Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1959, p. 10

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prevention comes first there is at present a good deal of inter est over the discovery of various drugs cal culated to cure alcoholics by making them sick when they drink no one will discount the importance of rescuing the unfortunate alcoholic one of the most pathetic figures in modern soctety yet it reveals a bizarre situation it is said that alcoholism is in creasing by leaps and bounds some people say that nothing can be done about it surely in amazing solecism if the present generation drink more than their forefathers is it not in order to wonder why true alcohol was popular even long before horace sang of rich falenan wine yet excesses bred moderation and fifty years ago temperance societies were so ef fective tn jheir educational activities that prohibition came into effect largely because public opinion was opposed to drinking prohibition however was evidently not ihe cure but where oh where are the temper ance societies of yesterday thousands of valiant souls who in better days would have become members of the royr templars anon a badge of good citizenship or the w c t u have for too often become tipplers themselves the result of a series of accidents of which prohibition was perhaps the most serious has been that people have forgotten that the real solution of alcoholism is not cure but prevention the way to avoid becoming an alcoholic is not to drink it is as simple as that but who has the courage to say so or to take active steps lo promote the campaigns against drinking which our respectable an cesiors thought sane natural and in the pub lie interest the word respectable is used advisedly in describing our immediate fore bears because little mere than a generation ago they thought it was not respectable to drink health magazine of things ahead an engineering report on the road and street needs throughout the whole province the number of motor vehicles to 4 3 million m the next two decades the outcome will be of ontario has been prepared by the plan- ning and design branch of the highways de partment and was tabled recently in the legislature by highways minister fred aa cass the report outlines the road and street problems faced by the provincial govern men and the municipalities and the mea sures needed to cope with them it deals not only with present needs but with those of the next 20 years the study is supplementary to one pub lished m early 1957 titled a plan for ont arm highwa th previous report cover ed needs on the king s highways and second ary highways the principal findings of which have been re appraised condensed and car ned forward in the new report it is estimated that the grand total cost of the next 20 years programme will be ap proximately 7 2 billion according to the report ontario s popu lation is expected to rise to 8 8 miltion and an almost incredible 4u billion miles ot travel per year 22 times tnat cf today these factors plus the dependence of the pro vmces economy on highway transportation combine to demand a first class province wide highway and street network at the present time more and more traffic is pounng onto all parts cf the high way and street systems many miles demand more lanes and greater strength because of the volumes earned and the growing num bers of heavy truck transports in the past the various highway jurisdictions numbering 1 187 have often faced difficulties yet sue ceeded in constructing and maintaining 83 800 miles of highway and street systems that have served the public well but the re port concludes the accumulation of facilities needed today and the needs of the future require closer cooperation of all highway road and street authorities and improved administrative financing and planning pro cedure why nothing gets done this is an age replete with organizations and meetings there are so many in fact that aded m dividual somelimes wonder if something couldn t be done to reduce the time wasting aspects if however you are wedded to the idea of getting together to discuss things and leaving ihem unsolved as so many meetings do an editorial writer has evolved an ex cedent program foi sptiulmg lime to arhuve nothmq here it is 1 profess nol to hove the answer this lets you out of having any 2 say that we must not move too rapid ly tins i void s thp necessity ol getting start ed 3 say thil the problem can t be separ ated foni oil other problems therefore it can t be solved until all other problems have been solved a for every proposal set up an opposite one and conclude that the middle ground no motion whatever represents the wisest course of action 5 discover that there are all kinds of dangers in any specific formula of a con elusion 6 appoint a committee 7 won until an expert can be consulted 8 state m conclusion that you have all clarified your thinking this obscures lhe fact that nothing has been done 9 pomt out mat the deepest minds hive struggled with the same problem this im plies that it does you credit even to have thought of it 10 in closing the meeting thank the problem it has stimulated discussion open ed new vistas hallenged our inventiveness shown us the way municipal world alphabetical shortage so many organizations are now known by their initials only that an alphabetical shortage seems to be developing this is in spite ot the act thai there are 676 different two letter combination possible to take care of eveiyth ng trotn alcoholics anonymous to the zany zebias and possible thre letter atranqcnients total 17 576 in ihs country the number of practical combinations rjets cut down because man cretan atiom wish lo begin their names with the woid canad an and end them with as socntion or society duplication of ntials then biecnmes almost unavoidable both the canadian manufacturer association and the canad art medical assoc nt on for example dim the initials c m a tho duplies on probably does not re sul in more than momentary confus on but it does give an occasional shock to headline skimmers there was a headline a few wees ago that announced pcs chargfd with burglary that may have brought oy to many a liberal heart unt i reading of he news story revealed tnat the charge had been laid against pel ce constables and not progressive conserva ves the calgary herald administered asm ilar shock recently bv head ng an edo ai the pr system musi be junked wonder as to what the paper had against public re lations was dispelled by readinglbe ed to ial which was a cr tic sm or the proport ona representation system by which calgary had elected its city council since 1916 incidenta ly the system has now been unked the acton free press vblum by u dma frnatta founded in 11175 and published 1 rabuaua c uaaltcd erv thursday at 56 mill acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations ihe cwna and the ontario quebec dm mon ot the cttna adverting rate on request sub wr ptioru payabc in adxance 1300 in canada h 00 in he united state in month jl ts single cope 7c atitwrii ed as stcitrid c1s mail pl office department otawa the awly pafrer ever paaushed in ran g a dilr editor- nchief david r dills managing editor business and toixoriai office phone aoo acton 4l the good old days back in 1909 taken from the ime of the free preu thursday may ims aifon s population increawd by 30 according to the nsiksitmint roll i nit year with bcardmorc crcac cnt our population may now be count tl as well ovir 2000 the new executive tor the mnl tonpeel uaikbiill kaguc was form ed monti ly ivtning during n meet inn in ceorbuown with delegates from clubs from aeton gcorgt town nnrl milton present officers elected for ih year included ed ityder as secrlary treasurer and neil patterson an director both rounci tilt fin ir meeting mot uir ninth rtport will ii unling lo shjm4 th fficcr rliirncd the as 11 for 19ot which v hint uilisfiietnry and ruble 1 1 nil tht iirl bung 422 2i4m ii is evident that council urt in enrmst in repairing mill and church sired roadways since ttuy instructed the chairman of the slrttts and walks committee to or lit a rirloatl i ich of coarse ind medium brokm slont he wns also instructed to tiiv th roll r re jiinrtd ready lo bt put into npent ion whtn tht stmt irnvid dining ont ot the rtctnl hoivy thumb rslorms ihi lightning struck c ed windmill in nassjgiweyj ran clown into ihe plat ly destroying it unnng out tht stones and filling up ihe will mr edge wick said il young anglers paradise sufycvi and sfrice a neu spine r mtielt mifits s night in hit 1 il i tm wm fighting nit n simjjit tin unipiiu that 111 l of tin hinging n i is hi iv but n i i v ih ii fo-n- liul lb u vn tin y hid of nation il d ft im tin in uli in n i mm ihn mi niulhnltri i n n t itnm gmgr ilrrmt- fightt pilil vull mioii u t i k lut no in i linn i i 1 i in niiih nsihli i ii i- 111 dodo is mirwl is i milnuk ilunnun itut 111 wii unt iis ilipullllk in i ii 11 ill i 111 hi i 111 kll ilik top if it is trui ind 1 supit il i i t n i usl i i hl w i i hils hash is im lil i ik in uli in fifjil lulik x hhu kl i j jh sh ihl ii pil 1 hid i inuf mil l n us x ln lh h l tntl i n i 1 i b if psihl tht bistorj in luo vjis it is b tin ll l hl i lwi ihf h ii i tin y iffntd fur iht spetiis l minsh uitli n umf uml h i i s hi u n m w inlt fk mg ind lit glimoi intact ih in t tb j n- i i 1 i it w h hilf vii nit n boots milt wilh tin npul tliin in hon ml i su win flmin bin ainl wutir ml i nun id lb h it inwint w icccn ml w mi n in lh it mltr jiiiut li i push bulti n u it il hiimi n ih l in ns lv i 11 il d i f i in nil tii i mikmj li irk ihi wire t c 1 a piculnr ijrtul tin fijjuci w lm u f- lttin f i i1h r f lish viiiiiir pilot wis miiwnitl dm si in u b itinl l sthilt s ot w in lutlt 1 in mm n1 enlnl diuiilg woild wu i ill is 1 is ah i i h uh tiff ihmtxt it i il in sk ii il inl doing mi imiissnn pituls lb lt hi k i i f bin llmi tti f mnl il milled likmi pl sh is il 1kb it n o lb h 1 i h mll ilulllj to thu with in his nst ihnn h futpl hi ilut min it lijtts in ih j iu know tin sk w is full f hl m himbini ml ih dmn t n lb und deith i jhiv ivps riumiib in l lim cnilihli duls iiiiluij tinlisiu uf-lil- r un uit c li kinds s whin ihi m t ir mm x iu w i k t i u iuii in uli iu nth hi ii llit h ul i fl in f i i inij ilwisibmt ibis tin ill il wku ins wi uil in wn ans i li h lib ilih ind spn il f til fiuitt il l ik km 11 nk i wmi w mt 1 1 in i fikhtl i v in 1 i n ssiks in h wis hot sh i unit tb i ill i tin v i smill pi p iln w n i ih w iklv 1 iiihhh infintn 1iilii1 in lb k 1 ii itu ih i i 1 hi n n ih vv ill 1 1 would bt cht iper lo dig i new well ihin lo jllmpt lo ck in out iy eil her taylor cilmns on mill street compwin th it hnlf t sr rt of men some nn mil ind somt singk mark itu niht hid otis with rrunken oimis intl foul jnd profane ian mi im lt fridiv night this dis grneful r nduet wis kipt up un y bill smiley til midnight ii wis reported hut ihtu v is ivititntly no f fort on hi unit nf th polin officii to back in 1939 taken tram ike lame of the free preaa tharaday may 4 ims on wednesday evening of this week the acton tanners hockey team were- entertained by the members of the holy name society it a smoker in the pqrish hall of st joseph s church it was a most tnjoyable event and the thought fulness and effort put forth by the society and rev father mcbride wu appreciated by the boys a full evening of entertainment was supplied for the hockey leom in ihe form of an amateur show at the conclusion of the show lunch was scrved and father mcbride c mductd in informil period whin int rested mimliers of the txeeutivi were giwn in opporlun ily to kiy ii fiw words to the hoekc y champions himpions an cuming fast to at ion groups ihtst djys a nam fr m the rorct flectrie products arion has tit in imwling in the c timmerclil five pin i ague in cimlph this winter and tuesday night romped homt with th cham pionship during lh council meeting last thursdiy members discussed the honor bestowed on thi town of act in hy lh tanners winning the chimpionshtp and approved i mot ion for the clrk lo contact var- i us oigunizatinns to attend a pub lic meeting tn makt arrangir i n approved i grant to purchase wmdbri iktri for ejeh team play acton schools brought many iwards horn from the halbm mu sic festival held in oakville laxt werinesd ly competing in the choirs duds and solo classes the acton children won four trophies iwo shields and many individual wards during iht day long affair al a public meeting on tuesday of this week i committee wis formed to make plans for a cele bntion to honor the acton t m- nt ri hock i y learn th genciil titling of thost present was to hold htnquel it which timt iro n and wind irldkera b pr sented it w ik llso lo h id i sir it tilt ei iftcr acl r int rm dnl hockey s lit mg inter ained tonight hin i by c 1 a o t ion nd mi s c smneit statu n hotel professional directory and travellers guide ft nerai directors dr w g c kenney plnsieiin and surgeon orfu in mon bl k sla mill st t alton offin phont 7 nrch st f mid mil bi nig si uihl i 1 lint tin llu u th ill itis mds th m pious f ih b i wri th 1 iv i k d i und f i s in mil i t tl ihini 1 ifiillnlim llu mini m l r iliu of ihi innih 1 t ii b i i i llu i i 1 fl in i suddinh the fkhtu pil f un 1 ll himsdf tin diibm f the puss lh t ist f th fi iks 1 h mi un ibb ti issinulti lh run ik of 1 hi im t i i wi th fi nl inns lb i ul hi imi n 1 i ik 11 it ion f islnil n ibis m ml i i i mi t i dishink kiiikbl f th hi f ur k 1 i it kin j ns i i 1 i tl lllllll nu i i i up his m r f kills iml kill i ilu 1 s i th fut i iiini ok i mimic i htm f ii i r all h i llll i w r i i tl v i 1 f this sundays church calendar nki h in it t nilluik d ii in i li 11 f 1 i it wn i 1 n mid in 1 ivini d ind si 11 int th phon kill d a garrett sicnn rind surgeon willow and kivr dr robert d bucknett plus run nni surk- n 19 w liiikl n st acl- n nt t h a 0 moore dc i mr sptc fie chiropractor 111 mill stred pliont 40 or ftfl witt 2 off in iii i 1 i i t hut ii li ti t i kl it ui i in i n li 1111 k b ii t l w mickie dies threshed in district acton pentecostal tabernacle 11 ch i 1 ii i p i t li p si n m i i i i jfloo am sundae sl 11 00 am m r i n rs 10 in f ink 1 i turvin pit p avr siud th t t m c 1 t t i n ti 1 ihivtio i r ai a i mdu u u in al united church of canada rlon ontario i i ad m i n baptist church rrl t and insttkancf f l wright 2d wilhur st adon on ir o phone i apnn tit hfil fst le ind insunnce p dr h ie1b i ntjl surgeon off torn i m i and ridtrick simls of fur hours rv appointment tfi rlhonr l dr a j buchanan ii nt il su goon off r 1a m 11 street off hours- 9 am to 8 ri m 1 1 li wrdnelav afternoon tel phone opti and hearing aids e l buchner ro optomilnst ind hearing aid nsiiltiint lacoukticoni phone iis legal c f leatheriand qc birrntr a siilirivir notary public iffur ii lirs 1k im 1200 i ir ml t m s 00 p it su rdi hv aih ntm hi hunt 411 mill st f offici hours wttinisdays only 1106 00 pm vnings by oppointmnt hon calls by ipoinlment a v piti ac ountinq lever 4 hoskin hirtered accountants 11 mam st n 212 king st w earl g black b tomm ria ca charthifi accountant farmer bldg 183 main st milton ont tr 8m2 tiaveuhs guide gray coach lines rotflteh leae acton phn r acton a braida b a dav light tir rk n tit the church of st alban the martyr anglic n rv the r h b s k f thf fifth si n rrfp estfj1 r gin in sundi 1 mi 101 rt0 am holv fuchirt m nm church vh- 1 j 100 am beginners class 1100 am ohonl fuchir midweek cflfjiratios thirsria mav 19s9 a censu st tl m i lit did thirain s i i sh t y u 1 k 1 1 1 1 j 1 lt i ll prniur 11 ng f 1 1 m i s li had n 1 tn s t tr i 1 k tr i- lani i hr k s n f r it t s j l is jt1 p 1 1 n nx m 1k 1 m i r i it id i i itr c i presbyterian church 1 k f s t s u 1 vr lull 11 h in canada kn mi rll acton t i u 11 m k t j i i u kt r h 11 11 i i n rairir ph iy 9 am thifdrens su vice the children arc excused from school in order lo alien d ihis service 10 am holy eu- cbsful stndw m it 1 1 iir c hurrh vhl 1100 im morning worship frr mmur r r it rnjtironr prtachng viu l bv choir f f kini church 1 hi tlli i wrr rcrt nol 1 k n o x n ihn tt igstlffc ht mi11 d lihtnnt 9 pm ds n f uilnh 1 4 2242 iff cr h ii- q m pm saturdav 9 am 12 am hastings payne brtitrs and sol citt rs t fn 10 0o 11 an nn 4 3ii p m st lrm 12w am phone ml misceixavkois wm d coats 813 amoaily except sun and hi x sh am iim am 2 or p n lokpm hit pm 133 p m moh pm sun and hoi i westbound tor am ihi pm 217 pjn s2 pm 7 27 pm b 12 pnk 1132 pn i 12 ant ifri sl s canadian national railways standard tim cattbound dally 5 ajn dauj sundayi 10 00 ajn 7 14 pm day only 101 un daily m sundav fljcr at of am- w7 pjn daily ocorfrtowb 1011 pm hai ind n rm f ik t he is a member if knox prvsbyicrian church acton a uivmiht u ptjitu ii custom high ndaxttt ystkms phone 077 writ box ml jwi l pjtu uoajn 133 tarda only 1jbj mr

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