Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1959, p. 2

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l the aekafrm pmt thurday february ur 9 seeks costs on 10 room addition council returns motion to board cwtrhmct trtwt j on wc glw thorn pntptr facultlo itrcwd mow cook lt rmlmk councillor watta rvpltrd x r wo rtimit provide raculltea but wo mint bfreiiurtle w amil fcav to nxk th tnkifliyoni lu pay for thin nciti nntl tilcol wont paf btljt mr inwe uttmtt a mwtlnf witli llo entire council anil achon board be hald to dlmim tie lltua- tlon further and mr walla miggmt- rd i public mwllni mr owr kwrkl n verbal motion or council to meet with the boar to dtmiim nil ertlmnt facta and una lipportd by f walt bwird know facta before the nwiuon wm called dfputy trove j m orccr reminded council the achoot bonrd waa a elwiixl tnrty ind in hlji opinion thtv kmw nil the pertimnl facta regard urn the necewttj of n new addition nnd afilrt he win vol ins ngalau the motion councillor lowe remarked council in intcrwitcd in n better end product and want the moat for uioir moncv mr hochlln unld im mire they enn find temporary room for the children for next term f wnlm tosiicilcd thnt pcrhnps the school bonrd did not know nil the relevant facts nnd pomtbllltles regarding condition nt mnlton and mr cook explained eerjthlnfc hnd been diwuwd it the peclnl meet ing with the bonrd recvo coy reminded council the board i in elected body who nit tmarc of the r reponitlbllitiei to the people for oxpondituics at ihn point f watts atfted if he could hne the nwurnnct ihjit the bonrd n awnre or all the pertin ent fact regard in jj the entire situa tion nnd recc gu informed him the bonrd hnd digested eveiy thing dlwnssed nt the mcctins and the mill n they noed the nddlt on remnrked mr wnttt and mr go nnswered they mill ti thu ntxd it wiiimf to wiuianw mr wiitls informed cmmeil this w thi caw then he n w inn to withdraw the motion nt seconder but n informed by the imvw it i up to the sponsor of tht molion councillor lime at thn point of the conversation mr lowe rcqiicmed the m call the motion when a vote was tnken councillor iowirwm the mly one lo vole in lite nfflnnnllvc to hnve council mi el wllh urn ttfhool bonrd rmm rroany council pndorted ihe rccom- mcndhtlnn of plntnln bonrd to re torn the iroioilv of mm it mur my on mill street noutli hum 1m- mcntlnl to commercial thla aotltw foltowcd an ckplnnn lion by c f uullmlnnd hullrum for mm murray tvtm rntnred -nitt- hlh client had rweled nn nffet in putchnfte the propei tv if it toiilil ibe re rnned mr lentm rlnntl reliwod the tcatlon nnd pointed out lt loin lion did no fnvor n r ilrtt irunl houne and explained th piopontl purchnner m interested in opiinl- tns n phi nul nu shop tuid sulci of flee from the location c turn 11 neeppted the aim unit nil tcndi r finn ot inn i motor f huniilylnit nil llu tnwti vhiitlik folluwui llu opi nlnit of tinilus lubmlllid ravlpw aptlon durins the newer and wntei com mittee riorl by chatrinnn j ii guy he outlined procedure inst th regmd to ttu lummltlit activities nnd revitwed ciriinu stance leadlnr to the sluittinii off ot walei trom wie south iprliijj fin the bcnifit of nis coo mil tikin- bcts gny informed the new mem bors thnt folowiiib n report frorr ontario watci itcsoiueiicom mission regnrdinit tht condition of the v liter at ihe louth spritik nnd a irpoit fittm dr bull or ihe hil ton countv llenlth uni hod been turned off mr coy noted thnt nt n henrlnj with di but of the owrc in toronto in the cnrlv pnrt of jim unr of this yenr it hid hem shi gested thnt couocil imestijtnu thi imisslhililn of nn industnil siuint plant mr cilinbcit of the o w h c ind siujbcsled thnt thi condition of the wntir it tin clem spraying it nns pnlnti l old thai llu ow iic immi itnthptl ti ilnlslon thnt if lite phml w ttu hitill ii soulil im imli ihe munlilpiilllv conitiilliu 1 uwi iiuuhed wltv the owlu hnd iifiioul to hiilld the plniil mul oni imli llu mimlit pullly mul mi ln liinmhil llu owlll dn lilnl hu v would u kiph i piejitlml mul then purpoki uiis to wink wllh mmilil pillltlln want irottpm tlfiol llinl llu ow 1h lilt tin bixl tu lion would lu o nllioiit lo hi i urn pi mil inn mi hullilinu it ni w iitiiut im in dusntrtl piiipimts t iiiiliiiulnu 111 m poll m tov nud mi unlliibnl mid lu would hlnki ills muitatlon on the fmt ttuit within two utim iflu ipi nlim stotiid ih wulii would ir ok i ail n mini u i 1 9 llim nniuillir lliililiu siiiiitmlnl it mirll l n hod lib n t uimitik lit fniflicy tlu i nhii lilts r ii mw lilmil mid iiivi tv infonmil him k wns iinilimli l iniiiuil nhoulil in ituiilid h m tiiu tiihut tiy lit inniiiiiikx in nv of tlu o w it c l poll mi low iki i wlml would lull pin if hun wns n ln mini nut nnd tin inn i lull ii ml vnlu milv wiisn i siifliiinl mt y rimtukid 1 think tlu font pcil lo lllffll mhlllt lit tlu iiulllntlils ns wi linvt n surfuiinl supply foi hiu iisli h alton manoii films young songsters arc winter diversions tin pi iflbh ol tniphrn iliy nl in nullum tilli cliih uli liiomlii omuiihu kl wiii in mldny pvpuiiir ri immry ii whin vliitin 1 i in y jihsiiiiiii n pi mriun of vinul i ii ni nlillt mi xltoil million uli l oid urn llinl wi 1 1 hull tnli i miiiiu mul ulloiuil wire khnwn liv m mlii mi hum l iy ivmluu rulim ft llu flmt t im wlihh wiis in i mul hoii hu tub n irlh to mint in him wn oiu uf u mill- f ilium iiilliil uuiittliui vainllnii in nit 11 dplrud oui ii bv miisutiiriiittul tin win ii h to lliliiroit lli with l l klnn llilx film u kstinu tu iiniulliiu riew of llu nut lh il mill dull ixt iiilhi i within iwo ji irs it bnrdtjuins hid pifl would include town rcrve goj informed count ii tint dr berrs hid notifud him lh il tlu holduu jii furlhr m hotmiions i rinding nn industrml siw mt plnnt hid been becitisl benrdnions tnd cnnoda packtrs had rctnu sled llu owrc to build the plnnl lo ex elude the municipiihu krfuae lo imow nnow a miiicm from hi pinks lloiutl in ixliilf of hu at ion i i ion mm i ipoiti lomnntlil jtu liuiu- nl to plow mi nun on lh niti 1 1 ink f i jiiukirik tins on llnomu ninht whs iifustd hj tnjinul llll illlltlst wi1n r iwllkllfl til cuiitkil in iiuniilloi r wnlls iipusuiliitivi on tin ptuks lioltul louihilloi w j mil t id ikkitt whv llu minoi spoils did in t i i llu it own piiikntfl uiui tit in tlnv iiiimd tmiythiiu fi i inn hi ni tin in i nn t muilloi 11 p nl nf mi mbt is it tin k ti i v tint s i rtn ninsti is d mi wnlls hit itiwn wis ci nil ibotnik umlt a bit in minur spoils m piovulinfl nt j ml hum i full turn unploytt tn mnki ice nt tin nn nn h nlso noltd tli it ii siiutstion m l inn mlltl llilllllill ti hut tilt mltlo sports toiiunittii nppnuilh ptnpli with iquipnunt i i do tin wink f n tin m niiijit nt n t ti uiti uiuulliui on nn un i llu hi i mul nijn pi i ipittivc th nn hit il hit iill i mid liv n iii wn pipii repoiiei o smi hprlnu in 1 nd off ihe inint of hilllmh col inn liln salt sprlilur inlnnri tinn hei dt velnped in a community foi hi nlor eltipiwi nnd the numeroni lulervlrwi in the film between lh i pm ti i spoken of nbnvc nnd snmi if those smloi clllaens pnnitl how iiaiiidlnii nnd injnvubli itvjnit in mich n tommunlly inn te rttho mshlnit on tht fl wns lilli or the thinl tilm ii hi h nv thi coho snlmon nre cnughl with flies nlong hit must of british lumbiii thin pliuin 1im wns tn oloi ihe lost film llfi on tlu west- tin mnrshes iw ripuinlly nllrnc t vi itntl inlertstink ii hud inert filmed b field men uf uu or kinlrnthm called uuck unllmuni autmtifth deulmg foi tht most pnrt wllh mnllnrd duckn the film show td llu vmloub otlur forms nf blwl nnd nnimnt life thnt nbound in lh witu rn mnmhn nf cnnndu how rtsmrch ond const rvntion nn tnriled on in conrieclitui lluse mnrslus how forest fires in hit mnrshin nre foiikht mid how hit murines nn kipl from drying up by bulldinit dnmn mndo tf alkns if foils in nblnlninff h111 films from the oakvillt pub- in libinry were vei y much np- ptlciulcd by his nudlcncc vanng ronfatfln a chorus nf 12 yimng chit one hos ind 12 t us of mi llu i uiging to hi f i jjmcs school in 1 riunlkii linmlit fliuit pi ti thi rtsidtnls if the mm aapp reports recommend changes to act on monday february t hon orable james moloney qc- min ister of mines presented the re- ourt of the seleei committee labor relation honorable mul- oney as appointed chairman of this si let t committee nt the inst ntssion of the ontirio govim- mtnt this committee in their report k makiiir si recommendations for phnngei or additions in the labor relations act it is not possible m the limited time nt my disposal to gic you nn details of this report any organ intt urn connected with labor relnlinns maj recilvc a copy of the nport by apphmg to the clerk of the house honorable james mnlnne pres ented a statement or the develop ment of the uranium mining in the ellitit lake aria it is- no the gnniest deltpment of its kind in the mlire w loan returned honorable leslie ftosi prime minister made a statement in the assembly that the monets loaned by the ontario government for the construction of ihe trans cstnatfe pipe line has been returned lo the treasury of the province of ontario then fore the province of ontario is cleir of any con nection wnh tht construction o th tnnt canada p i honorable j j wintormcycr leader ol her majcrtya oppatft- ion in his addrmc in reply to th pech tmn the throne tnastttb rei u h i inolal ekshion umh he plcmed to chant with 1 orabl lertte m proil prime i or ontario a very pleaaamt thoakghl hi is the cttitmu of the ontario that change the the aawmbty f the onttrio citiinetvt lionortkhie pcovi and policies f the pre it ment a very natth the oppoatuon party hi 1 scmbly to take a critical itioo always tends to naah thhmetothe havfwm elected la the tatfrimy since the list session he mh it t the tntetition r vmfr jovertwapttt of ostkrid do ul in ha ajwr tt ace then bm tot otap ni port m th twin cttan f port ariknr im rort william to northern ontario and central pro vinces of western canada in reply lo ihe address delivered aawmbiy by ne of the oposition honorable wintrrmeyer the prime minislt r made the nmaiks thil ihi pmv- mce of ontario lends the ninth american continent in cducnlion- al requirements uch ns schools colleges tenchers principals md the lnrjt si government irints pt r pupil to the schools nnvwhere in cnnndn consider extension the prime minister also said that the government is considering bringing the northland railway south from north biy to pjrry sound mr macdonald lender nf the ccf party spoke for three nnd onehalf hourson the reply tn the speech from the ihmnc hi cnuclxed the govern ment erv severely of all its policies lally the farm marketing acts 1 would say that these market ing acts are framed bv the pro ducers and voted on bv the pro- ducers of the different products the marketing of which is govern q4h- cd by eirtnin ads the i nieni just pnsips legislnlion which it voted on by bold ihe opposili ttnintirgomrnmint lo m ikt i in ki lint it ri1 i do not km cnuneilloi walls nsketl wis nppii ichtd bv ihi ci about ihi stum rtmoviil woulcf ru in form them it wis their luob lem tht miyor n marked thty wish lo rmivt it lit llu sif n f erliflcate im hnd hull iioilflll i dm ml bv tin onkvllh- kl minis i nnd thev wt kill d in i iiiulitnif by mi ki ith win ihtilrmiin of iii hinloi llu club lu apprnpruu nrrmmi vitw r tin lilt ml iv wnlit fiiil unit axli tl in i d ivm i mi mt y oilktnti ihfr id ko x 11 1 why ttluii ith in mlllon who tllmf it lid irmrr tn the ehnpt 1 nn him- hilt w t ptliiu l- ih i tuti iniuiiim im m hti f lilllv mtiprsi ill of ilinpiti- ii of hints ho in i nst yon forget lr fort go ing nut shopping wrlli down iv- irythlng you want on n luggnge liiuul then lie it on the hnndti of ynur jlioptiuk ling ii is ninth liffnillu timn intiklng in ooi puimi or hiintlliiiu ft r n innm shut of pnpir 23 halton residents get citizenship of tin n ti irl in milt u nsliip t et t i only in rljn wilfrid dlnn itimxhlp miintiay uriintid flwilm t i ii ill drills mi jiry iilsn eonjjjipvtlllftr urhl ii in lug on 114 upiillt ilium r r tin inshlp i niilloi i lid in lis uumi lliiiigmliin- personal notes of acloninm vlnhlng outof town points and of vial tors in acton hornet mrs uoyd masales hostess institute plans annual here mrs lifmra minuiln willow uu hnsrsa to the february mt lid of acini w i mr rvir hit prislflt nt w ih in ijm f tin uni una hold annual llnre ml rp i by mi i till ifkllll ihiilllitu i nnd ms f ijimbirt i liiiint contiibuted n mys- ikit 1 1 i if mi litis wbi i mis w hill ii tlrtxitl wllh slnginif let il v ii kwu tlu irt iiirimlllm sorved a dtllolow lo tout hidon pleasant nftcr- mr i wirdytkpribimkl iho iiitlnn of nil tnthc- hostitt rmhnim ouaitantbko mi m ovirtuill of tornnln sltil uu lohnstotin hint wnh mt nnd mis not humli v mul nit iwi sous or prtmton win vis intt in tnwn siiiulny mr hub im ki tdlnn of tin allkokun piiikhnh nilhd nl tin rnr ii inn iiihi thuihttiiy mr nnd mm d rydei nnd dnv- ld visiltd mi sundny with mi mid mrs o v i nlhtuii iiiitl fiiuiily willowrinh mi mul mis ii w mint in h ivt rttuiiifd finm 1 oronto whin llity visit d with mi nnd mis c o ui ni nnd family illhlu mt nnd mis mnnlyn nnd rm acton rtsltknls kelly thoi sundny mr jntk mnmpni wns visiting on ihi w tna ihiii ills nnd olhn slopixd i n iuihint- llognviilitsin vislttd foi mu of monttenl tkend tup mnnstll nclllr ralph mrkcown linn smith mil i rm in i iitinditi hnrry arbic bill mcklnnon i dun mid noun mil itlllr mimbcis of tin gtornetnwn aits nnd cnifls hi id timr annunl nnititu nt spot on 7 tlu horn if miss gladys irnsti when niv tiffin rs win named mis w j bintty wis dieted ns tea convon i j ind hack after n very plensnut holiday in klntidn ate mr nti i t i stiwnit nnd their son ly i lit y wtrt iiway for fivi ks nlnylng nl dnvlonn iiiiiiii st imt rslturg nnd miami ion frlimln nn hnplng for n prumpt neoveiy fur mr o r ilinmpsin who hus been serlt in ly iii in toronto wtsttrn h s- pilnl for some wnks mr thomp son ii tht suptrinlt ndinl uf hit hiltlitns aid socitly in hnltoti jnd in lin president uf ihe halton cluipli r of ht ciiniidinn nnlu mil inililolt for hit blind suntliiy visltots with mr nnd mis otwill johnston win di i jury smith nnd mrs rumbli of mlpii mum alice smith it n of ottuwn mr nnd mrs georic lnmiron of toronto mr nnd mk vvnllt r swnnson nnd cindy f rixkwtind ontl mr and mrs ii iy j ihnston thty txtmdid congi it nlntions tti mrs r i johnston i n l lll i two x omenta id r litnh ti t ii tt km appliance and tv repairs cull manning electric 230 alwavs fresh wmtoni hot cross buns 3 pkg avllibl al ledgers tfeifix off a i a uwx- i set nut lo find a pnl of gold said ihr old rot lege gradual sow i m fifty seven and all i r it ik ihe put that life lltiwevrr llluslnnril grntlrman the dl age rr ujm vi financial campaign feb 16th to 28th your opportunity to help your scout group committee g l haggett chairman ktfhav h hfht btiv 1917 porrtue lavrentlan v ilr hard top verv low mileage deep tur quoise and white twatonc ilka new ejrs weve just uken in on tradr than eh i you might he in- trrmlrd in rase you re looking for a rrully late model gnodtited ear ihese will he snapped up fast if i ran judge from past experlmrr nt w here s frank praum 2095 thi nil duk wtr niith- wh i acts mncd ni1 dtl iillntkid tlicsr rthm in ltd for tin miikiun nblj mayor i7cd to sirii n iojnplet inn ur- lificjti fm tin chuichill rond pumphoust thi clirk wis nuthnrizcd to pay the churihill iltuid wnlu nc hint iiniuntinii to slllm the follow inj lccounts w rrc ippnnid foi piymcnl pohci 1 r 2b wtlfirt- i722 i public hinlduiss 221 2 r fin hill adtninslrnliiin finance sp 22 i cnumil ndji urned at 11 pm tut mm with tut awoic sou bensons shoes the raiendly store mai si atw otrt toujour love elizabeth arden blue grass perfume and cologne bath salts scented soap dusting powder by yardiey smilm n chudcbs boxad chocolates revlon toiletries too we have a grand variety of vaibhtmes day cards cocurt v drug store clearance sale thursday friday saturday save on spring decorating paint needs sfm1g1 oss fhor points punt brltffi 149 149 aluminum ware 25 reduction on all items tea pols tea kellles double boilers saucepans roasters dish pans french fryers fry pans percolators and many other items colemans space oil heaters sole 5995 sole 9595 35000 btui r0 55000 btui rtg 11495 v cleaning supplies four siring corn brooms 98c cocoa matt 98c nylon floor dust mops 1 95 galvanized ware good tn bale handle covorvd garbage cans 1 59 large wxe tide handle covered garbage cans 2 b9 mediam sue square tubs 1 5 urgo uze square tubs 3 m fl ot pau 95 14 ot pails 1 19 electrical appliances to clear 600 watt room heater 4 95 1000 watt room heater 5 75 1 22 f1nlay elec range reg 159 00 save 30 00 129 00 i 30 admiral elec range reg 259 00 sale 229 00 1 30 g r range reg 295 00 sale 249 00 1 10 cu ft g e manual defrost refrigerator reg 319 00 save 60 00 sale 259 00 i iu cuft admiral frig reg 295 00 sale 229 95 1 12 cl flnorge combination frig t freezer reg 429 00 sale 349 00 special g e washer with pump to clear 129 95 admiral tv metal table model reg 279 00 sale 239 00 admiral wood table model tv reg 299 00 sara 259 00 g e console tv reg 319 95 sale 295 00 g e console tv buffet cabinet reg 359 00 sale 119 00 pnce inchldee service are you a handy mant tools specials 99c pliers hammer hand hw hack saw ivu meaattring tapes and many other items china and giftware t piece starter set in modern floral design 695 to 850 850 to 1250 32 piece sett cup and saucer set reg 1 50 for 1 00 special floral design 0q cup and saucer xl hockey equipment all hockey equipment in stock reduced 25 skate outfits shin pads shouider pads sucks gtoves also tobbogaws cushions sleighs guns vi price a few soiled skate outfits mens and boys v ccm bicycles 39s mm girls symon hardware mill st acton phone 49

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