Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1959, p. 8

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flro in the town can be a disastrous thing but fire on the farm can be even worse there a family business and liakng quarters are located close together and loss of eitlu r can bring considerable hardship for several years now a working agree monl has been in operation o provide a men sure of fire protection to ihoso who live in the district one of the greatest problems is qc ting fire fighting oqutpmenl to the scene as quickly ond safely as passible this brings up two points first locating the fire properly valuable minutes can be lost by incorrect or insuffic lent details for some time we have thought a numbering plan for farms and residences might save time and speed firemen to ihtir location quickly barring that however it wculri icam important that residents post a bnof description of their properly close to their telephone in limes of emergency it is difficult to think clearly in terms of lot num hers end concessions secondly it is important that fire equip location safety vital jrjen roach the scene sifoly drivers who find themselves on the road when n siren is sounded close to them should immediately clear the way while firemen pilot the equip- monl at reasonablp speecjs ihrourjh the busy sot lions ol town the almost unending itreim of cirs lint find it necessary 10 follow fire engines even in the middle cf tho night is often mtorsper sad in tho daytime with wo ivinq ryrlisls a more hazardous tiiunhon cin hinlly bo im agined mondays oirly morning fire mil proved difficult to locate is i he most fiuslrotnig kind a car reported on fiie had dtiven away by the iimo tho equipment reached the scone if lor having lo till luck 10 ihe fire nail may wo suggesi the hnqnde undertake some lypo of promotion through farm or qfliwations outlining tho inform ilion requir ed in roporhng a fire and police keep a sharp eye oul for those followmq fire equip monl dangerously getting lo fires quickly and safely is im the good old days back in 1909 tkttr iran u taw mw frr vifm tbtn4r lv wlitk malillim lo riiwlr cuti- vfyor ihuln at uit bcurdjinirc uintury un blutklay purl l tlir miithinuy timkt mid liuik mi j 1 stiu mw mi lln head and nlnmldir a iiuiulul llunri rwjuliltim mvuul t ili hi wuk multltd tm uit html unit ixunditl l lln mi hfitil mill hit htmiildii wji imlly li ii in i tin ailun liitrnll nlhi winl down i imiut til miluin on sil linliiy 111 hi iii mint mum lln llnllnii ik i ituitui y hit htiiii of tl in 4 nimtyi pitched u iiiinil hiimc mr attim mrlkum mil mm nun hut hi until motii win n little iff tnlu iiitiuiil linn mid dldii 1 piny hi ii timiuil miniiy back in 1939 tiui fram th imnp nf tho ft vttm thunoty ion ims adni look uidr flrl win nf uk cuihiii nil buturiluy whi n tin y tli fooled oiikvillt 0 ft rkn utntliiii mudt in fnsl iiiim ii i with lln atloii i lull mil tun h 1 i t nilv hunu i nil iuhl in ail hi iiiltnnit- lulm wind wiimiii1 miiiii in i five limit inlv 1 ll hi a tu mm iki hy dun llyli mi hi iiiuiml h ii mill- n in lie till in win tin u firnl in- iniiiitii willi hit lltiiti inwn iniyx hit at ii iulilii sliuil dmiid tiiiiulty ivimnit iiiiiliil with hfttl un i nlttiiiil i f mix m 11 nin ll rilliwmk ii lnitthy ituitimit muni in hi ill n im id portant summertime boon or bane the summer is beckoning once again qdrol gutfrostfle g are ready for rollicking and relaxing this is known as the good old summertime however with a completely carefree at trtude it can become the bad old summer time this kind of summertime brings people lo the hospitals in droves like a reverse christmas rush undertakers dont do loo bndly either men leap out and tackle the rockery at ihe first slanting roys of tho sun and strain their bocks legs and arms drive pickaxes and hoes through their feet and squash their thumbs with hammers their wives pop into their bathing suits and flatten themselves under the same rays ol sun and quickly get parboiled often la a stage requiring metlicil attention the unior members of the family trot off thraugh the woods ptckitg looking for frogs they come home covered with poison ivy the unior males tumble into rivers ponds and lakes where they drown with an alarming frequency the unior fe males of the species seem lo gel themselves destroyed during the winter months whore they polish themselves off by helping mama in the kilchon ond burn themselves to cm dors summertime can be likened to a rich cake eat a moderate amount and a wonderful full feelmq a eat loo much and illness ensues exorcise a degree of ciutroijii ilice wonderful summer activilic ond th y will be completely enoyible v aft wit msfcm june adventure big business canadians will be reminded during jhe month of june that the dairy industry is still one of the nation s largest most important and most complex businesses over the years dairying in all its manifestations has become highly efficient beginning with the production of milk and carrying through to the delivery of the finished product to the consumer for instance it might be assumed that the dairy cow population would be in creasing with the increase in milk production which inst year topped 18 billion pounds however the number of dairy cows in canada has noi varied significantly for many years remaining at a level slightly above three million animals steadily increasing milk production while influenced on a sea sonal basis by weather conditions can be directly traced to herd culling and breeding programs which have resulted in herds of more highly productive cows in connection with dairy farming it is important to remember that milk is nol the only product of the herd in the process of management calves as well as cows have to be culled in the interests oi herd improve meni which in turn is responsible for ihe increased milk production mentioned this culling process is the source of considerable dairy income since it is estimated that 60 per cent of the beef and 40 per cent of the veal consumed in tariadj comes from dairy herds in a country winch somelimes be comes preoccupied with the importance of wheat it is worth remembering thai in a giv en year the farm value of the products of canadian dairy herds exceeds that of any other single farm product including wheat immature drivers one of the moil convincing cases of the need for training courses has been built m a recent magazine arhcle that pomis out ont anos 11 000 teenage drivers pjed up ac cidenls ni the rate of nearly 1 i for every million miles while- drivers aged 45 to 4 were involved in ust over one and a half accidents per million miles youlhfulness alone does not make dnv ers accident prone teenage qirls have very low accident records in ontario teenage girls make up nearly two percent of all licensed drivers but are involved in fewer than one per cent of accidents male teen agers dumber gust ove five perceni of alt drivers but get into more lhan twelve per cent of the accidents the diagnosis of reckless chtvmq most invoshqators now anree can be p npomted in immaturity there is sirona e dence that maturity m the form ot safe dming habiis and attitudes can be nuaht to leenaqes by such means as high school dnvmg courses and organized car clubs that devote a great deal ot time to bram washing piemk s into safe dnvmq attitudes in manitoba graduates of d vino couses an accident rate one eati that of the avo age driver in the province in british colum bia graduates of high school dnvmg courses had an accident rate of 27 per thousand drivers compired with 69 for ill bc dnv it is impossible m high school days to cram in every bit of essential knowledge to prepare youth for the years ahead curncul ums a e already overciowded bui in ihe vast maonty of cases parents are not qualified or capable of qivmg adequate dnvina mstriic tion to then children their example is nit always the best and tins m itself is one oi the greatest teachers in this mechanical aae it seems impera live that thorough traminq be g ven new hi vers before they oet beh nd the wheel it is nol enough to pass a tes m obta n nq i license the more deep seated an n des irst lie converted from a new found of tin feck ttss tpe of freedom to one oi ioriil t u lion and care already e have a qenera on on wheels hit w ii never pari r pate n a dr er eduta lion cocirse fflr v a on o st re p a 1 1 three h gh schools c e foui i c we cssent dl if the d n lives is o le cu suyat tuul sfiicz tins wuk 1 ncvtl i hlui pi i unlitiil f line ihni mill m lip in i hki j un r iiulli nii wlitu ui vinl fblu ii wis iinritli n lint th huh i il uli itiu s liiil l lisv il w ii ll iii m 111 j till rl is i 11 wum i iim 1 w hi- t 1 lly ii i ii intii 1 rnnl il w 1 tutu all i ij is id ml l l tlltl 11 ill m l t klllll is 1 111 iii mi in i in ul it w ill in oimli1i with f i il- li ill i urn 1 illnut ilmu mil a 1 hi i cl i im ii i u nil iumi n i j ill diss vi its mils nil i 1 it i ilh i inn u iv tlnl hist i ii il svull m lk1l lit i u ul in t il i on if m il tlnl imh1 liuiih f 111i iuu ii m fnnrls s 1 t in i k il 11i- h il mul ii iii m il mtil li 11 linl il in i liltli 1i1i diss iii i hi mil luiili hnimll nil 1 1 st il h 11i11 tut in 11 1 lls1m tli fun we k inj firtlur idmc tlio rrowd i hiinc nmirttl with m ik 11 nw 1 il n hut 1 m ml it 1 tli 1 u is cnnly hit d- m nt m huiih willi ihi iinivilnl iiifuii tlul winl t h 1 tin f i pile in 1i11 ix fotinil dt ul 1 inns sini sch 1 snrms 1 lit un such k lln iy ik id m li 1 dius in y tliiiiklil t 1 kims in th f1111 ui iiiitl 1i lu ri suli 111111 ins wh lisiim mil in th fnsl lilico i stnuild ln th uu t 1 busy tivum li 1 1 i ih i hi 111 i ss f 41 i 1 uii i m si f m i t ul 1 f 11 millii 1 v 11 m ii 1 1h n 1 im v l 1 tl 1 ti ilil 1 i 11 i 1 t ik mf nn i 1 u ii s s 1 1n y it liii w ih th c i 11 f 49 nlil ins m i i ihm uui mil idoliscinci li f ul ns hut vm li ill lit iii ii lll llssmll- i ihsv i k 111 r i 111 11 111 nn n dul n iil iiiii rim tlnwl i1m mill th v mil hsim m nn did ii nn m i i i it i n ui n t hi in i in dt 1 i li nl oi il i 1 lituii in th si mil il in 1 w i ilwiis i ilhtl imitilkin of i mil tti t s m f 1 m un vmnn oiinii ihcenni u ijs iir uihi ml whinilini l tpi f mi in i ul m k i hutiiii f un ihtj in ul hifli ii inrt hi liiissnunl schul lls mid m u fr i uk aft i llil rn u sli clstritv 1 ix sun ih i rt ink 1 ik m- htil i i- aril wli n elissrnil s 1 i u m t t hi f us th im1 il ilik i hi ill li i us f iii t on pi itic u spun iiis fi m th it tws i would i itid til v i th ij ih i h nil il ul ui i uu f shut inn b iln k ml vh h ilf n n i is id i hill f 1 i ss tin s l ish i nl f i tk ihr n v sinn ist h in ll i i m f 1h d uiu hft n t tun r t it th i 1 n is n 1 t hi n ml im id s 1 uuil ulm t ilil i un li kiks n 1 nj hi in i 111 n j ist hi w v i i id 1 l f uuih r i 1 fi i n nuiiiiiiiliinh iimii mihn w mimd- j whlli id bil in hit fifth minim ilvdii wim iliutk in lln lyi hy n fun lip iiliivinu imly lh wtniti utiilrttl hit mivilim nf ii ttdiuir mill htvuul kiiicihm ih pluihlty finlittiid lilt umiii uhtiu liiiitiitynl tu iiitlili tiy initk in vit w lln kinu urn tjittii dm hue will llllllltld 11 im ivnl km i i ihi mm uitiliiiuil will ui ti hy tin untlili iiiuiiiil i inn 1 d citiip ul nuiituiu un jiintr 11 mid id linn miidi d iinkmldi fi ihi 1- comjiimiy in artun will lukt lillltlhil til llll iw ii h pint in hit iiiiinii i kii ii nn w id th 11 1 ll 1 u 1 ih hill dii hi i id isiii r t ii i n 11 t 111 ls ill w 111- rc itnlili ii itt i nin lid ihil ih v ail ui t iiiiiiiiiv will in lln si mi 1 1 11 ll 1 ttl 1 v1 1 lilt hi ml ih on ii rum ill llpmhhd 11 1 v ii 1 1 v l a hunk tl ik in mill n nut in 111 1 1ll i d 111 k iv ll t iindniiil iiuitlv wliui in f uk m il iuk s ihy 1 1 1i1 luvlhk tin 111 sit willi iiiiih of al n miyhiiiiii i nf hh liiinjc tjlhn tuls wis- idiiishd with i mini t m ii y tu b dilimini 1u ii f him in 111 ilixliki mid whin in insnl 111 l1i 1 1 si ni vis nr 1 stisf s n1 nd 111 u u wilsni d 111 si ikm 1u lln t i in h ihtii iy tinii tuytor iinl s2ki nf tin iiniounl t j nlnni s iliriiiullv 111 1 1 ni un t tin link with liihiind in v111i 1 1 ninln wlini 111 iiiimy w n t 1 11 lln in hi ail n ll vh pi ill in th inn it uuil wlini h lindlv t ill 1 1 mi hid 11 1 t 1 isl ul llll lln aitni iik llnuidi ii 1 iv slllllld hi 111 ilsll ll jus ml ii diiiuiiin dy whin niriv vi li ii 1 11 1- u j1 in- f by bill smiley itini im ii nit ji will in intiil 1 ni k 1 11 iiinv 1 11 1 nn d th ii m 1 t wlkll iii v 1 mid d i hill v null ill tin y d visit i si i in ih s id it k iiid is i w i llmi i fii sli si lt r id 1 lln l hi 1 1 1 1 1 lln ii d mm duiiiii hi it v 1 11 1 is in liii th ii i w is in in ii tl hi sldlllh 11 mil l 1 s 11 t nd im li v 1 in i tiiimliy thnr im iintminl with n snnll ih 1 iwn 1 wl is in im y 1hs s n hint lny of in iminrik d ivs in 1 li vi 1 mil ii ii i r f- null md fn n h if iih hhst hi wiuld in nn ny vnitis ji a 1 n s id li 1 ilh m 1 in i ui linn i iliiiiiiiiiiit mi uk m ndi tv nun it 1 vi i iv 1 i 1 d in itu j 1 li ui liny nn n lln lv11 1 ih i 11 f ln i u iii i iliih t lull a il is hoiil turn 111 sli i is uid si hllll sl w m s 11 i n ilnni w ilk ininittm hi 1 tin i i s hi uithiiini vn in li 11 1 1 hi iii w llmu 111 bll v licit in 1 si ml imm i v iiimni tin shi it in w uid 1 1 11 nndir 1 iiijii id nils an tlit 1 v uid in bciiuiil 1 kintji a ihiui wuiild in duo 1 iy in if ind imijk nf s 1 inn in ilnlily iiuiloinid in 11 dt lit iksseii annthu would brine ilh 1 in from in ivircmt pxk tl a f if hi wniilti i ilutthiiiu in tinily nun he itkittt oil hit bnk f wlndi in d wnltui lit is v ill th k wuiild be hill ik ind 1 k ml xd ind dunk ind j d llk ni ml hit niklil linn 1 ill fi ni uk imdlidv siik ltd wt ml llhi n iy professional directory and travellers guide hintkai ihrfrtorr 1 tin 111 1 stud tin j win iiniivly dt slim d fur f iiiiim tkiy ont nf lliin th tithtr diy mv wife md i m 11 ttllini hit husky 11 yt ir uid win n is ih bibv ttun ib ul sunn if then id fn rnk wc h 1 1 til tyi r is b l jilurt i tin ulimi thiff is 1 th ir 1 d r nit hit thi put is 1 b tin p 1 md 1 r fctmr of fniil sh it ih b 111 olht rs r 11 tin ml this sundays church calendar the acton free press ptbluhrd bv the dqb frifitlac nd pabllshlnc c united fnindrd m 1171 and publitbd e thursday at 56 m 1 s f arton ontario mttnbcr nf the audi bun m of renlrtt on iv t una and h o tin qnbp d n of iho cft na advrl ini r ilf nn rfcins sub 4uwaaba3 able in advaow s3q0 m canadi 4 on m tti 1 tfd i month 1 s ij t c v ijn is wrond cww mail pwt offnr depir t ot mi tw mly paper m pmbtwb4 in tttoo g a dill kduwm chief txivd r d 11 manajig fjior busjness and editorial office phone 600 acton units chupch of canada rrv gudotsntiit a bd uinitr mr o j sl nna jvnf tth 111 900 m morn i an prijti 10 0ft im junior c hurch ind hurch sh i 11 n im miirninc w rship tm church of stalban the martyr ngucan hs tf ki h b tok f 1 ih stb 1 i j ft tm st ph nr va si nd jt nf h the sfccond strndi mtftl trtrr rt0 am m w furtiir i 1 am t hurch vfi 1 11 00 a m beginners c lavs jl l am choral enrtiant all are welti n acton pentecostal tabernacle 11 ui i i it l i at n k n j ft id p r k r fi si mv i h il 11 on 3 ri minrlu srh 1 1100 n- m n n i ih i 71ft h fmk tl r sn il h f i st sn c r- i n it t in i oli baptist church to pe t think 111 skip ih cliu r i th ch ri thi c 11 k s n i id 11 th hiini l fun f thi lis md jiim riii inbn hi dlv hk award bell contract for repeater station t p hnldnii tutl ih n i t tt inda m f r i l jnt i i a t d lejt art i h ti 1 d i br 11 tile i l i 1 ohww li- nd hd mciir r s k r 1 t ade ri thai pusayteuan church in canada knox chtkch acton rtv andre ii uck in b a bd sujtjay junf 7th 191 a m church sch t um a-ro- ml worship onert preacher a curomivii i er tu in 85th general a tmhlv children thrte v jr and under caed ish dui ait ric at nume rc c d n t ft 1 iir r ht 1 r t ami si ndwjt nf 1q9 9t ttp- c n r hm 1100 am the w-id-n- frv c mi n n sr rrr p f mmbert wedn1av h pm the rn1rek sa cr ir bittr study w t new and prar r att are welcome h i di 2 1 nw nrev u 1 hi ji i 21 li 1 1 it i ijv j rcinrccd tl frame urd bl rk andctil i hn d i nd t er will be f ih n oicc iky dr w g c kfnney 41a mil si i- ad ii office phum 711 sidiki i hllltll si dr d a garrett phviri in unit siirrdn dr robert d bucknfr ihvhn n iind surjisn 3fl wellnikin si aru n out pimni mn offir 11 urs 1 k pm aftirnrxins lv apr- nl nin rfai fstatf am 1nsi ran f f i wright 21 willnr st art m jnt r n plmnc 9 i app1 s r reil fldp md inuirinre thephonr- 19 or a j buchanan 1 rtl sr f ifathfrland qc urirter stlicibr n tirv a bra i da ba rarnur sol aior nu- puhc 11 mi n st s an n o t phfe ifi office houri ipn hikolkattoft a d moore dc mm r s f lirprid 11 mil sint lhini hl r ia ff tlrs wd 2 7 sit 2 itc al and iifahinft allth e l buchnfr ro ot i in nl md it irinif aid ri- ill ml ia nst it n 41 mill m t- ill in hi offit h nc wdnlivs li i 11 im pm jv u ni y u i r irmrit h us t in 1 y p r tmnt robert r hamilton opunneiiikt fvi- etiiinintd hi inrik a d suvicn i 1 f i lh st kl vtn on ni 7 i4i ai nmvr at m ntino levfr hoskin hitli i a tint si v i s 12 k i st w i tr nt 1 i l i 1 tll r1 4 hi31 api o plack ii ii r- tt i a a mmtllhhi m it m avt r mm r itldk r1 w n st travellers guide 1 c st f i urd canadian national railaays f rl v- ndir thr inn nu jip m k wi -be- dtrtance tt-l- rn i rail and u scheduled i g irt iit alion ji n 1 ltl a- w tnrl up w n j hae fvr rnrromvp ndio fhinnili each cjpjble cf carrjinc wllcikiverkjuan wrouluaeaualj ta 4 2242 ofrr h iiri 9 im s p m so tu do j 8 am 13 am hastings a payne barrwter and sol ctton ntar e puht tr t mill st armn oftwe hnt mon fn 10 00- 11 45 am 1 30 4 3d p ri sat 10 00 1200 am pbon ml il v mil i ni except s ndui loon i- 14 pm sun- rtav nlv fi i u djui except srlj f- 1k n n- 8 2 i dj ly flyer at cis r ft town lu pm wtu d duly 11 44 pm da iv except sinlav so am 1u pm 7 pm saturdaijnljf 122 pm sun- dav unly 903 am flaftstop suo- rtn onlv fher a onelnh 7k pjn dailj except sit and sun 331 pin

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