Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1959, p. 8

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for a brighter tomorrow the work of iho ontario society tor crippled children is nolhing new lo this f community for years now the local rolory club has cogdiltted its annual easier seal campaign using a portion of the ftjnds to assist crippled children in the town and dis rtrict but there s a special nded right now the excellent treatment centres throughout the province leave a considerable gap eabout one third of the crippled children cannot lake futt advantage of their facilities l because they live too far away to make doily trips for out patient care or they need long l lerm residential treatment which present centres or overcrowded hospitals cannot pro vide a new crippled children s centre is plan ned to fill this gap it will hot duplicate the wcrk done it the hospitil for sick children or similar hospitals but will sup plement their work with fatalities for 300 cut patients a day and 105 tn patients it will be ideally located on 11 acres of properdin mjrlh york wttlun easy travelling distance from here nt only will the new centre offer the best of- occupational therapy speech therapy pyiotherapy and other treatment to alle viate a child s disabilities but it wtlh teach the child how to make the greatest use of his abilities the lecal rolory club is sponsoring the campaign here with an objective of 1 500 they invite your assistance and if you are missed in the canvass donations can be left wtth the local bank managers won t you help make the dream of a brighter tqmorrow a reality for a crippled child today j time for a decision there have probably been more official and unofficial statements and rumors con cernmg the avro arrow than any other de fens item eve j experts have expressed opinons all the way from obsolescent and too costly to essential for security ah are men who should have some knowledge of their subect so that those of us who know nothing of it are forced to take a nndom choice or ignore them all oh top of this a session of parliament has opened and there seems every possibility ihat debates on this mapr public issue will do more than confound our present con fysion t jusj to glance at the record so far de fence minister pearkes last july placed the cost of the arrow at 4 5 millions per air craft plus pre production costs which at that time were nearly 400 millions by next march they will probably be 450 millions in september the prime minister estimated the cost per aircraft at 9 millions mean- last october at 3 370 000 in september mr diefenbaker left doubt if he did nothing more about the present usefulness of the arrow or any other man ned aircraft as a defen w in n ember we have air marshal roy slemon deputy chief of norad declaring the man ned interceptpr an inescapable requirement for as long as we can see the lack of decision on the production of the arrow before march 31 has left a wide opening for speculation this community witb about 250 employees working at mai ton ijas a very definite interest m the march answer it is to be hoped a sane and practical solution can be found for a bisis of decision before march 3 1 u the good old tiays nmnfr w back in 1909 an fran the mm ths rttt rm fhanrfiy jmtwry ww on stirtdny afternoon nbmil three o cluck councillor belt not iced that the wnoke house at w j chapman s tannery main street was on fire he summoned the neiibbor to hla asswano they forrhpd oj bucket brigade and suc ceeded in quenchtna flic fire with out cnllins out the fire brlrnde x it was fortunate the ftre broke out in the anytime for wafli the prevailing utroflir wefrterly rates the flames would hove been blown- directly into the main bulldinjt of trie tannery about 2ft feet nway wwre orlrlnatdd from the em bers which had been left nfter smoking itkinn cm saturday nnd which the employee in charge wns certain had been extinguished the damage wnn comparatively- stirhl mr harris conk hhd ms right jnw fractured with a heckey puck while enjoying n game oh anriir sons pond 1ml siiturdny the bu january thaw latt week broiirht the boys and mnrblet to the fore earlier than usual sntur day found them cnjoyinr the game on pavtitilnls ice and even ihi mud plowing tins been a popular if nrcwin with ionu of the torment of ttu nuehbortined during the wetk on monday w j akini df nnssiikiiwcyj wnv tuminn ihi for i wh dining hit viiiy md willnm sifsdtt of estpiuslnj wk stmttnrly t iii d n i diubl niinibt rs t dim fumns won the distinction jottings y jim dills the green book since pretty well everyone is curious how much the other fellow makes the an nual green book review of income tax figures holds more interest than most col lections of government statistics as usual the most recent green book the report on earnings and occupahons of ihose canadians who filed personal income tax in 1956 has its surprises to slirt with the highest avenge m come was earned m neither of those capitals of capitalism montreal or toronto top place is shared by two manitoba towns the pas and flin flon in these mining centres the ovgrare income of taxpayers was 4 27 substantially above the national average of j3 673 highest average earners as for some years past were architects and consulting engineers at 13 610 second were medical doctors and surcieons at 13 053 and the profession of law was third at 12 617 nurses who surely deserve a better lot were at the bottom of the list cf occupational classes with average annuaj earnings of only 2 081 surprising too is the fact that busi ness proprietors thj bosses who are generally believed to be big earners aver aged an income of only 5 257 that was a prtftiy cold wind on sitnrdijn lbjiflcm ion t hrnvtd i lull uitbtjr tobojitnn mil two b vs ife y one tun it aii thi lull y tiioujli i r hum ind mt i k 4 kfep gfiting igfiraxiu d it thi number f drivers who dn t dim thui brihl hndlihts until tin v it within i few hundriti fiit of in n proithmt tin rt i a iimilir pn blem in four lint hiijh- n tivs too vv hen somi motorists i m i ftl the bright bjjits ml t i oss iht ik ulesiml and then ht it ii c iho motor i its who fol ow a cai with th ir bi iglil lights in blinding the front drivtr by iy if the rnr nw miinr ii til only tills ihc sifity mirgin icon ice cream i and ppi fid i i ttlo tk tour ion pi i iiuih and what of the rich well they are few in number and fewer in 1956 thin in the previous year tne number of 100 000 a year and over earners dropped from 460 jo 432 the government 5 personal income taxation took more than a third of ihe totil earnings of this qroup bul even if it had conf seated the whole amount for redistnbu ton to the whole population as some soak the rich crackpots always advocate it would have amounted to only about 5 per person for the rest of us the green book shatters a lot of illu nons the fort erie times review sunday hi it i f 1 mtutstint but lit 10 1 usti of aimricn ict criam in 1916 when hecitmc to uu us foi ihut m mttis is the held of in in- diistuit survey leim accoiding lo tin 11 seai ch dtpirttmnt of th world b01 k fntvcl ipidunii w nt home with arruncnri technique if t inning mint picking fuel fining and ice erim miking corrfct ttmf service from ihi dominion observitory in ot itwt is based on sighting bv pho- tognphir telestoit of n group 1 f dock stirs 1hit ilwiys piss 1 errt poto teeond iu ok a human dfing is a chop v w itlr of ovfd 271 able tiodiod mm on eitv uliif eilkd out for sin w sh u 1 ihtig jubs one diy dnr 111 hi in nt wmnipig suim less thin h ilf irtmllv should mi thtm mm win no ckid likt rl stmt j bs but win offinil uork in their nm ut ihbothoi d ind in ppoituntty in tain up t til per di bv s ddiig ihey would h tve eised ii11 rising wrlfiic cost f iht nlv ind should hne enhanced otf 11 rt moon shooting and dollars 1iif month of liniinn is nimtd iftir tht tw fated h rniin gd joins i inns wis rt presented with ne fin lornetl t thi front md t n t ihe bnrk s that no in r old 1 iti r ihe silts f r lm utl 1 wldk miybe we re way off base but we can t help hut wonder why so many dollars are beinq spent shoot mq n the moon while the same dollars coud so effect vly improve standards and relieve starvil on in the world perhaps there s some type of vegetal on on the moon that would be hetpful here but ve doubt t perhaps there nre some people up there wlio have the lniwer to ill our problems down here but we dubt it a recent announcement that 15 million woum be spent on a spve capsute ust about rocketed ui aicnmd die moon there not a week passes but thii some legdimite appea for funds crosses our desk the i teri ture often points out tbe needs of orpm is n korea or starving ch idren n other ciiyi trs for a few dollars m iv can be pro vided to dozens of children who bady neh it for a few dollars a child can be adopt ed and provided with the necessities of i fe millions ire already bemg spent on aid 10 other countr es we knov but while we re shooting at the moon for heaven knows what reason we re not mnk ng ih s world a better place to i ve we don t obect to sc enlif c proqress bu f rst th nos f 1st perhaps we should hack die missionaries that are sellmq chrrsrtti ty in the underpr v leqed countr es by diverting some of our soentif c eflorr wd dollsrs to the needs of others it s a small world shrink ng w th every new advance in iraosportnt ori jind those who ikv lck nq ihe pr v kqes we ivoy re due for cbspr contcl w ti l let s qet some of those moop shoot rq dollars 1 o c cuat on n whea md m k dams and rr qn on pro e s i anastvs t mlkoyan this sundays scifnt1sts iiavf proved ihil thi worm on think ii ynuld ix intitcting t liarn whit tlu vm rm hunks of ihc 1 11 1 bird tou probanty hive ofitn wondired nbout trip si7t if thi tike as gimblers call what the h mil rtts slet fishtr m no tlonst i unit nils lh st iy as f dlows a nsiint nnrl infillible pi r cmt itt f cm i d ihr thit is put diwn on 1 gaming libit gncs in ihe hrust li virus from hmir to h uu nut run fr m div lo day but bv ihe end of a month reaches nn engc willi dtci il is 7 per ci nl it it nn bbirkjack nccr less tlnrf 10 ant fit 11 higher h mltti nk s m inwhin r m 411 ti 0 r nut pr fit f i tht li 11s nit the slot michini fr m 40 1 10 t cent depending 011 ilhtim and ihi n look into without cracking a nuirushfs attf hemf pi mlt d n 1 v 1st scili on th cer 1 1 1 nit 1 1 ti the f tli d bindit ins li church calendar acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 church ill road poc rev krone h j find pa or 75 c k s phone 64 w si da jm ml ith llt 10 00 am untim seh 1 it 00 no momma w ihp 111 on fimiilit t tvt k m pr is r in i rihle studs t mttirit amloi t ors the acton free press 1 all famfcmsi br the th1w rriirttng td pablkhtnc v lanlte fnimted in la anl pcibtished eeri thumi at sfi mill f aftnwi onitrio member of the audit buni of c rrtihttom the c w n a stht the ontarl qnebev d siofi the cwna av hng itei n request sob eipthfis pvbte in adnnee 3 00 in cimdi 4jmlji the- un ted vale tix mnihs si s smtle rip c aiitv r r ed 3 seteimi clsss ml i po1 of f ce l parlmtn ot i a the rfly pper ever pwmhued m clon g x dim kdltor in chief daid r pilu lljiusmg ed r business and eltorial office phone 600 acton s the church of st the martyr anoucan reetor the res h b stokreef 1 l th sth ibs jerfery st phone 3s sttnda january 2sth 19 scttuagesima stvtj 8 30 iraholy fuehartst 9 4s mchiiirh scho 1 ltt0m beginners clw lino tfn mirhns mid week celebration feast of ihxconersorr of saim paul transferred mondas 26 jan uht 1t91i am rfoly eu charts l reminder a vestrj meet fng 30 janusrv 1939 it p m tn the parish hall united church op canada aeton ontarto rev gordon adams ma bd minister mr geontr flliott organ st ajid cho r uader 1 va jat ar hi 1 1 jtim am mrmnjr pum r 11 is in minniik w i p 10 00 am jtliih r t burrh ant church sehool children under 11 l n ed f r it ill rs cis j in nrv 2k htm innoal milii taptist church a crow pastor r r rrt n m holme ba pth l bowtr astnne in an tnrff l lis si ndu jam arn 2 t 9 am nihleschool f r i 11 am and pm far creena ii iebrh port ne hi messake th stirring mime all are larlcomr ti i i 20 r ninm presstterian church in canada knox chltkca acton rev andrew h mekerute ba bd stfnta january 25lh i1 9 45 am ctmreh sehool 1100 am morning worship oopjn fvcning worship c oin s md ah th 0 rite peo1 ihe liart ng ant li-wtcr- beled read inn stmdas matt 21 1 2 mnndiv j hn 6 61 1 t ic fis jt hn t 11 widneflas john 7 h1i thnrs1 i i hn 7 12 si frulm j hn fl 12 in satnrdi j hn j 1 47 the canadian libnr fnrec wi estimated at 6 in oetler 19ss an increase of 186 000 from one sear larlur 6ack1n1939 t ri frm uti rttw f dm mil fee ftmrmf rj a btnie thnt ttrttld be fm nroimd the ctmrltryrttte for mill dcotroyed the bulmin known the old bobwn- iwtofy t at jlp williams itim thawdny cventtii the building wh imoupll nt hnd been iwl at n rnftrwht nine the fnetnry hfld clrnwi number of yeiirs ngo ii was frame structure nhd n tnttl cnune of the fire tit urhtpletminec rev t a ftrooltit mfnlfrfer st albflh s pnrtsh wfts ehtimn ehnlrrtinn of he aeton libmr ronrd nt the nnmibl meeting night while preston pfoved n btl uttimblthg block hint yenr i ton s rtoekey rtmhtllons ih 39 cditlcm proved easy ptctrinsl arid in the gitrne here lait frldoyl night the locals romped way with 1 n 12 1 win and some of the locals didn t even get wormed sip an nntnnlshmr story of vitaltlv in n niwly born erllf which went without food for n week wns re lated in town inst week when smith griffin prominent farmer mar aelnn missed a cow nn herd rtllntly lie dccidid u had hiddtn itlf lomtnhin in uu svnmp n his mm in gist birth t n calf a tl v ijiti r tht cow is ftmnd but ihirt wo n cnlf mr onffin wis e iisinnd thil h mum iuim pdtshcn itn tlltol rta rtr llit phm i ink unci mr cnffln i rh building nl the e nut mil ji hn slit is 1 w i shi fsoui sing mr nh mis h iv mi tlit bin il il ml t dssllirlks iiiijn vt tlu it i il mnsid whfn a nfw lighthouse vs is built n n suit slutch if pit tfir cinjt couple of fskim hunk mound intl vsnlthtd ivuy dtlul of the- c mstnitln n it whs finished then one night nnu a lui fok tht fskimos retunud oik comminud in iht t ther i tultl you whiu igl o buildir is no gi id i ijht ihnu bt ii rimg- riong hoi n vi lowio but f g ci me in just th s-imr- the farly ineis m iy hive had ihe fist thiij1 u counts ac- tording ti sornt muds the pi i uviin indians iccorded debts by ivnif knots in enlinil e rds nt lef f ibt it id ii iltn bj tili- mk utiitnt npoit of ih u mpi r ilun in ut 11st night in lb tlislrul of t in si ther were ihirmnmtt is with t liwir rridme il tkwtiiiri md aet n conimint i ii sili ls pins id i hnln kimi in ihe art n irm in which the i it 1vs wtr th winuiis r 4 k ii iii w sc ltd nil fvi g ils ft r tht ad n t un professional directory and travellers guide mmrai lirktor1 dr w g c kennev plnsicl in inn surgion oflce in svmon htnek iiiu pulp mivb t- hopes ihis ii ir dm i li ul rminv t imific vatidm ik s mm i r oftfn wonhfr jn t vvhi ihn the iniiiulink ut f this l limn is vs ithvsli 1 in ihi in mli i of md r but lisl fridnv murium s mttmt nmi ml h trie nsk ing fr ihi ribid fx idit r i ham ml mi tin buds 1 itelv t nsdirinl the hmvy fii wfnll his i ir ind the fict wishes to tmwhince he will he iwnv riom i in 21 t ullh in rm i ie no eill pr j a 1 so tt ctmlph taslrtr 4 1101 dr robert d bucknk plisstnn nd so i- n ti w linn n si at t n o t ill mi 07 office m ir n r pm 1i1ropractor a d moore dc ilm r cifr chtioprnetoi 111 mill st nl b i ftatf am 1ni ram t f i wright n wilbur st ait m on ir o j b8rt wood instffiance agency i f md ctn il in op l am 1arinc a1k e l blkhnfr ro opt moirisl and lb mrm aol imllnnl arustnin 4h m ii si t ph iw 111 offit ilium uidnistt v uls i 10 boo m vi tunas lis iii nlmtnl ii us i ik m u into nt a i tin in m tivn dr h leib i ntnl sticetn i ml dr a j buchanan ivim trrin c f lfathfrlarsin dc nirr tor s 1 i r n lls p 11 ie i s 1 of i it a ton a braida b a 13 min s a i tf ph- 7 iever hoskin i i i intjntc m m s s 12 kmk s w ii o t i i i s 1 4i i kl 40131 nfviue stoller co i t ud a di tro s n nnkruplts 1 m i si a 1 n r m in i far1 g biack il c mm it 1 a a hak1hc1 m i h n tavt t ror s bide l1 mi t st travellers guide cray coach linfs cfmf hf ifif afton standird t m -r- 1 1 r ti i m duly excipt sin and ph im j 11 im 20 p os m 6u in u p ifinr ti m sin bi ftnl i i s 1 ti rk s f gmlph ta i n r it i 0 m pm s t 1 in- 12 im hastings payne pt 1 ted solrlt t n pohl r iv m ii 1 arni 0 f rr ir i m n fn 1000 11 v am 1 11 4 10 i m sit in no 120 tm psone 1 miscfllanfotw wm d coats mir ieil rnrentitivf attjio hon rrv associates a disisinn nf ped im custom htoh ftdelity phone 877 whie bar 2 w ttviind 12 7 pm iw pm pm fll prtv ii im f i su sun canadian natfonal railways standard time east bound daily 8 44 m daily exieept simiv 100 am 718 pm sun- das onlt r 01 pjn iatly excpt sunda fler m georgetown 90 am 8j3 pm duly flyer t ccorfetown toll pm wtt bound daily 1144 pm daily except sunday 8 am 830 pm tab sm saturday only is pooj stm- i ay only b am flanom suo- dar only flytr at ovtah im pjw sally hptsalrr rf ei

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