Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1959, p. 10

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more more give us more many canadians take for granted the merit and blastings of the canadian way of life and consider it as some lung which is static which is here with us to stay re gardless of our attitude toward it many of us in our complacency do not seem to realize that our system of government is being threatened today as never before threaten ed not only by the impact of other ideologies but by our own lethargy towards the m flatlonary fortes which are undermining the purchasing power of our dollar and our ability to compete in 4he markets of the world these were some of the strong words ontario hydro chaiitnan james duncan di reeled to members of the ontario good roads convention recently in toronto as he stressed the nefed for individual citizens to cultivate informed opinions on maor aspects futron of public affairs singling out inflation as a national problem which dwarfs all others in its significance f the speaker celled on camdiins to show that we are prepared lo make ihe necessary sacrifices and lo impose upon ourselves the necessary disciplm lo sifeguard llic syslom of government we cherish he noted ihil none of us js hhmeless we are all stmding in line asking for more more social legislation more bonuses more wmgea more holidays more pensions more good roads more luxurious public buildings more leisure more security it is ihis very asking for more which brings about rising costs and inflation and tends to destroy the very security whirl we are asking for fundamentally llif only security which a nation ctn have is the se curty which flows from a sound economy march is here it came in like a lamb and now it s sup posed to g out like a lion lis march march is a month of many things the most widely observed march occasion is of course easter with easter come thoughts cf spring spring fashions and spring clean up and spring car tuneup the lst is the first day of spring flf rniirtp mnrrh i lirwvg platp deadline tional childrens week jewish youth week save your vision week smile week na tional peanut week dried fruit week sec retary week national rice week canadian education week and national wildlife week and they ve even set aside a day called farm day as well march marks the anniversary of the date on which joseph stalin died the time loo with this year s last positive date for 1959 renewal set at the 18th and then there s income jax time wjlh the returns expected in march and then there s si patrick s day on the 17th when the irish brogue and the wearin jv ihf tjiwn hnfnmt prevalent march is the lime to begin thinking ot coming troul season too and 4s if all this wasn t enough it ust so happens that march is red cross monlh its weeks nclude na anniversary of canada s first newspaper in 1752 queen marys date of dealh ihe an niversary of stephen leacock s death new foundland s tenth year in confederation the annual ontario educational convention and the sportsmen s show we hope we haven t missed any im rstom s as national kidney pills week or nalionnl be kind to your garbage man week i welcome march busy mirch the good old days ir ftack in 1939 taken to bt at the rrt trtm tlntraiay 1w the acton tamtevs ftnrt came in the ffrit round of the play offi certainly warn t a brilliant affair in bolton last friday an a matter of fact it was one of the moit 1 lit 1cm gum eft of shindy ever wil- nemod for some lime the rink mrface at the bolton arena is small nnd last friday the fee was slushy reminds us of the episode an the durhnm rink which wns played under the same circumstance ballon now hold a three goal margin nvcr acton as they enter the second name of the series in acton tonight honey kuntr refcrecd the game nnd was late arriving thus the faceoff was an hour later than scheduled acton officials hove ar ranged for johnnie jones to rcf crec the game in acton tonight and arc looking forward to beat ing the bolton team woods in the pet for acton turned in o fine performance turning nwiy shot after shot bcardmorc ind company have reverted to the plan of pay dny ev ry other friday instead of twic a month this im v ii n popuhr out for lh mpiloyies md gi rurally npprccnttd by ihi mm nty at latge tack in 1909 tafcra fntti on hm of tte free rre tmnrfty mirth 11 iw captain gamble has secured a complete outfit of new uniforms for number 0 company ot the 30th itcgtmcnl the outfit includes new coats irouscnt and caps they ar rived on monday from militia hoadrftinrters nt ottawa nnd were opened up a the ntmory acton company will surely ndd a nattx appenrince at cimp this commui summer messrs benrdmorc and comp any have generously offered if a local company is formed which will erect a covered rink at a cost of mom to contribute bsoo to- vmrd this amount if s1m0 in stock is subscribed for by other citircns who mny he interested in the scheme the mason jit iters misses hazel and lottie of acton starred in the lad in hockey match in grimsby hst week when the guelph team who they play for defeated grim sby 7 the two locil girls oc counted for nearly all of the guelph goals ind received hiuh praise fiom the grimsby funs a large attendnnee f cititins a 8 t the march muting of the i ike v y sid chnptor i0df wis hi id tuesday vinmg in the ymc a n f- wm 1hi mw 1919 ivirnlive look of isar imin1 f uill mr m a f r r winters harvest ont npl ftmv publicity fkrmngs nn presiding miss ruth tubson s nndilion of alice bloc down was jrtntly enjoyed the cooking whin i conduct d by mrs ii m ailktns in thi t wii hill tuesday afternoon proved a popii i ir ind interest ini evinl fur thi is miny tx peril d to hi 11 ihmii sti rmu iik rdirifj ihi ck- predntmn s ot the ctrnetcry the visitors i loufht liomb hm ex plorft w n n mr n w urst asked wl 1 wis roing to be d mc it ut uii dipitd i ns it tin ce- mil iv tli m vi siiid in thought ily joloni just surl ihil em eil would ehnn up tin 1 ush lr nt sliughli r if trees nt iv h is niused quite a m wilh nppnrtni lilnmi in aid 6f crippled children local rotanans have mailed their easter seals to everyone in the town end district asking for help m their crippled children s work the 13 599 crippled children in ihe pro vince living on farms or in city homes or in remote northern hamlets know tlitol the 1959 sale of easter seals means hope to them the easter seals bring treatment ahd training a possibility of independence and relief from the physical handicaps thai birth illness or accidents have left rhem last year the ontario society for crippled children whose only annual appeal for funds is made in easter seal campaigns by 221 service clubs earned out its biggest pro gramme m all us history this year the more than 13 500 youngsters who are luted on the society s rolls as quote active cases will have increased because ontario s swiftly growing population means hundreds of new cases each year the provincial objective of this year s easter seaj campaign february 26th to march 29th is 70 000 the organization that cares for this num ber of children is amazingly smell a tightly knit office staff at headquarters tn toronto a score of highly trained nurses a cprp of volunteer doctors and an armyof public spirited citizens who- glvf reefy of their time the resolf isft volume of service out of all proportion to the money spent in the work this work takes several forms there is a nursing service made up of twenty two grad gate nurses each of whom has taken a special postgraduate course in orthopaedic nursing which qualifies them as orthopaedic nursing consultants these nurses visit the homes of handicapped children teach the parents how to administer therapy treatment or direct the child to medical attention the nurses tnction m specific divisions of the province ranging from the lakeheah to eastern ontario available for their use are qual fed therap sts whose value s n cheated by the fact thai the otitar o govern ment requested the assistance of two during a polio epidem c some years ago and which assistance was provided by the society at no extra cost to the province or patients f ve summer camps th s year will q a three week holiday to more than 1 200 child ren who would otherwise have no such holiday because of their inability to altend conventional camps this is the biggest cup pled children s camping programme of any single political area in the world and its importance is that it more lhan gives a bob day it teaches children who are often em barrassed by handicaps to care for litem lm anh got fflnnrj with nlhsr youngsters year round too woodeden near london is a crippled children s centre to provide speml treatment for resident and out patients clinics for the examination in areas fir from mapr hospital cenlres are also orgam ed and attended by lop medical specialists from toronto hamilion ottawa and else where giving their experienced advice if children need hospitalization this is provid ed on a specialists advice and local doctors cooperate in providing treatment at home with the opening of the thirteenth innuil easter seal campaign today there will be thousands cf service club men and women working for a better future for timmy and all his pals your contribution lo the eister seil campaign is needed on behalf ot crippled children m this area and m ihe prov ore slpring sign when the see3 catalogues ro ne c in spring be tar behincj a sureiarb nger of spring the annual seed catalogue is the promiseof an abundance of blooms ind r ch yield of vegetables scores of homes receive a wife v if if ly of seed cataloques richly ind prrf st ly i lustrated with a big cho ce of il ntjs for the home garden from ihe liadit onal old annuals sulii as nn as mir golds and petun as to the new nirodurt o 5 cf each year new colors new stri is ind somt completely new varntes poring over the citaloques i eromes 1 family past me fun and plni g for it e em re household for garde 1 iq s hero 1 ng more and more of a hi r lv obi when tne ma i br igs hie seel rata logues is the v t oh tor p a n ig the complete garden and t s usi ihout 1 me for those fresh bright spi iq days the season eff tll ontns tt s t c lni i nfai t n nipn t think that in roulri mt 1 iv ulh 1 1 o u biiimini 1ml il did in oik will md 1 111 u 1 implili job im 111 mi si ii the tnfiljnr ilmlilini 1 inn il nut with il m f th 1 wlls iiispiiis 1 ilkuu with tin piiblislui liy 1 horn 1 n pi 1 i iy willi 111 ftet li hi lp out il iikismi md in snri uu dim im 1h i 0 n eonipbii it wis b uyft txlitvi my in nt ih wis uousiil nnd 1 dinvi 1 oikill silurday just to s it suing is in hiving thi biiullful in it k ind slid thrie storey n euh box i slightly disronrrrt- nj oni iliild is ilw lys without in ik 11111 1 almost hivi to knu lul 11 wh si lurn il is to iiw the in couldnt cinnl u mufieliiif is im rluri ttickngii 1 in twi hum md tout duld rft your fnilir snls yep int rtt ti list thtm and for- wiid nny donation possible lliius hllle publicity kven lo tin rnppli d children th it an hilpni 111 u111 nrea becnum it jint isu t huimn but there nn mnny ot ishil ullll- its difficui r to even im- ikine ihi pmbltin of findma n mw lot in n kitupinnfi n mw niwtpipu pi nit ind jilting into i loiluttnin lkhn is ionkly is p ss 11 i iiim n d mbl then will in in issm f ihit piper this w k it vn n tbt is nnd il miy n 1 hi is 1 11 ki is usiml but ihi 11 ii t m the first offir 1 f hi lp t id eiimi fi m thii nnpirs kijiiisi c iniklilii lh oikvilk li filki lounnl md is put iislui i nun nli d to uu us putu niti i know in this bus 111 ss v 111 1 111 nip ti is bird is p ss i 1 mil villi hilp ieh tin r ul whin 1 rlisisli hits isi dollui usid to nssist crip- d ihildim whi miml not olli wist he libit lo reriivi nmssity iwij n bnits rqaj1s iiavf cerlnnly been iiini his v inter rvm th hi urr 1 itifi somt nit fi mi ihi hmvj fmst nnd holrt in pncmint or country d in fn nion pluilifil ihim 1 1 yi us rmd budgits in the mw oil ruih is reported cookmex ti for nixl spring in c annd 1 s nmott antic irclnptl io tin us ind c inodiin cominnus hivi ilrendy applied or devel opment permits covering 60 bil lion hires in tht nren fiom banks islnnd isl to baffin inlnnd and ninth to ellismire island mcim v hili cmpiinks an npnrlid imirik up mm mil tquipmenl tor n itisli in thi spring whin lh permits nn expected to be issuid 1 n i first e ime first served busis if you vf been overawed by lltp prnd t anuw you can ktt your own kit and do it fir 1 9h tht result may not be quilt the snm of coin st onf smart fellow recently comnu nlid before 1 got mar ntd 1 had six theories hunt brinninc up children now i havt six childrtn and no ttitime s rntri was i large nttt nd met anrf 4liceuuilwjsthi iotililv mioyed bum li ys mtssrs ii d wnr n the young worn7n7aux7rutty- of knox church mil nl the home akx coid 11 and j 1 winn of mis fi incis wilds for the spud 1 1st s ituidny in tr ivt istn monthly nnttinu in wulmsrbiy tin td 1 iiiilm irks of thur liiy ivuunj srriplun hsson wis n ad h mil dys tiny vuwirt thi funis by mis anno anilrs n ud si 11 tint hut hi 11 1 wnd by hi 11 unci 11 vns win jivn by mis fundus fi 1 u it nunibn of mush ill mst f f 1 mis cripps vi us pi no t tn mi s ll the md miss miruntt bi wn pnsnl owm is professional directory and travellers guide mfdical funfral dirfctor8 dr w g c ktnney- physici in and surgeon offici in symon block 43a mill st f acton offict phone 78 residinei 1 15 church si f phone lit dr d a garrett bin till 1111k im suhf 1 111 th win 1 people tell t ful in 1 holt willi 111 tltist t tuns nil bushis ttlit sn kl klu dijs 1 m now lihikme mlifiil mil u idy u d 1 spi pfrhaps tfrfal manu- fiilinis hninl ih might if it ct 1 1 i- 1 fun i s of nu 11 thin m li 1 i this b in ss 1 m 1 nutim this sundays kiln t hit editor ibmit sueh out suih 1 subjtcl hut jun didat tit ii untl lid it than my- 11 mp tk it sums peoph in disilufitd with 1 viruty of luiiis init ihiy innt inlly loo lei tin in d tn j 1 nd i ilkmj about it if u tlrwuti pkast keep it biuf is p ssiblt spici limttfl- ti ns fd n m iki it ntcessxiry to lit i publirhu n of long ti ttirs until spice is ivnilabli your nig n duii n tin litti is anothir es suit il althi ugh i pen n imt cm be usirl f it publicition ahf ov thrilled by the old st 11 pi spetmj davs a church calendar expansion reflected in acton exchange record net income of 3lltw2no for the year ended decembir 11 1 sti adily incrcising numbi r of t itplioms ind slnnholders ind i notable increise in pnducliv ity in revtatcd in the 7flth an nuil n port of the btll tthphoni compinv id cimdi issntti ihis wttk the report states that nt t in come was 2 882 120 bight r than in hut firnings per share amount ed to 211 the same as in the previous yiar as there win m r shans outatanding th regular dividend of 12 a share was paid ind surplus was increased by s2 718fmh7 the increase ot 185 465 tele ph m brought the total in ser vici at the end of the year to 3 14iu49 some 7s kw colored ll iplunts wut inslilltd during tin acton expands this expansion was n fleeted in actnn by tht addition of 111 tele 1 hones c s keith bell managir i r this rigun said bringing the t l i n ser ice hi re as nf dieeni tr 11 11 s2i dr robert d bucknpr phs eiim ind sur jii 11 3 w ilmglon st act 11 ont phone 079 offict hour fi h pm afleniikinr by apiinlment fai estatf and inmracf f l wright 20 wjiuur st acttmi ontir ptmint 9i appraistr reil fmitc ind iiisurjnee dctttal dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill ind fred rick sirems office hours by appointment tfi h phone ii dr a j buchanan dent il surgeon offe a mill strt office hour 9 9 m to 8 p m ci sed wednesday afternoon tejephoni 14h i foal acton free press pnbluied by lh d1iu rrtmint d rblt4ihic t umltrd f unded in tffjt and peiblhed eri tburdi at v mill st f actan ontarto mmbt if ih audit ruviui of circuliions thesc w n a and th oihwi qtiebei d mn if ihe cwtia advert tmj rah on nq ic sub script ons payable in advance 0 00 in canada m 00 m the inited state iht month fl 7i nnjlr copies c auth nt ej s wcond claw kud ijrft ullce ivparlmnl th sua acton pentecostal takrnacu 31 chtirchillriad p a oc hex kenneth j re d pas or 7s t k st phone 649 w st ml mmw h 8th 1j 1 111 ml 1 1 sundiv sch 1 ii1xi ni m mm u i st in 1 f inmli 1 c t 1 1 im 1 ninili si 1 th r 1 in till i 1 tar mrty mt evst pmblikhed in un g a dilk tmor in oilef davtd r dills fttn3tin frf tor the church of st alban the martyt a soi it an recur the ro h r slkreif l th st r 1a5 jche st phone 285 st rm march rth inw 7liv mptu stirria ik irt united church of cana0a acton ontarta rev gordon adams ma b d mmbter mr geofije flliolt orsamst and choir loader st da march bth 101 110 am m rrnnk prayt r 1100 am luni r chunh and church sch h i 111 m mm w- rship 111 idn n under s will tit find f r baptist church acton pastor ct g irdonm holmes it a rth 111 bower aeuue sinda march blh ibis sunday sch h1 c nstrurtun expend tnrts of siri fukxmio were midc m 19 jl 1 imiitiu srrict and to sre nim t mt rs wr hm mid steady it kusr in t ur effi rts t t mind service n country districts ind h mill vt it the riivrt stalls r the end of the yenr some 14 000 m re ti it phones vrc in r ct in ruril tttritiry and an idditi ml 200 cuntomers fortruj h s on a rural line bisin hid bin pniidid with urban servier c f ifathtfiland qc rirrnter solteitnr n tary public office h urs i mm am tjot an 100 pm00 pn snturdijs by appo ntm off c 22 hi itf f 1 ii i0 ahst the crvst qt wednstijt ind pra a c rdial welcom nmht if ihe jf pm felloushiii er str all inc t tht incrrasi in pr i ritic tn ity the fimtrt rmtec that ni k scrsict was pr ided f r mnrp cirstvnen thin ever before ind thit this pr greja was achicv ni hi ftwir employees 39121 mi n and women lhan uere re ouirtd in eithtr nf the two pre timic y irs wages and salaries jiaid during the vcir im unted to spmsilst i at dcctmber 31 shareholders a braida ba barrister s 1 cstor notarv piihl c 171 ma n st s aei n ont prwne s76 offict h us 8pm bpm 1pm 9pm saturds 1 crk st f cuelph ta 42242 uhifeij jnocmarcr bruce f shoemaker mr phmt 899 mht or diy h1ropractor a d moore dc pilmit specific chiroprnclor 111 mill si i phont 40 or hi offic hours mon 27 will 2 7 sat 2 t ottlcai and hfarino aidh e l buchner ro optomulrikt and htorinu aid consultant aciuihticon 4r mill st f phru 111 offic hours wednesdays only itofloo pin fveninrs by apptunlmt nt huum calls by jplxnnbn nt aupit1nc acc ount1no lever hoskin s charkrtd atrountints r main st n 12 kin si w rrjmplon tonmlo 1 phonm ot l44 fm 40111 neville stoller 4 co professional accountinls auditors trusties m bankruptcy heid offici r bloor st w toronu 1 frim x 2 vwb chi f offici wmi f t irontn 74 mam st n rth brampln gltndl i 441li chief office fjist of toronto 3 cambndse si s i indsay fairview 4 2404 aclon earl g black b comm r i a c a ciiahifjutl atotntnt frmtrs bldit 103 mun st miltri ont tr 8om2 tmvimfcs guide gray coacm 11nfs oachcm lbavc acton nn i standard tim sib- und off c hoi smiirdj 9m 1 prr 12 am f10 im holy eucharist ms i rp- rati c ommun th rac rreikfat w irtk 9 4s am churrh school ii 00 a m bmnnrrs class 11 00 am v presbyterian church in canada knox oirjtch actolf rev andrrw h mckenzle ba bd numbered 1s7 724 9fl per cent ere resident in canada and they i wned 92 per cent ot the stock hastings 4 payne birruters and solicit rs notares public 1a mill st acton offiee hours won fff- 10 00 ii 41 am iw 4 30 jxm sat 10 1x00 am phone ml daily except sun and ii t h am 11 31 j n 2 or p m 1 w p m 6u pn hu p m trios pm sun and h l westbound if 27 am i2i pm 217 pm 127 pm 727 pm 9 12 p rrv 11 32 pm 1 12 am fn sat sun at d h1 canadian national ramways standard time eastbound daiy 144 am daoj rwpt simdbyi 1000 am j if pm sun- miscellaneous business and editorial offlce phone 600 a c j o n mid wffk servicf wemntsdn 11 mirch 11q 1 lintcn evinsona sun da march ftih 1119 rafe driving it s human w pi mistake doesnt warrani the death da w m p sunday pyr am 623 pm daily fjyer at ge rgetown 1011 pm westbound dauy tt pm daily rxcrot sunday 830 am 50 pm til jm satntdbt only ias pjn sun- ay only 943 am oafiwp sun ftytt at guelph 1 0s pj14 hfc p s wu

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