Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1959, p. 8

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the acton free preii thursday january 29 1959 anyone else hear the law fly ing plane on monday night fridnv is public school report cord dujr r despite the cold scouts arc holding regular weekend hikes it was parents wight at the high school wednesday of hut week children nt the public schools are practising or their operettas in february skating on wednesdays and saturdays is a popular posttlme at the arena the cold steady winter has certainly been an asset tor icc- making at the arena both iode chapters hild executive meetings this week prior tq tht annuafmectings quite a tew have been missing meetings and been late to work due to the bad driving conditions the minor sports executive is finalizing plans for their booster night later in fcbnary ever try starting a stubborn car on a cold morning on slppcry pavfnvjnt its quite difficult bcjicve it or not this week one younjf acton ind had marbles among his possessions in his pock et qeems rather early son in georgetown tiuc to over crowding in the anglican church an auxiliary church school is being held in part of adelrex factory palermo mcits milton in the junior farmer hockey play offs at milton monday the acton learn dropped uut of the league this year town workmen made short work of the snow on the back streets this week when two plows following each other cleared the streets heard stvtrnl reports regard lng the taste of the drinking wntei fom the new churchill road well tasters set in to vaiy in theii u- dctions canvisseih fur the acton rot ary drive tu rust 1 500 towards n crippled children s hoipitnl fund begun mnkine culls in alton this week acton midget entiy in lh oh ma pliijufis complete n home and home same series with he pelci in the aclon uienn next thursday town council mtt in the ro bert little public sehuol iiudltor ium this week owing to the cold conditions at the town hall cuun cil chambers eur muffs luavyouls and fui hived gloves lire the ord i of iht duy txeept foi the high school lassies who brave hit told wtathti still in bur lefts jcr hiw made locomotion trci- chtrous fur weeks tht lot stoini on ntw un s dny coated roads and sidt walks ind in mosl casts tltnt in has remained with hiytrs of snow and slush comuif and to in on ton reports have it that sunday night was the coldest this winter to date heard that the thermom eter dropped to around 12 below rcro in this area the department of highways sanding crews in this area ore to be commended for the excellent ob they arc doing this winter in keeping the highways clear i halton public speaking contest sponsored by the principals assoc iation of the county will be held n georgetown on friday with students from all schools in the county participating about 500 ntw people have tnktn up residence in georgetown since september this brings the town s population up to 6 722 since 1951 the town has more than doubled in population town woikmcn worked the night through on tuesday in an at tempt to remove the snow and ice from mill st workers were still busy on wednesday morning with a grader and several trucks re moving the heavily caked ice a cdiirse in leadership train ing has been arranged by the gutlph presbytery christian ed ucation committee under the dir ection of the rev gab moore minister of rock wood and stone united churches classes be tan yesterday w- dublin street united church cuelph residents in the likny district were shocked to learn of the trag ic accident at huntsville that claimed the lives of mr and mrs eric chudleigh of dixie mr chud- leigh had a form in the district south of acton and was a frequent culler in the neighborhood many visitors in local homes mr and mrs dan hindlcy and family hlllsburg visited on sun day with mr und mrs roy hind- icy and r and and all of 1isail mzn sunday visitors with mr mis j p benham were m mis jatk morrcll and boy mr and mrs gordon adic gutlph wi weitomt to the villagt mr and mrs harvey stewart and am ily who moved into the village thi week from guclph mf and mrs alan lillit moved into their new home in guclph lust wtek mr and mrs ted jistin pilsy and nunc visited monday tven infi with mis martha jackson osprlnfit mr and mrs robtrl patttn ktn and duinc guilph visited on sun day with mr and mrs john al ton and miss jennie tocll sympathy is ixtindid to tht mennbb fjinilv in tht passing of mi aiclm mtnabb of hickunod who pissed oyityin guilph gcn- eril hospitoon monday morning staff photd a four- yearold hereford cow awheel by a j aacfsaac r r no 4 acton was ordered destroyed by dr aaccabe of the federal health of animals office in bravnpton when it was found to be rabid dr f g oakes local veterinarian diagnosed the case as rabies which was confirmed by dr mccabe three hours tater it is presumed the cow was bitten by a fox approx imately four weeks ago as mr mclsaac saw a fox acting strangely near his barn at that time dr oakes vaccinated the remaining herd as well as horses and a collie pup see mission study as television show the first meeting of the new heir for the alert evening auxil- i ry wms was htld on wedncs doy evening of last week at the home of mrs earl marshall john s reel mrs john l davidson vice pre idtnt presided ind led a worship service assisted by miss emma cole and mrs e masters an interesting study on the vork in jap in was presenltd is a tv broadcast with miss bdln mavc rosell assist ng tht worship group in this prcscntilion she also spokt n dctp tpprccialiort or tht life in mbership and p n pi cscnltd i hat ot the dectmbtr meeting prepare c loihlnt the supply committee n ported lho would join diiiikhlei if knox in prepirinfi n biby s laytttt and also clothinj fir the mothtr and fathel a decision on hit imoiint to bt laistd for tht generil fund wis the annuil visit to the halt n manor was discussed and the sto re tar y will arrange for a date suit able to the residents there the woik of the ux v custd and the date for the til spring sale w is si i 1 h bt a homi b ikinj ind 1 1 suit tht date namid ui tht 4hmmmmwmmmmummhm girl guide news al tht actn grl guide meet ins this wtik the guides passed some lists ind plivcd eimes mis got dun adams district comniissiomi tilked about undo cimps ind finished the evening off with guide tip jlnd prayer ss1 cgit news on jjiuiity 2 ht cgit roup of knox prosbvtuim churth met it the church the mrts ripened the r purp se ind sine thur hvmn th business wis conducted b julit holmes ind minhn 1cmon mis finer lid the worship suviie aftir i fiw gimti thej had lunth tlu mutiny thtn clo id with taps as th s week is nllid christnn win wiik ih roup is illowid to wen then unifirms to sch tol queen will visit guelph on july 2 id i acton won t have any royal visit ors this car but guilph will the queen will bt in thi ncirbv cllv i for a period of 20 minutes on tht i iflirnoon of jul 2 she will b trawl int b it nil g trim 11 which she mill protitd from h un lit n to bnntford gill kilihinu ind sti ltford churchill road spring main puc water supply continued from page one hm si vi insuranci ndded vehicles not presently co credits approved credits in consumns riiposils wert approved iiniminting to 415 ind a iituud un a flit rule hcatii wns nil owed amounting to 4 32 waterworks account 11 uoild di tie tit id in th pr qui pji lip will in joining tin i lit sli tf ird geoifc y uiij tht pns d- tlosed tht it h ill if sli thi mrpih bimditl a sienl turn of f ii uj 1 u is tnjutid during tlu lunth ind mrs jintits lot ts ixprtssed tht thanks o the ho less ind commit lit nd ill riptatid ut th i the simc ml inin 1 1 1 pesi d ballinafad all bill ttliphom co alton puc hydm 9i7 no i liiket sewer accounts molois in corp stoti bill ttli phone co ait n pl c cnn industrus ltd actoi can hdro accounts ii till horn to oakis trip ti i nto ton motois t n motors prmisi mutin in ctintml elettik i net ion w quirj bj hydro suptrmintdint mason itgnrdinit eimoidt rntitin list of nn immtjmon lpi mh lientu btmg itutiiued tut a i rate the suptrintiniknt r ported icprcscnt itivi of thi compani hid infnrnied him this tvpe of luatu had b n alttred cuinmissiomrs upproval mas meded u havt it installed in toun a discussion artisi ftlliiwmc nn entiiiir by c immissionir f g thr br rifciirdmr tin drcei hlthts nil conutik on until after dirk mi miwi notid hi 1 ehts wer cdiitiiillcd b an cleitrn in w hich turned ihe in on automatic l hairman oakes siikkisted thi ileilru cm be checked btreel ught out mjv r w h cook cuuntil s 1 1 pi ese nuitlvi t q thi commission ri poi ted i resident havt futh n on th i obuiu st he n lid a tiita udlt out in this imfl tht upcrmtend cnt informix numbers his dipartmint was hu mi dtfisidi ruble troubli w ith s nvt hchts bitng mnushed on cum nil c is tht oummisuwn sugkistod a lit lmuirto betui mr ju tir be sent to ihe schoil principals walsh at th guprcm surprise pair on anniversary a numbtr tf fnend ind in h iu3 5tt 1 r siirjn s d mi ind m hi rb i all t i ii frid i nifchl n th r 30th i widrtmj nnniiisir md prist tit y 4 ed them with t loeru c iffee libli 1 gi nod i balhioom medium dust 12 v em hi i wis pi ii ed nd hh iihw sco i rv won mrs pin us mckini 11193 md mr charlit th n is n high school teacher falls breaks hip i hi tilth i snff i rtn a she si opid ind ml mrs w denny division head a successful financial ynr wis reported at the tinnu il met ling of the lidics division or the fall fair held siturdiy iftirnoon it uie ymca mrs willi im thompson of wil bur st aclon wn elected pitsid ent other officers aic first vicu- presidcnt mrs fred kenlner sit ond vict president mrs wilfrtd waldit stcrilary mrs ralph denny thi dislntt prtsidmt mis lloyd chisholm of milton w is pitsent ind rivt helpful infojmiti n on forming t ntw orunnintion tht business mectuik followed sending members to tht anntnl fill fths convention in tomnto in febiuirj wis discussed knox ladies aid plan busy year mr a m mcphcrson he new president led knox ladles aid in the firat meeting of the niw ytar held in the church parlor mrs c t jones read the scrip tun ltssnn and mrs o moron ltd in prayer mur than 40 were stnt kifts at christmas time as the sick and shutins were nmimbcitd so many thank you nobs win mid in appreciation busmtss old nnd niw was dfs cussed the ntw floor polisher had been purchnsed to asms tht tart tiker a generous donation wn voted the managtis lo assist n the ntw look planned ur thi gallery sale to be held a dati was nrrmgcd for th holding of a talent sale iniludm homi baking candy and aflernooi tea various committus wire i pointed lo make thi neeissni plans an invitation was nceivet from the diughltri f knox to i sjitcial piavtr si rvitt sunday tiling and also itininded of world day of prayer to be held in ihe pentecostal churth this yeai the committee strvtd a cup tea and lunch at tht cht of the melting whtn all rcpealtd ihe lords pnytr following the hymn the church s one foundation mis r l davidson ttndtred r vfito of thanks lo thosi who wtrt in charge obituary y auxiliary plans catering for events on tiusdn nry 20 tht fir arch mcnabb dies in guelph hospital the dtath of arch mcn ibb of rock wood t ime is i sh rk to minv frunds aftir i fill on iti hi ind bun t kin to gutlph gtnti il hospiti md hi pi iwiy thtn on mond ly a retited fiimu mr minabb v is in ildtr of hiekwiod presb ternn church i fortm r nevt tr imus1 township ind i pnsl m i hi of wilktr t odje att in ht u is imjjh in trituobi towi ship in ih7h son of thi i il c iml mintbb and mny rorrinci i uas muritd in 1900 it hot k wo to thi loti fsllur yoiihg ik tin id for nny t township md l 1g yt irs ago id lo r ckwood i iftirnoi n il hursd i by interment in iittiv pollb ut etuif of the y ladies auxiliary younj goidon b rock in r n alt for 10s9 wis hild it tht y owing lo other activities and illness there wasonly a small turnout of mem bers a letter fiom st alban s ladies guild v is rt id expressing thinks fur the loin of d shes hilph mtkeoisn tisili d tht tioup md disciissid tlu t it heir and son binqml assuiing the lidus thi would hii adequ itc help nnd in co opt r rii in of iht y s men alsi disui d wis thi april con vintu n of s mm ind the in is nn me nit of suwng meils up- lairs in thi utt r tht riiutiiig v is clostd ulh hi mijmtt bintdittnn an millb gatt ind sim melt honociry pallbtarers wtre andy flliott thomis dnmond willi pissmore ind willwrn gordon flower bt trers werc v nibb anlusmcnibb kiilh hi ilton cecil meredith pttr j ir ind dr chilts weilherston suivivinl mr mtn ibb it son chirlie ind four diughters mirgirttmrs a h mcphtdnni mux n mis f j wnthcrst n fi inces imrs p anm tti i ind enid hi hid 10 fir uidchlldien ond two grnt tr indchildrtn a sisler jim imrs w c wildei i prtdt te iieti him bk served honor retired county sheriff the 11rtton liw asmici ilion s 30 rm itibi rs honored forme r sheriff u ilium j robirtmm on monday timru whin thu priscnbd him with t ttifl of i irim lins bin set c eorj t flliott qc of milt n in pitsintdt in f mowing a 321 h pit tsrnt t addn i inkstmastt i pit s multitruh 5212 ml 85 11 00 632 12 0 1 ho 70 87 i 46 90 10000 3 30 lr itoadt j ids hai bit n tl mik nt dnv ng i ciill congratu u lions i t sn v on t it i bab diurhtrr littk gordon smith sick and ill hopt hi ni ut and irtund agjin mr cam mctn but is will n tti w n mi nd mr- tender on 401 hi dtp of hifchw os has nl r r n ndtrs i th in il w nk hiriwiv 4tl bt wtsmi highwats i ind 6 1 he w urk tneludei a linlth f tin n vi fnir tint r uti t m milt t sti r frwii high s 35 land ineludca r iding culverts grahulur bjse rt nfiiced ctneoii pating ho mix pav ng ind truri- l ur ttndrs will u opcld in manh 4 buffi his lun who hid pn sided urt ihit diy w d hi js of a mjprimc w intr doted b qc of burlmgior imeiation also jujt cc walsh supri mt sptikir court jud he llvd i i nfilt prosidont a tir pristjit ftlloi i qii freshness guaranteed personals r nnd mrs w c merklfcy of willowdalc spent the weekend with mrs w j mall r and mrs w h hall heather and garth of scarborough spent- sunday at the home of mrs w j hall after hcating that her brother r akx buchanan of edmonton had boon made a senator mrs r h htu it just a few days latir itainid that another brother had bttn tlectid tht warden of essix county di ind mrs r iluckner and mr ind mrs bill wilson atttndid the bums supptr and danct held al tin bums club gnlt on saturday timnry 24 whin dr butkntr prpistd i toisl to tht ijssu s iitir in thi tvenuif thiv visitid tht al mot its gutlph to pay iht lomiilimtnls of tht aclon scottish dune club to thi mimbirs if tht gin lull pipe band am nil thise attending i hi o int ot the ontario ltrishlurc toionto on january 27 as ruints t honornble john h and mrs ho t wcrt wellingtiri county win dt n fnc iv white and m while of fergus and mr and mrs rhomis hutchinson btlwood and saw tht member from welllnfiton dufferm take his seat for iht first hint as a mtinbcr- of tht frost cabinet on fndiiy list iih m ssis hikn ind jiiiki uutknti brought a pirtyl from ton nlo to itttml the burns wppcr abtriiamjp tirifr tin sntmdnttcli4 at lht hi ynl hottl gutlph tlu young people wtrt laltr tutsls for the wtektnd at ihe home of dr and i mis butkntr atu n tiny win i the mussis suinnt cousland t imto a anidnn beot joan htil li adilairii auslrijn pitricia smith let ds rnnlind mr arthur bistit sydney auslrahn mr co lut dituhtr sheffield ltig1md mr j ick mikinu edinburgh sttitlind and mr edward ho bin sn bilfast irelmd afltr thi dintt iht biitkiur i imily intiitaintd mi md mis bill wilson mr ind mis p tir whiti mi inri misj c im sinn clifft mi and mrs j mtttachu mi anil mis j caldtr mr md mis p migrath robert atkins n mac sprowl mr and mrs bill mukley of torntilo ml inl mrs heniv mthtnry md miss m ir irit yikk of giorxitown foimer ly or ldinburkh st tlind k nny i mil 11 in gutlph md mirg white i i onto i- mny former wardens na well gj rcprcsentatlvarof all levels governmentwere on hand for inaugural meeting of wolllngtoa county council ih the group v hon john root ontario minis ithout portfolio and member fej3 wellington duffcrin anohar worton mp for wellingtonsouth attending the acton scottish h dance club bums supper at the royal hotel guelph friday wnsi mr and mrs rudolph splclvogevj mr and mrs jock colder ml and mrs ahcrne mr nnd mrs jack j megtachle mr nnd mrs hardman mr und mrs monml ntlls mr cook mftnd mrs tfl w mcktnule mr aid mrs pctcfj white mr am mrs m sianollttejf mr ondmrs pot mcgrath mfl itobtrt atkinson mr mac sprowu mr jd mrs bill wilson dr and mrscjl d buckner mr and mrs fred wrirht mr and mrs h royrs mrtid mrs don ryder and mrs davt dills mrs wylle m and tht misses nickill rockwoodjftt miss f hurst richmond hilt mr x nnd mrs bill mtrkliy torontol from milton wcrt mr and mrs1 ilirb hirrs mr and mrs jackal irost mr and mrs bill mcgin- ntss and mr bob brown prorft gait oame prcsidql of gait burns club mr stevenson and ws stfcuji vinsim and from georgetown mr and mrs henry mr henry and 1 miss mordant yerg formerly o edinburgh jw ktn ella of hornby was named h ilton s npresentitive tp the board of dinctors of the onurio jersey club it its annujl metting ui st thomas list wet k bowlers 1 jropkiea for cfieunptoni choose oyordi of disfinchon for everyactivtty thares o selection just right for your needs free engraving on all bowling trophiot order now nd avoid delays don s bext0n our jeweller always fresh ledgers in tht first i nths of i9s anadn t tilled lh2t6 in tht i nl of 195 wm kim n und c jiimn hit mjn nrlhtrti htttrn h f p c t ont ferrunti pukard ltd 194s t isoo h 107 76 halton county youth for christ plans regular sunday rallies farm meat market money urd 2 tbt 31c loin porlt chops 62c sparvnbs 49c loan boston butts 49c sirloin stetk or roasts 79c savers blade roast 55c short rib roast 59c loan hamburg 40c salmon stoah 65c art suddaby 190 main st acton one criminal case for supreme court rung them of the situation and asking thetr cooperation nt ufving the students of t 1 watir suiwhntrndcnl j lamtxrt mmi indt t asi t al tin n tvhu it hot def n m ot ortkv i iuu- lnivi-i- 1 rirceivcd permission t havc libtc tjpc cupboard installed i tht third line pumpinc station ft bis use- for supplies and records tic ttatrd t vtntenced donom iu m and iirrc rsjnisat on i i charge bltn of ju radvi u i rb thi mtr- ntirralonjl nitiat the pro h id si nd in 1 1 i ti n o k ii md m t h c id s tl n i thr n oikv and h- u ii lit f tfai rr on h t m hon f c mnil ncligcncc the incident pttvc progrim csi icnrij votith ked th death of a s cath ith iht dvnamc ia uv i c man while accucd car was christian tv the hca f th pro lracl rng the wrons jr ml the cram is a riuls h abw reported the south jpnn q elixabeth highuav lait sev wjieh the motto tu and churchill road lanes had been plowed out recently the folio un accounts approved for payment td to tember 16 the driver liceiee as ccaed to the titie anch suspended for five years b mr the bock becmes j rea n justice walsh he pleaded gutlu to an hour of music and challenge the charte presenting the ageless pospel to m coxe son riumjing hiatlno eavesttoughing pm gm ft otl flotmc4 gn tanks free estimates phone 25 acton kinsl0w sales 1 miw west of acton on no 7 hwy phone 7s1ji1 j wewouio h pleased to help in planning youk ideas o ofkt suggestions and estim ate tour jo without obligation january clearance sale continues with this weeks specials cotton sheets cut m7t ho x eh ovir 111 llui ids pi i si inth w ith rtinforcid until fur loriir klkuhr si 9tj january saje price each 167 cotton pillow cases ir- 99 fini u- colored birdir slzi il x 36 price iltfnl ir price 12b pjir facecloths t 19c january sale prtce flonl designs ixtru hnn udli v ittgular 31c each ladies wool stoles r 57c ilcadsqu ires pl nn ur plaid col rs rtgulr 9hc each girls wool skirts january sale price onlj a ftv sizis d t 14 rtgular up to w 98 lacb 197 childrens snow fonts 147 jfruii cl t mi 3 t 6 rijtular 2 29 pair c iiildrln s vneck orion pullovers 7 177 sn 4 to h rirutir s39 pustic table cloths 7 57e fulkil pi turns tit w u regular twc each hand towels 67 to t 49 e mens wool underskirts 167 turnbull quat t ijrfic tucs only regular m 85 each hintons 5c to 100 store

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