Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1959, p. 11

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english young farmer delegate to study halton farming methods dairy princess to be selected at annual meet thu years fialton dairy prin cess will be selected at the annual mnllon holstein twilight meetln to be held on friday may 22 at hays sales arena at trafalgar the pairy princess will repres ent halton at the canadian nat ional exhibition in the dairy queen competition for ontario the decision to hold halton s selection at the holstein twilight m eel ing was made at a directors meeting of the halton holstein chrb held in milton on thursday april 16 after reviewing a request made from the halton dairy queen committee popular decision this decision should be a popul ar one since the annual halton holstein twilight meeting is al ways well attended by dairy en thusiasu in he county this years twilight meeting will follow the format of other years with demonstrations in judging grading plenty of prizts and lunih years program will be dr gor don mac cod of the animal hus bandry department of the oac who will be ihi guest spnkir peel county entry wins drama festival the entiy of peel county wns nwurded the decision in the junior farmer zone dntmn festual held at acton on fnriiiy apul 10 foui counties wrt uprcanuri with niiciict plays incuding pcd hal ion duffinn and willmgdm coun- ln- halton s nlry in this program wai tht oiiiiiit play presented by iht palermo junior farmers the 7on nramn ftival is a new venture 1 1 suiting from the kon intinst in dnma on the pro vincial level thi number of emm ins biking pirt in this type of pro- hi im him men used gn ntly during the pnst two yiars as rthull if thi increase in en inis several 7one festivals were held and the winner competed at a provincial festival at the ont ario agrietilturil cll guelpli on wedmsdiy apnl 21 miss dorothy clotigh english young farmer delegate will be visiting with members of the hal ton junior farmers association from july 27 to august 4 the visit of miss clough will be a further step in the series ot ex change visits between junior farmers in ontario and members of young farmers clubs in eng land scotland and ireland visitor from yorkshire miss clough is from lowland farm conston cold skip ton yorkshire she first joined the young farmers club in 1045 and has held various offices as region al and county representative she is ot present working at home particularly with the poultry en terprise carried out on their farm during her stay she will visit farms in halton and study farm ing methods carried on in the county while here she wil be en tertained by the halton junior farmers association halton plowmen to enter match plans for the local day nt the international plowing milch were made at a meeting in dundas on friday april 17 the loci day leosram-wh- be the first day of the international plowing match to be held in wentworth county and will include seven counties hilton plowmen will be rcpres en tod in the progrim ind two rcpresentilues of thi halton plowmen s association will be art ing us stewards clebcrt mcdowell and roy fl linton iltcndid the meeting in dundas and will be ictmj is hie halton plowmen s ripitsemaims in tin loeal day jiioriim elect new officers for bannockburn wl the bannockburn wompn n in st in u held thi ir monthly meeting at dannockbiirn schiml on thurs day evening apnl lj the meeting opuud wilti thi lnstiluu ode and mur miwnil colhot this buik thi mill nl muling th ioii uill uk insuiud b the ptnment of fs and wiitkn suggestions fur mxi nnv mul ing then win ig munbus in il- undnnce ihi old businibs un diall vuth biton the juiilj ikvu fi i ciich omieir wen read cleel nw offfcm the eleetum of offtcus followed with mrs t chdm in hnji tht nominating t itimittu m nounced the follow mc offmrs fot thirtythree afncnn hnginpes now have the bfbl m irn irn i aculiir 70 of these uiimums n w hue the n testamml in thi 1 vernacular and parts of ihi bitile i are found in more than 200 afn i cim languoeit pioph ill oir indn nre en- i thusiistic about bibli eoriikpond jmci ruiscs evnngdisls in the piuij ib hic 400 pupils mrolhd in n itilik course in tin punjubi iliiiikinge m m of he pupils arc i nun christnns siilk sled scripture reiri nr f r nt i k suiicliv 11 sim ii 1 i lit monrla ii sum 7 i 1 tins dn ii snm i ih29 wulnimliv ii sim 11 1 1 tluirsdn luke h 44 r fndu ii sim 1 22 j2 l siturd 1 kines i r i mru thin 1000 cinndnns dud in flu i iii riecadt is i result f luiilmlil i liioninj in did in h b falls and firs a tin most fsitil tjpi of home accident offuiil fimuis show tint c in idians dunnii thi early jurt of ivt were paing off thi ir debts t i iim illnuiit fin mee eumpanies fisur thin they wire t iking in new bin i owing the t pi i m mrs sinclair icepresidt nt sliiri v secretary i i t w medomild dmr dirm mis w linhnm fl rniunu mis b iettch punul mis c colis prrss npoitu mrs m hiu nrs auditors mis s mitthws mrs s morrison program committee mrs t orourke mrs t gordon mrs w me donald mrs s morrison lunch committee mis j ro mis h upshall mis c gnojc mrs s mitthevn cmtvimis agriculture mil can ndi in industries mrs a brooks homi economics nnd htilth mis j fox eiti7nship jiiui idimm n mis w w ildie histoneal r s nh and current events mrs j nh inn romilulums mt r utnn dlreetfs mtming spreads 29 wider mrs w 1 i tin d sit aid stir ry ih1 mis c s tti mis c sincla r rvr tv leutlings mi the nut i ni w ih the qitevn i- id- pi i institutt ttriee i unch w i- coin luding lh i sen ing revolutionary case 115 b vbelt spraicler rffxclusfvt suremk tftt v1mh pmwt llsuoli4 cnvtvof drlvo j tmmyr twjf uh j roys electric service regtorred latr eteetrtrtan cm ttnr trf ftr 731- appliiiee and bepo rs t ill makis of oil burners complete stock of parts motur nd eontrou sales service repairs pr fit swiwalu t acto 43 pill cutterscrapsr uth dllllthlsf i iii iuii c4j1 us todiy delmar ford to head halton 4h swine club delmar ford of milton r r 1 was elected president at the organ- izatioramecting of the halton 4h swine club held in milton oij thursday april 10 at the meeting 14 members from various parts of halton county enrolled in the program the project for this club is to feed and care for a pair of weanling gilts op a tfilt and barrow during the club year tht club members will hold their achievement diy il the mil inn fair and ii exhibit a gilt used in the 4h project two breeds two breeds will be used in this years project yorkshire and landrace five of the club mem bers ire purchasing landrace gilts ind will be using these as their club project the executive elected at the meeting were at follows presid ent delmar ford milton vice president dwight miy hornby secretary ernest alexander nor val the club lender for the club is mac alcxandei nerval baptist thankoffering speaker is missionary from bolivia baptist women s mission circle hed tleir spring thankof fering meeting at the chuicli thuis- day april 8 al fl p m i in picsi- dent mrs c landsboiotigh opened the meeting with u hnnn and prayer mrs g holmes openid the de votfonal period with pi nor mrs g ralston read tin miiiliin fiom hebrews chapter 10 aftei prao by mrs h htlwif mis holmes gave nn inspiring resume of the chapter stnssing tht need of pi r sonal assurnnci in pmwi and closed the dtvotionil period with prayer a beautiful rendered duet ihep herd of love by miss a pilkuig ton and mrs j chipmnn was much appreciated nnd mrs chapman then mtrducil the guest speaker mhs mildred coiildine missionary on furlough fiom bolivia who though suf uink fiom a eoltl govt 1 in s 111 tt resting talk on the woik budj doni in that par of south ami r 11 1 she said that bolh oveinmi ut uid denomin itional oppcsiiic n has llsmtild lonidefbl rig 111 1 wilh mis mrs cha iiir as rommtntiti r sh wi tifully ciliiltd films of th try builclings ind pi iplt of ii mis huteliion on lxh ilf r circle thanked miss roiildini taking lime out fi m lur i furl ugh t 1 ixi hvi 2 ib witnesses hold threeday assembly i schneider prt siding minister fi the aiton congregation of je ti v thi witntsses reported a very succissful three diy assembly in port credit at gniydun memorial school apnl 10 12 the purpost ot these assemblies is to impiovi the effitieney of our ministinal iwiiulv mr sthneidereommnl td tin themi of the opining sis sum friday tetmng wis tic it t uhir of the good nws nnd this ns irtlnigcd upon by the minikliv ithovnlis witnesses bilite tint plenthuik nspi nsibllities fill kliially iiinn men ind women ind thus both rm idks ind dime n sti itiiins during ih tvinng min- the aclon free press thursday april 23rd 1950 it istrrs from nrious rongregations young mid id gaw expintnets th voungisl was brian chambd inn fr 111 bronte nc eight vnrs ind tin ildist muiistir whs ru dun fiirnswirlh fiom the ri imp t ri congregation 77 years old baptismal service i saturday morning ifter a enn sidtntion of hit dibit tt xt tt 2 corinthians g id tht iss ddigitis disrti 1 thn f id stllt ictivitj silurdiy nfternom mi schneider continued tn dtltj in attendance at this meeting sunday was the concluding day if the asstmbly in the morning hit dtlegils mndi their final calls up m ihc public cnenu raging them 1 itttnd ih spociiilolseiiiirse tho spt kr w is v white tht concluding dfscourses con sisted of thi wilehtowtr summnl- 1 ri by s flhson and two final tilks apieciting your prlvileg- is m the worlds fnd and a te iiher of woi k n ver to be dup- lieitid liv g duikenndv white the irrrnrtint stindny nttprnoorr w s 720 mi mix is nf the acton congreg- iti n atttndctl he h in milton breeder wins allcanadian honors results of the all cunidran jt 1 st show ring winners eompittion conducted by the canadi in jersey breeder magiine hivt in i n an nounced maurice c beil of milton hid n winner and was also ihe tin edit of the first place aged urn lm dale bisil glidjs uind thimiuim at the all american sh in col umbus ohio and at th royal winter fair for lea marsh of con nccticut 11k irserve agid c w was lindili bisil fstelh t null 4lh a kiiei il ho d in ctnh during the houi u11 km mi lings fi 1 uintid lliuich w ms md mi- mainpi n spok f 11 hi wms mrs i indb rouui td 11k indus tot bringing 1 nnd fin llu fellow ship injoi froi llu ihi lid i i mdile bijou ntlk wis tin v otlgyoutlfi iaiw jul mr bejty deep in high protein pasture up to 3 weeks ahead of schedule i new active aero urea helps you grow lush nutritious jgrass pjsture get your animals grazing profitably up to 3 weeks ahead of the normal time aero urea it a 45 nitrogen fertilizer prilled for easy handling top dressed in spring it releases immediately available nitrogen to gel ihe pasture off to a quick sun with higher prolcin content pasture is your cheapest feed so let aero urea get your animals gracing sooner make profitable weight gains and bigger milk cheques while you rve on feeding costs ask your fertilizer dealer for aero urea they t m re d cvajvamju d oyamamid op canada limitbd pollock and campbell minuf iclurrrs of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt iklhpllontr 2mb buy that new tractor now mtth m bns wmrm improvement loan tf jroo bmd i mw or oaed tnwtor or any other term quimneitt yea dont bare to wait a bank oj nor scotia knrmt loan can ghrt tt to roa mow tw mifhboorbood baak of nora scotia manafsy looka at tt tfah way if ita pound buainm or you tta round business or the bank drop in and talk ovr a lotfflqrt ptoaimnrqyftmpbttrfmn with himnart ttma mike norton chou ot mukbu to 7 roun b ion youu 6nd be wpmka your tanguaf the bank of nova scotia mm mm 300 a wt crvat ciwda mmd im4m nm ywk tt- criiina wool anv giivrinment dtficu m nt will iiplv nl im kridi w ls ship collect to rerlrlfrtit warfliftusf wntnn ontario archie kerr r r 2 acton canadian c o opfitativf wool growers limitfu 317 ba sirmt toronto jinaila halton county progressive conservative assoc convention to select a candidate for elec tion to the legislative assembly of the province of ontario will be held al the town hail milton on monday april 27th 8 30 p m speaker the hon a kelso roberts qc attorney general forotrraf s you get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity bathtimes a happy time for the kids and its a happy time for a mother too with an automatic electric water heater to provide all the hot water necessary to look afteja grow ing family an electric water heater is convenient safe and economical costs only a few cents a day on a special hydro flat rate has abundant storage capacity and quick recovery when more hot water is needed you get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity to remove grease and wax crayon marks from wall paper place a blotter over trie spot and press with a warm iron slofattfy im 10 nuttiv taife 40

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