halton 4h homemaking clubs hold annual achievement day hospitality was the theme on saturday may so at the agricul tural hall milton pair grounds when halton 4h homemaklnf clubs completed their spring pro ject the club girl entertains with a reoerd membership of 115 the 11 clubs throughout the coun ty brought this interesting study to a fitting climax at achieve ment day record books and hostess files compiled deilng the course were on display in thof hall all day and thcmorning program beginning at nine oclock was a busy one when members jugged classes of dining room table bouquets and plates of sandwiches arranged for aftor- noap tea oral reasaib were given on ttic farmer each igirl also bad hah an hour to plaa in detail a party for a bpccified occasion this was to be a july tot ccldbratlon which would welcemc to the community a dutch family and particularly their young daughtor of the club members own age itau r1ni there were many interesting suggestions given by the club girls iginnl invitations decorat ions entertainment and refresh- icnls whidi woulavcambine both ldutch and canadian themes and make the newcomer leel at home in her new surroundings assisting mrs mabel borgstrom halton county tiome economist throughout the program were mrs marilyn ritchie of perth county miss wimn gordon of york and ontario aourrtks and mrs marion montgomery of tfabl cton an innovation at this year s achievement day was the noon luncheon served cafeteria style by the scattfh nock women s in slltutc and this was much approc luted by members and leaders alike following the neon tntcrvnl many mothers and oticr interest cd visitors were welcomed by th home econemiit who thanked them for their interest and pro motion of humcmtiking club work mrs velma nornts flistriol pres- ident of hotton women s institut es brought yateu3bjb tram her or ganizatlon and enmmcaklaa the club leaders and members ns did allen frames agricultural reprc scntatlvc for the eeunty a program of club exhibits de mens trillions owd alits was then presented aad ott by carolyn oardhousc of atmiby north com t mentlng on their exhibit of table centres for different occasions s t halton farmers attend field day a number of hnhon county farmers attended the dairy and beef field days iold at the oa c cuelph on june 2nd and 41h respectively the guest speaker for the dniry field day was lr c ft lastter professor of dairy cattle nutrit ion michigan stale university east lansing michigan dr lnw tor stressed tbe importnnct of for ages in dairy cattle iiedlng he stated thai lncrtnud priidiictum per cow v at mur important fur economic milk production than increased htw pirr- tepoete m research dr j c fcemrle ot the animal- husbandry deportment of the o ac rcpnrtcfl on the recent duiiy cattle- rescanah projects glenn butts manager of ogec- chce farms fairtwwi qklatutmn and chairmaa of the bear or dir ectors perf arena nee registry in tcrnational fve the nddrris ol the beef fitm day w p wntoon livestock commis sioner for ontario and sccictary of the advowee registry boar parliament buildings to eon to rt ported on the ajt program dr t d burgess of the animal husbandry department outlined recent reseascb projects with beef cattle this wan followed b i pen el discussion on bevf cnlth man agcmenl fraw carney and sow ud hatowam m ah ikatmo rockwood umehousc nelson and scotch i block clubs also used this topic with commentators heather clarke eleanor taylor and marg aret hume respectively sandwiches for afternoon tea was milton s choice with ann king commentating while palermo chose a table set for two wtlh gall lofquist giving the commtnl critique on exhibits mm ritchie one of the vmling home economists then d livered n short critique on the exhibits commending the clubs for the at tractive displays nnd making sug gcsllons tor their improvement ashgrovc with doris picket and margaret austin as performers demonstrated the topic pocking a weekend bag os did the nassn gfiweya group of doris moffat carol freeman and heather gates flower arrangements wis the choice of donna ledger and lindn swackhamer of bnnnockburn while tea is served was ably de monstrated by caroline hoey and barbara break of hornby suuth the same topic presented in skit form by mory moffat sh ley umecvin judy brntorttjui a j g honor j e whitelock at annual conference hal ion agricultural represents 1 ives j a francis and d e jack son attended the annual confei ence of the extension branch of the ontatio department of agric ultitrc held june 1st to 4th this years conference was held at the ontario afilcullura college considerable discussion was held regarding the ontirio fnrm safety survey being conducted in ontario this year and possible farm safety cducitmn programs cuirenl rese ireh piogi ims wire outlined to the extension wink jhanmlmi lrlt on wednesday the subject of pi obit m in fxunsion commun icntion was discusstd undei the direction of dr george h axinn assoeiali director co operative fxtrnsion service miehigin stile university east lnnsing michig an depwv minister of agriculture dr c d graham presented 17 superannuated personnel of the extension branch with certificil o of recognition j e whitelock fornur halton county agi icultural representative responded on be hulf of tht group roblnson knthy dnvles and mur iel coxe was dublin s selection these demonstrations were then commented on by mrs marlon montgomery a former member of the home economics service who remarked that she had herself begun her homemaking club work in halton county presentations made the afternoon program was con eluded by a series of presentations in which mrs velma norris and mrs guy busstll representing tfii wumiin institutes assisted county honor certificates and pins for all girls who completed then sixth project since last spring and provincial honors foi those completing their 12lh project led this list the latter went btth mcrntry of bannockbui ruth robertson fvtlyn mckay and mailha may of hoinby north twentyseven girls in all re ceived county honors margaret austin judy walker brenda bre- ckon audrey brown ailccn har rop carolyn mcliughlin judith britton pntricia cnwford d thy kirkpntuck ann balch paula mar atkins cecilia hey newell monet marilyn wilson joni blylh jem britton ciml mcca ron horihi biuckti joanne pi terson anm pt acock audi ey a tick in rid rnrb ir n rose be ttt reguhtton 4 h ctlsis were giv en ti il new ditto membeis inr the spccnl stilling silver home- making club epoon went ti all members and inde rs fete home fconomfst a suipnse finale tq the after noon look place when mrs botg strom s u iving wis recrni7id with th ift f t beautiful t i trivelling bigs from tht women institutes nnd t purse of money presented bj beth mcenerv 01 behalf of the homimaking clubs in accepting these mrs burg strom expi esse d her appreciatiur for the fnendihip and co opt rat 1 in which she hid icciived during hr six venrs is hilton c ninly home economist a m w home economist will t ippointtd ti the tirritoiy tntly thin hummei and under her dir- t rtion thi homt miking clubs will in the fall undertake the pro jeel cottons may be srrnrt mis borgsliom would like u publicly express her gratitude to ill who hive made her term a most rewarding and pleasant one after a years leave of absence for studv che plans lo return the home economics scmcc the department of agriculture twit rsp- teykewj ry fireworks at birthday party for mrs w foster may 23 the family of mrs william fos ter of m r hich the family entered toronto formerly of he himp lnd churchilli met togtthi home of htr daughter mrs w e lucy on may 21 to mark her 7th birthday mrs foster w as met by her daughters ipcirb mr and mrs george burt and familj of george town iflorencti mis fl rt nee uck and son iverna mi and mrs c flint and famil 1dr0 th mr nnd mrs r gi n all of toiont idiisl mr and mis w e lnrj and famih of newmirketl ind tush at homt mr and mrs e shnw son tf martha ih lit mrs sinw wpre alo present mndredi mr nnd mrs a me cullough and family m kingston and igeorginui mr and mm a gouley and family of vancouver isluno were unsbli to attend nrewwks dilay thi evening slrtid with 1 be ulliilll disphj llf f games short musical program and an ild fash toned sing song mrs foster was presented with several beautiful gifts among them 1 pnrst fiom her family for which ht verv ably rtplied a delightful lunch was served inrt is mis foster cut her bciu hfulh de corated w ell lighted cake thi fimily joined in man s ngs 1 1 nnrk tht occasion a verv dthghtful nininn wis mjoyed bv all before departi ihei for appliance and tv repairs call manning electric 230 halton county weed control news v e mcarlhun county wfed inspfctor oke neoliectfd wffd t an rfmmiog new crop nature has many ways and means of spreading weed steds to ensure the survival of the spec ie because bf this man must fixht continual battle against weed in order to grow his ci ips and produce the food which means the contineonee of the human race reports the field crops branch of the ontario department of axnc ullure many of the common weeds are annuals which grow flowei and set seed all in one year these are usually prolific seeder producing several thousand seeds per plant in many cases these weeds should be cut before the seed stts in end tr to keep them einder tontrol but each ond every weed must be destroyed as the seeds from just ont plant can produce a whole new crop the following jtar spread underground in the longlived or perennial type of weed inert art miny that spread by underground ro it stocks tips on touring in by carol lane women trmtl authority if you haven t had jour car pre 1 pared for the hot days ahend ittend lo it now your local serv f jls ice station ittend st qfr ant will be ghd to intei anli fuce nnd refill the radiator wilh water coii- l lining 1 rust inhibltoi heavier oil remove the light oil ind pul in heivier grade oil if youve bun using tht litest premium qu ility oil sliy with it its kod ill year niiind give the eii i compliu uibric cluck tht billuy nnd en 111 eleclneal symt m swilch the tires ind test the conditions f y mr spire tighten uu fin belt nnd ex- nmint tht 1 idi itoi host foi pus siblt wenr change thermostat reset the c it s thermostat if il his been itkuliud foi wuitu wtn ther cheek the nlignmenl of youi whttls and see if the he idlijhls ne focused proptrlv hint winter driving cin get them out of nd justment remember yoeir cus 111 for plenty of hud hot work this summer a car check up now will help insure hnppier snfe r driving whtn the wcilher is- re illy warm let him pass if a reckless dnvir behind you is swenting ti bull hi wiy iihend through thick tnffic d what you can to let him pais the end of a mid bull is much s than the front monuments brampton designs submitted cemt tery lettering corner posts nnd markers a good diaplav in stock wm c allan prop 68 queen st w brampton shop phone gl 10445 rrm gl 1ic13 mp tom nichol phecw brmpton ol 1 396s vc it as from s these pres a doiiblt priblem a tht roots ot destroyed will spread to new localiuns even though the above ground portion of tht plant tut and burned wind water animals and man 1 responsible f i tht sprend of most weeds the needs eif many plants are eeuipped with liny wings or parjehutes to enable the wind lo bcntter them far and wide wnler especially at flood time canlcs many more weed seeds to new locntions and other we ds sueh ns buns cling to iitumalsand spiend in that w i mm tiiwtvei is tht greatest itft ndi 1 nnd when he plants seed that is hut wind ed fiee mi multiply the st uids of hi md 111 vv ueidi at an lived past 40 years in british columbia funeral service went held in bumrnerland british cdtambla on june ind for the me clmfence mc- cutrlwon who paaaefl away sud denly on saturday may n he was the husband of the foraner sadie dunlop and also leaves a son hugh of trail bc two wins tlobtrt and brvce predeceased him mr mccutcheon was the youngest son of the late stewart end sarah mccutcheon he was bom on the mcculeleon homestead on the third lint of ihe township of frln bill had made his home in british columbia for the pasl 40 years fivt brothers predeceased him the acton free press thursday june tllh 1959 9 ugh william jimtw dnvld wrtl kobert and a sister frmle mrs humphrey barbour use csprelaney ter wetnen in canada 4s b erirs for men tt ta 8 years mintjtes takk bot0r8 speeding wrroufh a w m pm at- en may aove moments but attest ing eurt to answer ftaltce ebiges usually takes hours ih 1 mg 1 would it drurrt it has bun said that if we nothing to t nun l wefils for yt irs tht oitntiy would lies a destrt ind fanning wtiuld be possible fr nn this it e m he c that eonslinl vigilanee mil w is rieiiurd 1 1 ki t p weeds fi spieadmg nnd to 1 1 alie idy piesenl one steps is to cut all u they prod nee seed whether vu liv o mini miits e f halt jet us be 11 ibisi fr and resolve to d 0111 put in the war on wtteels of tht first the urbnn m e iiinty gordons driving school home pick up service dual controlled cars fully licenced jack spence instructor cai i collfct tr 74191 georgetown robr r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists fnrmorly e p hsid phone oue1ph ta 41071 5b st gsorget square tv and bapkd owmeftft t5f youi own tv radio tums ffteci on a testomatfc ttfh tcster do tt yottrsflf save money acton billiards grants radiator shop specialists in all types of rttlator iwvtc repairt racoring koitini trucks tractors cars car heaters quick efficient service frea pickup and mivary phti bs aelmi collxt 352 quam st e actbn ont igenckw phone 45 announcement so that we can serve you better in addition to our other companies we are now your locel atjenl for the netherlands insurance co the hague holland hollands biggesl group of insurance companies a worldwide organization established in 1845 trans acting all lines of insurance business alio verzekenngen op acton 455 komt u sent over of bh il m n wi zin ulhd tot ow dmhl fire automobile theft personal accident marine mercantile inland tkanspottawon secunty on solid guarantees and oldfathiorud thoroughneti save save save buy your coal now summer prices save 400 per ton by ordering your coal now nut and stove anthracite tour jj900 fa to now only 2500 per ton june juiy august only cau 48 today j b mackenzie son ltd coal lumhtr nd building supplies datltks otcej i tht first t noii wei uvhrrfttl mfmmt tt rferr fr smmf netnrntx that utll tern to krr tn truflttmr lur uhvlt lift through lie lne f jii ic im j re cinntantly ennched by lieinu tlir miict of our clnlelren our parent our fiifn i- loeil oitem who mat be txh of mrm ot fjt jjt lieu art ntiti out of rraell in tcietoat ttt irlrpl one leef w m loudi vm giving ua m much for o little thi bill ttltphomi comraht of cjuuum b is church st acton ont pwone you can see it growl fartacting aer0prill8 helpb get your anunala on pasture the cheapest form of feed up to 8 weeks ahead of schedale like anything you grow pasture needs fertilization to grow thick and high in protein sound reason for top dreanng with aeroprriw applied at the rate of 100 200 pounds per acre aeropnlls gives gross an early growth boost helps get your stock on pasture from 2 to 3 weeks earlier than usual for pasture thats lush longer 2 to 8 extra weeks of profitable grazmg time top dress now with aeroprills see your fertilizer dealer ovamamw f oamas imitd 11 bring your longrange plans closer pajim dmpu3vemrit iloan gat a long range plan or installmg i modrrn water nvfeeai tbnkang tf kfjeacafe tcmmiel- ling on your farmhouse ftgujing how madl new ncavy machiacry could mcrrase yom ytfw tkea nrik to the bank of maaueal there s no need to put ofl those faun improva- ments you really taat to make you can mous t thme lengtsnge pbm right upto ihe prstnt by teeing your nearest braach ot the ft mbout farm improvement loan the bmmgrr wib bt gbd to tatk u over with yea saat yo u be surpnsed at the low cost of a b ol m fll bakk or i una wo iw