Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1959, p. 2

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tt acton frm pretirthuraday february 19th 1959 uihh to thtlemtoh reader plagued by questions since reading story on caucus dear emon in th edition of the acton tree press dnted february 5 this head line appeared caucus closet council chamber toe- rtrbcf which appeared under it hai roused first my curiosity and then tny iwncein wyautpmittoi jg mtrs pofltfe or mr- torn ani 6on your knowledge of the king s tng- ltsn i beg your indulgmco to el me the answers to a few of my problems i rape thereby to e mosphcrc for some time which hunt been in keeping with good government prompts me to iwk whyarcn l we getting good govern mrtitf tton not the municipal act guarantee that to us docs conn etllor rachllry know somothing 4bout aiismanogetne of our to business which is efimgereus to disclose is there some dclicite explanation for the added sift 000 deiidr these question sir and miny tlmatc what direction if any is torc plbftue me and have plagued being given to the conduct or the me i the caucus incident municipal busi wss f broke i had hoped some more first what to a caucus i erudite person would have written referred to w haters new world to you to make the enquiries but dirtiormry- toronto- 19b6 and the definition given there had belter apply to aitr council chamber la a caucus r ally an algonquin indkm meeting if e when do big chief co k and heap big brave richlln don their war paint and rentiers and head into the wur dance again please tell me or in a cau us as the diction ary also states meeting of the leaders of a political party to plan secret election rtrategy if u is then democracy is headed for the swamps the dictatorship of the bourgeois is at jinnd the jirnjet- orlat is getting his nose pushed into the dust thus you see mr editor unless you define caucus in some new lableterm l rorewf be apptetiensive of the business carried on behind its shady front my sfcond question is this if as you state the municipal act makes no direct reference to a caucus doca not that same organ require that all motions of the councillors be submitted in writ ing duly seconded read and pas- sod ind finally rkgncd by the may or if that is so and i am as sured it is then please tell me what in ihundcralion is going on at council meetings that we don t kn about just be th lions arc not properly formulated etc a third problem will be cither confounded or resolved by a short wswer from your fund of know ledge i our council workings was courmtror rnchlin commissioned by the acton council in camera to approach the ontario municipal board for the express purpose of quote udvliung the board tnat the conxtructton work had been undertaken prior to receiving the ward approval end of qtwte tbotx 6 page 1 acton free press feb ruary rfi imp i repeat wis w delegated so to ml and further to that matter wfaat was the subject of the little tete- atete when councillor rnchlin submitted a small booklet and asked the mayor to read a certain patagtapn- are you afraid to publish the item or was it a close ly guarded secret reserved for the cau cnsht urachy and o toohtbjh b plane for the taxpayer the illukiin of councillor rach- lin that he is 1 1 boring in an at btambfow v i v- r now l can wait no longer i shill antclpate your reply but before 1 end this letter permit mc one more searching question when a council or any such civic body decides to exclude the prow or public from its meetings is it doing so by the express permission in the british north america act or the munieirmr act is there or arc there certain specific items on council agenda which the public or preis may not know oft it there be sych as these ii one of them overspendinn the budjl thank you sir your reader editors note we regret thit most of the questions asked by the wmrier are impossible for lis to answer and w publish them that those who perhaps have the an- swers may release them we cer ainly would not be afraid to pub ish the material submitted to the mayor regardinr the caucus 1c which you refer the name of the book used and the actual reference were simply not made public ot the meeting obviously the subject of the caucus and the discussions thereon arc not known to us since we werent represented there and what we knou at this point is second hand lo l euchre oance draws good crowd the firsteuchre and dance of the season sponsored by the lol 469 was well attended at the meet ing hall at crewson s corners last friday evening february 13 the crowd gathered early to play euchre at the close of the games tal lies showed winners p be as fol lowgbigh htdy miss thompson jhjjeh man r u davidson low lady mrs f quec low min charlie allen y a door pruo was warrby oscar locker arid a special lucky draw for a camera was won by alec mckay mr and mor- l david bon won the l spothance dur ing the dancing which the euchre flans have been made by twlimtithts to contrmnr euchres and dances with an nouncemenls being made regard ing dates circte holds va program lunch a vmmiri pmt wns eujoywl ai the mmihtt f llujmii1illv circle nl thsu lemmlitfiiail iu tn tin sundjiv mim 1 nu at t n united ohiireti on uihtnln fehnmrv ii mrs j oibsi n wiw in dm it of the games tbr hull had tt nli- ncrnmble wonu which wen oil led hearts that we it ilueed nrinmri tin roim ami mutw thi mnnuri if candlit in bags prlre wen awnrded to tin wlnn rs the table was sit with n bi hi tiful bouquet of rid and while ear nations i tuny iiyj tin vultiiltni thtnn l mui vnhntttf rakes wen featured in tin lumli dan t vents f jcnnmks prisulul f r the business inil plans wtic iliscius ed for the hi idol bnnar in the summer it was 1 1 tv d that mis bred kmtntr mis i v st wail mis c w mcknk an i mis c l rnv ild in be the lomentrs tir any dinneicit wn m ived tht thinking day service sunday guides bniwnies cubs and floy scouts will atund a special church service sundiy to tbscrt think ing day this is a day of ctlebi if it n of the joint btrthdiv f th foiindtr of the b i scout move ment loid bnden powell and lady baden pt wtli w rid chut guide mmc thinking diy is de rived frim the idea that on feb ove circle the globe with t chain of friendly fhiukhts if others think nj day ins been ibscrvte since 1926 and the world friend ship fund a pi jict asr c a led with it wns miiled in 1912 it is based n the principle that if each y wngitir weic to v pennv the fund so bu 11 t uld be usld to help develip w rlcl nind ship the m ni nt in is used for all kinds of pi jewels mi of which is t help guides i attend camps and conferences n mdir to meet trls fi tn all counliiis and cultures ani luvilou i buiill- or underst indmt if people f olh er nationalities the service s at 210 p m sun day nt knox church v lentine party foltow theme the n up make cookies for the ntrht nihonl display night j mi ci i it n adams read the nhiitiui unit mrs f hi mt son llitil hit piano for the milking f hymns mis v musters rend tlje minut tn the prvvtous million mrs i van fuit gnvt the trciuuiilrs up it mrs w wnterhouse rend die cornsp nelince an invitation wiw ifeetveel freim tin dnughtent of kn x t allimi tin ir woilil liny of puiyi r hi i vie n february it mis r ki utile mid the sltiy of si viiliilim v i einl i nit biought 1 1 n l n veiy irijtiynbll iviiunn blue mountain group discusses schooling p m of ililil pligi unil itiiiimeiit uns t pic ef ei nvt i tuition if tin newly nrkini7rd bltit m unliihl phi till and tendiei associnlons menu mittim n m mdiiy iviniutt in hit m s a vun hooin w in npp nut ed cliuirmin fir iheeviniiin will mrs a it y aclinr as sec itnry filhuui n riiseiissi n if elulil rens priis the tip ppr vie payniint of fees by taeli nu mbt synods study of auxiliary the m inthly meeting eif the fi itn andeis n girls auxiliary was held on ftbruniy 1 nt iwo ocjejck ruary 22 young piople the woilji due to the absence eif the pitsid- nrr ritfln thi olihfi tirilh i fllnin h har 17111 itrnonlnrf thi buy folding doors for st albans hall regit the discuss future projects at local ladies aid meet the february meeting of the ladies aid was held at the home of mrs george grundy recently owing to the inclement weather the attendance was nnt as large as usual mrs ailken president presided and opened the meeting with sing ing all peoplr that on earth do dwetl and the lords praver in unison mrs grundy was in charge of tho- devotional taking the topic our churcm and the people of canada mrs g seinter read the minutes and several thank y u notes from shulins considerable bus ness terns weie dlscusstd holding of a baxaar and tea bake sale and cent a day the tlecunof officer was left over for the next meeting the scripture irsson wits taken by mn ward bruce tb hostess and assistants served refreshments and a social visit was enjoyed tmtlng mr hb howard of btirwash was a recent visitor with mr and mrs ross ferguson and family vtr peter klooster visited with friends at wlllowdale over the weekend st alban w a held the lar in nthlj n eel n in tu hall vith mrs c ntllis residing the meet ng opened with special prayer the usual reports were p tn and passed it was decided that the wa would purchase two foldtnc doors for the parish hall dates were set for a uaking salt- in mav ond the anrfuaj ba7aar in dexember material was s ven out g o i on bale tnt mrs fllerby presided meeting pi nod with the singing of o canada followed by hvmn nancy skippen read the seen urys report the girls planned to attend the world day of pniyi service ttbruary 17 at 7 pm finther study was conducted on the synods e f the mnntimcs mon treal and ottawa cheryl murray read the scripturt burb ira dav idsein led in pi lyer f lloweil by hymn cot you need wry automobile insurance a duver blinded by 1 jjhu from an oncoming car ran mt i a group of people serious ly injuring sever il of them the judgments awarded u the injured persons totnllcd more than 185 000 this fs only one examples are tod gambling everything you own dennys insurance agency 39 brock st aelon phone 465 jo wig a in support of canadas economy buy tanadiam wo mapuuaf fuuy cooked- hockuss smokio pork shoulders 39 all meal no waste pork tenderloin 79c lb 4k mealy delicious baked narrow pork back ribs 59c lb fcanomleaf nulrlclons sliced pork liver 29c lb rablerlte country style tahterlte small link purs pbrlr sausage 45e lb pure ptww ssuitat 49c lb ready befnelem with dressinr oven ready bmwim with drmln pork shoulder roast 37c lb prh pork butt roast 49c lb stock your freezer at these low prices b4 rom frl u4am pfml i mhntf hid- lln fonrtl km i mm t halrr mfl fork hp 1mllf fuity kldp rarsn mpt lt irk f ft mmr1 stnokrd llam 1 money maker features vernas beauty salon 42 john st open evenings km appointment phone 1067 ifihi rfnuntry our xnvrrnthent has hi to rtippdfijhfllhpmjmjtiwry by wttbtf floor price icvela in maintain value thai will imnre he maln- uname of the industry h5a la hafiny to play a part in thu prfntratrime yoar sapport will sure its overall aurecas kounty kijt cut save 15c 15 01 tint green beans 4 for 35c ooilvie chtrry a1mond chocoiati 5lh bar for ic soid white savt 6e 20 oz pkg iox toilet soap real cakemix 29c esjfikl shirriffs ushus famiiy size save 9c jelly powders 3 for 35c tl pork run hllrrd nmnl rark iufi ilr mraly htrlr sifv iirllrlaa rk itsrk r ib norm rre prarnfil fta im 1 fkf idr nlvmns crtlt h flrkair qond lurk 4r off deal margarine 47e 24e 5 bars 47c 34 nz tin 73c 1 lb pkk 29c twelve table of euchfe were n play al the bimonthly caret party sponsored by the w i prise win ncri baini mr john devnes mr r bill harvey jastin and hugh i sinclair i omltikkm i miss cawndrr and miss piahet oi toronto te college are tearbuig tbla week at the local school under the guidance of mrs ftaahbun during thetr stay here they are guests of mr and mrs w awrey haiton county youth for christ w you cant win gulrping sound mononptctuke plut muskabt the kings messengers youtkful talented dedicated qihihsm musicians from hamilton -p1u- bible quiz comprrition behrmt two t t imhw high school audftoriwn milton when sunday february 22 au wftcome pre spring feb 12th to 21st 1959 was no 1958 edsel coru rhrdtop dwnon 14000 mil 4485 3295 1955 plymouth savoy seun 1295 1095 1957 4ooor 6pnwngw couohv 2195 wagon 6 cyl 2295 1952 meteor coach radio 495 395 1951 chrysler windsor sadan 595 425 uy now prices up m spwng mow is thi tme to bit thompson motors acton lid 45 main n afoawar phone 69 dividend credit boosters ch c frozen foods- booth 8 os pkg fish q sticks z7 turkey chirk en nr reef 11 os pki tv 7 dinners j fac1i itfm with 2 frff dividfnd credits in oz tin 47c 20 07 tin iga orange juice ayi mefi choice slicfd pineapple isoyaufiuesr coffee fruits and vegetables the pride of prince edward island canada no 1 potatoes 8 33c 01 is no i green pascal crisp crnnchy o i c large heads bag crispy fresh us no 1 ln pkg california celery atyr29 lettuce 2 for 29c famous indian river 1isn i site ms oc florida grapefruit 5 for 29c ontario finest 3 lb cello bli 42c mcntosh apw 29c rfgular or instant quaker oats an easy way to extra savinglwuhjhei f div p lan l with frff divnfni crfditt how tiif plan wokks z order merrhandle ihrouih the rau- 3 purrhaxe quality ip a roods ant re rtflnler af your nearest iga store and lorue and receive dividend credits cf i dividend crad tiequl la 1 cant receive your free ioa family plan equal o live cental with every i cstaloeae of purchase tor eery dollar spent use your dividend credits to purchase further catalogue merchandise iga bread 2 for 18c heinz tomato juice 20 oz size 4 for 57c free pure bred pard puppy come in and see him and guess his age dra to b held saturday fe 2ht instant maxwell house coffee 6 oi special 97c ledgers iga m mhmm a

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