Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1959, p. 9

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a addresses by john r clark feature two dinner meetings fjprt week saw three important iwn farm groapstwm their rea ctive annual gcttosjethcrs itch organizational meeting was hlfghted by a banquet and in hcaae the ladlta of tbe entering nurizatton served bounteous sup of dclioimtd food vthfjcb aught forth eloquent tributes to v culinary art and the very clous and efficient manner ifi ilch they looked alter their osts acton akrlcuilnral society rhe first of these gatherings tfaa id an monday evening of inst fcck in the sunday school room the a etui united church where ic officers and directors of the cton agricultural society enter tained their belter halves among the guests who brought reelings and congratulations were tailcy l hnll lit la reeve wallace of erin township and mayor w h cook of aclon the highlight of the excellent program chaired by president wil- llnm thompson was the illustrated irovologuo presented by john f clarv of the agricultural societies branch of the ontario department of agriculture toronto shows slides mr clark who v as introduced by roy eerdclt delighted his and pktlng highlights of hh trips to japan hong kdnsj rfcnmn frnnce belgium holland and orcnt brit ain seldom if ever has il been our privilege lo hear an illustrated ad dress to vividly mirtraved mr clarks aniaring knowledge of the historical nnd religious background of the scenes de pre fed miss barbara piekard hallon representative at junior conference haltons witry tn the ontario junior parmer public speaking compel i tfnn wn barbara pirknrd the cbmpclitiun was held on snl- urdny january 10 in the king ed ward hotel toronto barliora pbs ofie of 27 crtfite- ants representing various counties in ontario the material covered in her address centred around the migration of rural young people to 1 urban occupations although musi plekard staled there should be a c nfortunat that agriculture wjs nut recoiling the top yuurtg petipfe compelilfen ffnah on saturday evening npproxim- atcly 1000 spectators gathered in the qrymal bnllroorh tor the tin- al p speafcfng compctilioft the five finalists were sandril dolg r r 1 dublin huron coun- ntong with hli fluent and eloquent delivery made it an evening long to be remembered as was pointed out by mac sprowl who ably ex tended the appreciation of the audience to mr clerk other pldulng features of the program were the introduction by 4h club leader nino braidn o rtissel murray and james auken fop chib mfcfhbers iff the acton 4h forage club in wm and the prds- entaton to ab robinson of the diphma tot meritorious service to agriculture by j e whiteluck miluin hajtdh jersey cltb the ifith annual meeting of the hallon jersey club wis held in the esq closing community hall stcu- arttbwn ori tuesday january 11 in the unavoidable absence president the meeting va chajrw by vicoprtstdtfrtt dnvicn formerly of peleirr nowof guelph r rji following the bountiful banquet entered by the members of the ashgrove wa mr john f clork of the ontorto- department of ag riculture toronto duplicated his delightful illustrated trnvelugue of the far east ffnrl enropehich he had presented the previous even ing at- acton the jersey fraternity like thine ctptfrtiryt tessl thrilled with mr clark presenta this wns mdlcnicd by past president wm feniherstoiu who extended the npprccmliem uf the gathering qiticrspcakers of the ably ernest the ttrilton club was honored by a brief mossnge from the incident of trie canadian jeisoy cnlle club in the person of hajton s awn maurice c beaty mr bealy reported that the jersey associat ion had hod a good year with an increase in both registrations and tiansfcr along with that sales of both jerseis and jersey milk were up in 1958 others who ipofte briefly in cluded col bnrtley bull of bram pton melvin mccuttough presid ent of the flnlton and peel guern sey club kenneth ella hulton director on the ontario jersey club directorate and j allen francis associate agricultural rep resentative fli haltiin who gie nn excellent icpoit oh 4h jersey cilf club actuty in haltun dur ing the ar mrs m w staples of guelph r r 2 was the recipient of two presentations first certificates emblematic of premier breeder and premier exhibitor awards at the 1958 hal ton parish show which were presented on behalf of the club by m c bemy and a sil ver tnij for the winning progeny of- dam at thr snme show this tetter gift beihg presented on be half of the milton milling co by george swann of milton officeis and dueetors elect d for iyi9 are as follow s president ernest dilrs first viccpiesident hitldntrmrmilcws second vlcepf csid enl bruce nixon secretary-lieis- urtr j allen francis duectois esqiiesing m ic alex ander ken ellli and eccles mc- cluu trifilgir m c ijeily wm ccalhcrslunc and w h devlin nassigajveya george hewer and duncan moffit wellington coun ty fied mooie 100 holstein breeders hear ralph k bennett sftwfitlfjfi t nearly all forums claim contract farming harmful ontario farmers have had fairly substantial experience al ready with contract farming lo judge from reports fromfarm fnr ums across ihe province on the tecond forum brnaovnst of the srries on icrlical inlegfation in the fntming indlislrj while approximately half of the groups reporting had had no dinct exprnence they still had know ledge of the results and effect of he sstem as expenencd by friends and neighbors the other half of the forums reported exper ience on contract farming chief ly with broilers canning crops hogs and some grains mmi opposed when answering the question hnvjins it nf fee ted js there ty t g d r 2 middlesex county lets tnke a took at ourselves howard herrle st agatha r it i waterloo county we are fortun- ate people walter mulkewich walcrford r r 5 norfolk ciuiitj st lnwrenee seawa jam newman dunnville r r 9 haldi- mafld counh never n dull mom ent tnc winner of the competition thla year was howard herrle of waterhvi countv vocal compelluonb the irmers of the various ocall competitions wrre presented dur- he evenings program in the mixed quartette competition the winner was ontario countv south i slmtoe wax nwirded firt place in the ladies trio competition in the mat quartette compelitlin vir- toria county was awarded first standing i donng the dnv five count ehotrs timk part in a choir festiv al thr ontario countv junior fnrmer choir represented their group during the evenings gram the hon w a goodfellovv minister of agriculture nrttlrisaed the audience mr qoodfcltovv com mended thi ontniio junior farm er association for the trernenrtoini leadership in providing pubjit peikine and vocal cmnpi titmns as a tiijining program for runl voting people prins were awarded to the public speikmg winners bylhe t eaton co nnd winners of the v no il competitions were avvndcd prties by thefiank of montreal was no hesitation on the port of neuly all the gioups in reporting the iffect to be dt finitely detri ment il onlv a handful of groups repniled no effect all othns liid plent of icasnns whj ihev ihmight the svstem had bun detrimentjij most of which could be summanred in the state- mint that ontract farming had caused nvtrpnuluction ousini prices to drop hogs nnd poullry being specifically mentioned tn i subslnnttnl number of cases i spoiled the mnrket for us snd one fnium dostrojod the poultry ndustrj said nearly a dozen others some groups em phasized thit the svstem had ser- uly affected the economic pos ition nf the small fnrmri affvaniage fortbtilg a siimlai attitude of mind wis ev idem among the groups when answe the onrd q itoft has it arfected the mon un der ronlrafc there was some nelmow ledgement of advantage for vnmg men startirtg in farming and as a means of providing sortie cmttil or credit but in the main the answers to ihls ju hnn nls win quite defogitory shilo tirni forum mi lombton i iiintv hid this in saj we feel it is going in lake our independence if we contract all farm products in venrs to come maybe also our land th it vur fon fathers carved tun of the woods ralph k bennett head of the merchandising section of the live stock products division of the maiketing seivice f the conndu oepaitlbctit of agriculture otta vc moie than lived up to his reputation ns nn outstanding spea ker introduced by j ailen francis associate agricultural representat ive for hnlton county mr ben nett gave a masterly display as he reviewed livestock trends and the outlook we are living m the north american economy the best mm kit in the world stated the i speaker prices of agricultural commod ilies he added ar in a cliaoln condition j no world prices on might say thai world price do not exibt to illustrate it was pointed out that in canida butlu was 64c in united slaus 5kc in austiolio 11c in new zealand 17c in the nethei lands 34c in denmark 27c it was further poirjted out that danish bacon grade a is being hi id down in great britain at ibc in other wolds fiom these examples it is clear stated the speaker that there is no relation ship in the prices of agncultural products in one country as comp ared with another in olhoi words slated mr bennelt prices are up longer set in rtlation lo a woild market but depend on the supixirt program and the import policies of the var ious countries when the support price for corn in the us was 110 the tendency was to hold corn and nol to feed it however when the us reduced snppoil of coin to around 110 ihe us midwesuiner expanded hog production and commenced to maikel his corn through the med ium of hogs 110000 hngs weekly it was also poinhd out b the sp iktr that canada nin kited an average of 11001x1 hngs weekly dining the pi nod jimiii lo sept ember 1918 since then market ings had jumped up lo 110000 hogs weeklv which in turn had forced the puce down to the sup port level and loday the govern ment is bujing and iliiiing poik looking to tin future mi ben nett stated with lots of gum in c inula nnd lots of coin in un united states wed better b pre pared to have hog prices at or ninr the floor price turhing to cattle the speaker pointed out that the only lime we get the lop price in not th am encais when we impoil in 1951 it was poinlod out thai tn the us onethird of their cattle were be ing ntistsd in the seven midsouth ern states hit by drought production drop ped back nnd it was not until the fall of ifrt and piing of 1118 that lliev got sufficient moisture and e k the t importing beef that he added is what forced the price of calves and feeders up in western can ida in 19111 and as u nsult purchases werc reduced by insliin canada buyers and to day wi are importing beef cei liinly beef cittle opeiations pres ent the brightest outlook for the immediate future the speakci also reviewed ver tical integiiitupi arm us we in terpreted his comments while ad mitting that it may have some dis agreeable aspects he is of the op inion that it is not only here to slay but presents the only real sat isfactory answer to the foi m cre dit problem so that farm operat ors may tneiease fheir sie ofbus- these are but n few of the thoughts thrown mil in what was considcied by ihe audience to be the best address of ii kind heard in hallon or anywhere else foi some little time iat presented at the business session in ihe morning some interesting data was presented by george f dien- nan holstein fieldman for wisi gentrnl ontario fui l si walton holstein herds were on hop in 1918 and of ihis number stited mr drennan 40 of those herd owneis were ench test ing 10 cows or more the average production of those 10 he ids was 10 774 lbs milk and 401 lbs bf making a rca average of 97 foi milk and 100 for fat the lop producing herd in hal lon for both milk and fat with ovei 20 animals on test 22i wos thot of g leslie peer and son with n rca of 117 for bth milk and butleifal in the group with under 20 an- be sura to visit canada farm industrial eqtrpment show january 28 29 30 31 959 10 am lo 6 pm daily industry bldg cne toronto equipment products from around the world pollock and compboll mamtfacturthi of higiqram memorials memorial engraving tlthtt nxttl oait mimnt m vi price sale ifrrals ati test flfl johnson nee- unds won top with a bca of 113 xr both milk ftnd buttertol we mtist set oursights a little higher slated national director d s duntuh of brampton as he dis cussed the proposed amendment re itglstrotion of bulls in tile future incidentally the proposed am endment was approved by the meeting others who contributed to this outstanding program included martyn heslop club sales agent whose report revealed that he had sold 100 head for 3c breeders iji the acton free press thursday january 22 1959 imlj alien rfflei cm h holstein calf club activity in l58f w r tovell who presented premier cxurtfor and prcmlcr brcedcr awards to ifiarbora y royle and pcllettcru bros res pectively and kelvin mcculiough president of th ffnllon and poel oliernsey cfttlb ho sixtended an invitation to hose present to at tend the special recognition night lo george k ring and son of trafalgar oii january 29 the election of the officers and i jurectnrs for 1989 folio vi- r tovell first vlaprtti ldenl j h taylor secpna vlcte president t h mcgeei ieeretarv tieasuror john w piokot dh ectors esquesmg ftwhsblp chailes austin wartf sfrftmrldio j w carney t h mcflee ford wicksori nassagftweya township john kitchlng burlington fred bell brock hams j hytaylor don peer frafalitnt fownshlp hugh boflfy balph fotdp j c marshall w r tovell f -t- save- profit at your frithity oft ah omioms grade a oven ready chickens to fry broil or barbecue california fresh crisp no i lettuce icebeg tv feature of the week libbys peas frozen k 12 oz pkgs jw oos sa twice v os wfmn- cfoa monrfsv friday 8 30 9 00 othe pay 8 30 6 00 9 miu st acton onl for their sure support hold on to your kfo insurance tour tift in policy is exffritwly valuable property because of its guaranteed benefits to ou as well as your dcpendeatft in all policies havtnf guaranteed cash values ou are tssurtm cash savings which increase steachty fhrough the yefithvie are protected againftcasqal spen yet ore immediately available to oti tn a financial emergency the payment of every dollar promised ywi at retirement it tfeaohitely assured either in cash or a a oararrfed income this is very important because people in cited today- can reasonably expect to livelonger if anything should happen to you your dependent are guatnmteed all the money you provided for hem through yoursfe insurance make life insurance the number on giftedged invest ment for over 7v million canadians the ufi msmm companies w canad we are overstocked in suburban coats therefore we have decided lo sacrifice our entire stock of these suburbans pricfs alom 8 95 ou ioss is tour jaw taw a0tama6e of this etnuum saie tfwe 9sve it henry ciothing store 37 mm sf acton ont see save the one new car that costs less to buy fer lessjo operate the mrk bystudebaker fttg 4fat pbscntfr she infmc three feet shorter outsme j5partrof pomajt stamp turns on a dime cuij insurance expenie cum maintenance teiivet top milcakr r on regular ga bemritrfrf styled richly upholstered tastefully appointed smart i senfjme sprrimd its vor new dimenstoft in motortrig see and save today at see y9o dmit acton motors 6 main st s acf0fl vhf imperial esso deaiga epmitt m all amtmk lneffsev mflmnks tf lubrictior oil chengm tires batteries ac

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