Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1959, p. 10

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newspaper advertising best h vatson advertising consultant for hewetson of canada one of th notions big shoo manufacturers says that his company is qomg to stick to newspaper advertising the hewelson company along with dts tributois used 250000 line of newspaper aavertisjrig th 1958 to push later up 44 per cent over the previous year fifty per cent of the total appeared tn a three month period nnd geared to back toschool sates this was a partnership arrangement and was used by one of meafords shoe stores to bring better shoes to local chtktren for each ad the dealer used the company gave a repeat v the hewetson executive vice president john h cooper said the phenomenal 44 per cent uptrend in sales is no small tribute to ihe merchandising effectiveness of canadas newspapers deity and weekly this is only one of the many examples f the big job newspapers are doing in moving goods and services but many merchants in this town and others across canada are stilt using the watch and wait method watch the customers go by and wait for them to come in moth ly jay johntoh mothers ar busy c they- have to be teachers and cooks they have to keep books and be bakers and dressmakers they have to know how to darn socks and be ready to play with blocks any hour of the day mothers must know how to say no dont do that and still be loved how to find toys that have been shoved un der the davenport a mother must be a good sport and yet bejum she musn t be startled when a child hnnqs a wnrm in the house a say what s iers bors kid or did your little fella jump off the barn with an umbrella for a pa little tiny girls are cute and thank good ness they dont know it but when they start to grow it becomes mothers duty to explain that beauty tsn t everything in the world and hair doesn t have to be curled all over again everytime some boy aged ten drops in to say hello a mother has to make a father go slow when he gels mad and says the children are bad and that they need a spanking a mother never quite gets all the thanking she de serves but she never swerves in her loyalty that pr nrwhalanty fills the new spring hat with water if you have a son or a daugh ter you automatically become a life member of the mother s club and you ii have things to remember and talk about the rest of your life a son wants to om the fife and drum corps and youear more booming and beeping than you think you can stand your brain goes leaping out of your skull and you ii never have a dull moment a daughter finds one of your sunday dresses and a pair of scissors and you don t need three guesses to figure out the results tf youre a mother your pulse quickens when you hear axry and wonder whatthedickens thye qot into npw is it a row with a neigh even after the kids grow up and leave a mother ne will a her child no matter how wild he or she turns out to be it s when the children have grown some that mothers get lonesome they stay at home and take care of a little dog or kitten and wait for a letter that never gels written meanwhile dreaming of some early mother hood session when possession of the child was complete and the little feet hadn t learn ed to travel- over the gravel of the highways of the earth mothers get a mixture of mirth and sadness according to their children s goodness or badness and like many things priceless aincemime began mothers are rationed you can have only one the good old days i back in 1909 back in 1939 taken frwn lhi imiie f the free pre fttirnuy may 11 1909 tru ac inn allium mi lit ntnp nny wlni ti is rmitmih it morrih srix act mi abliu mllivr bum th r i m m uijink i j l n pt iniitiint fivi nut movin pld- un ahow in ttu limiting wit of jolulktohi t htirttw ir xt i ihnut the 24th iif mn ij un imbli rt porln ihnl re h c i r nun friily limn fur y ns anil tin prnsiy ti ii unit he will hive n full timpnny pukid nun it surpmr imp litis luri h thinks thq lc ihiim mil in ill iw nnv nor nl t imp llns yuii u munis iimsulf iiililv fr ti impiovid uriditmii mr ti l mm ih jinil ir il lh hi fiools is il li rimni d thul i in chii i iinmimi h ill br i 11 ici of tn mty dm inn tin summer m mhs and ihiy u itunly shall li if his h ilnoim nnd pun tukmjl i f foi brim the remits lit ml nds mr t i lmiin iiimmininl his w rk in this d itctmn lisl summir liul tin siiisin whs tin fir idvriini d for i win lly iilisfiil ly oulcnmc this inni in my mw pi ml- dimbus nil shrubs hiv bun pit in mill i tiunibii f c in id in t us plmtid in i fi w wciks lh bids ind l r ljh will ilksltll i m si ph i nu i iinu s ft win h is- twrcit t fi in i i ivi 1 ui acton liundiv bnsmiss mi t i iv i is t nmun with riim fr i month m frwin taken from the iwtue of ihe free pre tharndby my 11 1sot th artim 1 inrn n lnli rmcdltttc 1nkiy hmiipitmi wu hiiturd 1 1 i thursdiv mttm it i banquet sp mmid liy tiii a o t hinrd- nu n ind his jiartncr s o ben nett mil hi id in the stntlnn hotel h ith mr bmrdmor and mr bcn- n it ci nm ilnlnlcd iht lenm on brmutnt luinors in uu lnwn and kino pi mil minium in uu fact the 1 mi plivul tindi i tin v urdmiire rnmy r h m inv mi rubers nf knox church ail in ill mlid iht knox pres- liviniit i illy held in flmirn inst i k with tin following delegates ii i rihiniinit un arton church mrs h i nnnu mr e j lliiird mis r m midonnld mrs f s hliiw mrt h moin- ino mri it mncarlhnr miios dons blow biiih nsil ind aud- ry thilmirs rhi unnti il m i linn f the rock- woid t nni- f itih wis held on t in srl iy ovinmu it iht home of mis morion r l ni which time the follnwinh iifficorii aor tlecud i r un iiiimnk i h jinil prcdld- int mn i m riil prisulint eldim i itnliirl ico pfisidinl agnes 1isnih suntiirv ireniurcr rniiui diy ind tin nmnd com mit i friw ird p ism in arthur linns ck livity mil lcle if wlt a m it mishnp tlnl involved thin ens ixciirriti hint fridny vrnlng nn milt street a cai nnd should dti mil m dr ry fi a rt- i sliiilt il frim lets get started there s been some talk going around lately that canada should start planning for lis centennial in cur first notice of the sug gestion it was john fisher who was promot ing the idea and now we notice that george c mctcalf president of george weston ltd is also urging action anyone who has ever planned for or participated in a centennial celebralion ust for one community or municipahly is well aware of the imount of woik 1hil is involv ed it does mike sense then to suggest that the planning for cinidas 1967 event should be started soon this is a wonderful opportunity to pul canada in the world showcase mr metcalf is quoted as saying and we can i help but agree cimdis confederation of 100 years ago was a noble move brought about by men of vision who encountered a lot of obstacles a railway shaking its way across this country was just part of the task that has knit the 10 provinces into a common bond of under standing if not complete agreement maybe we havent got a distinctive flag but we have the ensign that has been approved for use in canada and weve never been asham ed of it maybe we haven t got a dislmctive national anthem but there s nothing wrong with doing honor to our graceful queen nnd sounding the strains of o canada too the occasion of canada s centennial should be the time for more than fireworks it should be a time for new efforts at world understanding and human betterment new attacks 6n the famine of other countries let s make the event big but let s make it one that is distinguished by a program that reaches out across the world extending canadian fellowship friendship and help and let s have some fireworks too organized confusion in the course of a year or so it s necessary to attend a good many meetings from the sidelines meetings lake on a different aspect than when one participates in some con fusi n funs rampant while in others good dnertion and common purpose ore evident when county council met on thursday of last week to consider ihe application of georgetown to withdraw from ihe north haltcn hirjh school district board there was a qreit deal of direction missing difficulties were anticipated the subect is ont f aught wdh different altitudes and ideas representatives of the department of education were to be present to assist the group in its deliberations instead it became apparent that the fires of confus on were being well stoked by lack of any concrete suggestions or direction there were all the ifs ands and buts of diplomatic discussion there was no clear chaited course of procedure for dissolution of the district or foris maintenance undoubtedly the final decision will rest with county council but the minister of education also has something to say aboul it in the dying minutes of the meeting it be came evident that municipalities should in dividually indicate their desires perhaps all the discussion was necessary if for no other reason than to let those dis gruntled with ihe system get it off their chest but presentation of some step by step procedures could surely have cleared the problems of whogets what and when from the broader discussion of the besl meth od for gelling the besl in education we tpund few who had done more than spent an evening few who really learned from the discussion surely meetings of this size 17 on county county council end 30 m the audience could achieve a great deal more with some clear presentations thats the way some meetings go ihough the acton free press pablbhcd by the dilta printing ud pnbltihinf co limited founded m ib ind published eer thurvtiv at w mill st e acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circutiiion the c wn a and the ontarioquebec divi sion of the cm na advertising rales on nquet sub cr plum pliable in advince s3 00 in canada 4 00 m the united slite vx months si 75 single copies 7c authoriz ed a second class mail post offict depigment ottawa the only paper itm published in acton c a dill editorinchief david r dilh managing editor fishes reprieve sccqai cutct shicc arm 1 thone people fnrtunnte win nre mnkuir ihe nrrniiii mints feu ihchuyiil turn thiyu w tnik nil kinds of help in plmnmii uu tjmirm vim this siimnui rnrrmost imnnn th ene anil is ifish tissi lance ilitv n ct iv uir is n 1l or fi i ml frnm ni wspniki rusts puulmr spawn uu lisl dc jd s un colum net 1 a jii idnp 111 wsi ijllll in ii w 11 who iiu1ily nii iihs innlv ihil lus ii lin iiin nirry only i bill lis wl hi tin in scrijitiirt t thise divs i fivoriti thimc irf some ciilumnists s i mw ill il f r un hi j il loin un v w ml tin qui in i i milt ihe tunni m p npli i mt tf flivi of un i il mull uu siimn r tiny dim hid uhsi smii ik in ph i ti tht tin p li m h ut f lh t mi ilun n h ill i il mil tn mtiij ml mil un r i l u lirus mil inrush ui tf ji1 i m- quils ttuy until til qui in in vis t by bill smiley mi inv in in h1 n ru in nils i i ii w i 1 fd ii uiv i h uy ii k i 1 mir il i ujh iih ni iv vahv h il ii lp s 1ll l i 1 hi vo lh 1 in i n 1 u i 1 i t i h nu 1 r i il th 1 1 v v nn 1 f 111 y q i n of 1 1 1 if hi jllst 1 u 1 mi i lin hi i hs s lil ii iv 1 ti i f i ft liiiuli nil i n il i 11 i ii mil h s j n isid lh h ii mil 1 i f wil ii 1111 hill in n lllllh simm u mi j tin k dunn f fl mini it mil f ii ii v h null i f ii mi w k ltiil uu 1 i v lruk risiilnri m mini n1i1 mi it tl n i f 111 w h 1 n i lh mm 1 it i ik nm nr r r iyimmjr rr kiirm- mi 1 ssihn s 1 n w is un own n f 1 nti i inl 11 si i lh njid inking 1 1 11 1 unil hv chnli 11k il of 1 rr r 1 iv ii vv is iliiii hnek v 1 ilu iiih mil into f i ithhi 1 k s pliimb- all th 11s involv d 1 i sh i hul t 1111 n ii ill n cmn- 1 i st 11 nm tin n sih s 111s nlitimh miiil h ml 1 ni mill n am 1 ijli wn n i f kvilh mil ii a i n nn isiliy vnnn nl 1 k nnul h h ill n c un v 1 1111 for ids ni ih w up tin fust pnl 1 ihe li lul tit f ii ninit nun will i ui iim t n in m iltiin ins pi llj 11 ui t pi i k o luill viti pisilnl nit wit 1 ail n s n 1 11 y upi ukik with n rivv nolibli ixcfpiin the columnisls hnvi in iilmusl dis pel lie iirui to h ihi vu of the hltli nuin tin ir stuff is wit un to in riilnid nul di hi sled hv uu mnn in uu str et thll noh- ulous hiiieltr arid ihi ivi r iki tuiusiwifi iiuillur nun ixifctint pusiinim fri- of ihe mid fm ullir edil ml diinily 01 un nbjil- ivily nllcked in hi fminl in the mws columns uu colunmisi 11 usi hih ipni for liltink 1 vimd mills fjnmnk pujuiliiis suli limilnit nun lists 1x1 sm fiib les piekini sc bs mil ihimp inninr the wndcrdor ivrn if he is just that a dir most nf them are clever their stuff cntertaininf they nm in fict the court jesteri of the age thur shnrp tonfues and impud- i nee ire tolerated by that mighty mon irch who niles the public prtss ihe constant reader he is amused by them fond of them t limes ocnsiomlly lislms to lliim with hilf in tm rut whin h is is nol in the mmd uni gr ml stnds tlum scuttlini to uu slhi in mpiiirt dmits ami iimik 111 ill silts of himilii istrunt inl us if ihe supirin iiktl is 1 sym- bl of 0111 l m nliiin w iv of life 1 iki me hnk i ih n id l u and wlui s s i l11 il ih 11i un t mnun p 1 i i kn v i 1 of t mmon piopli in f 1 1 nv vi ri rtn 1 lis mi i m is mm 11 n is tit y 10m an i fi mkv i in n 1 1 11 tn il it iv mn 1 s il 111 1 h 111 1 nl 1 1 u ii s bud m iiifli li ivmii t h ik lh ii t i ill h mil f 1 f v ui sinil ispnuii 1 f fici lis mil ihi r ill il wrnd up willi ihi mi n n puili if ii r miustv wis inli 1 estd m nuilmj 1 imniiii p l she w ml inl nn 1 1 m ill u wiiv 1 c 1111i1 thiy h n luitv of ihim in muliuil anoih 1 thinu whit hi comni n pi pli il ni 1 i un tin privbm of 1 kilink r hinilshk fnm the qu n all thivve dotu is p iy 1h 11 1 i s mi i lh it iniiii v hi m ni 1 1 t unit willi hi m il 1 rilucl on thf 1 ih 1 hind m iv m il finn tin ml mi s hi m wi i jmth- w v ui it w uli li dilfu erit i ik f 1 uipl lh it y il y 1 hi vi ii hi 1 uhlnn witlim r mil f ir h 1 n inly lib hi s i 1 ii v anil hv in 1 irt n 1 in i ju 1 inn 11 him i f i i nth 1 il 1 i f 1 ih i mil i i il n w if iv jiihii n 1 ji nk iill 1 1 i 1 f il k v il hi lint i i 111 b 1 y 1 1 1 1 11 111 1 1 ik 11 h it iv i li vi 1 i i i ml n m i 1 i il 11 1 i in 1 i 1 w i ill i mi il 1 vh i i 1 i p il i f j k professional directory and travellers guide ll vibm mi wmletj l 3koe maker women x travel authority this sundays church calendar business and editorial office phone 60 0 acton acton pentecostal tabernacle 13 churchill rind paoc riv kennith j ri id pistor t c k si phnn 69 v sunday may 101b 19 il 10 00 nm sunday school 1100 ammomink worship 7 30 p m fvangehstic tuesday fl pm praver and bible study thursday b p m christ ambis- comirrb mav 17 rev h c ad- imii t 12 ytirs i pnst at rht basilian orritpof monk christ is 11ur answer a friendly weleomi to all baftist church acton rev ordon m holmes b a fl th 111 bower avtnur sunday may 10th 19sh 9 am sundat schfol 1100 am the defense of the 7 00 pm rev a g mcdowell nd students of the bt1 of toronto w ill conduct the ser wednesday 8 p m the mid weetr service for blbl study wk nesa and prayer all are welcome united church of canada acton onta rio ftiv cordon adims m fl i mithst 1 mr ciupi flh orini nnd i 1 1 i il sunday m h h 111 0 00 1111 morn in pnvir 10 im junrr chuh in i t hiirch sch 1 11 im moriung worship tipsontouring s women th 1 il lull pimi j hill h id vrv nina cntldnii on h r i 1 ti f r v i i k- 1 1 nl mop often r k pj t 1 h f fl v ie dr w g c kfnnry 1 iumi n mil siir n offir in svmiii hi k al m i st i ail 1 olf 1 i h nu i it iihii ii 1 liiuh st f dr d a garpffr dr robert d bucknfjr ihwriin ind s rn n 11 w llini n si a 11 onl ihon g7i fiff 11 in n i tm af 1 s i v app nlin nt rr 1 fstati ninsrnf hikorraftor d moore dc 1 spir fn t im pi ittnr iii mill sir i f l wright opth al and 11farinc a1dh f l buchnr ro opt mi in t uui li hum aid 1 ionoi pm p mlmnt ii 1 p 11 t i 1 f itt7r j f ik fr 1 t 1 vii b 1 if i id a off 1 fm m i nd r il r 1 k s 1 l- officc hours bv appnmtm 1ti fplldm 1 1 dr a j buchanan f nl si u- n offirr a m ii street off ct it urs- 9 am tn prr 1 d whn sd afl rnwin the church of st alban ir c f uathfrland oc the martyr vn u tt k 1 bimur a v licit r n 1 rv ngu an n 11 u i r i tli str j llr st h i nl 1 s1ndm aftfr s fnion r 1 v t 1 act in if 1iv il 1 hthts re oth a braida ba fljo am hub luvbaril mi fl am churth s h 1 h 00 a m beginners t liss v phorw 7 offic h s fi im m all wdcomi 1 11 k pm sl 1 il s i c rk si f ritfifiti t 4 2zk presbyterian church th ci s lir b 1 be in canada fimrv nn 1 vs n it tint kep knox chirch acton 1 n r v andnvi 11 mrknjn ird hastings payn srvdat ma lftth 19il rirr sters and si 1ciurs 1 1 00 1 m chrislnn fimilv srr 11 21 nu f 1 ipk n 1 mil st nm was in married happiness hurdi srhvil chil lr n nnl w d i 1 in ri m n fri 100011 41 a m 1 to 4 10 pro sat 1100 1109 am w th irfult cunerrcatiin cpr c n it aoii ihret t rji- ism will be idriuniatr ii w v i irti th ci aiinitinf orvrmo levfr hoskin f hui ru an unnnlfl i mi n si n im kink st w lrn p 11 tronto 1 p n i4h24 fm 40131 earl g black b mm hi ac a iiaiiimh fhintant t 1 nu i nidi lit mmn st rgbfrt r harvlllton opl mtnkt travellers guide gray coach lines coa nr llwf acton in im ivulv xcpt sun and i n un ii u in 2 ob p 1 1 1 1 1 ii p m h13 p i hrtt 1 m sin ul hoi 1 1nr i in 1 1 217 pm t pm 27 pn 911 pnv 11 1 p n m n hi sal sun irt h 1 canadian national railways siimtnrd time r iti it 1 nil i40 im hit ij except suifliivs i0it 1 ti 14 pm sun- ul on duly except 3 rgin 802 pm dmly flyer at c- rpmwn il ii pm westbound dulv ii 44 pm daily except sund iy 8to 1 m 6 s3 pjn 7 ii m sal i ri iv inly i 22 pjn sun- div uilv 913 im ftiksuml sun- d v f vr h gmlih 705 pm dairy rxcvpt srt and sun 531 sonitav f v

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