Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1959, p. 1

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eightyfourth year no 35 acton ontario thursday february 26th 1959 w twelve pages seven cents unemployed call mass meeting as avro arrow cut hits acton l unemployed swamp local industries local industries have been swamped with enquiries this week from avro workers seeking jobs as a result of the general close down last friday at malton some of the unemployed hive driven to the united states 1 ok ing for work while others are quietly sitting back waiting for the situation to clarify itself the acton unemployed are fol lowing the pattern set by neigh boring communities and arc call ing a mass meeting next monday in an attempt to organize a local sell- employment bureau mayor w m cook this week in formcd council the prpblem would have to be tackled in unity and thai attempts to provide work for the unemployed had been made meanwhile the public school board suggested a two week defer question masks hang over most towns in this area following a mass meeting has been called by the unemployed workers to canc of the avro arrow program at maltonthe layoff of organize a self helpvmployment service aa wftrtjftk iii artnir in i frtnnn nwlr pftyrnjjj irt l je rtjijjjauja- lsxl delay action on new school addition council accepts 1610 heating bid councils action on a proposed signal system on the main sir cut 200000 tenroom public school cnjt crossing iddltmn was delayed for two weeks upon recommendation by the school board trustees at the regular council meeting on tus day evening in the council cham- mayor cook informed council that engineers from the cnr had been in acton on tuesday momurr oftd had recommended that lights dhd a warning bcu be installed at the crossing hold town besponslble a letter from spencer addison and scott solicitors for mi acri owner of the property adjacent to the new will silt on churchill road informed council that in the ministration eacnl the water levil was affected poinud out tli this action was suggested by the board in view of the situation at uajlon and followed an earlier re quest for councils consideration of the proposed addition award contract ted oakltlif of clarksun wis awarded a contract to install i heating system in the town hall ut a tendered price of 11610 three tenders wire recti ved by council for the installation of a heating system with one local con tractor and an ever ton conti actor also submitting bids on the pio jeet prior lo ohnlng the tcndeis council discussed at luigth if thiy would opttl tht tinders in a public meeting or have thun dealt with at committee level i councillors h low uid w j i discusm in by mclcod both insisted tht uniursj counullfr r wall chairnnn o should bi i puitd and discussed by tlu c nimiltoe n ported thi siikgetioti had rituved considi r 1 ible attention by his commiile lid as uimiuht to be a propt dl btrt i is reeve goy and councillors rach hn and lowe agreed the most pro bable route to proceed to tht east em pail of town from the fire hall would be directly cast on bower it was poinurd out that at tun es due to buses stopping an mill street traffic was tied up as fur back ps john st and it would cause a tie up with the fire equip mint ut this corner 20 applicants mayor cook presented the ul ittce nport he tin on thur client s property due to my to deal with applicititm for a the the new well being instilled res j male bookkeeper hid resulted in ni ponstbility would rest with conn viewing 20 applications hi also h cil noted thit of the 20 euht had j tht the litter v is ordered filed been selected for a personal inler when ruvc j goy informed view i members tht owrc had ul mayor cook ilso pointed out reudv aseeilained tlu 1 wnb pos that un enquiry from the lecenlly ition on hi is situation f rmed committee of adustmmt motion re parking for conmdeiation of a ve irly hon a motion to adopt ii by liw lo orarium had bun turned down b prevent parking on ccitun streitslhis committee in atlon to be desieii ited as fire he remmdid e uneil th u lanes as defe atcd follow mg cillor the garage in question did not have any special qualifications but it was the only garage that could do the work when it was requested deputy reeve j m- 6reej dd- ing to the mayors explanation noted it was a case of who was prepared to do the work when it was requested ice possibilities councillor mclcod informed cuincil that a committee had been li rmed to investigate the possib- lilics of installing artificial ice in the ire m he suggested council ni y be approached to pass a by i change the management of una lo bring it under the continued on page six nbus municipal board have been urj i armed mueh longer thin thi c m mitlee of adjustment an 1 tlu v i were net ntuvint in remuner skull fractured acton area girl struck by car called i oakk i when thi tht tendu show of hinds initiated vote and tht mayor c ist t elding vote in the nffiinuit anslsla report during thi btlty annt harris six year old diughter of mr and mrs t har 1 ris r r 1 acton received a frac grim picture 1 tured skull broken rifcht thigh and couneillor j t hurst request d mass meeting called to form local bureau formation of a loeef- self help employment bureau in acton has been planned and a mass meeting of all un employed personnel m acton and district will take place in the legion hall on monday morning al 9 am n dennis lawler glen lea resident reported this week that following individual discussions it was agreed to call a general meeting to form a committee to head the project locally mr lawler stressed the importance of all unemployed persons in the area attending this meeting as it was for not only those affected by the recent dismissal at malton but for every person in tne ranks of the unemployed regrsfrafion of each person present will lake place lo outline the individual qualifications and viewpoints of per scnal desire for employment m order to determine the neces sary steps to be taken the need for such an organization was stressed by mr nieorof approval of a proposed lawler in order to provide complete and immediate answers room public school addition lo prospective employers i skmztxxt zwxjm n- ur3aij ftmilju ection radio antenna on water tank receives pucs tentative approval following representation by d ponsibility ind piyments to defray m i laugh 1 in of the bell telephone costs involved company the public utilities com the installation is pirl of a dc mupion gave tentative approval to partmmt of woiks plan to iiislifl bells request for permission to in u radio commumcilions system for stall a radio antenna on actons the highways department bell water standpipe and rcpeatei sta enters tht pie urc through their lion equipment in the pump house conti act wilh the department for on main street south the in ti il survey ind the supply final approval will be given on a minlenince of the equipment commission s acceptance of a satis- i a repfltler station foctory agreement with the depart the installation is a ripe iter si i tion one of four in this highways ment of works in matters of res charge four acton men shot stole farmers hogs hin will both fiom mill le bowtravi ides proposal their respective budgets as soon st sidi of lossibk l the finmci cminilti i broken jbones in her left tore reports sewir and watu than man will it if bovtr aw i john and the reeve j h gov infoimed his leagues that un nnahsis repoit from the new will recently op ened on churehill road showed a much lowti hardness tint lhan uit south spring well and lowii alka li chloride and sodium content a letter from count ceiunul ni strutted tht at ton couneil to makt 1 application for a railway crowing frm st side r j hn frim bowel to mill sls 4tteve oij and c mnciwor lwe rucd it iuld be adding mne o ufui n to an already inngisied uiea heivi on howivir iguid ui il hi ui old favir designating williw st is a fire lint c mnctt discussed thi mc iutn unce which tht proposed fin ian ts might en use the funtral h imc tnarkjnj tlw picture is i to now during thi emituruk b i birs councillor hachlin why it appiand thit m l sieihed to h ivi ill the mi ince work in the town uh otlur mrarts ari mkki ti irs why shouldn t this il distributed iround vi i garage any siicml quatificili enquired the ei uncill r mavor c h k informed thi four acton men have been rested and charged jointly with the theft of four hogs from in alliston district farmer living in tccumseh township and have been arraigned to appear in com i in alliston friday morning chargid with the theft whieh took place early tuesday morning are robert reynolds agt 30 mur ray hurgelt 28 earl beerman 27 and mel shepperd thi four men travelling in a light pick up truck weie fust stopped for routine questioning in orange vi he by the orangevillc opp detachment tuesday morn mg for foilure to hivi proper lights according lo polici reports two escape at the time two of tht fmr wire ipprehended and li dged in orangevillc jail one iscapid foot and thi fourth truck pohconttuttd th it chase took place with police fol lowing the truck in the newly filler snow the trail lid lo thi acton art i ceinstabli bud buck v aid of thi acton opp ditichmenl n duty in acten at thi time was follow when police in ived on the scene the driver jiod disappeared nd the fur higs wire nowhere a hfcht hojt recovered clist sciutiny f the uei le vi iltd one if the h is li id been li ssed ne ir a culveit in a creek a the s de if the roid v struck by cr tuesday morning approxim- iteh half ii milt south of acton n ni 2i highway police reported tht youngster e is prcttdng h schik 1 when the accident tin k plice thi rirer f the cir reported ug reports it llu pui pinceedint north on the radio whin hi appr aching an oncoming i st bv to assist mheli when the hams girl the ctw l when tht truck diirttd it nm behind the car failid to climb a steep slippery pi kiidinj smlh hill near acton in esquesing drmr t thi cir is cordon township sliding down the hill in dulty f r r 1 gutlph j to the ditch hnh wis asked public meeting supports artificial ice plant committee to seek councils cooperation a special coirumllet to iiims tigalc possibilities f inst illine artificial in in the acun aima wu a u tht need to alply for eolin cils approval of a by law to vi up a lomnfumty centres bimii d this uoaid v old thm ti in a pewltui t applv fir giants under the cimmumt centres act this action followed airovil being given for an all out rimp ign lo raise an appnvximau tao000 for arena renovations and insuualion of on artificial ice plant during a public meeting on monday evening in the ymoa oiailh davie and alec mcin tosh repnentitive of thi c tan ie m whine companv dis- played a working m xtcl of an artificial ice plant and explauied the working principles if the ma chine to the gathering ounirtft kolpasen m d ew that b company would guarantee the equipment tor one year after i- mill hum ind mike periodic ehetks if the equipment he also i utlinni a ehait for the ice super nltttidtnl v reei rds which would at i i mpanj in tht checks thi itprcaentatue told the cit i it n ifsent that when the ice miknik michinc vva put int op cratun the person responsible ut its o pi ration would be under the siipervuion of an engineer from his company until all details win understood mr davie stressed the msuunt wn of a brine system in the ac ton arena above any other tjrn et rrtngcratii ijuui new inns am nj i mpulatn n il sonml be asked to assist as there 4uuu people wire mi iv pr jecls which eemld tht ehairniitl rt id r l t it i bi hinii 1 w th their approval 1 aper clippini thai 11k mi in v grants available a i used at napaini fr mi 0 thi en up was informed that a lie slibse riittit n thi iitli vinous 10000 h can be realncd from 1 r jet is anil n ti it n w un the dtpaitnutt f gr culture in lt sest il the kiip it ihe i r i ni that an at dit lrium and mr wood suggeslid it had bixn other additions are included in worked out mathcniaticallj that tht rm vati ins the tiwn could debenture ihi pur it w4s ilso pointed i ut that a posed anuunl over a 10 scars p rant f fciooo only would be paid lod which would am hint t 00 in the ivcnl only an artificial let er vcar on an asscssnunt of plant w as installed 3j00 he pointed tiut hiwiver van otis questions pertaining to that it was agreed that anv in financing drainage tjpes of pip crease in llu present ta r itt f inv 1 ut and general building teks i the buckv fo t ti 11 iwcd by cunstible i ul the tracks came t the suspects limit mk toth leical m 111 was called bythe poll i e morn nfi 1 1 low to aitim ind retrieve the h g ti e neafby citek with one of his wirktrs b toth towed the truek from t ditch and then began his perati hoe s tiiicass fri mpleti i f chi i ssed be fire t mr toth 1 itited a ti uil i caicasses which had been trim the truck and had put w iv undir the culvert police f the alhst n o p p de tichmerrt rep irlid this wiek th it 22 calibre ist 1 w is f und possession of nt of the arrested men and it is biluve this weapon was used to sh t t tht ammils distiict which would operate from central headquarters no oper iting pirsonncl would be required here equipment to be installed includ es a 20 fool antenna on the water lower a 200 watt receiver and a i00 watt transmitter in the pump house a coixnl cable would run fi om the antenm on the water tower to tht pump house through the brick wall under the enves in i conduit and then lo the receiver md transmitter inside the pump in an attempt by uit commission rs to determine if in ore would be any remuneration for the space oc cttpiedand u electric power con sumed tho bell representative sug gested ii would be a courtesy by the town to bell possiblv n fee f 1 pei year to make it legal nothing free commissioner tyler posed the question docs the bell provide the service to the dcpt of high w lys free of charge to which mi luiikhlin said no bell gives nolhinj free mr tyler s return wis neither do we chnrmin stewart mentioned that he was not too hippy iboul illo ing free access to the equipment the pump house because the wai superintendent wis responsible for the building and equipment ins bill ed there thanks for help a letter wjj received from the chimber of commerce thanking the commission for their assistance in miking possible the outdoor light inj progrim durint the christmas seison a report on witir samples taken on januntv 21 was received the report showed that the sample ltd taken from the mom street south spring showed a hardness of 70 with i chloride content of 1095 the churchill road well test revealed a hardness of 284 with a chloride con eni of 7 and a small amount of in discussing the report it ontinutd on page two mayor reviews crisis in area it is no business of this council to become concerned with discus sions taking place with the federal government and the avio officials be we must be concerned with do ing whatever is possible lo assist the people if fee ted was the open ing statement to acton council tuesday evening as mayor walter cook spoke to members ibout re cent happenings at million the miyor informed council he had contacted the people respons ible for the financing of homes in the snbdiv sions ind hud been as sured that if each h mieowner con tacted them individually each case would be dealt with on its own merits these people have no mien t ion of forcing people out on the sheets ifthe homeowners can prove they are tjjnng ta4ucui ligations they may give i short cspile for a cample of months re marked the mayor mayor m p meet councils all over in concerned over the problem sandy best member ifpirhumnt h is attempt ed to contact me ind has spoken to my wife and irrinked i meeting of the three mayoi may be something to u as industiv in tins irea is concerned mr cook continued mayor informed council that premier l frost had stated ht had eonlicled all municipihties itgnrd- ing the situation ind staled up to s veiy moment i hive not ro ved my contact is lo his in- itions ar cook outlined how he had personally eon tailed certain local industries and it was his opinion that industiy would play their part will work locally sure uit people ire prepar ed lo go to work in local industry ind local industry will attempt to find work for these people mr cook statettc the fict tfte company is retaili ng some of ihe workers is i very good sign the mayor told council during his informal npecch to ouncil mr cook said he was going lo suggest thai tht company con sider putting tht men un i 25 lo 30 hour week in ord r to shuc the work he also riiggested that if the company could set its way eloar to employ double thi staff iven on a three day i week basis something would be accomplished will feel pinch tht workers it malton bring in between s1koo0 ind 28100 to the lnwn each week one shopkeep er friday night informed mc he fell the chanet our commercial busmehs will soon feel ihe pineh mr cook slated in conclusion tht muyor remark ed the town has met worse thou this ind has pulled through if we stand united ind push and pull together we will survive this fie tht im loot totals 250 thieves who pried open i base ment garage door ut jennings general store al haltonvillc last week cjmhij with 250 in goods police sard wrist watches cloth ing cigarettes and papers were taken const w bcnnttl is in vestigating i aat e or thi pury x be i t4 tht ublic meeting outlined re- uptvn ports of the special committees the chairman suggested the formed lo investigate all channels annum could be raised in the of installing artificial ice in ac cumm on its and district by means ton at various projects such as raf slasqar rrojeet fles bingos and other fund rais m r wood rev wwe a similar ing methods project undertaken 5t nsparwtd ftrl fiigh school tea where 140000 wis raised for a chcr suggested that school perj htmiwmri prinr i niject being approved oiisly bv the meeting the need for an artificial plant was stressed at length phases was placed on the lack of skating experience at the acton voungstcrs when thev are tn eom petition with outside towns ho have arullcwi ice year round revenue it was agreed that a year round j revenue coujd be demed from a prupcrlv constructed arena to in elude on audrtonum mctling i room si curling club and cement floor the chnrmin outlined the pus sibility of including roller skating and many thtr summer ind fair pifcrams which in turn would assist in offsetting the c st t p t ration f the arena asked it an artificial ce filant could be financed mr davit pointed out that 50 pir cent of the be requested upon the installation and be financed ov- threc years conclusion of the citizens present reviewed proposed plans sketched bjr ted jrylcr sr and ted tyler jr for arena renovations and agreed that tht sketches outlined neces- ui jgihjv foujt hogs stolen earlv tuesday morning were recovered from a frank toth garage operator when he was instructed by police to to have been used in a robbery a 30mile chase by orangeville o acton when the vehicle was abandoned pour men charged with nyslu cstt lom friday stream near acton by tow in a tfuck believed p p officers ended near

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