Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1959, p. 7

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in solemn remembrance kutf mow a memorial wkath was laid at the cairn in pioneer ceme tery during the decoration day service on sunday by two veterans of world war 1 pictured above left to righf are e e barr and w bntton who served together during the war placing the wre graves tn fa and st josephs cemeteries were also decorated during the service guelph lions club giant car bingo saturday june 13th 130000 in cash phizes lu your choice 1959 pontiac 200000 cash snowball jackpot 170000 54 numbers special gain 8 15 pm guelph memorial gardens children under 16 years not allowed to puy boer war veteran on duty sunday a boer war and world war i vttortn wilfred colo church st once again ihli year handled the dullet of ralatng and lowering ihe flag at the cenotaph during the decoration day aervlce laat sun day mr co let a legion member haj during the pint years been a familiar figure at the cenotaph during any legion ervlcc raiting and lowering the union jack dur ing tho playing of the uit putt church must take share of burden mri joicph jany wait hotci and mr a j buchanan pmkkd for ihe june mcellnii of the after noon auxiliary hf the women i lmlonapaiciy of ki bylcrhm churoh mn r h piik preaented the mlaat n study nnd with thl luulfltanci of mm win mclcod led in n x rvicc of wor hip follow inn tht thi mc god t work in the itudy period mm im fur told nf the muny problems mid concern con front inn ihe church in canada today muny of which nrc evident in canada among ottun related to the change and exnannon were churchea being buill in uthirbiii downtown urea of lor ger citim reacnch centre acarclty of intnluirs nnd the need for mnr young men apd women to train for scivfei in hi chureh an a nntinnnl chuich we must face th bur don of niponxiblllty whah we huvv undoi taken as our share of the world m union of the church thimtt pru nl enjoyed music supplied bv mi morun nnd u lime of mlowdhip obituary learned wireless operating in acton mineral miviee wni h id for john a mcgill in ottnwo on mn 21 mr mcgill hid b en with uni dinn piiufic killwtiyt f r 30 vwi lelirlng in imi us int nil piishin kcruginl a i iitu hoiisi nniiv son of thi lull mr mid mm j j mt- gill he attended high school m geoietnwn aftei luii ning v n i lea opemling whili employed with the cnr m acton in iridtd nillunv work for bunking find wus with tlu ti idtis dank in javirnl places including smlt st muni prtacott ahhur and cm gill in 1911 hi joined thi cpu wis in cliviland ohio ind british colum bie befori going to utuwa hia wlf the former helen sy- mons of aelon died in 1943 he luivts two ilmtri mri o r polk- hikhnrnc cold water nnd mm j f dounlng london ind a brother roy migill of cicorgilown eighty fourth year no 50 zht jutwt jvee tats acton ontario thursday june lllh 1959 socdnd section r a brooks retired minister addresses large gathering at decoration service it la ui encouraging luduy tu in mid see an many who are unmoved kiillurid and fearlesa about tomorrow goth uetl hen lo do honor to thoae who made in ihiir way nobu contribution to queen and conn tiy and to our own wuy of lift and who trkd to alwuyi do their duty be ing juat luvlng mcriy and walking humbly with llulr god weri tht word of welcome to thi largt gnthvrlnu at the fifth annual dtcorutlon day sirvlce in rah vkw eeinetety on sunday june 7 iui inlng i hi lurgl ruwili hiv hrook for tin h iltln uuy mrvlii totd nitl by iut brook gueit wliu h intituled roiiii hudneu whin ki yf in rcviewul n old uiimorim uicl old wuund mi uiuivirtd rienae of orallbidc in alnaiung hm st i till ri unon itiv hrook muud tin si irviii art iliaslona win n n piofoiind helm u pi f grittilud d us from uil ovila of ij ml duliloixtitp they iml indi m 1 1 lu hi b i li ful u wi lu ti un itt dial miy lino l day of iomi hi riow 1 hliik hi thev 91111 s tar bi tin th in wi nnd if dining tin llplht vho gnat ivrr imagined eiiitliihut d ii v hrook hay of kededleatlon in conoluilon ihi gucl nnnmlr urgid the people to nuiki il n day of rcdidication and innki un n in flumce ell uv ttiim day und tfimr alion let u be owure of tin m evil moodi and flu from hit in knowing tht itrngtb jcmm niiiiiid ith all who kn w and lovi kim ijit ui riku up nun our d ad iimt in him i khvm in higher ihlukh hi ii i ightn i than cyril lelkhlon ehalitnan of un jiiili o imibli that out hiroration day oinmittet win irovt liittir than wi i tiairoian for tht trvai ht wl bun iiv d fnm null n diy i a od h pi fni to i a brief service was held at the cenotaph lasl sunday june 7 altendance for ihe service and headed by parade marshal max during the annual decoration day service and pictured above slorey led the parade lo the cemelery where a service was held members of lown council and local and district organizations rev r a brook retired uniled church minister now living in are shown as they reached the cenolaph during the parade from acton was guest speaker for the service following ihis graves the cnr tracks lo fdirview cemetery four bands were m were decorated in lht ihree cemeteries zii vv wis vi i i 12 homes hulldlng permits far construc tion worth 126jw have been leaned in naaaagawey townahlp lo date this year clerk don me hlllaji reported this week in april and may 12 permit were laaued for home totalling 1 15 000 now available at city prices at the acton free press touch type in 10 days longplay typing course album yours al no extra charge when you buy a smithcorona portable 7450 to 19950 each easy low cost budget terms low down payment not only will you be buying one of the worlds most respected port able typewriters but you ii be able to touch type m record time thanks to smith corona s great long play touch typing course album it retails re gularly for 23 95 yours now at no extra charge when you buy a great smithcorona portable act fast a the 8kywmk ciriw ju1 mm ninds but bus an mcharactcr kcybvmrd iikit margin etc in metal i mik ewe each 7450 b illcnuc robtahlfc w rid s tint- h al n upcrtcr nrcl miracle of the dec ne iii ainnilnplv c mpjct and rav to i x nul cnj uh wundrrful nei ea 1 1 i v kmii automatic rrpeat ac tons touch lector impression control d al kc tabulainr pace rauge qtc available in alp rte b ut vai am greea wtvxlland beige coral tink come complete th carrying 1qo c r ti sirirn si rm n t 1 i ll s h t n 1 l v i r m v tn r h l t is mirh tt uur mi r c ir ki nurd pauc him if r peec pmcnt r charci il lrh 12950 iv- twf stirijnc n tlu i m vbh i i iidi d ti n ik ii a v bach p bl g a 11550 e thf cupper t 1 1 i n ed tst r t i p i jt c li b it n srii h ma iu 1 h in gra m 10450 the acton free press 56 mill si acton phone 600 omed all iimiil lo thi tremony und uitiodiiced un nutuli tralcd n lh plalforin liitrixliind were t pout and ii mllol j no mullin i ibonil ranillduti s hall ihlp and oiineivatlve can dulate j huiry t cundidate may r w h cook lt v a ti mi kfk rev r llolmt llev 1 slkrief ft v k iteid und htv it a brook kill it xpenki r welcome by mayer at in mayor w if onk wel tdintd the crowd to tlu annual rvi and invlud all to linutr u aftr the to i old acuaintum and villi with ottu ri jjruum during the rd r of w rvnn itrv k j ittid huvi the invotatlon t lowinu a hymn itiv ii slokrecf read the urtiphin starting ut the lint virii if tli iighlh tiiur of the kjiatl f st iunl ui thi ito ray r wi kvi n by ii v lliilmu lln kil hii ih i win in tridoied by itrv a m ki iuic who nid hi it itiv hi mik wiin a nlirul unitid iiiinli minihtir living ailoi uftn dirtlnuinhi iiilry her r ihmtkett tlt t hfi told hia uudienci he di corati tin gin rhi huvi itnhhid iiwa following th aildrt joinuik in iiiuig thi ejin nnd btnclkli i clravra deeoraled wtil an n c itim mind oliyid lh iavn of thi ntrvicc nun wui d iritil with olud k r niiiiiii rvi un u ghoul tht mliy wr ilorful with tho miiiy bi nitifiil fliwnn plulld by otiuii in mini i y of their tuvud nnin al lhi inmi linn giuvli in ui ilomir and st joitph cim- itituii win- visited and decorated ovr wxi piopk kjltund in the i in it ry f ir the itrvici bknited willi jilihcl june wlothir mill strut wax llnxl noldily i both ildt1 for the parade which look place prior ui the aervice starting nt iheoinr aulion thi parade made ita way to fairview c mi tery vu mill and main sli etls nl ipping briefly al the fniliih to f th llkii fill i irld trun nwioe in soiemn reverence the guelph sea cadels honor guard stand at the cenotaph m acion during the annual decoration day service and parade crowds i ned mill stree from the cnr tracks to mam street to witness the parade cons st ng of our bands and local and d str ct crganuat ons as well as lown on c als 130 from nine area branches f at legion ladies zone rally i pr j ot mr rd i ij hour bands attend i- or unida win ii xnl f lli i o l ait n c iiimm fluid alon j iru pipe dnl ulph ci hand ind o iph s ml band a fv in in un h inor of s ills w rlati ne 1 at the al thi r n t h un a kion chaiki a k v ri by jitsklnt h p il pryi wt ft i by ri v a i mikni iiti ti iadre and max st ny n ad th niim f th j rviitrrtn wi ilid hi eiintiit a n tlh i plrr1 jnd the list cut wi vundd by w i elm i sin th i vtrn wilfrd f ln r i md liwircd th flag ti i ar i thi n m v i fl t raiviw niiitiry fur thi balanci if th f rv cc mny r uc br ii 1 t xk put in t par idi ind rvii miluding n ffu j jnd dot n th pr v nr al rt n ai i 11 r r upjftmiit ri n lirlin aui 1 ary 1 ik f i v ruih i- and iiku c hipt n f thi 1 our w mm irnl uu s altai and ddru b y v 1 tub ou drt fir n i n ir rrr tx r n ng i 1 nni f jf st j hn i an t lrc hritf ji ll t ai i irt t rdil t 111 n ri ct btnfin mil r in md mi i mil 1 k hhil thur d di 1 owl l k 1 i m a ti me m iv 2iih f r th innual t tll v c lsld nt h h il nerlv 130 npr p not c mmaid alv pr i ill in wr prcnl f rn m i w 7 n m t ndt t mr j n m br im 11 oik f b v f act n m s j i ixri id f j n the el nxt var h j at ac n iai i i rohall m st 1 fred day named school principal root hardware and construction ltd our service call number ul 69551 night or day y rd iav f a ik v 1 rl i nl 1 f r hk sec od v si h- hi riretved t fl j i n s framom art ft l st f iph t l c rrl i f yrw t ol t a mr t d h m a -irrj- t lv r f v 1 t t ki hi ma l i b- rn princ pji f h pjkstr lrv sto 1- hm 1 c 1hv r palnrk ii ncuk nrl u pti uuni the mr jnd the r th st j hn art bjlamr br gadf trrald ev r par cip inl v hm ih y i vcrtome by thi- heat anniversary tea held on tuesday it it t ttir lhk f t r rrupjr the i uf rr t hr rwr- f mr j jjnv n ti mlay j nr i a k kn 1 thr betil holmes plumbing and heating eavestrouohinc prtnsvtv systems tht fmlmatis phone 556j th ia il z x 1 rr r kvtr- n j w bui i 1 rl r j t 1 1 1 a t 1 ond a in r v v il 1 taptir f n r beaker merlin t e inv id n v 1 e tbte oujh aid dur ne crv nj it rrrrt 1 it- mr e j hjv d a c ml ivt u r tfmlr i t crxier u trjt j1 wa td ti vn alcoholic glow an itcohotic glo a the srrl s fume im the t wenmner of a b iiirif car wreck

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