Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1959, p. 8

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va fti tumyawmsi a commendable success school concern have atwayi found a warm reception with acton audience and he operetta preientationi last week mef with deterved approval playing lo packed audiences on the two evenings last week the operettas won high praise from the hundreds who attended a always d in their act ing and it is this quality that make the pre tentation so welcome music supervisor glenn banks deserves erecht for his organ iiat ion of the presenta tlcn end back of him was a small army of olher workers that contributed to the sue cess of the program an evidence of community spirit that is a welcome sight is often a by product of such events as the operetta this ts the case this year too and all in all the event could be considered highly successful the participants and behind tha scenes workers deserve the credit of ihe community need employers help it is not unusual to hear remarks pas sed about persons who would rafter draw their unemployment benefits than work the implication is that there is no particular dlffi culty about doing so the facf is however that every person who ts m receipt of benefit must declare every lime he receives money from the un employment commission that he is able ready and willing to work moreover any one refusing an offer of suitable employ ment is likely to be disqualified from re ceipt of benefit in order however to test the sincerity or insincerity of a persons declaration that he is able ready and willing to accept work the uic must have a suitable job opening to which that person can be referred here is an area in which employers might well work more closely with the commission the commission s national employment service is designed specifically to find the right cb for ihe unemployed worker mat ching the worker to the job is a highly skilled occupation and the nes has ihe staff to be of great assistance to employers in this regard incidental to providing this service lo workers and employers the commission would be placed in a much better position to check on the availability for employment of claimants canada s unemployment in surance plan was created to help the un employed through periods cf genuine un employment we are all losers when those who are unscrupulous abuse the plan the siberia treatment the good old days the aisle canadian writer scott young who currently is sports columnist for the toronto globe and mail elicited some in teresting comment from hockey authority wr p czechoslovakia of the belleville mcfarlands to defend canada s ownership of the worlds amateur hockey championship mr blair whose whitby dunlops team gained the title for canada last year says that any canadian hockey team entered m a world tourney plays under a handicapa tension created by knowing ihat tf it fails ta beat russia the learns members will be pilloried when they get back lo canada the russians played the best game of the tournament against us blair says of the 1958 games their attitude was if we lose so what we ii try again nexl year when they got back to moscow playing an exhibition game with the u s teacn they got a five minute ovation when they step ped on ihe ice why because theyd put up such a gooctgame against us can you imagine that happening to us if we lost our guys couidn t either one of them told me before the game if we itfe this i m not even going home the comparison is startling the gen athlete who loses in international compel i tion is asking for a one way ticket 10 siberia but at least in international hockey the rus sians who play well are lauded even if they are losers while it is the canadians who can expect something like the siberia treatment if they fail fo win most canadian parents like to see their boys try a hand at organized hockey no doubt some hope that the game will be a means of livelihood but the maionty view it as a sport that can build character as well as body the younger generation 15 never unaware of ihe opinions of ihe older generations and if it is to be a national attitude that a canadian team in internationa competition is disgraced by not winning we are discourtfteg whatever character build ing values we assume exist in ine national game pluilu by uuim aylut back in 1909 taken from u taa rtwm thwaday m the cities nr rvdcntly getting rld i iho trump within their border fur thr country la being visited by ihem m lrgp numbers hardy 0 nlghl nnsatw with ih otlli in the town hall unacfuplt one wlglh 1mi ww officer carnahan hod seven or iham un der inch and hey on monday nlhl last there were lwi nf ihrm ucciiiylng the downy cuuehra ijisl thursday evinin a team tn m milton played a match with the hover the find half ended 11 but tn the mcond half aclon cored two niort and ihe scor lood u 1 i 11i full lime in fnvor of actim kveryune l loitung forward to ihe dlwptxarunru of the snow and the arrival of nn anticipated early spring last friday nfternoon an ae- oidint occurrid ut ihe glove worka which hod a very tarloui napec1 wr 11 minutes the feed pipe of ihe boiler blew off and ihi tram escaping into ihe furnace esnillcd the fire amohe and with grial force mil of ihe front stoking doors the smoki compli lely filled ttu wurka from basement to upi r slurry in 11 f w minutes on alt 1 tuition r i it mi umungst thr if employer a for there vety iipiicnrnnre of fire wag- liiu inli un prnnlmb ail wn lrtettyftthfih leave- hie irtlilt- irin whiiii liny did in mi my tin mini wyi a unci rtmni d niirl xritimnl milinlfli d back in 1939 take torn mm lane attha fh pram th maeafc i mt once again acton tanntrt won the group championship in oh a intermediate hockey when hey defeated fergus tw fames in tha beat out of three arrlea for bon- wra tha final gam waa played in oatt tan friday htm and ih 13 core hardly indicates tha play red rrown in the fergus hi t waa attain up to form and wm called upon to atop twice ai many hot as were or the aoton net woods in tha acton net turned in a ap lend id tame and stopped ahot after ahot rayllaa iho rookie d fcfueman received credit fur the flrat gnal for art on nfli r ihe fin l am minutes of play fergus counted two goals in the ftrat period and lod with ihe acor ln terry tied the scorn up in the second period and old atundby minute walhrt scored the wtn- nlnf goal in ihe third iieiiod whiji lie rtlrlfved ihe pijik from a scramble and flipped it in the ntt the entire acton ram outplayvd the fergus lada and hut ff the efforts of brown in the fi rgua nela the aeon rnrtnlnly might have ben piled up acton now ftitira ihe final win n they mjyt ikllon in bolton i imitrruwruglit with the return ktum hire un monday a baniiift urn i diinn cuncludi d tic thr m nlh ili it umea in home pdinooiiia mid mfrirultun wmrrrtinve been bunt 1 ilu dublin wmii111 lmtihitc cm mil fn tin itiniki winch waa nl mini by will ovt 2m1 piup can spring be far behind y jim d i i l s leaders behind the youth tkfqiiies thfohifs nnd ntori hioriis un m ti have b 1 n lit vi lopi d on i hi dihrtrtinuiitlnn of arn w pi tin turn p rhnpa must if tin m 1 row nn iilit 11 s unk hul thr isiit 1 iinvirsntum thai infill ml wimp coiimunl 111 on ih sbict on oiimittnd ii 11 sit up for the provmmil c oiihi 1 viiliv ii to i t him 1 1 nl siipiiiiil in nn iiliiintii lution liy 1 num p with in inswu aiilhit kh ks on it as n kildcn vppoilumty for tho with ukub and initnilivi lo kit into 11 liiimini thnl tht 1 wn nn ilu thiii nitii nn inrivm to thr lnihinths niiminil anilhu si 1 1 muss 1 x dtis lo the us 1i0 lot of highly ti jimi l pi 1 sonni i nnd unit in dutns more ihiorus llu iipph f uhuh v ii icnluiik is i vf nistovritrd imw this do il yniiinil sliikiin uniiuil hikii populuily on siiuiihn i luklid siii bisiimnl iuituik uilh un ussisliimi f 1 nij id thru ynu oll ii uould hnvi iikii nuiih 1 i 11 1 11 d il niyxi if i hi il mi iijj tun iiiv ilvnl w is iitiiiuly tn 1 hi in tniili t i t he over 24 000 canadian men and wo men provide the leadership for canada s more than feoo0 wolf cub packs 4000 boy scout troops and 400 rover crews and ev ery one of them gives of time and ability without remuneration of any kind with boy scout week still fresh in our mind our thoughts turned to the leaders rather than to the youths in addition to these uniformed leaders there is a similarly large group that takes care of ihe leadership job for btownies and girl guides back of those who wear the adult urn forms are the members of the group com mdtees ladies auxiliaries and district and provincial councils and committees in all more than 50 000 rnen end women giye of their lime in the interests of the boy seoul movement the 1 27 per cent growth in ihe boy scout movement during the past 10 years has resulted in a high demand for intelliq ent wellequipped and interested leaders in all the youth organisations the first census of the canadian scout ing was taken tn 1914 with the incorpore tion of the canadian general council of the boy scouts association at that lime there were 14 477 scouts and leaders m canada by 1919 the membership had increased to 25 000 and in the next four years follow mg the conclusion of the first world war membership doubled the growth of the organization is proof of its popularity as a multitude of social out lets aimed at the child and teen age audi ence increases the capability of leaders on a program built over the years from its foundipg by lord baden powell is one of the reasons this youth organization has con linued to expand our hats are off to the dozens of volun teer leaders in this community and those across canada who provide the guidance that groups of this kind can continue to offer their challenge lo an increasing number of boys and girls who are the better ciliens for that training we can all help the seriousness of the avro situation acton following the government cancella tion of the arrow program is becoming in creasingly evident intelligent editorial comment seems al most impossible m trie confusing and rapidly changing situation we offer our s ncere sympathy lo those who are now unemployed i the situation is ust as d stress ng is when the local wool combing plant closed and baxter laboratories sought a new loca tion the announcement that a sejf help meet mg has been called by the men concerned is an indication that they are prepared to help themselves the organ aipn w ii prob ably follow the same pattern as those form ed in milton and georgetown last weekend we hope the s luahon wilt be resolved through the efforts of these people and all others working on the problem we can all help in this because acton needs citizens and citizens need obs e in this co iimn i try ti nmmttin ihi iitumsiir n iti bul in 1h run i tin insisting nun ins bun sluukiil willi it is cl rr mil its ffiils will undoiibtntly in fir n iihiiik it is important foi us 1 miint 1111 n ikkrn i 1 ptinusm ihuiikh th is who iro ml ir woik it uiist is i wiiii th s nn mi nd 0 in n i cimplitilv down in irtid aftu rill lh v 111 n t in only ini- whi hp iikhl 1 m llnmnl hut the shuk if such 1 mhdisiih nnd inhumane milhoit r ilu vnnmtni 1 1 m ik its cu nsi n hid ceit imly sit in iooks i ikf winiir 1 with irs f 1 t vi hilt with llin hoiv v dropping f wit snow in m nil ij fi ort n nditinnk ite juisibh nu thoi thavi fo in plimlv sit by just looking il he sniv banks if il ill molls in nnrv uilh thi fiust in thr tn unrl 1 tin illv hi rrnks in 1 mt un- ire kunil to be full iumkh timr h not t o fir nlii id f r mnniupil iniineibi a sikii of fy tinia 11 itw tstqblinji- nu nt of hitdkfta nnd rrtilieaui for ti uits nl iht imui niuniriial lv i inat m vi r si 1 ins in he i nouuh 111 my foi ill thi i irlius ntr march issur of ilu rnidirs iiisl u ports that fi w lr blins havi so tmniwd ilu i isl ottirr drpnrlmmt as thi pn 11 m dim t 1 clink tin fluw of iisimiiiv llimiifth ilu mails t ilu inln hi s juvi 111i1 pupul il on nu ihiik thi n kiinj li ilnls if ynir rmly a iikfnt di1s ripoil hhows lh 1 inadnn li nisi h iris liiinin billir qinppwt in 1 fl tit limn ivir in fori rip rls ilu rin innil pnsl nnd nlho ihil owmr ship of hi lifisir nplinnns th t 1 1 with 1 modiin t indird if hvinj- is now vi rv wulispri id ovir p r r nt f hindis 4 17 001 liinisi li ids hivi 1 lir tr c powii ovi r bfl ppr cint him mcrhimcii n frtkiroli n nrarly b7 pi r cent hivr wmhinn mnrhinps 96 pi r cint invi rndos 7n per cinl tv in llih the numbir of mi cir f iniilns in fin id 1 rot t 1 214 000 fim jjooimkl ihi yiar in fun mil ihi nimlur of iwi cir famil rs rm t 2ji0 kx rrnm 21h 000 iow sitoiiti n iipliancrs snrh is h mi fm shiuid shirp kims ful duiinu lh mi idli at 1 kind of si uul n lioitil in i i hih tllut 1 hum had to in usi il f in h ld it up si ii wi uir mild v ik 11 e ik kfd hi this ilipplu fi 01 s mi imui mill i h sin kislim vaih unit this in ilu fivi 111 nits in lifi whii h wi mil hi t li ini hi ti th y o 1 i i nn h w l 1 tniith a ki i mull is in uir lh in nicdidiit winn yon mtnlt 01 1 uiifh your bmlti foi 1 m mini ih hi id frum t1- id il 0td11111lv inn 1 11 z i uurn to lili h ipful si ry a will told st ryt s wilirmi m 1 siinbi un in mik r 0111 1 1 1 am lo klip vi ur pnhlmis t yoursilf lh world is lm busy to hnkir ov 1 your his and nor i urn i stop 11pl uninit if v i 1 inn i h 1 my kd in him wi id kfijy un bad i y ur if i 1 nn lo ki i your ini nils with 1 mil ihy rrrv i ait n h nkiy tium won ttu ml kiuu it tin arloii rnu ils 111 rim hint siitinday iv ilik 11 1 10 in ol th ruiili nt id m al uniipii umiintiki num 1 th piol if riln cvir wkiiim- 1 tin rrl hall with rough but f whlliloik dinliiit iihiimillurol npii w iilaliv hi 1 11i 101 iiuirbnait r and 11 pior mi 1 fiainhriif f 1 il labnt wa iiilil rllw iiu un diiimr l 1 nil uml inn win piwntd h tin iiirniiiful kriiduati 1 n itimt hull wni wild rpnm brut w id i11i11111 n il th- lrl 1 ily h h p hi id lh ir iixth lirthdhy a o i lb u idti n tin fri niviil tialiir on blow wh o init ivi nil i ntop tin troiibli inn wjc 11 wild miiffu mrraih puly hot slil id ly v ntlk willi about mm p il 1 nt 0 sinil kitratu irtint for th loiuiiou hul ml of ih soiit d inu all tb iiilrilitin 111 ki alii f ail n had u imlf ii 11 11 11 h initiiik on in nn k jnlv u 1 uh iii iffllls of willi f lb rnn piopl wan the muht- nr ahl 1 h 1 nil 11 1 111k tin villi in wi r mippljut with ii id mill uakiit i u 1 tluhuub mm m d t tiny wur f turo providul with in foi 11 ill 1 f 111 ith blkuil professional direqory and travellers guide mfdicai funeral hlrkctou dr w g c kfnney ihvnkian nnd surjfron olfici in symon bl k a mill si v acton offif phimr 7 rtmrfmir- ml twin h st f dr d a garrett jrion itivir sis pliysirlnn and corn r r willow jnrl lntruni rivr adin otit ms lo ilu 1 john james donaghy was albion farmer thi lasl mrmbfr of his family john j itnm domghy pawd away il fdm mills on ft bruary 16 ail itir ffir thr past flvi yr- irs he was nisi i julv it wasnt hud f r 1 ihp mm i irip vri hi- s this sundays mr fhiriiehv was b i117ji 1 ahum hmnsbp son f thi i ti jimrs dpmjhv and jano it burn 1onjth ii fivr nmtirs pxid n isd him hi wi mirnirt il ilid 1 fa 1 mirv j robin- n wh irvivis him t 1 v hid n f m iv m nnkhv wis 1 firmrr n a b r lnnhip f r m inj veirs thiv m mil t 1 mm v is it vrars dr robfrt d buckner irivs iun nid siirjtuin 39 w llinglon bt act n rnt rfal ihtatf ahd iwrhjbanck f l wright 20 wilbur st atton onlar o phoni m apprakt root eatatc and inturanr dkmtal or h leib rvntal suricon offcr cornrr mit and frrdtlek bruu office hour by appointment tflr phone 19 dr a j buchanan church calendar v rta irk f thit church con h t f imrjl rvci on frb- ip t ilid n r it ind n r acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 churchill rout p aoc rev icrnneth j reid pas or 75 cook st phone 649 w st ndy march 1st t 1000 am swndii sch- 1 ii chi im m rninit w rship 10 t mud the acton free press r hf tk dula niin inj famtablnc co umud founded in 1s7s and pubtwhtd rvsrv thursday at 6 m ll st t acton ontario mfmbrr of the audit bureau of ctrcutvtkmb the cwna and the ontario quebec du won of the cwna adverllslng rates on request sub aculpttona payabe in advance 3 00 in canada 4 tip 1 uhhm miih ilk rnonlfts tl 75 kindle copies 7c authorii- ed as second class mail pott ofhce f3fpartmmt otwa the woy paper srer pabllabed la rum g a dills frtor in chief tj 1 m business and d i t 0 r i a l office phone 600 acton tmstfi 8 pmpracr and biblf stod thursin pm blitk cm i v un i lor film uh the afric in miinas of t i ckt rn a friendly welcome tn all united church of canada actan oatart rev gordon adams ma b d minister mr georitt elliott gntanut and choir l ader si nday march 11 19 9t0 am miminu pracr t 00 am junior church and hnrrti vhnnt 1111 am m mine w rsh p cliildnn undir will be cared f r at all iervices iaptist church acton pastor r g rdrtn m holmes b a b th lt bower avenue attcnlin thr f i m ar the church of st alban the martyr avoucan rector the re h b stokreef l th stb 185 jetlny st phone 263 slndo march t i4s an sunday school 19v loe remembircil serlce song scrmce jao slnda march lt i9 the thrrd sunday in lent st daidt da 8w amhol eucharist 141 am church school it 00 am beginners class f ki pnf harti a cn wpl m a ptewythlan church in canada knox cmjbch acton rev andrew h mckenxie ba bd mrs j rk r i n n f t rml mr tiri mr murni ivin f tor- ito m md mr i d haider n m ff m d m riir- i rk f act m ind m jm jmlgr ta r mi 1 daughters of knox hold church service on sundav f hrviar 13 the ru phtrrs ftf knn held their es rn til chi trb wrvirr usina the w rl ixiv f prarer r n nm mi h pr re preidenl chi d ictet the wrvice assisted by m- a it imcs mr f a hinaen ind mrt wm sph huerl jthc juni r h ir as nrrent l wh office hours am tn i pm i sed wednesday afternoon telephone 14b lfcal c f leatheriand oc bnrrnter solicitor notary public nff rr ii mr hot m i200 am i do p m 5 00 pm sato day tv appo nlment cuy off re 22 phone res im actosi braida b a nottrr birmer sji l ma n st s af phone 17j office h u s b pm h cole mr c3 ine m gcxftic presbrterian eae a ery hastings l payne barristers and solicitors nmimsj public 1a mill st acton office hours mon fri 10001143 am i 30 4 jo pm bruce f jhocmaker mgr lh na w9 rtljftt or day hikopkactok a d moore dc piitmer specific chiropractor 111 mill hlrih oftkal anp heaking aid 8 e l buchnefc b o optomvtrist and hear ml aid omaullant acouiucon mil st f phone 115 office hour wednesdays only i m400 pm ippuintment appointment aupmmq accountcto lever hosxin chartered accountants si mam st s 212 kin st w brampton toronto 1 phones gl 1424 cm 40131 neville stcxler co professional accountants auditor trustees in bankruptcy head office 530 bkw st w toronto txnno 2 mb chwf office west of toronto 74 mam st north brampton glendale 14485 chief office east of toronto 3 cambridge st s lindsay fairrtew 4 2404 branches at georgetown acton feneron fslls etc eafil g black b comm ria ca charterrn accouftant farmers bid it mam si mllkn ont tb t4543 gray coach lines coacbh uuvi actom standard tim- f isttmhind tu im ds ly exrept sun and hoi bl am 11j3 a tn 2 p m 108 pm 633 pm bj3 p m 10 oc pm sun and hul wem bound 1037 am ijw pm 257 pm ml pm 727 pm 112 pm 1131 pm i 12 am frt sat sun and hoi i canadian national railways standard time ltlb l mid wffk service ftednediy 4 mirch 1069 8 prr lenten evansqng i mftbfh ui twi r 9 45 a m church school 1100 am mpmirut worship 7m eues speak el from pakdale rhurch timnt hn inleresting talk ri s kenrie closed the prayer t dau o k a dtvtsjt delicious lunch and a social hour custom seas ettjoyasi daily aaeept m1stellaneovs phone so i dally ah am daily except sundays 1000 am 7 10 pm sun day oelyloi pm daily except sundat fjyer at georgetown j 82 m s33 p m daily flyer at oeorgvtown ij1t pl wm d coats weatbooimi your local be dally 1144 pm daily rsteept nimio rr amhtra s4j fl-jw- m mn 7 43 wars- imnrftw snaj 0 9m m 7 43 ion nf pcsiafld ltd pjn saturday only ihom l pro- i high rmtxrrr day only i am ffupidpi lun- i sat and sun 112 jbx 4mf only ihy 3atbfc im ftm-

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