Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1959, p. 10

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y haarf imri ft- on painless extraction governments liko good dentists have become highly skilled in the art of painless extraction these past few years true they top short as yet at taking our eye teeth away from us our money suffices for the while out in this otherwise sweet month of apvil we ere mode aware as in no other of the awful magnitude of the personal tribute we have paid to ottawa this past year those figures on the t4 slip record ing the aggregate sum of the deductions made from our every pay cheque speak with an eloquence all their own we marvel along with everybody else nt the effortless simplicity with which it has nil been done thanks to the unfolttng co operation of the thousands of employers who serve so nobly as ottawa s tax cotlec tors yes its a wonderful system and yet ungratefully perhaps we find ourselves wondering how different ihings might be if h hadnt been made quite so easy for governments to collect what if h was illegal for government to deduct at source whal if every citizen was again obliged to mail an annual cheque to ottawa for the whole amounl what a thought that is with taxes what they are but heres another one would they be what they are if that was the way it was done- or might the demands made on ol tawa then be a whole lot less than now we wonder tiboul thnt we usl won der on the job one can only marvel at the recuperative powers of some of our world statesmen like prime minister dlefenbaker in canada and president eisenhower and secretary of state dulles in ihe united states mr diefenbaker completes an exhaust ing day wilh seeming indefatigable strength and energy observers were amazed al the way he bounced back from his tiring world tour thai carried him to the far corners of -x-shom- weeks president eisenhower has shown the same resilient capacity to recover from re cent heart and brain ailments after maor surgery john foster dulles may be laid low with cancer this lime but he has continued behind the desk for the last couple of years following grave illnesses that would have retired lesser men of his age there are other examples like former prime minister churchill a picture of health despite his over 80 years as world leaders their jobs are highly demanding and more exacting lhan even the busiest executives they are constantly in the public eye and therefore subject to abuse and criticism for errors and miscalcu lations no wonder their bodies sometimes give out and rebel at this form ol daily punishment we in the democracies can be thankful they have the will and detfrmino tion not to stay down for long the globe licombe alhorta operation friendship a patient who has been discharged from a menta hospital was asked what was it hat dd most to help you recover and the eioanent i answer was friendship the 1 edship of the doctors and nurses and sacio woer end attendants the friend up c me volunteers who came to visit nz crt vitt- m each week the friend tr a eihs and acquaintances who it i tij i i as not alone t n iced a powerful medi if mpe a thousands ol mental rv ri w dc no have it who are in wd o t dunoo mental health week ap 6th ic may 2nd the people of ontario will have an opportunity to visit the patients this province s mental hospitals and to prove to them that ihe rest of the world does care these visits are being arranged by the canadian menial health association as part cf the nation wide pilgrimage called opfratlon frifndship n which the ef fort will be made lo bring to the nation s mental hospitals as visitors 70 000 people as many visitors as there are patients in we mental hospitals in this province s mental hospitals there are over 20 000 mental patients end 20 000 visitors should be a goal for the people of this province there is a new look emerging in llio care and treatment of the mentally ill ll confirms the ihe me w th yrur help the mentally iii can come back mnganne art icles and scientific papers found everywhere today are giving evidence of the healing power of friendship where mental illness is concerned the value of volunteer visiting tioned althouqh we need to develop further and the white cross club are no longet que skills in the wise use of friendly visiting and association the therapeulic value of warm interest and concern on the pari of the general public is now widely recognized skirmish on ahead will roger once suggested that if you wanl a child to follow a particular line ust skirmish on ahead yourself the wry com ment is more thin advice to parents for it gets nqht to the rool cause of delinquency and crime too many parents rich and poor alike tike ihe line of least resislance rather lllan the hvder line of practising and preach ing responsibilily tin diffiunl results from this difference in mhludes m shown graphically in a sludy hy two bi itish sociologists a mi michael carter and a miss peirl jephcott li is report ed in an arlicle by h s furn in the toronto globe vi aanl ihe method of carter and jephcoti siys tht v tit if his been to examine in miiuile detail by living with the people studitd two streets in a small industrial city in ihe centre of fnyhnd in one of those slrt eii wii i h they c ill dike street they found i hiqh level of delmcuienrv and c me in tin other vtnrh ihev cill gladstone street the i n net a low level on pki streel there was money enough hul no f wulv life few ol the housewives knew oi cued much alioiit cook ng homes liad tit ilht i f xed p ii s oi limes lor edling school ltienriin e wos regular and child ren weie iwi ndulqd one grl of 14 h id an evpens vi pomiianen to hei hj hul o v a simile par of mhbet boots toi he feet the niiiresk ef pa ens del not extend he yond sex hi nk ng and gambling brief comment please pass ihe prase tnprp s no praise to lifi ihe heart m p i k iders of the load te br nq o it a gloomy d iy o chv ge f owi s of y imiles of hpp ness pau spv- the acton free press pabtwmd by th pbta printing uti pummunt r ijulr4 rounded m ib ind puhludnd ti y thudi nt m i s f acton ontjr o mmilm i li and bun ju d tirnl it oris th un and tni o it in qu b ii xittn or tht c u n 4 adyfrt imt nti m rrqms st st puiitu pu ilm in advjmr s3 0 in anada mt in tr i ti td slatr x month ii i mr n a i luu td nscrtmrtuis mill pl offict im- mi 1 of i i tw miy pr w pobllahcd 4n kcun g a dill fdttm r ii lt mini 1chmt business and editorial office phone 400 acton silent interlude sucr and sfkice a wnmnn recently wrote the cd iloi if lu rnwmimillt sfilcsm in iiskinj him why in tin win id his pipu i ii i ud tlii sui n unci spin r liunn by this smiuy llnw shi liiniirl shi had nivu yil found nullum inlt listing in inmiinj in ll uhjiilirl id lh cillous vmy hi s f his fimily inri siirgislid ih it lu w is mitth in unrih nsirnt s it f pus n h nftimd t ii 1 iisn nlliiis i f imilj i f she ldddl 111 il shi h id i il hildiin 1 h i n s km u sunn iliini jbuiil smh ii s insiiil ii lerm to me ihnt ihe jnys of f irnih lif up eie illy mir nted ind ill i tiy 1 di mninlnin iimi snt of inline animils kn v ho l di il yyith finniliis ilm hivt hum iftin ii icli tin m 1 i it ind kl alnnk in tin m i id llun luin them mil u find for hums kcs th il of mtiirir is murh too s mik fin brilliint rrniniijinmihis hum ins wi miikc in ulmifjhty filish mil of mnninm and n ur iiinl hystniimh out of moducinfi i child thin in ihi nimc of f imil nspunsibilitus we upend gladstone street resembled dike street only in lhal the people had closety similar obs and educational backgrounds here the women knew about cooking and sewing the men about gardening and house repairs some parents were church goers the people had radios and television belonged to clubs and irade unions took an interest m politics income was often less than on dike slreei because women stayed home to lock after their children rathei lhan rake an outside ob carter and jephcott concludes the newspaper article show ihn crime is linked with irresponsibility li does not arise im mediately from poverly or bad economic conditions oflen it is connected wilh good waqes and plenty of money crime qrows where people cease to have any stuuiink aboui anythmq the gladstone streets of ih s world hive less delinquency than ihe dike sreets no because they have betle housing or better incomes but because tney have parent w th a sense of petsoi al respons b i v sk rm sh ing on ahead 1h lnrt is ilialutdy nthi i ihe nocl nnd ihe best twenty rtfusi i ncit m nsponsiliiht m iis f oiii lii s tiyint to hnlrh hi 1 ilmi mfusi l luipl iht ihi kk ttithiuit liu ikmfi iht fjit thnt i mi imt yoiink nnd shill as t iiult all tit oftm liindsmii ii mikes mt f 1 in 1 win n ih shill ddii hi ik the td tn huttli ihisi itiitic winn yolk is illxi hud m idiun 1 tn 11 n kiiplmt fnmil ns ponsihihliis i uill hiii nisd id fsiit ht un ilwnys such i h i tin nun in ihi nmiumts coni l y m nk tin mithr nt urn and vy il hue hi mw tin uiiim 1 inui i us y kini inmiil m it plcddint snistltss itilistic mil lu d i n tht idt n ihil uu itus tiny n 1 1h amiiicnn set y ilil k his oystoi ind ill ht li u or ins would hk t nuiki niids t i it n it it i syyitih knifi ltl llll of us h s jiivl nyid up s nn ill hu si is hmc is llun s hit ith m m in d m 1 donl hi ik oiu f nd r tin cuie f in mc rood m tvpi yyntinj fmji is 1 11 tihl limits ind litfiusi wi hayint hi kxrt htrli i ihi sl hi iiutsimt f itilud to t ti iiimilili i tin fid mini in hittle vi mi pi ill the nspons lu mi nidi c il of f im h ih i t s if our rhildien and i nsihil i lluiiln wi si 1 hi ii s if u liinct undi mm thin mdtpin win n 1 siv ihi 1 nfiis to k dtnoi of thinihl and imbue c1 hsi ms ilsllllhtlls n iriirii th tin rtninimfi idt i 1 i mi t m in h 1 i d nl fiilf it ili it tht n s nlyy iu s mi bod thtll oh 1 ll id it t 111 11 1 n und to d tin duly wink ind pick imilt d nl mtsmiilj 1 i 11 tin elusttiiils ut f tht f ti im in y ii i j y luiiiii iiiim 1 i is it nl i n y it h irk an 1 w ih enth bnrrntum thildiin h mi i firn ily mini ilm mi 1 rji u w moii miiij nnd ihm pi mis s i il m in ii i nj u1 it ii rv if th v w in mirtir is nuis ni i lit i f pi just u llin iimnts bc m su t i n 1 1 lis l 11 ll it m 1 1 in ly hi mi tin k ds if til imnr n th i f th tti in mi i s mim if lhni turn mil this sundays church calendar tipsontouring by cant lant wommt w travw auihettty mci cm hilf o that s ih acton pentecostal tabernacle t i hu l 11 it id i h v k 1 ur d i k st i n b4t u m m fphil 2fitl 1 1 united church of canada rton onurio tin cordon adams m rp minim mr rrir hint o i mis nti c i lt 1 i slmlf apri1 tth n 1 9ihi j i m rtiinu r loixi i 1 1 jim or i hi trh md mi an sin in srh 1 hj ih stih1 11 1- n m rnin w rship 111 i in hr isim u i m fi mi and kit ir baptist church acton hiih r i ii t fin1 t i i i m v it y t 1 m h in- 11 r t 1 it v a i ulk w it mi 1 a 1 m mm mhil 2f h the good old days the church of st alban tht martyr angurn 1 tlfe fch rth si nda ftfh 26 aprl 1q o 80 am hohr eudiart is o irt church sch 11 00 m begtnnt- r clans 1 1 00 am mattins m1i wftk ihkbration i i m sunday sch 1 1 ml th- w y h i w l d- r nt v ir j it h sn s rktrday f p tn thi m d w ct k sn ti t bilu study w i ryss jd p iyrr all ar ffrlcomc prcsbtteria chu in camapa knox cbttrch afton r v andnw h mt k ism ba bd back in 1909 taken frm the inane of thr frrp prwn thumday april 21 iwi i nkl fndny a fit mi ti i u i ihf niiht yiiii hi dinikhti i f wnll r nttiiik milkiiiiin w i- nm ovii hy n f iirnn s w n n i n i ilinilmu nil ih umm m alux miuutuld whil ht w is dnvink tip mi n sim i will i 1 nd if f- i i i si v i it k i of nnili whm sh- lipp d ml f 11 th mil whil fnitini yd hi i nudum n th p smihiiii s f i li i hi dy iiiwi iv ih y y it in s inn id w sh isiiid fiiil injuiy is i rnysl ty tin h wini hiiimisi of t st i ihun mid s ns his nmssill 1 tin id ilkn f m d i ii in hi is plioio by emher taylii by bill smiley well a ihry rin if min modtin mothers hid llun w ij thin sons would ncvi miii just st hoim wilh mom m my miiliin lith i inn i onii vi f i unu mm ui in ufih 1 miij ihn mw ii lki dmihi is tin llll iii ms pill is ihil lit i yyi hiu sicnfild f i tht n sk ui diin lv in ht illh ur mil mi in i in iniiki h w i i li imrid t i fnd hi ni i k mt up n us i h th s 11 i disgust with whih iu in oil i ltii w in i irtu illy sioni d with dism ij whin tiny cist us ff hk in ild iuii r i ful nt tunes i ui i p l f r thi y ulh f lodi th u il hint is nrir is id niiintiis ai kun t sior lif is tytr my en- ir ihon w is but in thi nnnii f smh tw iddle v r bi in hum n io i ii isis f ii in ma ii wtyi i then s nn use t tin j u tkd up ih ut this i i fust i mi pi nn family itj n s h ht s nd i d it pi n ily si ii fifihlme hik f i n m n nt ind v in w ft ind rh id m tnl lu lint vi w th th ri m ii i i in iti ltd i pikwdd bumst id tht ii i no ihnik n 11 ih ut u d inn it and mw f y u il iwiw mi i li i t t i ty pe ut the im i jti ms t kims hirlhdij pmty thtn ht ij hukh with i toiipw f th tui lid trithmtic qutstions th n i ih d ss yyh it my wif s 1 i miilitij bui nun fi u 1 11 b it birk in thtn i m ir y it him h linn hitliik f i ik i slnni 1mst l f 1unthnml anl mttn lit t i f n ii i i d ul t intiodu d a m w luililuik is h m titkd n hu ptp my il c hmth si ml i k mm d i rihohm enfiim hiiid mix nt mi thinuy ind imn u i rut us th ii w i lint yy ii 1 ii idy l put into ip i iti ii n 1 tk tin piirilo r i h kw 1 stun who s lis i vi lyuiinj mil i i ll lit uu polifi ffict ih s in in in to ixpl nn why in hl ii ik in it s l tw mm lid m i th ik iifiiind h liw h y found fiiuliy uu lffms il tliiukh hu id in back in 1939 tukm from ihe imuc of th free 1rrvi ihurtdj april 27 1939 ad 11 tinrtiis ilmthcd the in- 1 nn di il nil in cull hit rhur- sdiy niot whin ihtv ik it did th v dst k lld tlrytls fl2 t n i ms m ilmu uu title wis th pmi i ul oilo tilt ut w ih ilk i f w iiiomu to ei hut wi put link in hint suits iiun until hi in i i f iht liimi alth iih w dslotk kim uy- lluiit th y hi i tin i w is uu d mid ih m ad n i kill u tin lidlti tt im altlutifiil uu tiimis mm 4 i tn l ii i 1 1 m tin rust pin d iht i yy is i ns m ihi nidi ul the k i n ml tt d 1 k ik ml klvl nt oittnj m ih nitii ri t ih mini ii 1 is i 1 ii i i i k th fmii ff iff i 1 i d tht i r ily d lilkll h f n 12 mvludin i 1 fniin u hul hi n i f u i h s pulliiu ih fun hint t in h n ih n yy 1 yn in i s f r ai i n it tn ril thnr nmnevitinclidiiiu tin tip ti ition s limits 11 is mm i d ihil in th i i m ii1 h is h n pin c tin il tns it is inn in i wn sh ilk husiiiss is iyid i u iks ih lisint f ii n kn ii i 1 i td m a f professional directory and travellers guide h m lll ihrktdks dr w g c ktnnfy iiivs nd s o fit i s n k ll vi i m r t off ill ri idn hi ti i si f- or d a garrptt i ins ind s i i c in i of ttdl w in i 1 i s lit i it kiy si t n l i it n ill dr robert d bucknfr hf i fsrxtv m insjrxmt f l wright n ll st ai i is k if ffhoemakcr si k r 1 1 iiiitntitxcioi a d woorf 0 c oith i wit iii rin aids e l buchnfrf ro oi n t t i h iim aid e oi vrinfi 4t ph m r ur st 10 00 am hok eurh uu a m fcaomtnn wtrnip the wth fnr grratnrss chtldr 3i rjn cirrd for al manw during er kst s get n t urh w th some far- may rrund now and plan ira n it 11 lie fun ind npi hi- fivi u ki itiirkjilh hayf t in h m and r that mtlrr or a j buchanan lit itfslt i o m s t c f ifatherland of n n i v s i 1 t y a braida e a r s 1 o r n t i s hastings 4 payne n r t s d i 1 i a i f i mm fri hinii m n tot 1 s i i on i i p nr wi miscfllanfoi s wm d coats ovir loral rrpritatk e auoto rideitty associates uvfr a hoskin s k iie si w t i tnln 1 l a d13i r r i r i p ack t 1 a t it m wt in i i st travellers guide s t i in i 7 ib pm sun- n t t i i tjjtty ojicppt v i r s c wri btj3 i rn nn pm dail flyer it i i n ii 11 pm w twnnd duk 1144 pm tlnlv except snr1i 1 im 6s0 pm 745 t m s nnb am infs 1 ii 1 hi it t tton it p i i i i t son and mill p v 13 p lid z7 pm t ij pm s t sun m c n national ra 1ways st t n o y i- id clstom high fidei ity di q a m j sstfms d nh f r it guolph im pm phone 77 w rite bx 246 1 h l s sun ft- w

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