Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1959, p. 9

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fafrairtg extremely dangerous job qrqes fire wiring safety care v w fto wltw extenato specialist by this time you will be well awnre ot the eajraapcliien sur vey that will b mrch 1 we all know that acclttonts occurring to farm people are caused by tractors farm machinery and farm animals etc but until w know how many where and when theae i accidents occur ihe most oftcp can e formulate on effective farm safely program extrenaely pajy how dangerous is forming ex tremely in fact it is one of the most dangerous occupations there only mining and industrial trading have a higher accid ent rate you would be three um es safer working in a factory than farming in the united states 38 to 40 farm people die each day and 3000 others arc injured no won- der we should be concerned and want to know what the farm ac cident picture is in ontario however we do not need to wait until the survey is completed before we can take any action fires always take a heavy toll in lives and property and this has been especially true his winter obviously all farm fires cannot be prevented but many can be by taking a few simple precautions fer homes lost recently tn cel county four farm homes nave been burnt with loss of life in one case and close calls in others often when a farm house is on fire the- occnp ants only have time to get nut nnd have to flee to a neighbor s t phone the fire department if tho neighbor is oa the same rural line it is quite often not possible to reach the operator be cause the wires in the phone in the burning house hove fuitd this gives the same effect on ihe oper otnrs biuird as someone usinc the line nnd because there is n stcidy l nn h taafd sh lun no wuj of knowing thai you are trjmfi t reach her if this happens it is necessary to drive to another tile- phone lint tu nhuoc the luc tie partmenl pall down tojaphffle unm on ruinl lints if au tit forced to nentc your house bee iui if fire pull down the teleph n linpv on the outside of the house t fore going in the neighbors c ill the fire department h the wins art cut buck l tht point hrc ihcj ore not fused it iil lime tht line open nnd in operation do you aud every memoir m your family know the ulephone number of the tire dipulmint remember when a fire occurs it is ens in panic ail tnrmbi rs of the family should know the bcr nnd it should be phced on the phone aim i- m receptacle rather than a metal one as important as insurance itself is the lamps should be covered with to know what your policy a shield which if knocked down nnd what it doesnt will upset and point the kuruup tl is easy to renew our insur- jp not suspend the lampa bj ance year aftejr year without thcfssrd tffiey swulohirhctal drnujingttup to date i am sure by chain or heavy wire an out- lt ma c had a tire today let should be placed directly over would bo jl how inad the pjace the lumps are being us- 1 coverage is cu rather than run off a long ex- fine prit important tension cord then if the lamp is in fire insurance the fine print pulled down it will come unplug- is just as important as any other gcd finally no more than 7250 1 part of the policy alter watt brooders hpuld be installed farmers arc surprised to learn on ano 12 wire circuit rcmem what the word contents means for bcr a good installation is a safe example any reputable insurance installation i company s agent would be glad to explain m detail the fine print of only a few thin j your y these arc just a few things that i shobld b brought up to date can be done to prevent fires and eiy year to do during fires that can be w about the different types helpful there ire many more i f- f extinguishers this quest the loss of n building is costly i ion is often nskid i will discuss and tragic to the foim operation this next month fire insurance softens the blow farm safely you should be- but never does anyone recover thi en use the life you mght stive will total lost thriugh insunnce just be your ldl2 sv- honor night ag rep expresses thanks the recognition extended mrs whitolodc and mjsilf at the high school on friday c cning febiuarj 6 was onwhel ming while entirely undescivcd it was nn occasion which will live in i ur memoiies utr the ens nlirnd inasmuch as c did nit lime nn lppoitunilj to meet nil unit n fn n mk n the ennu f f 1 ruiir 6 ui ire 1 generosity if om by xpn siing a m i llu ugh the prme to serve lt has inrwrt hwn a pnvilpge i for him to live and associate- with halu n citftens and to bask in the reflected glor of their achieve njents as rontinuing citizens of haiti n we shall follow with keen inliusi dir c ntinucd pi ogress individually uid collectively we shall also 1 h k forward to meeting i inismillj fi m lime li time paaiiu n thi count editors sinceii thank mu rd l nie imdcqinur to appreciation i nt foi m ii pri e hip of the pc firm f ik ippreci ilion for the ir in erlookin his sh i mi bunp it knst with a lie think ou an i m ly the rs ilu d be is kind li pu as i iulitnai bull w he in on bti l ion a imc to tins count 1 f whitflock nwfr members stress vievpoihts dy stanley i hal i rttp ijallon c nut bcv john foote const rvatk member for durham cnmt in his address said that he was surprised at the lcckless rcjnaik of sunie uf the meiibcrs of the house he paid special tribute to the pcf sunalily and qualifications of the teaching staff of out schools and colleges in the province of ontuiu he nlso said that he was not in tutor of capital punishment mr john winlermcycr qc leadct of the opposition joinod with mr donald macdonald leader of lhec ct in calling for a judicial enquiry into nil aspects of the transcanada pipe line and those that hold shares and those that did hold shares such as former cabinet mimstcis let people decide hon frost aid in answer to the rcqnest of the leader of the uppos ition and the leader of the c c f that there would be 173 printed sheets of sworn evidence given by the former minister of mines the hon philip t kcllty in the house the prime mimstir nlso said that there would be no royal commission appointed for he the prime minisiei was quite willing to leave the question with the highest tnbunal of the province ihe citizens tf the pinvmce of ont ario hon a tvclso roberts attorney general said that he is dropping the lord s dnv act charges against toionlo iitwspnpeis hon kelso robert also said that he would table all papers in connection with the investigation by the sec mi ties commission in connection with the investigation f llu while linns c inida pipe ltm nid shates lu id b culun individinis lahor exploited mi all in c rossman conseivtl ive nn ml i fir st andrew t r dnlo sjid ihit in his opim m there w i rt li rp m pi i li hich this pirl of the pionnci ahould bi intntstid in whs mov id liv mvself spinsoiid liy the hinl botanical gaideiu whieh w ill permit the town of builington to have a nunuux uu the buaril vl management uf the gardens hon robert macau la qc vice eiuurinun ui dntariu hydro electric power commission in his address gave u length ditnikd icporl on the history of the out ii 10 hydro nnd its lejntlonship to the province of otilano und iiiuiiicipulilies of the pi ovum parents responsible hon liuis ceeile mulislei welfare mtioduccd a bill in ikuu parents and guaidinns mine ponsible foi placing ehilditn tiniegisltred homes foi cluliiitn in the prov inec hon dr dmond ininmtei o hi t 1th in his iddnss stiessed th importance of mental henllh which in his opinion hns n t b gtvtn the intention in the pnsl that it hiid have been given it has just been in the ins i 10 cais this gicil pioblim hns been r lh tittijition it desttves on thuisdaj ftbuioiv 12 hon kelso hobeits nttorno i eril labled nil papers in c nneil- lon with tht nnibtikatuil of tii trans canada ptpt hni nnd al hi idas of shins c nixitid thin the uu nuy m m ii u hb own personnl gun thin have bien ovt ill id pi iv h bills prisi the i kove i th s more bird feeding stations at pickering lure hungry lot pollock and campbell when talking to the fir mint to tnkt time lo g v eleni descriulion of the 1 mi our properly and how i there they cant help n much if hu con t find place need iitoong ladder even faim should have n good strong iiitdcx that will tiaeh the tip storey of the housi qui often thi suiirway is filled n firt nnd prevent an nt r i going upstairs to resent rhildu whin thtv could be samv an easily taken from the housi t means of a laddar this t uis minns n ladder in cxcelkni iua and strong enough to h id tw people thi could uiil nmn ui diffirence between blc nd death for vou and uur fuuilv havi v u gut one almomevexy iar we i apphuneik uj our tatm w buildingn that have bceji wires foi som time it is easy w n nch ui safe lond limit this sh i id i checked frequently tl i onui i hvdr will do this tor a m nominal charge ta steumud hint lamps offer a gn nl n advantagis around the turn bul units ell uutaued offu d v ere fin hiard rwnvmlu r ih will mi ira uq ftn f tho citme m contact with it hi at lamps should br pytrx glass vpe that will not break if tplaaocd kith water tbe should be installed ui a oriuin al gieat length on llu di the document t iblnl tin y niinisttr snid it wis pn pi i ihit this should bt d n t misiindurfiumditiks nuinii 1 nd therewith mr reaumc i ibual ncjiilnr for essex north smd thnt tin iddre of hiu maeaulnv vite cliairnv of hdio w is is flat is stale in on i pi itc he also said thnt in his opinion the prune ministu w two high in hjaon in candjan judging kibht of the ms ih boys and tliiu from iviry province in can- ida who took putt in the junior ludgnih coolerl hi id in connect luti with tin selection of tht all limndtun holitciiii had pi i feci gcoiki of 140 points melt tins is bv fai tht liugist num bei tvoi to tie foi first in ihi it war history of this minimi eomp etition sponsored bj the llolsltiu i lesion associatiun uf caikuda one of the top gioup wiu fun bc two from pfi nnd dvi ntjm ontarn x7ioc nphinn with scous of 130 points wele xi cm ptutois rtpusinlcd in this i ills gioup wile 4h members from pl nova scotia newr- bums w tck quebec ontario muni tuba sask tchiwiuiond alheita high scores high sii us by hiiltou cuunlv s ii muni is ineludeil im pu iu hi allm itiowmidgt geoigtlwn md 114 points for lubniii piek u i oikville llit tight pel ft el rcoica wile tu uti i 1j eiu old itnvinond hipitll mid bis ii imii old liu lb i doniiit cluippill of ymk p the acton fwe prt thursday ftbruttjy 19jh 9s9f f skill in naming the allcnidvh nnd rtstrve all con ad jlfq o uurgessville ont 10 vim old hiiiu bowman of eimlskllkn ont nnd 17yuu old llmmi iluolir of dunsfnrd ont the bo nnd glils testtd their it ins in inch ot the ihaw ollmdf innking the stlettloni vfotn phjatqf gmphs kl 14 v old jin blmi of lungley bc 13venr old marilyn ltoiksou of qrnmptno out 13- year old lliy an reazin hiool hi out 15 yenrold rirry smith ui eleetiun on mi thing hint tht ippisitiin might siy lie alb siil thul ttu presuit goveinnicnt had gi mi soold mid so stiimj ihii tl li nils t in ike pool govunin nl sueh is we nn wiltiiksing m out mo it hi piismt turn sinn ii ii mpp in memoriam donations to support re search in ranrrr can be a constructive in memortam your local undertaker will receive donations and give official rqlpl j u i save on your income tax wmf you savm for refiremenf cnnadmn government annuity pre miums may now be deducted from income for lax purposes withjq certain limits samm1 tax savings b on 1936 hc to mrn hcatsl intern canlribvkcn tuvlnft plan in lvta 3000 5000 7 500 300 500 750 3 95 150 10 000 1000 240 miju7mim deduction iltowed lot tsi pufpamj for full information and assistance id selecting the plan best suited to your needs mail this coupon postage free i tai dlraclar coodn oavsmmwit amwmn j dapartmanl al labur ottw it j noi nd infoiqiotlon iholn how o caaadksb ol 1 manl armil ly con bilns n r ml incoam lew a ftteral l0 of laaouft i jid onj ii glh wl btlmm mk natural gas does so mtfch costs so utile root r hwsiilton fred a npf roan oeiqmetrists ftirnwiity k p mndi phonf 9wjw ta 5 si oiihii squi complete une of electrical ppl ranees and fixtures repa r so all makes of oil burners complete stock of parts motqea and controls sales ssbv1ce repairs foe bjre ealmatr wot mi v9 fu up your home too v hen youi home needs an lind of alter home marptemeiit loan repayment ran atnmotrrtair mmgaronm rrparrmg br ejneatf over sevexst yesrs with nunt ike rool rcdccoraliug and you don t meats tailored to your contetuence bare use necessary rash dime to toe vnit your bnb manager- and discuss bank of nora scotia for a lowmterest your plana juga am a aq exccent tune bamkoff nva scotia manager- acton branch salter a oodburn sc1 piae loan so famtt no wainnayfnr warm una natural cas eit mu hnh heat ilie instant uu turn on tlie burner ao ctmami clean bommr natural kttrt rou cooir natural oa gas hlps luiclien iuv clranrr n n fntrair hri no brat hangover keeps taru iparkling bnghl brjt i li itir iruum ou turn it off see your plumber brjt i ii ttir miuni ou turn it off 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