Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1959, p. 8

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r rjirar firww an unhappy need pm thoughts of acton i municipal budget ave not the happresi at the moment and we hesitate to make any suggestions of what might be included but we hope some pro vision is made to maintain the town s paved streets the first heavy thaw on friday gave some indication of what may be anticipated one ol the most obvious problems to us was the development of a six foot long hole about four inches deep in the hard lop in front of the free press we have no doubt there will be others appearing as the full effects of tho heavy winter are uncovered drninaqo is obviously one of the mor problems snow and slush that have been allowed to build all winter to above the curbs on thi main street will naturally con tain the witer on th road rathor than allow ing it lo find its way to the storm sewers that are presently well buried with ice the town s other streets where snpw fall has been equally heavy will be in a milar situation and a recurring freezing and thawing on hove disastrous effects on ihe luird top it seems important to us that this hard top be adequately maintained too since there must still be a good number of yearly to pay off the balance of the debentures covlring the installation it will indeed bev an unhappy day if inadequate funds eru budgeted to take care of the necessary maintenance on these roads becyss the town is going to have lo have tnepi for a good many years yel evidence of inadequate maintenance in years gone by is already too plentiful in town when one takes a close look al the arena and the town hall there is little in them to fosler lawn pride a woman pm will canada ever have a woman pnma minister or ihe united states a woman president someday perhaps but not we fancy in th lifetime of anyone now living women show no sign of challenging man s domin ance in the field of politics either in ihis countryorany other here in canada as in ihe united king dom and ihe united states there has never bean more than a mere handful of women legislators at any time this despite the fact that women voters outnumber men as a result no prime minister or president has ever had more thin one womin m his cabinet the reason for this sad state of affairs is quite simply lhat women haviog secured the right lo vole 40 years ago have been content to let it qo at lhat the fears once expressed thai votes for women would result in a political war of the sexes at every election have not been realized in facl women appear less inclined to run the risk of petticoat government than men rarely do they select much less elect a woman over a man politics then is mill pretly much the ma g n has always been women il seems prefer il that way or if limy don i really are nol yel prepired lo do anything aboul it hence male colons will long continue lo rule ihe roosl in ottawa and the provincial capitas too and imn will reach the moon and probably the oilier planets tool lonq before any canadian political party with a chance of power takes the plunge md chooses a member of ihe fair sex as its parliamenlary leader which m some ways is a pily for such i dcvelopmenl wou d certainly bring added spire and nilerfsi to politics the good old days postscript photo by billwr tsler fimi jottings y jim dills slowly slowly all hough this his been n hint winln mi ttu people k tins h in i nmutkiilili n i- f i miikinj i nl ttu iu mi willi the min splits hoek si hi dub lomphhel lis hid t iiimmbii theise re sp nshli fn niikiiik the ice nl in nit ni the niiiun skii is iftu i ik who uikid afur mon th in 200 in yu wtm pi lyul hotkey and the many others whu i eif i hid i ii slowly slowly the right of a tnuniclpttly t ad it t u ele o ficials is slipping away evidence is increasing even as grants to the municipalities are increasing the most recenttfwearisirrthe fluoridation of n town s water supply no longer can a municipality decide for itself whether it wants lo add the fluorides to the water in an effort to mini mize tooth decay m children the provincial government in a recent policy statement on the subject indicated thai no voles would be acceptable presently eight municipalities adding the fluorides lo the water will be allowed to continue but there is now no legislation that will permil other municipalities to choose the course they may take it is unfortunate that almost every for ward step in health has met obstacles thai are often quite unreasonable from pasteur n to the latest polio varnr ihp scientists have had lo overcome nol only the disease ilself but the opposition lo the solution iris not unusual then that the fluoridation of water supplies has encountered similar ob siacles the proof of its effectiveness will only be decided when all the experts agree on the subecl one way or another thai may be some time away in the meantime municipalities will not be considering the addition of fluorides to the water apparently since there is no ground on which ihey could implement a plan if they did choose one more discussion has been taken from the table of councils from the forum of public opinion and frcm the ballot booth of local municipalities stncf th netent hyoff nl mnltun the unemployed work- 1f frmwl ihur iiwn self- abandoning thinking why do newspapers print conflicting reports a reader queried us recently al though his reference was apparently direcled more to oui larger metropolitan daily friends peihaps anoiher question might serve as a simple answer why don t people agree on every tnmg newspapers are charged wilh presenting information while their editorial comments endeavour to sort out answeis and express opinions the news columns are charged with presenting the ideas the statements and the actions of others the fact that opinions vary on some things is the reason newspapers present conflicting views perhaps mosi important thcugh is the desire so many have to have the answeis provided to the problems rather than the problems news magazines that offer opinions only withcf course the supporting facts are in creasmqly populr they ve diqesied the news and prov dec a conclusion our think ng has been done for us and we willingly accept their conclusion rather than sift the facts to form our own conclusions the declining interest even in municipal affairs has been evident every nominahon and election day for years basically were happy to leave the problems of growing towns high lax rates irate property owners- service exlens ons and the host ot others to someone else let us not abandon completely our th nkmg processes to someone else as we complain that newspapers carry conflicting reports as long as people are thinking and th nkmg d fferent things on the same sub iect there is bound to be the difference of opinion that provides conflicting reports help rurnm to into thiy hnvc cum up with n fiw idtns ihnl no rlotihl have much meiil iwl could spnik the foundiilion for fntiiu imlustiy m acton hnfmploymfnt has by no menns cm tilled the contractors iclivc in the buildmj progrims in acton tin houses nn bung built in likivicw subdivision the hitjh sihonl iddilion is will under wny ind buileting is bong continued in ihe oli nk t subdivision it all adds tip 1 i continuing optimism unit confide nee in acton f vfn highway 2 t iwrcn arlon ind milt m is divel iping i mi n vl bumps ns the firsl s id i rii uci s i f w inter f i ust show up pfopij who like lo be waited mi ire the ftirdesl ones t l iiind if their nilmcnts- that narrow bndfe tint ei istf the sixteen milr creek em 1 ghw i v 11 sonn 1m i l runt of ttu pi t c instruction has been pro bresmhk for some time to bridge the eiilh whore pr midfoot s hulled w i e nee incited fvirtcncco f th it i siemr h ilt in commnmlv till x v i iiavfnt seen loo much if those fin us hut i hoops bul of e mi si tin ai it hi r h i n i bei n pin lieu n l suiribli he inline the olhei div hi iijji ind f mud tin hull imp wlnil neltid 25 inillioii to net ii ni tli amine in tecoid ii s e ms iii l flow i in puilli i ph i li il lit ii il il put n ttu e ml of i sink is mi p i it to itpliee tin i m e ir lust slle i inf 1iousfwiff ind i moppcj fm a silimun who tuy fil ed hdl lii i mill piy fm nenni tbinu mi whit mi ould sive on jiffltu hit elm- h tmnlilo is tiiosf who sharf ihe oe cisinn il dm ind tumult of nn npnrl- im nl m ly in svmpilliillc if why h ii vai d s farm d h ji ks townie nti one 1 md inhlsted on occupy i njc i coupli of hrtuill dusly r cm nn in the lop flooi of itubbls itjtt the dis- t njiiishid piifeisor wns oflin urn d to niovi nilo ipi ir i rs inure in i llnik ns postli n on the cimpiis ni ik fitinlly e xd ilmed one d iy i shlll live on the lop flkir it is the iinlv priee in c imhrirti where cuil is ebetve tin lit h busy bullies quiet back in 1939 tikm tnm ilw the fftf h tharwbr it was a rearing crowd lhat parked acloti anno tnut thursday jilght nnd wwc trcatl ui the bin gnl ice thriller ccn in many a day wlwiye rumley led the ac- tun tnnnevn lo a 6 2 win ovr bel tun nd u win on tin round by one goal married tlarrlimttn young at the home of the bride parent on bulurday murch i ittb by kv j f ountblu of port rowan j- nle mnbcl daughter of mr und mrs albert young acton to mr harold bingham ramcden youmt est ton f mr and mr john ranuden of m uncle indiana the fire brigade hud a run on turaday morning to a fire al the double dwelling huc on main st oupdlto trfe preabylorinn church the tenants nro mr nnd mm morria gordon and family smwki wus discovred roming through the floor on the mcowi tturey about eight y clock und iht alarm warf turned in damage w1 only alight and thi blne wns coon extinguished arrohutmtnt hnve hten comp kled whir rev dr e m mor row who hn been pator of at ton united church for four yinrs will exchange churgos with hv g clifton gifford ba of prts ton mr oifford oecupn d the put pit litre in acton iteently nnd i unimimou mil wns cxkixled turn to come to acton dr morr jw jlkewiac hiw been inv to no to prcslott hrlt w 3 nmild wim tinstcss tn die dukt f devonhhire elmpur i ode indus on tiusdiy ufler noun for r8jir monthly iiki tint the officers reports wen nnd nnd ollur items deult with ttuist fine new enteh bnsins in mulled on mill st inst yinr ran hiirrily be t xp cu d lo fune imn ii h lnti is they are burnd under i imri snow john llilson rrnshiel into tin mde if a fihl niovinn pnssenhi r i nn jnd wueked ihe front of his enr but esciiptil with emly i brim nl km i himsiir whtn the i nun crew slopped ihe trim nod return lii to whe re ttu cur wis mttmu tiny found hllsoli slnkeli but un tiuit it ihe sidi of ihe cold back ip 1909 taktn re um batm r tit ptm rim tfcaray harch i im to fill the vacancy causod by the leave of absence granted m kule kennedy teachw of the pri mary dtporunent nt acton public ehekil the itoard of fducauon hove be n very fortunate in aec- unng the urvtcc of muu rdith nicklln miiw nlckbn wilt luke rhnrgi elf tin primary department until inidaummer ono dny 1 il week jamra de- courwy rm of the hlpper at4he wnrehouiea of the otb while engaged with loading a car with rather received pninful injuries to hi back and xhouldvr throutth the impact o a nhuntlng train np- uinl the ear where hi was at work he was knocked out ten ftet and wm knocked over the end of the plntform and han been unuble to work tince eightymx members of ihe fp- worth uagui vimt d the slluim nnd rewmins orner ixagbe at the brick church on tuiiday ev nmg acton uiague provided the prugrum and the home icaguex provided g ne mu freithment nt the clee wis bioken in two llnlf of it we nt into the net nnd tin ollur hulf klnyed n the oulside lliwiv- r this ui nl w ii not illowed tin nme inriiil in i 7 7 in uith both tnms lirtd out mr kobcil m ton has purehustd ihe properly f nmily nwniii by mrrf tinny je ins pink ave and uill move the re sh illy a oiklph mm is fund 100 nnd cis x in m niliy r nhootini one f the 1 x 1 but he rs n pitleiion is pulling in i n nde rine m chim ind j slmm boiler in lux ibit ir professional directory and travellers guide rfrtnnnr rrmmr ihi- funfbai dirrctokr n in piling i ir our house on mom v we iiiu fn m rtnl piyin f i the enr n mom v we ive irom e i tins pivinit feir the wishing in ichiiif out o niuikv sjvtd from i ii uliv bill inel ribl neu ue just i in i itferti hsm mv mm p without brnfflr f stir illitsi sysenis in in ire t whin mimtic omp s spin hope listv the he in e p iwind siilmi irim n mtilns inpl 1 jimiiui ef 1k1t sut iihimii miles ind su fired within s til f ii pmpinled d slin inn tints bi m r thnn i e in do with i el i ii tin s bul i md r it f 1 mx1ng ihe filth line ml im nl it e lit un pi itcction freim ihe 1 w ii is b come unite popul ir smith f the ii teler but this s j ne w t v l sloppv jen bellinger jle eel limblmr kim mil on ii i il n i l imhluik h u e unlit hi 1 ms i te is jin if n 42 pounds doe 1 s krinih he keeps filling i bep do ni iihit ning a c u t ppoun plnsuiaii sud bellmkir 41 hi i filuhune m ot p k knn s uli mi whiei me ins h t ml h p f illm sleep whenever first win in lo swim ihe jnijirm haniu i iwk been deul tor many yens but she lunn l let her h indi- up invur her spirit or her iihiful life unibu lo ctt u job beeause of i e r de ifntis nhe v dimwered in le ieh de if eh idre n t swim tod iy she hitches swimming m p ml omum to de if yoltiiumkrs ihfyvf rfaciied the- ipix the bsolutc the crowning buy now thi y vc named some top iiilth offirial he worn in of tin h iir ye jr iu hjrd lei tell whether she s only half as good in the womip of the year or whher no i n c in l ike the job for i full ynr i h u iihi leann in the sublime lo lh ridiculous our bur ington countor- pirl tin gintu repiirlc n rtide r with 13 lul ps blooming in hii iwrk j trd must im in the bin in j in it dr w gc kenney phvhioijn nnd sirgin rrice in symon bloek 43a mill st f aclen office phone 7 reside nre 11 hurehstf phone t10 dr d a garrett l and surgeon hiropractor 2f mrs kirkpatrick hostess to institute dr robert d bucknpfi phvsici m ind surieon 39 wellington st acti n ont phone 679 office hour q fi pm afternoon- by appoimment hfal fkta and instlrancf f i wright 2tl wilbur st acton ontario pfuine iu appraiser heal fstate and insurince a d moore dc pilmer spec fie chiropractor 111 mill sueii phoni 40 or flfl off c ilouri mon 2 7 wed 27 sat 2 1 optical and hfaring aids e l buchnek ro optnmetrim nnd hearing ai consultant i acenmticoni 4f mill r phone office houni wednesdays onlv 1306 00 p i1s the rttjolnr weil mthiy litmg of instil just cross the higln bridge 1 n this sundays church calendar acton free press rmlte4 by the dill frlstlnc fulawt c uui f miided tn l7 and publtthed everv thursday at 56 mill m f acton ontario member of the audit bureau of c million the cwna and the ontario-quetx- ov- on if the c w n a adyn n rate on request sub- w iptions pavabe ln adxika s3 00 in canada 40q tn the ej a sennd claa ma 1 ptwt off ce thpartment ot awa the mj iwimt ever pabuabel tn acton g a dills fditor in chnf das id r dills manacinjc ft tor acton mnttcostal tabbtnadl 33 churchill road paoc rev kenneth j reid pssor 7s cook st phone m9 w sunday march imh 191q 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am mominx worship 7 30 pm- fvjngehiic tuesday b p m prayer and rible stud thursday 8 pm christ ambos chrmt is your answer a fnrndlv welcome to ah auan thi chutch of st tmt makttr anqucam rector the rev h b stnkreef u th stb 185 jeffery st phone 5 sunday march ivh 19m t fift jul w i p united church of canada acton ontart rev coreten adams ma b d minuter mr georxe elliott organist and choir leader sn march isih ij59 100 im m irning prajer 1100 am junior church and chuuh schexil 11 is im morninn worship child n under 5 mill be cared for al all mtmcw baptist church acton pastor rr c rdon m holmes ba b th in bowt awmie stlndn mrch 1mb 1959 us a m sunday school 11 0 am love rixtonng too pm n nirht there wednesday r pm fellowship and prayer ser ce a f rdial welceime in all pavsjin sunday 1130 am holy eucharist 9 45 ani church school 1100 mmbefmnets class fmytf1ian church h id onnrhnrselny jft rnikin at the home if mrs kirkpatrick wilh mrs roitkhlrv presldine tiil meitne eipened with the institute ode f llowett bv the lord s pray the roll calf name your firsl te iche r wis ans w i red bv ie h members arising out of the business wn a donation to the hilton musicil festvat and tw rmm buships ti iht retarded chit rtn rganifration in c nneclmn ve th th sunshine sejjool milte n profram presented mrs mitch ii cons net of ot inshi ind educiti n wis in ch irj f the in iram which m clnded ruirnt isnts h mrs t smf id tw minute reports by cemnveners mrs harry brewn i cvilteire and canadian mdust r c convener thouuhu or seed p um mrs enxlish h me ec m mirs and health medicine mu sir mrs kirkpatrick historical re mrch and current events of- rue tow n me rrhsn g rs cre rit i asm jobless th m tto think well before t iu pak was well un by mrs kirkpatirck if e take time to think before speak how m in less hurls there w xild be paper bead an interesting paper n m ntal hygiene ind rccrralional cuid m canada knox chttrchv acton res andrew h jlckenzie ba bd ance was nnd by mrs kan lorn this was folk wed by a contest the winners wen- mrs ted brown ind mrs roufhk v frederick slreels office hours by appointment ttllpnonp la dr a j buchanan denul siirgfun office a mil stn1 office hours 9 am to 8 p rq closed wdnhday afternoon telephone 148 lfgal c f leatherland qc barrister a solicitor notary public office hwrs lle i m 1100 a rr y 1 00 pm100 pn soturdjjs by appu nimtni ji v oh ce 22 phone res 1s acton a braida ba barnjer 1 cite r nutarv p iht c 173 ma n st s aci n on phoie stfl orfice h urs pm pjn i pm 9pm saturdays is c rk st e guelph ta 2s42 off ce h iurs q m pm sutttrdasi 9 am 12 a m hastings 8 payne barristers and solicit rs nourih pub c 1a mill sl acton office hours mon fn 10001145 am 130 430 pm sat 1000 1200 am p- au account1no lever hoskin chjrtred acniuntantit il mam st s 22 king st w b mm pi on toronto i phone gl 14r24 tm 4 9131 neville stoller 4 co profeiwlonil aecountants auditors trustees in bankruptcy head office 130 bloor st w ttinmlei lrnnmt 29 chief office west of toronto 74 main st north brampton glendali 1 44ib chief office fast of toronto 3 cambridge st s lindsay fairvirw 42404 branches at georgetown acton fimlon fills tie earl g black b comm r la ca chart erfi accountant firmers bldg 183 main st milton ont tr bam2 travnurs oupi gray coach lines coached leave acton standard time eastbound fl31 anv daily except sun and hul iy ini 1131 j ro- i ob p m job pm l33 pm b33 p m 10 bb pm sun and hoi vt bound 1027 am iz7 pm 2 v7 pm s27 pm 727 pm 9 12 p rrk 1132pm 112 jm rn bad sim and h i canadian national railways slmdard time eastbound dallt 6 44 am daily except sunefciys 10 00 am 7 16 pm sun- y my m mjacnxaxeocjg wm d coats 2m d oorgnown 902 am 853 pm daily flyer at geirgelown 1011 pjn westbotind the rovers em saturday evening jmirntyid lo rrm tor the third tune the second tune iht gume wus won bv the reve rs in a ve ry rough injleh fnn was ai terminer i have nvini for ihe previous kami when the i ims lined up thin were four ntw fvtccs em the run team the game started nl half pusl ighl and v s veiy fust at lulf time thr se ore was uw in frtir in fivnr nf arton shortly after hie se e md half stiuhd thi putk vv is sh t on fnn iil nnd

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