tthirinc pridrr ht a it m k nir uid i crao pri r o the rtinn r s hall j m p i i mcrjlulalrd ihr lrcion j n ihi fmr huildins thy had rr i itrd and ihr uplendid rk ihry i d m in ih ommnnity envil pisicrilarv ihr rhurrh irtiorrr billf jsorn t rrprrnt- tiee mrs cjoorcr ihrnp tanad- lan bapteit rvpreenlativc mir hutchenn baptismal eommittrc mn gordon ralrton chairman mrs landsborough lyal mccut- cheon colin baillie hi iinitnntn t rut rmd by al ihf nmrliinnn f ihr pro- cram rrmrman jne hurm oner ag on thanked th gumtji mnt vrtw- in for atlendint the annual ban quet and cxpieiwed hi wuhm for a larger catherine al next year a if air he encouraged any memberri to aiwtict in ttv eve bank tfne page accompanied the gath ering in the ringing ol the queen at the conclusion of the night en tertainment

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