Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1959, p. 1

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ht tm jm ft eightyfourth yaarno acton ontario thursday april 16th 1959 fourteen pagesseven cents sun phoio amo mason of acton was honored during the acton chamber of commerce dinner in statbans parish halt last night wednesday and was presented with a plaque inscribed acton chamber of commerce honor amos mason 1958 59 citizen of the year pictured chamber president husctsl 2ulu4 i amos mason citizen of the year chamber honors young acton skater special honor was paid to the citizen of the year amo mason and youni skating star elizabeth force when the chamber of com merce held its community dinner staring chamber of commerce week in albans parish hall wednesday hujhtlfnl of the even ing wu in address by ira needles on industrial promotion turkey dinner was served to 110 by the ladles of sl albans guild the hall was filled as members wives and friends including several from outoftown enthusiastically applauded the three guests of honor during the program oeulnes rejects george barbeau as chairman welcomed the large group to the community dinner he asked for volunteers 1o assist the police in checking bicycles on safety day being held b the chamber on saturday may 9 he also mention rd that an industrial display was being considered for the full fntr when samples of products made in town would be shown viccpreskknt ted tler sr in troduccd the head tabic guests directors and committee chairmen rising as their nnmes were called were mrs ted force steve jones manager of the kitchtner chamber of commerce mayor walter cook mr and mrs bill mcka bert woods ted tvler jr jnhnnv goy ben rachl n mr and mn jack mcgeachic mr and mrs jack holme oreille chipman frank terry aldo brnida mr and mrs bui benson frank prouse henrj devcau mr and mrs norman bra ida jim ledger mr and mrs walter woodburn work for betterment pointing out it was chimbcr ot commerce week across omda mavor walter cook said it is gratfting u councjl to hae such an active organisation of men from all walks of 1 fe who dedicate them selves to w rk for the betterment of the communis they realise sa ing for thi ratepiver he noted al rr mr barbeau paid tribute to the tremendous job done b jack holmes us chairman ot the membership committee the new chairman orville chapman pro posed the names sif new members wllluun wjson who has been in acton nine vears is chief clectri clan at the ontario steel plant in milton gordon rolston a shipper at h k porter s started the acton box manufacturing company frank toth who has a shoe repair busi ness has been in acton 26 years omer parker of ever ton is mana gcr of the abbotolr st the re form a lory garnet miles is in charge of the csrlon pipe division at beard mores and has been in town six leader years there was lengthy applause after amos mason was introduced as the citizen of the year mr barbeau reviewed mr ma sons accomplishments stating this year we chamber of com merce in choosing its citiicn of the year found little difficulty in mak ing a suitable choice for forty year mr amos mason has been a civic and community leader in acton hi rccordf service covers almost every organization and his leadership has been directed toward er worthwhile community enter prise it w i in 1920 that mr miison loved hire wish some second hand machines to open the mason knit ting company in whit wn then the old municipal power house he had betn educated in acton la ter moving to alton shortly after his return to town he began bis ex tensive communitv service work that now oppeirs as a record of achievement ind icidrrship b 1922 he was leading the ac ton citizens bind then working on the public school board and liter on the municipal council he served in the capacity of councillor then reevi wardin of halton count and aeons first maor during his 14 year connection w th the muncipal council of acton v board president mr mason served on th first board f the acton ymca ind later at president of that board he led the eh ir of the acton united church was president of th act n board ot trade h ex pinded h s business 1 i new ind largir ficilitics and ored as ehiir man of the sw miming pool com during the war tears his service continued as he headed the acton and communitv war service league from 1w0uh5 led the orchestra during the fund raising minstrel show served a hal on chairman of the cinadiun rid cross tn this red cross work he was gruitly assisted by his wife who contributed many hours with the women of acton in the prepara tion of articles of clothing for use the wdr areas mr mason his also gre illy as sis tod him in his municlpil wik and as genial hostess mr m isuii erved as charter president for the rotary club of acton still ton tinutng as a member of that group the municipal council saw fit to njmi a strut ufter the community leader and ihus the name will ba continued on fur many years such continued on page three hike town tax rate six mills all time high budget 480092 acton council tuesday evening accepted the recommendation ul l ik finance committee and estab lished the ibm tux rate at 68 mills fir nsldcntliil and 72 mills commercial as compared with last yiars rate of a3 and 66 tin 1019 budget carries forward a ill licit on 1918 operations of 91ih3 31 tht town this year will raise jh350j3 un direct taxation as compared with last year s 28fl081b7 councillors resign much tu the dismay of council they itaineel that two colleagues j t hurst chuirmun of the fin mice committee and f walls chairman of the ffre and police commute undcied their resignat ions to take effect immediately i further mlar mat kin on lhce res ignations nppeun elsewhere on this page befnrt presenting the finance immlltee s final budget chairman hurst renewed rt views and dls committee and a special- meeting f council at which members of other elected boards in town had been asked to carefully review their estimated budgets and pare if possible some reduce hurst noted thut 13 000 had deleted from the original budget submitted by the roadl iltce si 126 50 from the fire departments budget 500 from planning board and the public sch ml ii mrd hud submitted a re vised budget showing a decrease amounting to 2 000 hi finance chairman expressed thunkg to clerk j mcgeachlc foi his untiring hours spent in as sisting hi committee to arrive at i rum i budget he also com men d- d mayor cook and other m em it rs of his committee for their as- tax breakdown the 1959 tax breakdown was presented by the finance chairman ji follows public school 18 38 high school 748 mills county rate 6 01 mills and gener al rate 41 16 mills bringing tha trip to toronto with grade eight students of the m z bennett school was the topic of an essay written by andrew smith son of mr and mrs ron smith his composition was judged ihe best of the class and appears m the free press this week irtbtsmja ft itijt wrtiimifaiimri strike 1959 mill rate list budget figures receipts other revenues 1k1 actaal 1 badge town hall rt n lrrn 35000 h taxjtion 1 128 951 87 3603053 fines 20 1 j9 300040 l local improvement m44 546 44 fcervtre charge supplementary assessment 4jo000 3 3323 350000 legion taxc iren croc sdew i k 4hh 12 431 73 43173 r debesttar debt kerovitable mca 162 00 1313 00 r ceorgetow n 6 7m 10 7 04r4s fter reatlan and command m lion 443 sb 4 434 69 arm 442 11 900 00 r fqucstfig 4 3i m 4 029 42 an bulititi 1 ho 100000 1 179 73 1j9154 t61037 4000 00 mtsrellaaeoas hem u s 626 00 61 4 00 smd seono k fijtlou ibjsobl 200 00 scwe- bent com 75 33009 75 pro of ti e 1 15040 gnats and sabsatlea relief 111383 1200 01 h etc fire and pol let 298 43 32175 pub c schxi 0e v highways mhr69 e 430 00 pe capita ore ev 1 650 on hurt school unoy lcv county of hal on urtaam 4 535 57 ctut ukkrlcsi 5111 v k licenses dog tax 49000 2uoj0 500 00 100000 per cap ta grant i1b76j0 tax penalties 957 73 100000 ifc unconditional grants llfltm jtsmr piiaa tn eommorclal and industriiil mill ute liniiicflinle r v i w if the w rate to an even 73 nulls by upply er tonti itt h ilnik by tin auditor ing an unconditional grant to this n1 nil huilku fifiii es mtti yenr mill rat it reduees the n suli nti il passing i f n by law to ilcelare llu mill tale tu 88 piik u ei mn unity etnln u comp reeonmendallanb ut h o nil i niritton op also included in the rtport totn iiinti full unriirs n study by the finance cotnmlttie wen igl t counill of llu ouihte ditnutiire reeommendotions for t until s diht p dure ik tore incurring uny further review which in ludiri it ftntlur e ijul il i xih ndiutn pre revision of the wuter rule it hid puvu ml of luxes und that tht auiiaetaixt utj front page editorial in the dark again so the public and press were excluded from the detailed budget discussions of acton council on thursday night we have editorial objected lo this type of treatment on other occasions this year bui there was apparently not sufficient public concern lo discourage a contmualion of the practice on tuesday the budget was presented as an accomplish ed fad the discussions had been held in camera an are not allowed i he informal ion that would allow them to appraise the wisdom of individual items it is unfortunate that the council has so little apparent respect for those who elect them barring the press oulo mattcelly bars the public if citizens have the same reticence in paying their taxes as council has in keeping them inform ed returns may be disappointing this year finance cuttimittnf rtmnin as n standing commit it e fur tho bnl i nco of the year ta high mr hurst iilso advised council that the debenture debt which had climbed to one and a half million i dollars represented 294 of the total assessment value and noted thut the figure was dangerously high remarking i believe this is what is wn ng with our finances payment of interest is what is killing the town of aoton stated the finance chairman he also ad vised council to have the financial picture of tht town ut their fin li rtips at nil times by having the finance c immittec advise them throughout the yeur commends chairman councillor it i knchlin con krahilulrd tin fin inc chairman for his txcillenl rtjtort und told his colleagut i have ntvtr been privileged to hear such a fine fin- firemen forward resolution asking better school storage sunday afternoon acton fine department were hosl to tht monthly meeting of the hulti n cbunly mutual aid rire sirviti association visitors ineludid chief 1 eon miller of guelph and f schneider d hilts and j pe irt of hock wood rirc deportment business included final preptir ations on the new assignment utid running card for mutual aid a report of the fire prevention bur au activities was given forward rmlauan the lack nf storage space for flummable materials etc in the do- sign and construction of the new- schools was discussed wilh a olution being forwarded to the ontario fire chiefs association chkf miller spoke with nftr ence to membership and atttnd ancc at the conference of the ont ano fire chief aociati n t nd the fire chiefs course at t r nm later this m inlh he also idvivd that lhiscar annuil convtntion rf the firemen a association of ontario was being held in mount purest and wellington county ind that attention should be given to lulih t lh lit irtintnl sh w t triiinitig udi givi iiinj interest on 1 noon grass fire spreads rapidly sparks presumably from the town dump e msed a spreading griss fire at noon today and had acton fire fighters hpruymg wu ter und butting fl imes with brooms in trdtr to vtrcnmc the hluzc dry grass n thi c rv r right if w iy diid in pi iiiirly faring on the third line roitd wax ignited pres uioibly fn rn sparks from the dump wht n g irbiige wus burning spreading toward thi united suburban g is n rlny statton near ihe sitt the flam is were checked before any strious dumugc c uld result anct rtport thin la not the first time iht auditor has brought tho debenture debt in peoples attent ion but it is ihe first time it hat been brought lo the attention of council this is the end of crazy upending for the town of acton mayor conk also congratulated mr hurst for his excellent report which he stated has made council history asks variance seslo perini builder in 1-nkc- vlew subdivision was present when a letter from an engineer en gaged to survey lots in ihe subdlv ision reminded council of un error which c uuiied the builder to erect a few homes which did not c imply with the zoning by law it was pxnlmnc i tht letter that at the time the first survey wus taken in ihe subdivision to draft rough sketch plans wooden stakes had been driven into the ground and nt a later date when a more complete survey was fin isjmdrshmtlstnkra find hrnn plnrnrl to mark the proper location for he proposed homes the surveyor ulso ex plumed in his h iter hat al he tinu mr per ini had started work in the area to construct new homes weather conditions mutlt it difficult to loc ate the steel stakes and the builder hud taken measurement from tho wotxtenpegs in pointing out the ciror the urvtyur stated the unintentional mistake by mr ptrini und asked council consideration for a var iance on the i its uffeelid us ihe foundation nnd u lurge portion of ihe homes weic j i ready construct ed builders responsibility miyor c ok advised mr perini thai as u builder it was his res- i continued on page two jilxjze- yramwmjji uitliw jhl imn i bh council closes door to public during special budget review ael i coi icil thursday even- that the building committee withdrawn in favor of a vcrbnl ek drew the curtains chairman hdd requested council s motion to adjourn on ii sjxciil budgtt nutting for the public ind press it stirti 1 with an i bjecti n by diputy reevt j m gntr t in open nutting as he nli red then left thi council diinly heivt unt 1 chamber i of his committees budget dtid rd the vith his returns good w woodburn of the acton botary club this week reported thai returns from the easter seal campaign were very favorable with 7m in receipt accounted for to date mr woodburn noted farther that anyone wishing to assist the easier seal campaign may mall or drop any donation into the bank of nova scotia h ind uill i n the d r kn b ex thirntd oh the press ire htrt thin i am lenv ng and departed from thi town hill miyir w h c k as surprised nnd trucked as were tht a porters inquired whit the outburst was all about and then liking his seat bihind ihe council uible called the meeting to order he onn lunced he hd called the special meeting to would confute pa bile review jnd divuss ihe budget for councillor b d rachlin an an estimiled mill rite nounced he would go along with enquired if all the tn motion but first wished lo state councillors mclcod and lowe were quick lo withdraw their mot ion and when a vote was taken on verbal motion to adjourn coun cillors frank watts and ham peal voiced their objection to the motion and voted in the negative councillor hurst neither voted i the affirmative or the negative for the verbal motion but accord ing ui the council s procedural by- refusal to vote is taken as closed meeting councillor w j mclcod arnv ing late remarked i thought this wji i closed meeting to discuss ihe budget n t set the mil the mayor explained the mill rate would not be set until the regular council meeting the next tuesday at this point counclll rs mc leod ind h lowe sponsored a motion which moved that council the affirmative stand close the meeting to press repres at to the meeting one entatives at this time since the rcporw approaching the council meeting presumably is a formal chambers for the meeting observ- mccting for committee budget ad j councillor mcleod and reeve easons he said i take it this chairman and c luncillor j t hurst chairmar f the finance 1 committee inf rmed the mayor committee chairmen had submit led thir budgets lo the finance w be a meeting when all com mittees will rehash their budgets reports of another tentative mill rate would only tend to con fuse the public and would serve no useful end reeve j h goy told council he would rather not see the press barred but instead suggested that council adjourn ind if they then wanted to sit around and talk it was perfectly al right milton man hospitalized following car accident roy downs milton was hospit later that a brake test on the new alued last night wednesday fol ell car would be made he said lowing a two car collision at the estimated damage amounted to ov intersection of no ss highway and f sen to the three- ve in- ttw situati either no is side road at speystde with volved j- motion as severe head lacerations abrasions i cuts and bruises coy chatting with deputy reeve greer outside gpcetat meeting called when mr greer had made his colorful entrance and exit reeve goy enquired how the cards ad vising of the meeting had read hi was informed by the mayor he had called a special meeting of coun cil to discuss the budget both press reporters were notif ied of the special meeting by tho town clerk and were under the im pression it was to finalize the budget when reporters left the town hall they observed the departed deputy ree in hta car etwuj the block around the town hall the mayor told his colleagues i where the group had resumed it there were two wayi to deal with is understood council remained in- forrnmlrr until ajn friday motn- presented or have tmrjfi it b downs news editor for the canadian champion in milton was proceeding sopth to his home loan on an assignment for his paper when he was in collision with a cir dnen by kenneth newell r r 3 milton as it entered the high- wav from the sideroad ehlcles locked when the downs car tra tiling ti uth on 25 highway collided wjh the jrill vehicle proceeding west on 15 sidcroad the two cars apparently locked tugcther zig ragg off the e rave lied portion of the speyside store and service station narrow iy missing the gas pumps thi hew it car comidcd with a parked ruck m the area iwned bv harry hirtnbercet of spevide witnsses to the accident in the t n at the lime called police a 1 ir and ambulance and attemp ted to assist mr downs who was pinficd beneath the undercarriage jf his car driver ftsmed before he could be removed a tow truck was rushed to the scene lo lift the car off the injured man constable dave hardy of the north halton ojp detachment investigated the accident he re ported the driver of the newell car claimed his brakes had failed the investigating officer noted hosmtauzh following an acodenr lest nght omadmsday boy downs mubon morivsjd miunes as his car travelling south on number 25 hig wat in cdfltoon wans afsoatsaf vehicle dnve by kenneth newel of rr3 milton the ntwall car was tr wast on number 1 5 sideroed af speys shown m tha psctura is the downs car

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