Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1959, p. 2

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tht acton free prm thundiy march 26th 1959 former resident visits village hrtice mcphnil of vancouver bc vliltwt wllft mps simuv mill mhm e baldlc recentlly it li fifty years since he left ihese parts and noted mnny changes al bmqmt mr w h mckwaa mr end mrs nuii mcewon sandra and cirolyn attend ri the peel county hnlstcin ranqui t id brampton friday even ing sandra andcarolyn enurtaintjl the large gathering with sewthh dincinn visiting mrnnd mm sid grhnsey oeonteftwn mr md mr gordon robertson and children mr md mrs allan teeter and baby of guelpli viallcd during the- week with mr and mm george 1 robertson mr and mm david stewart visit ed on sunday with the former liter mr wm robertson who ir undergoing trenimenl at guelph hospltnl sympathy is extended to mr byron bract in the pawing f her gnndmoiher mr ellen mclnugh im on snturdnv mr and mrr cordon altken john and sherlock visited on sun- da with rev and mrs hush moorehousc and dn tighter ind rev a o w fort man at woodstock mr and mrs d g robertson and brian spent snndny with mr and mis rog cm tu and family in stratford mrs mnekwinrmd n visitors hrvlnc the wiek mr nnd mrs alf winter oustie mr nnd mrs wil fred awrtv mr and mrs fied baplic mr nnd mrs george d robertson and miss wuma klooster easter message to be repeated sunday sunrise services cantatas planned fjimcr sunday morning time of b stolen of will pi mewl vital impnrtni christian year will fhrd the joy ous message of christ resume ion echoed in every church in ac ton wuifc praytr scripture read ine and addresses will nil recall th rwy f lh first firter ns the art ri asserted in setljnjw white tlllex and spring flowers the services will b pteceilwl by others undlnf up to tht sinning of th rnjnlllar hnllelulahs onnd friday services nnd sunrise sn- vieea are planned the writs of most will recelv ed addresses by dr croaslt y hunter sponsored by the minlslir lal association concludes tonight acton unittd church has bun rilled with worshlppis feh ev ening this week palms blessed on palrn sunday nt the church of sj alban the mnrtyr the ctli brotlon of the holy fucharlsl it 1110 nnd 11 am was preceded bv the blessing of pnlms lanie cm g rogations attended the first sir vices of holy week on monday the celtbralion of holy eucharist nt 10 a m was fol lowed by evensong nt 8 pm and similar services wen held tuesday on wednesday the celotyatlon of holy euclinrlst wns at 7 nm wilh evensong at 8 p m today is maundy thursday and nt 8 pm there will be celebration of the holy fuchnnsl to coincidi with 1he institution of the blesstd sacrament altar stripped after this the altar which had rjeen in violet will be ttnpied of its hangings on good friday at 10 am the choir nnd the rector the rev h ml itu siy on fiisim mmidiiv linn will in uiiibmuuuiif hnly eiilliaxlil photo by haiet mack whopper of an easier bunny is honey bunny he hasn t got 4 pedigree but he has two constant pals in peter monk house and his three yearold brother tommy the rabbit is too large and strong for tommy to hold yet peter attends a fade seven in rock wood school parents are mr and mrs s monkhouse of r r 2 guelph review tweedsmuir history at dublin womens meeting mrs rharlc thomson seventh line nassagauon vas hostess fur tin mtt ne uf dublin w imcn s institute last thtimdas evening in spilt uf riifld ctiditiunt then a a cuod jiti ndanct of membeis in i hi ahiencr iff mrs m nellis th prcidrm mrs hirace bhih wa scripture mrs frnnk onkes is chin i director holy fuchnrlkt will hi rilibmt cd in holy siilttiilny at 10 am tin ullnr will uijliihwtd in wliiti n mstii tund i villi flow is it coi it ni tin ihuuli mil jill ii hiily ruihnlim i ule brttwl nt mo am and thoial hu churls nt ii nm hn mining faster mi is it will imliiitt nullum bv tht jiinui ih hi us wrfis ilu senior thou tin 1 1 will in ii seivici of l p lism sioidiy nflirnoon easter theme for auxiliary mis geoige young chimb si was hostess to tin alut evimng auxihmy uf knox chuuh on wnl iiesriny ivming of last wnik mis jimis inlis proei mi i n- mini pi i sided foi tlu worship penod intlndmr two fnvmite ens ur hymns and scriptun tiiuling on thi fistn story ind by mrs robot t adims who nlso lid in tin pinvn mrs george mnssilli ci ntnbnt ld an intiisting rending on thi ftstivnl of fastei from tin tlad tidings cmhnsimc tin old trad itions of thi eistlr itk md hit cross buns tht approprmtq uicmc chijst the centre of easter wns present ed by mrs jnmis inglis the n ctption nnd dcdicalmn t the of feiing concludid this worship s 1 vict will visit manor the business wns conducted by mrs g young the president many turning ivtnts woil iiran ed for the annual visil o hilton mnnor wns decided for taily in april with mrs george young md mrs frtd anderson thi program commillii and mrs j 1 divid son and mis firl mirshill in charge of lunch nrnngements mrs h l btnnie wns appointed ns n delegate to the sjnodicnl in peterborough n presenting acton nnd guelph prtsbyurnl mrs k dodds nccipttd the t isk of riciiving ihc food products lib els t pi jjtcl of tht kn ix lidus aid rally al fden mills an invittln n was rcc ived 1 1 iht spnok uilk of cuilph ires bylunl t i bi hi id m fdm mills date in may ttnrs tat the lyfec servtcfe fpr easter luii iy the thnrtkoffcnng of the afternoon service in i grmp thiirsdij int wis chs for the httc ont the innual tihnt ind mige sdi ulct on wis dieussid the mciling wns concluded bv ill repritmg the mi7pah benidict ion the loop m clme pro idt d rofrishmtnts thi tuditioml hot cioss buns with jim miimiladc ind cheisi ciffn ind in riry oik mjojed this period of social fellowship miss i itu wiles ex prisstd ih inks i jhi ci mmittie nnd hostess for tin delightful ev cninr spmt nt 10 nm ritrkwiio htrvlem itu niliir nlso liss servin s n itukwoml during the i nstei set t istn is n dsiy f obtluiillini r i ill imfnnnd anhluniih hollnwimi ilu niiir niiflu i nm i m tiim on pnlm mundin snunmrm nls will ih iiuide in sun pnrlsliiunors in tlu pirlih hull ii fnstr snndny if ii ktudent pastor nmlng s wniiilhti i ii sludmt nl nlvin llim ij oiniul rnpuhomiihifl in w ii in i fnh nl hu fimti r wr vic nt ilu l luislliin itifiiiniicl thuicb mi woudnlil whii pm i nts llv in t iimto h is inkm nt tin tls dur mi his hulidnys on oihid fndii thi re will ho t snvic it ii pm in ilu uutir iiniuim fistn snndny tlu morning sir vict il 110 tip will li in fnc hsh with tht 2 pm srut ii ilnuh i mi th chmi will piestnl spun fisttr music baptist cmuto special music will bt fenlund at act n baptist church wilh itu guidon holmes basing his sir mons on the easier- message on sunday morning at 11 nm tht junior ihnir undei the dinct ton of miss hiltn ijindsborough will sing up from the grive m arosi in the evening the chotr v ill present a enntata directed by mis- landsborough with her filher chirles landsborough at the urn an the cantata wil comprise nl most the whole service with sol os duets nnd trios sung by miss jessie coles mrs gordon holi mrs john chnumin nnd mrs i m bnillic sunrise prayer service a sunnsi prnyer service will be held nt 7 a m on easter morning at aelon pentecostal church mtn bers of the congregation will hi the scriptures nnd wilj join praver i i the pastor the uv kmnilh reih will dilivir messages on the fistir llnme at tlu 11 im md 711 pm servicts mis hnviy norton is orgtnist ind will accompany mrs g bow in ind mrs k reid in a duel ampaign megfnv thin will bo on open session in tin sunday school on hastci whin tin imsmm t f hit duy will b kivin l i on ounnslcrs therfr will be locilutions nnd songs with i kills ilmnis led by mrs percy baiki i t ikink pir 3his sunday w too tho tmgtn- ninj of i liyilty cnmpugu in ihc stindnv school the cimpnfrn btsed on attendance ind ihc bunging in if new satjolar will run fur seven weeks ms k rt id is ihc superintendent v anuta at krinx knox presbyternn church sen ior chur will prtsinl an eastir cintnti siindiy tvening the sor vice if song will mm pi isi must r the serue wilh a short wor ship pciud led by the minister the rev andrew mckcnzie tkins solo iparts will be mrs j pnvldm nnritmff ktlloh arwt iii iii mllklllll ii will i pun j i tll mid lulls fill himmi will mil till llioll llll i lllf iii iir al tin- ii ii mi divid mi m- i kinrli srwtiihi toflr wilt lit chi linli1 iiftumiiiillvi lluii ilif nli i imiii mih rtiil ilu hliuliiv hi h l nw mi l i tilii toil nimity rill kikki mm kill- ind hu wo ii il iliuiih mil will conduit on mistn mini i tnvlti nt h n in in km irrslyleilui hui hi irr hutilny nioriiliig llrmkrusl will u iunl i ilu lllrh all i klemn kervkf hurt will bi o rohmn good friday tiwi nl tin itnmici lllll ill iii hi ii hi i pwwhlll h ullltltlr 111 si j llll will h i slllljl i i with ihi iiiuiiiik f the dosin i hi rr mill bi suit ilih hymns nnd pmyiir us tht iiikiignliiiii will irvrhilly tnki pill in n lypi of inntuln jn hnslir snndny thtn will in ii u nd i h rt will be sprrinl in ftmelv missnge from hi v gold n aitnnis nt ilu ii it am stivui al 10 oilotk whin lh snndny school mitts ihirt will be n spi ciiil serviet of dedication of ihi chqirs nnd fuinitun rivi in mi m ii i of ilu inlt mrs frid ji hnstnn tlu hildrtn of thi sunday si ho il will taki part services every day thi iiighsuit holy week then nre special missis nt st josephs ihunli eith day palms wtit bkssid nnd dislnb ultd o miny panshioniis fnsi snndny nt two wll atttndid sir vices fithu r miedoiinll sj of lisnilius colli j guilph orrit i hid nl tht 9 n m serviti ind rtv v j morgm offici lied nl the second sirviot nt 1030 nm c r re monies rev fnthu macdtiuril s i will bo the etlebrnnl nl the high miss nl ii pm on holy thursday inr 1st nt tht liturgy on good fruhy nflirnoon and stations n ihi cross in the evening nt 111 he will issist nt the holy sit urdiy ceremonies which begin at 10 4 ii m tluse ceremoniis con sist of striking of the fires bless mg of the pischal c indk blessing of the faster witi r blessing o the biplismil wittr ur solemi biptisms singing of the i limy of ilu snnls f ii wed by vijil high ri v filher mncdotirnll cihbmle tht iow mnss on easter sund ij i 9 im while fr morgan will ctlehrite the high m 1010 im fr macdougill will pruch al bolh masses good friday ctremonus at three oelt ek i sirmm will b prtnehed on th 1isi m ttic blessed sacrament will be reserved in a repository on the rlessed virgins altar from the holy thursday evening miss until time of holy communion on good fi id iy vigil goard there will be n vigil gunrd of holy name men nfler mnss thursday u holy thursdny thtre will also be n vig il guard of parishioners good fri day morning until ihc thru ii clock ceremonies the children s choir will sing nt the high mnss on fistor sundiy whin the nltnr will bi decornbd with flowers in season during thi solemnity of passion wetk int holy week tht iltnrs were strip ped of vigil lamps and flowers statues were drnped in purple sig nifying the season of pcnincc e l buchner ro optometrist and hearing aid consultant acousticon 48 mill st e acton ont wednesdays only office hours 1 30 6 00 p m evenings by appoinlment house caus by appointment telephone 115 see us for your best your old tires are rlh up well give you ihc best allow tnee in town for your worn tires when you trade ihcm in on new jbood years we ve got a complete line of cibodyear tires in every price range so when you re in the market for a real lire bargain see us for new goodyear tires goopyear thompson motors acton limited 45 main st n at bower phono 69 in ihi ihj aftti ihi ipniru exircisis mrs clark arnfir nit thi seen lai cjllid iht r 11 whuh u res pnd id i an htthising incid mil rvcallrd from ch h 1 das t itisp was diali w th nnd think tu nm rljd fi m bsmauut ts ftivai tt n hollar w vo ed t be sent in the interest if ihi muical fes lual a request had bun nude fot s quilt u lx- ri in mrs chirles thomson gave a atisfaetorj report of jlc euchri hfld nis 8 serial rermlk plan wire made f r thi i ochn and penm jmii ti be hild at lux i m hall m acti n in apr 1 mrs henrv k iu favra repor meet nt hill n m it n tor robertson who also conducted i htnrtv sine song in the absence of mrs norman elliott mrs p kenneth prrpircd a correct table setting as displayed nl summnrv day at stevarttoun recintlj concluding the third meal course and on which there had en in much commendation mrs lmdsav ferguson v as courtesy convener final results of the point contest for the year were tabulated and numbers on the gn up of mrs ale near were the luseri and will entertain the in ners al a dinner meeting at thi humr of mrs d mcpherson m april the hostess mrs thomson as siated by mrs j mrt arnn mrs h kellj mrs b rennick miss sandra blvth and m ss joyce thomaod serxed a dam lunch ii the ladies and scleral husbands nttv thr tftrrdsmuir h str nk mrs p kennedr ho l lrnded lh hir displaed the teedsmui- b v which as gtrsttv tttmired bv e el one it contains m n p cture if homes and iwou n tht nc ghbir hood and mam interesting items of historical intere mrs ken neds efnphasugpd that it is a com nunity project and requested e- farm bridal pictures aril anv cms of interest to bv added grants radiator shop specialists in all tms of kadiato sehvict repairs recoring boiling tiucks ttactots cams cai htatehs at lightmans department store acton mens car coats completi 1 we itherproof fulh lined td n btigi grcv ir m is 46 r smirth 399 mens dress pants lirjnd mleitim l eits u nrsieds ind fli ivir pint red tin d fi i thi sile fr m 688 mens suits f sit i p tijii m nufictvir rs rlcinnr re ls9q 36 44 s89 9s 3988 mens sport shirts latf ii check ind r- vmrth s- s m l r led 388 ladies car coats smirtly styled wilh toggle button front com 4 ft aa pletelv i ned and waterproof red iqua white jlj w 12 to 40 re f y ladies blouses w ishible poplin ptarl buttons short sleeve white mvv rrd ir sinned 12 t 30 reg si s 129 girls dresses drip md dry fabr c ni rds lit t i n ir n nc i f lit t i lvlt s reg 2 98 3 to 6x 1 99 reg 3 98 8 to 12 299 girls and boys spring coats r nt porch f i iiliip r iv n w nd t ladies all weather coats th di il coat for spring otiulandine shideiul ltd in it or spl tsh pjltern eaier tc ji from f ii spir il tnift 795 1995 boys windbreakers w ihil ti t l 1 ji l fr nt c mp 1 v it rr w lh tti it t hi itid i ii tt r reg 3 95 3 to 6x y 1 99 reg 4 95 8 to 16 299 nylons li st spnng hiiti ft 1 l ei m c iirf denier budget special 66c pair seamiest mesh 1 00 pair ladies nylon slips hidnw panel lice rimmed no nd ng v i ur girls raincoats i run i ir i i 14 jz70 ladies a above 398 bobby socks 100 32to40reg 298 42 to 50 reg 3 98 199 2 49 childrens running shoes 99 ovj r plj d ti ix r id iu m i iv tt n uxfu d alij ii 12 jad 1 aid 2 h at 11 boys car coats z ppe frn patch pockets di ju tp rtes off naw b beitr ft if 348 ton lon sweaters th- hixur orl n inerloek oshr vc ie pullovers 4 95 cardigans c 5 9s flannelette sheets slicptnj beau v sir et lh ii i 1 pitd edgn di ib c b d 7e l s v rt g 6 so p ii 499 alua bctue mcorefor took ctmarce at a short program con suttng ot a so by mrs george quick efficient service ftm rscvvp and dlivfy hunt t5 aden cottact as2 outwn st i actan ont boys briefs and tops wii r hoed r i ot n ln einforced cuffs s ics 6 16 reg 49c 39c 3100 rubber boots cotton prints broadcloth oysito5 299 mill elearanee of sic d qiiallt spring special ivr 100 mens 6 to 12 399 pair

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