Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1959, p. 1

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jtfjwi mtffifs eightyfourth year no 33 acton ontario thursday february 12th 1959 twolve pagoi seven cenll council committee school bod tobe proposed 1q room addition tho ontarm school trustees council will present a resolution at their annual meeting in port arthur onl asking the dcparl- ment of education to share in the coat of library books by grant as they do in the case of text books trustees wero informed at the reg ular meeting of the public school board last- thursday evening this action was tho result of a motion carried by the acton board it their last regular meeting which saw copies of the resolution forwarded to the ontario trustees council the department of educ- nftion and inspector bornhold the board also received a reply from the department of education explaining percentages on grants and outlining their policy on hooka members failed to sec the point of the letter and felt the depart ment was sidestopping the issue they were satisfied however with i the response their resolution pro voked and thought some action on grants for library books might be forthc after the ontario trustees annual meeting matt with cwomii ch c w bradley inf f trustees thattio along with ihc finance committee and the proper ty committee chairman met with the finance committee of council on tho previous monday to deal with the erection of a 10room ad dition at the robert little school he said council had been most co- wratlve and both sides of the de at- length the board had stressed the im mediate need for the addition at ihe school and councils committee had discussed mutual financial problems with them the finance committee of coun cil did not commit themselves they will give their recommend ation to council after further study discuss salaries i property chairman m smith asked the board to reconsider the salary of both caretakers which was increased by hm per annum at the last meeting si yhatt ih way d increases 1o teachers that we are being fair to the caretakers said mr smith members wanted to know how their salarks compared to caretak ers in nearby centres mr smith had comparative figures for georgetown school which showed a higher wage scale and ho inde nted thut in that particular earn unlike the local caretakers the gcorgctuwn custodians did no maintenance work the board after further dis cussion and on the recommendat ion of mr smith rescinded their former motion of a tlm increase and on the motion of w wolfe nnd e marks increased caretakers salaries by 200 per annum schools report principal e smith reported ihnl only three and a half days of teacher time had been lost at the m z bennett school since tho jcrm started he also recommend ed that the board 111 erect a sidewalk 16 feet long ty eight feet wide at the north door of the school to prevent tracking of mud into classrooms 2 purchase a movie project or noting- t children have rais ed 130 for classroom equipment 3 secure teachers to give pt instruction to grades seven and eight in the m z bennett school next year principal smith informed tho board that he and principal mc- kdnzlo met with the inspector re garding the proposed testing pro gram for schools members indic ated approval when informed cost for both schools would be s80m years the object of the fests is to es tablish t grade study by which inc acton schools can be compar ed to others in the province principal g mckcnzlc recom mended that the board look fur teachers early this year and re ported the first opportunity would be in march she also notified trustees that bias i anderson would be retiring this year after ii years service miss anderson was hired in november 1b18 other baslnesa the board also appointed w wolfe vice- appoint d a ntcholls and w mfcftty b their representat ives on the acton public library board for a period of two and asasirjviaa by phone long distance call re- ites relatives after five years a long distance telephone call from england to acton this week caused much excitement and plea- sure for mrs bob frank mr and mrs leo close brother and sisterinlaw of mrs frank and formerly of this community called long distance from fnrnham eng land enquiring about mrs frank s husband bob who has been hosp italized not having heard her relatives voices in over five yers mrs frank llhc former etteen close was both surprised and excited to hear from them friday 13 tomorrow friday 13uv will cause many superslitkhis resid ents much unrest as they at tempt to avoid the bad omens such as a black cat walking un der a ladder spilling salt and many others during the 24 hour period t vifhif pells disa to many people who suffer d illusion caused by a superstit ious nature and this year w ill be thr l a h on lhra frtimli iwmlf since friday tomorrow if you i november well wt pe d around a ladder avoiding that black cat as it skulks across the street wearing a pair of svsks inside out or refusing to retrace their steps as well as many other odd qunks bear with them its friday the 13th mrs frank told the free press this week thai tic voices wen re ceivrd clearly without any inter- ruptions mr and mrs leo close and their two childnn beverly and tommic w ill be recalled by many as thev lived in acton leo who was an employer of beardmore and company in acton is presently emploved bv a cloth ing manufacturer in england three years respective ly on the recommendation of the libiary board heard from m snitlh that two cracks in the roof of the m z bennett sehml hud been ie- pnlred at no cost to j the bnnid dlacntutt i loimmr n- tit finite bourd policy for the guidance of principals and tenchcfs on the ic- commendation of e smith zero walk think the weather ha been too bad to go outaldr totnplfttntaf ahoul the roads anal ihe tempera ture a amor rtllirn of rockweod and he aenlnr rorrespomuni of ihe free rreu richard harris u tl ua he found himself up in ourlph without a ride horns late monday evening he aet out on fool and walked nearly to kdo mill before he got a ride the real of ihe way home 1 hats an old fashioned solution to an oldfashioned winter and one not many of us would have even considered seeks costs on 10 room addition council returns motion to board count withheld iippiovul of resolute n submitted by the ac ton public school board tip pro ceed with a culmination byiluw fur a lltoom school nililltlnti at the robert little public miuh1 nnii rei imimi tided ihu motion ik u- turned to the board foi furlliir information regarding could ills nctlon followed n uiutoiy tatall ftioio valentines day holds no particular interest for the twin boys pictured above but no doubt in a few years some gals hearts will be breaking over ihe two shown above encai ed in a valentine heart are brad left asrb carry right twin sons of mr and mrs r h martin 81 roseford terrace ac ion the youngsters are presently 13 months old ttzb3tjj rftuaav ft jctifflbaaakiwenfimm i xtfiasbutft iarzmima mtajr process 893800 gals tanrrery sewage at cost of 20160 for 24 day period extra labor costs involved processing 893 hoo gallons of beardmore sewage at the acton disposal plant during a 24diy period amounted o s201 60 ac cording to a tijioit mibmitted by sewage suiciinundcnt a duby at the regular public utilities com- mission met ling on thursday february 5 i following the repent thi scent arytreasurtr win instructed to compare the additional hvdm costs to be included with labor costs the commission agreed to cm vert the healing system it thi disposal plant from the present space heaur to in eleetrieil sys lem and advised the hvdro di- mrs frank noted this week that pa rim en t to do thi work according her brother and family look for- o the engineer s specification ward aeh week to receiving the i this action followed a report actoh free press and keep in from r v anderson and awe- close contact wuh current events ialcs consulting engineers follow in jthte conunututy ing invcitieoaan of the pianl committees to investigate artificial ice plant for acton committees were formed to in- 1 an ici vestigate further possibillics ofan tvler si artificial ice plan in acton wtun c robart thi acton chamber of commerce n the cri sparked a meeting in the fire hall last friday evening defer request a request by letter bill tilephunc co it iinutiiia on tho water minn sliit south w until fuitlur mfoimution could be nbtamed the li lit r idvised cmiititmion membirs thut tin antenna would serve as a relay for the present communication system used in the uepaitnunt of highway vihiclcs it wis also notisd lhit possibly a npnsinl ilivi from the company would bt pusent at the meeting to plnn the situation rurthcr howivtr wlim the representative failed t appear the commission withhlii judgment superintendent re porta water siipinnlendent iforriud the commission his from the jmrtiik tit was proceeding wilh in insl ill an j nt illation of hyiim si rvici to m v tuwir on homis under cuniilruction in lake by mini 1 1 iindiiy ivi titim tint whtn tin isltil uiiimilx i i iiupohml kmlirm mn hon ant also tin finiinilal v i of ihu ttwn of alton i ntitwl liowi vii hint a lutxion wilh hi bonnl unit pnwlhly ilii bond would cun- dilav in ll building for lis until it w pomsdile in i tin iiiiiflittonk at mill- i riiiumi ri dial iios- 1 1 tin 1 1 mli si hoot d if tin r was one niihlli hi ill i lis nt of ihi elistik l ibd huil ml would i ml in i fuliir for tin v ir in hollowing mr coy an y i hi p rlut tneitirik council discm id ihe mnjfir further a siiggst wis made by coiiikillor hugh uiv trmivrtp i rmj vtuuls board accepts 381368 tender from mackenzie for milton high thi sutuiivimon i mlnwintc mount v nvid fur payment waterworks account jlizzz lllbq 2v r sewerage arrounti motors i grants muton acton welding arlon woodcrafts thompson motors la i j b mackenzie und son the commission that stvirul wrfter services had been frozen with some tking thawed i out for ihi second lime pittv it i- nirnd to check the ailn depth thi irvices in the subigrinl divisuns in thi spnn by digging acton tist hohs i actor the supinntindinl also reported hli 7 w mis d6w1 r 251 m 1 i tint tmdir ukniii md s n of is ncp id monriiy ni h hillon uistnt mn inl fr ihi r nslnittn w milton hili mhl ltd ty thi ik trd hi by thi ih srtih1 n if lh tli rs md hi nin foyer thil will li if md flir girnrtl of fit i fl r will lery hydro aernunta cth motors s motors mottrs motors ind howard ltd jrrwntattt -frrw- iirsc lhc iij l equipment chiirman apikmlid u had developed in the j bert wood insurance 12 inch main mi churchill road ii c barlow co rth ind he wis instructed to f terry m ike the nmrtvary repairs when line v cible access it wis rnviniint act in free press th n d of approval v is civin i rthern flcclric ssist h ep c o onx allot in if a go amp sangamo co service il the town hall to service recuvcr general a propoted heatins sjstem at the j r kearney corp a 47 town 447 73 26 2fi4f lur the i tarnrtt l th fll tn t begin i by thi cli- i im latx ratur ufurofithinb t wl provide a f r ill bos plan clj itlnr dn frf nt entrance red loariins ar- parkmif for ap- plot pre i olhir inris uibmitled wn dun ti r construction ttmoou andi i r onstruc ion 197 im instruction 99 013 slcel delayed architicl birnett pnsanl it the board meeting n ported the delay in receiving uteri had been the scott hold up in both georgetown and con- 1 acton additions but contractors i cfimpfetion of th offie the fr srhihl pru plus 43 pnr vult on tho mnllnn for hhnp urd hi rd a noiue of e forgrave be avi n trt n th- pi mneri orgetiwn hibh nud is i m hers fil th four absent it should irvr rft not it of mrtion sinrfl it lfr d polny f ihe rarrl trusui frflbt nuked thit prtn- cip lis prrparn a report on the number of pupil who have left school since september and tho reasons f r prisenlthn at the net meeting 1e reptirt uf the finrfnce ccrmmit- tcc denlinfl wiui teachers claries wa delayed a ii pm and plans marie for a pec al meeting in fl- siruetion s4071 mcnally con- 1 anicipated no delay structim 403 1t0 oeorkc wimpey dates of the schools construclion 414414 sulnwc the board re t rep m contructi n 44b m4 lmlracco t possible beating methods for cnstruclion mm 365 uru georgetown scho and dectd- twt storeys rd on heating with number four thi new nchoot will b i sated oil since a storage tank had cu the subject n 10 acres recently annrxed to already been installed and uv tie 4oard advised pnnripals 100 no milion at the southern extremity two present uniu used this type of adhere u the rcrjuirroientt of 3 to williami avu the main flfwr ucl j med cat certificate for i lines 27 23 j will provide a gymnasium with harold moir was engaged as the teactiera 6901 hall enitjnifcrtmnj were pte i vnrwret m regardtne methods f fma toe iixi grants from ihe government on jhcy ere to inves irjii miihod- such a project which hid ben usd junda in ifiir cmlris f im li lulmi hvdru sinhrintendint d mam targ jest convenlion wkly newsmen the annual convrntirti t ontario weekly fcewspapery as- auctation boasted the ursest rv- istration vrr at the royal york hotel last thursday friday and saturday mr and mrs david dtus represented the acton free ptrvs and mr and mrs jun dills t hilton represented the cmnad- ian champwn of milton don ryder the iw editor as officii photcrmphcr for the con vention l and stdtoo ne editor roy downs also attended sessions fn- dj and saturday david jks v re- el director it was decided to form commit- ties lo investigate all phases of securing artificial ice and call a meeting of the public on february 13 for an open discussion cmtusutteea aypa a building committee compris ing w j mclced chairman j ktdlcj m hirtmes and e tvlcr jr project the public fibtions cu consists of dn rdir and u johnson the al li rntut ion of thi prujoet is headed bv v barbcau and j bert w d it wai decided llal all infom at ion pertaining t an ailtii ice arena would u pnsenlrd a winter proect construct 10 new homes in lakeview subdivision acto- appoinlcd to investigate the the general mcctinc on m ndat present cemdiuon of the arena and fchruarv 3 at hlfn t3ne ic teo plans and prices for an entire gestions trom tndividuau wiuld tx new building asked for u t- trfiie x j open eight tenders on manor the board of the hal ton centennial manor opened t ich t 3i on the construct on of the new ssoqjjoo addition to the ma no a a meeting tn the milton court house last ntgit iwcdnesdavi one bidder was selected and his tender is to be studied bv the architect and department of welfare before an announcement can b m b their approvalhuii couati ceuscu wjil bs asked to approve the bid the work proposed for the county home for the aped wih doubie its capacity from 105 to 330 beds and- include the add tioo of a tbhed l whig ita ljjjjjjhv ihsjii 1 v n t r ciistruction i ide cil ptfp e with rmplov tien hid been cnlviled due to ielitef ealer in 1 11 thurs rar fti tv vhen cpm4o fvr- cml jc n cotipaiv becan apajtouaa wlrtv imr monjw aio appiintion was made b mr pinni to purchase lots in thi lakeview s bdivsum to build himes bul his tiu id tpr home has been rc- the fttmsd ii acirdadcr wih h ion lis bv 1 w rf the tnwi of acton ne i- vnstruc rf j beuan recert v a appea mas vid b i zz c lourd i iofi a lis enr last the ac on comm ttee ex adjut tiusdi ad b wednesdav of nn and analowancr on s del i e uesk even excavations hao seback xi made on five of the ben i fliplt ed ad fouimutkuls t i j lv n bu on sh i en t bu purd allied je cnja o- vj poeeed m pi i if i we i v site witfi -it- c instruction h u k s k ast thstv pre 1 rsici no date ha been t for taiod if excav jems and poured cnp e on of the homes mr fen pi toundit iin u rd that tiok ould conhnwe cotd bi weatber has ap- as fat as weathe- wouidpeffnit parcntev been no nandaeap tar unutied u texmt t- jic buildc- as se is actonpting to build morepesthan the present cor ijcwth his building prn ten ra jarara afr percii poiated tolwiig a lengthr hoidup before out jie- was ptesity of land still available m tha area m cetttncate awaids were tetented lb four adon scouts on monday rughf by superwv mikjenl r s hrt of the st john ambuunce boqade t oompletson of m standard sik veek first aid course pictured abqve tert to nghf n atcuie7wlwrteaftd funstv certffate supermtendem han lffrnton unor oertificale scouler k snwth and troop stader p newton both received senior osrtficetes the course was sponsored by ihe st john am- bulance bngade of ackm and was a by many onzens as well as scouts

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