Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 19, 1959, p. 1

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wht jwtim mtt tt elqhly fourth year no 38 acton ontario thursday march 19th 159 twelve pagesseven cenlt public utilities commissioners the sewer and water oimmillti iif council and r r parjf of beard mo re and co met at a spe clal meeting of th9 publie ulilltus commission on thursday mmch 12 the mutint was cnllitl after a report was received fiom ontaiui waled resources commission on sod content of waste being it acpted at the disposal pin icforc uriiou iimk the disc us ions also touched on i possibilities of building an indu rial sewage plant ind the onlai otau pnato a portion of a new wau under construction for the new the glazed blocks which cost in the neighborhood of 1 50 each addition at acton high school collapsed in the gale on sunday i part of the steel structure being erected also fell after the sup- theandeen construction company from brampton are the con porting wall collapsed by press time today the wall had been tractors for the work and on monday morning workmen were replaced and work was continuing on other sections of the busy rearranging the scaffold and attempting to salvage some of structure rti hskiuwa is fal board to request bylaw to establish community centre for prospect park acton council will bt requested to establish by bylaw a commun ity centre to include piospcct park and thi swimming pool in accordance with the provisions of the community centres act mem 6en of actons board ot parks m decided tuesday at chairmui r r pirker remind cd mcmbeis he had polled them re garding the purchase of picnic tables or the park and on the motion of g barbeau and f watts it was decided to buy 11 tables at 16 each at actpn wood crafts f tables will also purchased from department of highways supplier for thi sjkc of comparison thiy will ctwl from s30 3 each lifeguard dhicussed the chairman introduced ihi r a lifigoirri for hit btieh in th pork this siimnur iflr a utter vens read fr m i ik il n sid xtit tpplvmg for the j li a life guard v u included in tin budpit bul numbers thought lluv h uld hn vi definite require mi nl- 1 ud downbifou ictnn wis ukui tlu j position would- bi idvutisid f r w hin the rcqunuiwai than prospecl park for location of iheir snow it was noted snow was dumped on the nee track up to i depth of six fctt and ilso in ihp turf ii was issumed that cilrium in the snow nmovil program would kill grass in the park h nrri frm q nrhrnii 11lll fast run acton fire department made a quick run tn the home of ron douglis crewhons corners tucs d ly evening to cope with a chim rtj fire fire chief j newton re jmirlcd no damigc firemen had very thing under control withm a liw minutes parking bylaw okdbylept appfovn was received tnis ww fi nn the department of transport of i by uw to regulate parking st p signs ind parking areas in ilu t iwn of acton tlu by law number 1161 pro vidts f r thi rikulitmn of all stop s uis pi ccli d resignation of arth in bt met mill st east as one w iv ilreels ind a no p irking arei n alton bled fr m pee st to the m m 7 binmtt public school cletk j mcgeachie noted today thit tin b i iv wis now m force ind tint dnvus would hive ti line t i its provisions possible solution to sewage problems beardmorejofficial informs meeting inn tlu liikh i bo that iti ii v vli i ws bung hi lit bids lark sloragtf sp i i wis im gale damage extensive new school wall falls after b dreary day of chilly wea ihcr and rain on sundiy the mneh ifinds suddenly recilltd thur re putation and started to blow they blew for houih md cmsid hundreds of dollars worth of dam re all through the province af er supper sund ty the tile brought snow driving it sun ling down the streets the h iwlirtg ol continued thiough thi dight and the storm subsided ji a dually on monday then the town and illsluct hint ed lo assess the dam ige at the htgi school sund ly ifti i ion i newly laid cement blink partition approximately 14 foot in length failed lo withstmd thi lining tales ind rive w o followed scaffolding used by the workers a portion of j sucl be im put th structural steel formhum w is boon gigging in a v un iltimpl to wi hstand the teinfit onsliughl of the hifth winds but succumbed lo the fierce blasts whipping ieiov tin open arm workmen monday morning spent a great deal of time in in ittempt ilvage the usable blocks but soon back in llie process of continuing the construction of the tw additloffln epttc of the still sliffv winds some of the specially eland blocks pain of the washroom will were valued at 1 w each shinnies came loose ind wu vis ion icrrals toppled bricks ptiud down from one mill st ston front whil mother hid its awning torn t shteds tin fir hall urnl w is belli nnri tlu ajix enit neerinr sijn blew dow n lucky centre phoni lines were down in tin dis- ti ict and aclun whs the luckv ctnlri of i power less nei sundiv niht hvdro wis off in milton rock wood norvil and glen wil girbir wis strewn our sm w drfled lwns h the t uu ovtr turned with i clillir m in smiil branclies tell from trus whikjsevir il urge brinchis rished to the ground a tru it ttu hmu of miss jew r mcgrtgir lost tveril htivy limbs unrd iccompin mini to thi storm was the whine of the fire sinn is the wind bit w thr- ugh it vi hili plistic storm window s billow id from w indows and wcr orn off in some cisis cm n t ii 1 iss pants wtrc broken barn collapses a fnme barn on the farm f rudolph mulder 6lh lin of era town maps- copies ot the official tontig map ef the town of acton deplet ing varlotu soned areaa and out lining the boandarie schools churrhca railway renmlery and eml public and public area are now available al the town office or free preaa lor a nominal fee of 25c i j n h p just ibuvi n i ii imii on sund ill i h h loon i h f in iv w it i ndi hurih in mlph nl tin t mi a liw nitli wu in thi st bli jiidei hit tuiu md wr imhuil thi mnliii fimilv t nlv mm lv novid 1 i i nn si iraisip in in un llisiiilu disli cl 1 s vi en mini dim m hi f nn i in hi lui f iinil mii in u tun nn ils lu oi i v tul hi bn i- ind bn ik si v ij t piotitl il low snowbound onlv ilt i of aisi o aii ii i hui1 sn jwpl w in inn mii wlx iinil mi h id li bi n u i n mtul in thi mid with tlu lulp jif i bulliloii on m mln wiiint plowing out tin fnl tuiu i i r tht town im f nissi iwi v iiul fsinicsnik in an itti n pi t ojn n tin ro id to tin firm h ini o john and h lln mcrirhrrn snowplow owmd by miiimmniiii his ditilud when a itumptid u mik tlu hngi dulls whieh lower ed i r hie him the snow had drifted bnil unoi o uje blow on sufiduj but the ig winds snndiv whipped ihi idv hot pil of sn w appcirid lo bt i sin ill m i w rkus r nppi ind w t plow tmsdiv moinmj ind n likht fmirhl ihu level as far as the dams are cm- it rtud in our sli rngi beds we have timed cutting down on uu iim of walir in thi pi int but it is still filling un ponds wt may be in i position w hi 1 1 w i will have 1 i cidfc down the tannery but i 1 1 1 tiutily hopi not lemnrkid tht naidmon offieinl thivi j ii cov chairman of tlu i t wn siwn and wuti r oimiitu t tsktd mr pin ki r how serious the prolilt in would in foi henrdmor parkir revicwtd the analys is njhirts neiived from the ow it c and statu it applaud the plinl was overloaded slightly prior to tin tinu thi grab jpnipus were taken brwir ktiptrintindoit a duby txplnuud tlu nulhixl of inking lrab sampli s and remarked i would siv lu plant is doing a woiuliirul job but uu owhc is not sntisfied with tin it o u nt if ii owhc town taki any mot i wasti i llie c impany rain would fill beds iiplviuj uu plant olfuial ix i hit i j j sli- of tlu mud hi timtil i ut beds on tin ir pi iiukid if w mil ns ttuv will ill thi ii h let i of tlu pirty and ulo hiavy in ds as ly if this but i not miuli optrntio iltu it also slnvjetl by tin up mm nt i ivi from fiiiirdi is lint un am nut if si wai being treat ed at hie town dibposil plant wus a tiemmdous help to the company mi puku pointed out th it 1 isl i ir in ally 7ilfk illmis of j in iniyiwigi wm tidi tid pi r dav it tht town plant and this yt ir only 41000 gallons were being lak mior w ii c ok pointed mil hut when uu dittloi t uu dis j sd plmt hid bein chand al i insideiabh amount of hmr had been found he asked mr paiker why was this n it filtrated prop rly- rlkhl screens hlter mr puker n li d then were llmh in fori it entiled tin tire owhc ing tile iyi ptie im m ti 1 1 i u pi ml sinei taking heard- waste if caused by you are y ui going to do about ibked the mayor publ e utilities eommission in foimed the com puny representat ive thai lu fflt bed r i n x tor iijvc ttltinplttl to low i tlu bodcih1 lent ind whin uu y could bigin spuiying opt lain us uu problem would be riluvidiil the disposal plant query shuldnwn mr guv cnuired if uu biard mon plant would shut down in the milt tlu town disposal plmt wi nl si pile mill couldu t handlt the wiste he was told by mi parker it w old all depend on conditions at the storage beds and the piouipliukn in starting spraying in the evenl you do have to eetse opt ratlins 1 don i think ihe municipal body should be held res ponsible i reali7i this could be serious if bnrdmorcs are rut off we elon t want peopli to hunk we ir nspunsibu statid mr coy mr goy askul if hiardmores were liking any sups to eliminate this yearly problem and was in forme d that tht re had bi e n dis- euisions with the owhc re garding thi estiibiislunt of a dis posjl plant councillor b d hiehlin ask id mr parker do you think yuu will hive a pi ml built by this lime nixt yt ir and received ihe an- swei wt are working on the problem and hope we can solve ii water problem mr goy staled the town had two continued on page two cnr work crews task at derailment outlined their regular monthly meeting aflcr reviewing the many facets of dipping into grants provided for community centres by ihe prov ince and appreciating thalbu d ings already erected can be award ed grants up to 25 per cent the tvoard decided to rceiuest council to take necessary steps to imple ment legislation enabling the town to bene fit by ihcm board could petition if council approve ihe motion they will appoint i fommunitj centres board as the next step and the board can petitnn for 11 ants from the deportment f akncul turc mayor cook lold thi puks bond that hi and the town eluk pint 1 dy in toronto reemllv mid win informed that it would be pombu for the board it fundi ui i commun l ccntus hoard ind it main is tlu paiks bird is will the mnv in uifi rmi d nn mbi 1 s thin was a 2 100 grant tn ihirui 1 tat ions the b writ wm 1 id tht could control aid iptralc thi vuk nd alhltlie field al the mu time cmncils rcpiisinliitin n the boaid f walts uskttl do i km contiol of spend ng bv thi bond g bnrbiau tht boaid f parkv maiiagtiuenl can g t the liwn and dimmd 111 t oik null but lh community centre board ear only request funds the t w n dt cides a liw in a com 1 board is just a nn lence mml lontlnuefor s tear the board was infoimcd thit 1 the park was currrttutid a a cimrr mumly ccrtlre it mast cintituic st lur 30 vears if thi puseut burn ctcd in dual capaiitj a tlu parks board they could ipen 1 tht bolted mill bul m me iw uderf thi by gtait on up til ehtuitut u to the ti iiimin cintn rivir would be contn lltd bv thi tiw treumer xte bi ud speculated hat mi oi iooh could be evltccted if a uficmil ice was msulhfl in the al ena and combined with a hall ihe pnk icluded n th e hold side pirk br him in sutc bv ihe departmet t ol tr im 1 md public ity and w is d scribed is vioodul put resq qur d i hethil vi 1 11 ally e ns itul d ld 1 ill t raibeau r id imuidm nl- to tht parks bin id it m ii h sending ft r fu tlur mf urn li li mi mbcr 111 nditu th miting were tlu eh 11 mm r it pirku mrs g t er a liw n kilby moor w coik f w ills ind g list fndiy evening th st john work crews had finished their lask vinhul nice brigadi division 332 aind the disrupted train schedule dulls 11 win tr ing t iwn 1 i tht id w 11 i bust tit ust i p burns or i superintend n of the 1 n ilion il h ulw i for this fit th at ion f cot men rot liability town 1 whither un pri 111 met 1 lined i r pnint emir mid bv the puk- b ard mr puktr replied in thi iffirmitive he explained thit he hid talked personnlly with ihe in surance nprtseutalivi and wis is urid thtv wtie covered n w but lluv think the board should hive i 1 it gum d this wis lit r e 11 firnud bv h iter in which it was staled that tht tywn of aitms cimprehensivt insurinct e overs in ch dtk u bith hiustsuud ie e nimendmg i lifeguard we can t affoid 1 1 ftmiard sum div- 1 week 24 timirs a il lv said the churm 111 it w is ngmscd that the inak h uir- at the be ich be found and i 1 f gu 11 d be tnjaied f 1 th 11 lilts pond ing further informal m tht sub ject was lift for iht nt m uniting other business th bmrd alsi hectrd it 11 parker cliauman aii c barbeau vice chairmii fur 11159 board sets budgetf at 2000 reviews committees decision 1uunl fitist an li nun d hiving to turn lound utn h nn fmm i ntmd o colhnwokt mondiv more tlrifu dr vuifc wis sh w and hu dnfs ijir ll i super ibulinct nit j lint hous divi himttyn and j lion from ui i n ch imbi ty c lub and ae n ys tnvtd c f jifkins nletidi nlnf uic it john asoei ilion ind se r i iodd of the west ng i this ildc n hr ideiit nont oikville ith thur br gide lit i i actoi pi mint h ird tin vl iv inuu st 1 ii ipi i i 1 id i ifcmif r subu n c un il t 1 iv n i i ii w intl d mu p mm i ii i mil i u d 1 i atl i hid paik i i i g nl fu c k lr wih mr diicm n idiri 1h bird bt htv sn d i in n k id riffle ud dnl vv h t is i pr th brm in vim f nine h i the mi he i i d gt i 1 he ciu remcnls which against meddling li f nl nu i 1- h s vli v xiinls of t iij mr whitinm told hi pi inniiik bind mimbers 1 in trie v igiut meddling w th thi t in ik ng i it bui der conform if tht i- ii ipi i e ition to alter in f fu i thintfttiej should ie t d on in ndi iduil bisis iiibjer mr de uon remarked i t i b ird p il considenbl i i idvi it ti prepare the ion 1 i thi nnm concin t b i idt r wa ml for lh olher del ills of sn rm throughout the district in this week in the nt ws ir n bv tbrt kill ir fm p n kfmindenls t lev tell of d imaged barns and silos and hi onli two d ivs ti outlines derailment v ii mr burns wis introduced t ihe 1 n w nd kitlunng by the locil supcnnun t ri p nt dent robertnl irl ind in hi inter- i n mih eling address iutl nt d jut what it suridav i i nk place on ihe night of deeember 1 hill of 27 wnen tnin no 40 became derail i ed at aeon an miens ve investi- n d im igt ga ion wis conducted to find the i included cntse of the mishap and b what ules stnl mi ins a reoccurn nee could be lre prih- eor ven ed he also debcnbed ihe ays em used to spud w irk crews and medical aid if necessarv lo ihe scene of m accident in an amaz ingly short time at acton the was bock to normal by morning should a major disaster occur mr burns stressed the importance of one nrgini7jlion hiving full responsibility of organizing all relief hi give a bnt f picture of the part the canadnn national rail- wiys pi ivs in a major disaster such as forest fire flood landslide or der nlment elc thanhlemt work in closing mr burns lold brigade members thit although their job wis usua ly a thankless one to lake courige from the fiet that it is i w r hwhjli wi rk ind deserved to be well done following a questionniire mr jefk n wis eilled upon for a few- words he pointi d out that like railroad men br g ide members are ilso on m hour call george hargravp moved a hearty vote of thinks lo mr buinsfortak ing lime out from hu busy life to come to present such an inter esting picture of the work of the canadnn national railways and also for tht generous donation the brigade h id received a very bountiful lunch was ser ved and a social hour followed i it ii gtit have t sect appi inted mrs till v rysiurstrd con h pit m iw term ha i f dju biek i ki d h t gi anted milled ih t irk wm d in r i thir m tiv pei- 1 fer town m i ik t x li m l hs n t 1 p barbeiu an i cthtnvtl find t 1 kilbv another lot bu 1 s d h w f wa- f r u- n pope teco change dates j ael in ci unctl on tuesday march j itt ippr v rd chinj ng n munition 1i trim frirtav evening to thur lav and munic pil election day if inerssarv fn m mondu t tues i this act j dseusi council reviews size location new county administration building hahimi preipoeed new admtnis- 1 cd there arc a number of much quesin charged there wasn t fites had been asked to submit tration building hit its first mat jbetter phtces to hac this bujduif enough room for the civ 1 defence their requirements be said which tuesday when the buildings com- than on that corner because it organization in sj00 square feet t tilled 4500 square feet another milter asked cuni council for fae ot nt thing but art alley ll it would be a case ol am ther 1 000 feet bad been added on by ipal elecu ptrcentake their vo e skeith v m u tepiim rtovt cuartnj- ifir fuimnitik nu uio fur etur and estimates on a one store v tun ihe ketch plin and sec if the ham the require qu a m ol or etc building comprising wo square buildirtk will fit the spot build- space wc build ivt thing too smifl fcets to be located on the north ings emunuttee enairman r c when reese wiilum tvrell of deared depots reeve mary s east corner of the county buildings cunnmgham reeve of milton ag- burling on asked f the building pet t of milt n eerrthing wafc lively dis- reed d enough to allow for ex built in the past 10 yax ha been pansi m of countv deparmenls too small school and all block councu held i evasion on its sue and loci uon reeve william card of oakvllle cast the first stone ben he charg next sp u ihe next obstacle dcpu reeve cam sica reeve cunningham said been planned large the co had nty ot permission was granted the com- ii tee lo obtain plans and prices wis iak atir iht when a verv small f the tiictir polled ad i small ftp all n of v te ittemdtd hi mat n meeting cc unt of the sttirc h day eseimgs to changi ion dav to thursday wi h store closed on mondav elect on day was changed to tuesday pay hsltea cavmty nude its tra cmtrtharttn u the new mlllan dfartriet hmpaal a taeaday onetl asttlmrised the pajmenl f ttum ts per cent f tke taul cnnl to be nude by be checking the books during a meeting of the acton st john ambubnce brigade in the united church on friday march 13 ti area supennterujent c e jefktns from hamilton while brigade members and e p burns cnr divisional superintendent look on picluted left to right arc front row bettamaye roszell secretary mr jefk ins and n colson brigade superintendent of the oakville division bisrjc row sgt j dodds canadian westinghouse divi sion hamilton r s hart superintendent acton brigade and aar bums

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