Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1959, p. 8

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y honorable service in the fall of 1934 j e whltelock efflr- fatly craned the milton fair in the absence of the deputy minister of agriculture j b fafrbairn that same fall mr whitelock be came the county agricultural representative on march 1 the county representative wilt officially retire after nore than 24 years of service fo the urban and rural groups of halton friday night of last week hundreds gathered to reflect their appreciation of his service during that quarter century of service in halton mr whitelock has been respons ible for the organization of 45 groups and has served as the secretary treasurer of many of them the changes that have taken place in the county during that 25 years are astonishing when reviewed the population of halton then was ust about 25 000 having since grown to the present day total of 94601 this remarkable growth has made its effects felt in what was then essentially an agricultural county but the county progress during that quarter century has not been re fleeted in sheer weight cf popuation figures alone as thejetiting representative recalled on frflmlntght the- progreu in agncultureiero 4hton haabeen as significant ha it an had the first county soil and crop improvement association the fir si three dhia groups en rollmenl in the 4 h club work has more than doubled and halton h s cattle equal to the the best in the world while mr while toe k has suggested he can bask in the reflected glory of the ac complishments of halton farm people we feel sincerely that a good measure of the ac complishment has been encouraged by thp halton ag rep and urban citizen have known too or his untiring work in victory loan campaigns and other community ser vice groups undoubtedly the people of halton will continue to remember the accomplishments of the past 25 years and the work of earl whitelock st valentines day sf vatentihes day hoi luity uisllenged historians to explain how a christian saint became identified with a pagan custom of exchanging tokens of love the answer may be simply thai some body got his abc s mixed up the research department of an encyclop edia ooints out that at one time the letters v and q frequently w interchangeable in popular speech ron saint of sweethearts and his name given to the roman festival at which young men and women chose partners for the ccming year some historians argue however that there is another explanation for giving the name st valentine s day t6 the roman noli day the early christian fathers often had dif bwmt t the good old days back in 1909 back in 1939 tafcrn from iti mm thr free tjfcrn frim lb inve of ibr free prm vtbrunrr ii 1w frrta truruiry is 1931 art n hkultntf hmk n w il j old ac in lin m1d ft la n two o turn in rurtiiviil in tht mik no ind n rflil a to i of hock k iifji in hi ia old timi i vuu a n and y j djitd in hlnu c 1111 i w in i biriinri f i whuh alrririiv ini- jr hi ill j aim nf r i i tijht it luck mr jitui al tuii nuotukuwiru mi i ii m m hi it t i uix f l playoffs tl flrl n v 1 aup jhu id 1- 1 1 rm 11711 1 be jiljery u ut ihr jd dji 1 i y l 1 li r i tnit t rk ft 1 d t i v rt as llrtjim ik ji fr i roi th u v i erel li brick venter i uilfir virjndi oiftunufr trail tin lm dinj ond ii eithvr tuyler st nil john aldir on itf arluli rr i itliu a inbin n jnujry 21111 lur inn ihe hiiiw jriwphs f rtjwt a wn killed it urli r nruki on hit jin on iliuridiy of ml vuv tn huviri wmil li gi ir town u play iht hid six of ml uwn u r turn name trum h ring nt the bi ii it wj v ry it and the cnnj town l im j i yina in it r t itky tin ihur home ice ir id to h ltd arton but aton w nd jkii and lh gome ended in a tn 2 2 tht m icdonuid pul y i n i v cirry tymdt lriit on naion i no her nul tudrinct ladi 7u coils i only ijjdus mj rj l2t 3 tutfuur 1040 f- it 2uaq 1 un j lidna munkr it i7 m ncularly ssowl fur j- f22 w lit nmpaijtn fir ical option has commenod in gcirgtowt and kiqu i imiihi rfjtd 1ud ir met tin n in lurig held in ixiiri muni i 1 t ti d de use th qur- tion millm ind oikvilli r- uimi rum v i d fhi p f ki kr lh in ih fcd lift i rndj ir ftt- ry ur r d c fc ru ih and tttwr f t nd did jd r r tfnr4 f t nrnr 1ilr r nip in tr cij nrar r iij la br ih rrn -rrn- among the norjnans the word galant in referred to a lover of the fair sex probably a wolf according to present day terminology but the word often was written and pronounced valentin fr by a natural confusion of names the christian martyr was established as the pat ficulty wiping out pagan festivals sometimes they simply appropriated the festivals and gave them a christian meaning the church fathers may have taken over the roman holiday which was celebrated on feb 15 and named it after three saints nam ed valentine whose feast day fell on feb sinister outlook if tht fjm n kc a- j ler i t oit and th t r i ai- lm ji and rrj m f j liid broad i j p i jit friday v iir r i ilrar vwel hd cfjsful bux vx j f si i r iidl nd h mj t rjpt rd i h tne mapli lai tnf boxfs wtre i d u sotnerville and re rtfmjindr m 1- irr wry the mi- ing as ipr inn tin bar onl 51tu f curtd th services it i slv m r dtlior ikirid ut tlk crisis at dinner being too lowly a politician to rate a speech out cf the paty speech mill a young feltow recently wrote hts own address for a large banquet not having much time he wrote a very short speech and told his typist that he heped to th nk of something to say to fill m at the beg nn ng the typist thought fully inserted four blank sheets of paper at the top so er hero could make jottings dur tng the meal o while others weftf speaking she got a free ickei to the banquet and hopefully awa ted her boss s turn to speak look ng at the typed speech for the first time as he sood op to speak her boss exam med the f rst page and then the second and then the m ro all blank w h a ec known to all who have looked at an oudierice he stared around the room blankly cicero used to be ill then the youngtellow looked down and turned another page blanlj in a faltering voice he said i ve been betrayed as he started to sink back into his chair he observed that the typed speech started on page five so he pulled himself up and went on to say that hed been betrayed into accepting the invitation to speak without foreseeing the rare critical quality of the audience and so on it was quite a good speech according to ihe typ st who had started to sneak out of the hall but stayed on and still has her ob having promised to be lest inventive in future joinfd about 100 onl it io dilurs uir i l ilk sh ii i m it jilt it tlust sts- numbti of muluu pmbltmh wuk h dili r- stun mrf mill tibu dly it xmiiild bo tht wnn in tuy fu id 1hi busimsi of writing ui it i lis t ikmj pirtiiiis islublisb- hf fctwid busincui irocidurts and prcpnnnj- tffcctlvc advirtisinj is just about tht sum tcrj pi m ontario hint hont rs in iv publishu f fithtr l t vi in wiikiksui kjimi liunxn life contributes something to othtr living creiuins lumtmbir tht shitlds kot tin ojds mondays i lift i livir sitkw ilk for whfn wii l smith applied lictnst dttn ind sti ps alto itminds us th it lllltlkt of h17 had ttif pmiltgc pirt of hit mw idditi ji rovil york hotil t tried ovd iwtd but it rully is t rufic c nmdi fi in sn to s i us nt m itphi n histoi li iditiuns int jh nt mvidlv portrid in tin ridv 400 r im 111000 000 lddil on priiju dining munis ilprtstnl tht piaincts phc sit of tach is u diiicl pi poititn lo tin iftriph- oil si of tht xvnl promiiri thtumblims im intludtd r m bntih lumbi i ins tou n p us tht pimline in ihu allnil mom ik full grain lentlur with tin cittli bi inds- looltd into tin sm bt tlu i didn t ihmw inyonc was wuriyiiik ibi ut tht mullitudi of cnidt mtthods by which cirnl boxes mt opemd it the hnakfast libit tlun tht nlhtr di low ind beh id d box f ctrthl with i built in ipmir th it icilly w irks f nind its wjy lo the bitakfisl t itili l w is ns simpl is tin y siy old in hlnrrl mv hou d ly i ilw is ti iti t i in d ft ited by thiwe stmph i ptntrs ih il ni ti mi in lo cm off rifju if you if thinkinc tint crowded lictmc bunnn nn offitr hastily thrust j paper icross tht dlsk write your last nami first ind your first narpi i isl ht sjid hurriedly how s lhat again sir asked femilh somtwhat ton fust d like i siid rtplud tht cop biekwiirds smith shrugged his ihouldtrs aftti ill ht thought they kntw whit they wanttd iibnrioubly ht wiolt lliw htims then therf was the gtntlt qltr hiiinng a strnnni noise tn his h list ont nijhl who gyt up and discuvired i bur ir butily it work so he went find got his gun tlun rime back and stood quitlly professional directory and tmstvellers guldt medical dr w g c kenney phsicun and surgeon o fict in symon filk 43a mill st f acton office phon 7 resident w church st f phoiu 0 i shol ninth i tlu do u of iw my u iki f l of till i l ill ur ind to rins un it l k ff on d ly tunlh if lul n mud i imptr ir augustus ur dn from fibru would d id but iht thn m for slindtst whtrt brotherhood week in the t i ccrnrnunities such as ours the observance of eworherhood weev nfkt week profcwfcly 11 l be o father i m ted e ter ad o r so gea as the interest attached o many ot the larger centres no doubt many w ll cad about the ob servance ot boheood week and mmed iely corimend 1 n trie i thoughts jj some thing tn wcxld ucgntly needs rat s the wod ma s far ay from tem rd no that prt of lh otd n uvhh they fhem jejyej live the world reeds a btofherhooc weefc n its fullest observance to take away me iron curlami and the threats to peace and whh will turn nn away from the irttrtg o nrhi for the making of weapons to de stroy mank nd towards the usrncj of those same materials for the ways of peace and the establishing of a brotherhood among all the people of every nation but before a brotherhood wmii tan be trufy observed around the world tt first must be observed m little places the world bg- and mighty though it appears s really only made up of people who live m big and little places and more people live n the i i tie paces of the world than m the big places every commun ly would be a better one for the observance of brotherhood week the little places often have small counter parts of the big trouble makers on the world sctne and the same grasping or power so obv ous on the world from is found fre quently n the 1 ttle places of the world where the same k nd of selfishness ciuses the seeking of individual power brotherhood around the world cm cme only when the deals of brothcrlickxt- vwek are observed m all the i nle placrs of ihe 6vld the caodan cou c i rwhtist nns nd jews helps mjny smaller commun i es plan programs fa ihe weel the churches the lodges the sevt clubs and all ihe numerous organ zat ons are work ng to es tablsh a world hrohehocwf bu the aruil achievement of thai qoal must wa t nt i each individual member and every c i ten th nvs as jane wyman does th opport m ty io practice brotherhooct presents iself eve i me you meet a human be ng most of th muspiprr tdplt th t 1 itiul nimiintts of llus k nd tlnl w is hi id in uh oiilnno u ikly ntwspjpurs association 1 iki d ins pictuns innu illy h nkthrn f aliens i m1i1 f wf t ml iht w fithtr rl nlu i hot li id jusi s much ti un ir n hj wuini rs r iplitr- ilk i ihu down ind dmi fr tht sjh ii il oreoohy clirk this sundays one r lublt ti red that from expect the disip st one form of in the bilanet f be cxcdinj rmiy frm f a nfw kind tf lithlinfi fix tin t irlu illy unbreikable plastic pint is which ijow when in cltcl- r i in i mt p ts thn iirh them could ht u id foi iht inciil mirkd in as lilttt as two ytars nc rrlinjt to a research scientist amonp othtr uses the pant is can ih m idt flexiblt and hunt as di ipts r produced in rolls lo be n ind pimri up as wallpaptr n thf mttnsls of sif dnv- hp pittvince his pnduced a is hnndlxiok that reviews if the euiniials of safe notes that the law re i ihit j m use ynur direet- likhl si p h or your arm dr d a garrett physician and surgeon rorntr of willow ind river sis fntrance rivtr st acton ont phone 238 or robert d bucknefi phxscnn and surpion 30 wellington si act n ont phoni t79 offict hour 6 r pm afurnoons b appointment nnjt lo turr its report measles church calendar i seal estate and inruravcf f l wright 20 wilbur st acton oratir o phone 9s apprtiser rul fstite and iiwiinine dr h ie ib denial surgeon off cc corner mll and ffdenrk srecui hours 8v ap telfphftne dr a j buchanan dtnul sumeon off m i street office hours i am to 8 p rr cloted wednesday afterm on tiuphnn 1 acton pentecostal tabernacle 13 churchill road paoc r v kenneth j reid pas or 5 cook si phone fi w st npja ffbri i th it- ml i m sundav srh 1 11 00 a m m irninu w rlui united church of canada acton ontario rev gordon adams ma bd minister mr georjte elliott orsanist and choir lder st da ffbrlary 1 th itlq 9 00 a m m rning pnv r church and unn ht illh uni artii rep rte isf ldicjud ifoai ister ieathfrland o c soliciuir n tary public 1kk1 pm is am 1 00 pm 00 pm phone res 111 acton funeral di mjnieu ocmorcr shoasmakt r mgr ight or day chikopr actor 4 d moore dc mr spec fie chiropractor ii mil street phoni 40 or id off d jii 7 wed 27 sat 2 j optical and hearing aids e l buchner ro optometrist and htarlnk aigi contiltirit acouslienn 4h mill st r phtni 111 offie hours i wednsday m 1104 00 pm rvtnin by ippolntmtnt huse calif by app intment al ditinc ac ol vtino lever hoskin chnnetrd acrrmntanoi si ma n st n 212 king st w bnmpton ttironto 1 phi nes ol 1 424 pm 4 9131 neville 5toiler co accountant ind audlru iru tres in bankrupt v 1 mi 1 st a tin t rrrrr nf mamj earl g black b comra r i a t a chartkrh m colntavt farmem bid 161 main st guide i t hurch sch i the acton free press famu4 fcy urn doh prnilli u4 fnbltthlnx co ijnit pounded in 1175 nd pummhcd ever thn dav m w mil st e acton oaurto member i f the audit bureau nf chculatxxw th cwna ind fie on ario quebec d v ion of th cwlta adwrtksing rate im ro iet stib- criptiom oyb tn advance 3 00 in canada mm in the uniwd slatn tu month ii 73 nftglr copies c author i ed as second clan ltatl port office depirtment ot iki tw only pa r psbtbiied in acton g a dill editor in chief david r dills manajink ed tor hs and cd hhon 0 a stitlv idjv 8 p m frnst i a fr nrih r ind bit i an i ki 1 c t ml the church of st alban the martyr anglican rector the rev h b stokreof l th stb 185 jetfery sl phone 2 sunday febrlar 11th 1019 the first sunda iv i ent 130 a m hol eucharist l am church school 1100 am beginner class 1m0 m chorsl euchpnst mttj week celebrations wednesday ifr febmarv i9w l and who ins chirf rt c t red lh hiih f baptist church acton pastnr rev grdnn m holme b a b th in ber annue si ndu ffbriarv isih 1os0 1 am sundat sch 1 ii no t m i vc rev t alec mi pm sons btrvict the n iht nf the shipwreck a cordial ttctcmc lo all presbyterian church in canada knox church acton braida ba sil ctlor nntirv p ihhc n si s acton ont phone v78 sttvdav 14 am 11 no am 00 p 10 00 am holy eucharist 8 00 p m len evensong ffbrury 11th church sehrtol morning wnrhip evening worship p tftwi knox speaker mrs toronto h k porter has new division in states m k pir rr c mpan ine is c n in r s ex nsmn m the elu rri eqi ipnunl mdustr t ith th ann tinermmi b t m fvans ihji hi n it he acq ill sit on of the hiisim of nit mat fletric pro- rl c i pition ambrdre pi in i9m e t c is ftcili ic were expinded t tie purchae of a plait n f nibr h vr jetiei a mad an mitvsidnrv mepeo at cinada ltd vi odst k ontnr o was formed n 1b5b the d siioo saw division ot h k irk si t pit siturdv f giielph 2242 hastings payne birrntir and soliciu rs notaries pub c ia m ii st acton off ce hrairi tm fri 10001145 am 1311 430 pm sat 10bo 1200 am phone l gray coach linfs coaf hf lfat acton standard t me fistlmi md s13 am daily except sun and 111 mm am 1133 m 2 p m ski pm 633 pm h 13 p m 10 01 pm i sun and hoi westbound 1027 am 12s7 pm 257 pm 527 jim 727 pm 9 12 ptn 11 mum 1 12 ajn tfri sal sur nd t i hut i canadian national railways standard time batttyrhidil dailj 6 44 ajn daily except mfftceixanbous wm o coats your local representative w prur ldfl liftjan tneir opemiuns in ac on last yea- s

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