Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1959, p. 11

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rj appoint miss frances lampman home economist for haiti on 125 4h clubs active in haltoh projects this year there are 125 4h club member enrolled in ihe 4h clubs in halun county the great est participation is in the three calt clubs the 4h holsteln calfub has 47 members the beef and dual purpose club 37 members and the jersey guernsey club 23 mem bers this makes a total of 97 4h members who will be exhibiting their calves at milton fair as well as 13 swine club members from the fleef club there arc 19 members that are nominated for the qqeei guinea class at the royal winter fair there arc two forage clubs in the county the halton forage club and the acton forage club the two clubs have a total of 32 members bach of these members 4 miss frances lbmpman has been appointed as home econom 1st for the counties of halton and peel mioslompman who is presently home economist in the counties of durham peterborough and vic torla will commence duties in august for halton and peel coun ties she will replace mrs mabel borgstrom who is on leave of absence from the home econom ics service of the extenon branch of the ontario department of agriculture the regular meeting of lime house women s institute wns held the memorial hall thursday i afternoon june 4 with mrs rough ley presiding the meeting in i opened with the institute rally will be exhibiting a sample from song ond lhc mary 5lcwart c i lect memorial hymnary givtfn miss ivens their forage plots this fall at eith er milton or acton fair i the 13 members of the potato club and the 12 grain club mem- bcrs will also have exhibits at milton fair the halton 4 h tractor club is again active this year with 13 members participating in the club thus the 12jj 4h club members halton county arc looki af ter 179 club projects within the 17 participate in pasture competition seventeen halton farmers are taking part in this years pasture competition sponsored by the hal ton crop improvement associat ion j n bird the judge for last years competition is the official judge again this year the pastures will be judged this month and all phases of pas ture management will be taken into consideration to obtain the final scores the top two entries in the county will compete in n zone competition involving a number of counties the winners from this competition will then be eligible to enter the provincial compttil ion which is being held for the second time this year ten members were present roll call was answered by an improve ment members would like to see in consumer goods mrs ted brown read the minutes of the last meeting and the financial report stake presentation it was decided that as many of the ladies as were able to would motor to brantford to visit miss lycns six ladies went and enjoyed a wonderful drive and vis it with miss ivens while there they presented miss ivens with a hymnary in memory of her sister the late mrs john newton a life member of limehousc w i mrs g english convener of home economics presided for the following part of the meeting cur rent events were given by mrs smethurst and mrs kirkpalnck gave the motto it takes face pnw der to catch a man but baking powder to hold him re porta on annual reports of the district anninl held in acton were given by mrs frank brown mrs janus n bit and mrs w mitchell the meeting closed with the queen lunch was served by mrs english and the social comm ik r request grant for 2000 a by jaw requesting the depart ment of highways for a supple mentary grant ot 120 000 to enable erin township to complete its road program of construction and brid ges during 1959 was passed at the regular meeting of council on mon day june 1 all the members were present with reeve g c wallace presiding at the exchange hotel hulsburgh grants passed included 900 to the erin township federation of agriculture 300 to erin agricul tural society and j0 to acton agricultural society accounts passed fxpcnses were passed for m wallace g t laccy and e mc kinnon who attended a welfii conference in kitchener may 25 mr wallac was remunerated for use of his car for road and bridge inspection and fence viewers g buit j mcenery and j sinclair were paid each account amounted to 7 00 claims for livestock killed oi injured by dogs were paid to tho mas nelson arthur boucher vio let knox and ray white c bryan was inspector may welfire account to 248 erin village account for fires was s snow 200 a boucher 100 h symanyk 100 m ensign 100 various other accounts were passed carelessness fire can start from misuse o ilecincity while electricity is de i pcndibu and sife under all nurnri- use human carelessness with this mxiern s rvant has caused many y mr fire chief urges iu to hive vow wirtig inspected check fnyed electrical cords and mik mi i jour fuses are of the right impi r ri never me mor ihan ii imp fuse m light ng or reccpt nch circuits or nir wiring wil uvuh it remember elccliiclt i trusted uid lhc life you treat it right and it nble yilt in i halton county i weed control news by v e mcarthur county weed rnspector poison ivy vacation spoileb dim t let poison ivy spoil your vacation learn to iccognize this dangerous weed and report to your municipal weed inspector at once should you know of any in your area the municipality will gladly attempt to eradicate any known patches of poison ivy which m ly be a hazard to lesid ents this nasty little vacation spoil cr can easily ben cognized by lls three distinct leaflets white or greenish flowets which turn to while berries remembering ihe irarnvsmi aarras mrs h reid hostess to greenock w i the greenock women s institute numbers were guests of mr and mrs hugh reid at their lovely new home on marlboro road guelph for their june meeting mrs reid has been a vaiued in ntitute member of greenock branch since it was organized the ladies enjoyed a stroll about the hpaciinis flowered lawn in thi eait part of tho evening ind later held the meetink indoois the meeting opened in the usual way with the opening ode collect repelled in unison and presided over by mr chester allen the president roll call answered fouitten membeis inswered the roll call what 4uiriwd at the district anninl elva peiren the sicietiry and i f fnanc nr the result of the dtslutl annual cxptnkos etc which were ippi ved is it id a motion wjs piuiid to piislnl i cheque ft r the use if the pus bytemn church it otpringe for the district annu il in miy a quill ind i pair f blinkels weic reported to hive been given a burned out fim ly in ihe com munih ind i piper collection is i be i ide wins content a guessing c ntest spins ned by mr j mcki mn ms won by mrs elwood i hn t n the n il iinnl anth m f ii mid by the in in mhl in enj y iibh ne t sen f ii i b strictly informal once he fitmhei hii banking hell be off for a little fishing like millions of other canadians he finds the local bank a handy friendly and familiar place where he can drop in al casually as into the corner store he knows there u nothing formal about banking bank premises are designed and bank personnel are trained to provide spccd efficient and convenient service in an easy and informal wa wherever you fro you will find bank staffi proiding the kind of personal service that it kced to the earn modern wav you like to do your banking the chartered bnks seruv solr commlnm annual picnic in country held by institute at davidson home old rhyme leaves three turn and flee leaves five leayc alive is a convenient way to distinguish poison ivy from ohcr similar plants consider additions county cuoncll are considering a by law which will plicc the fol lowing fic weeds on the noxious list in halton county blue weed burdock golden rod ox eyed daisy and wild mufltard while the weeds such ns wild carroi chickory etc arc not loo ipparcnt on roadsides yet never the less they are there ind growth conditions are very fivurablc this professor jones of the ontario agricultural college guelph has jokingly mide ihe remark that weeds only need to smell 2 4 d this year and they have had the couse really what he means is that wccdi are most susceptible to 2 4 d chemicals under ideal mois turc and weather conditions such as we have now roadside spraying one of these days very soon the municipil spnyers will be spray infl wetds along nir roadsides any ne who miv be knwirik tr pet turn i i s u hit crops susceptible lo 2 4 d dimige an wtll id vised lo posl the red ant vliitt danutr mkhs il n iheu pro peitv these ire ivh 1 ible free of chii lc from the ontario dpirt meni of ari icultuie and cin be se euied from the milton or oakville offices r from h weed inspect the hospitable home of mrs r l divldson was the setting for the picnic meeting of the acton wi on wednesday june 3 mra george fryer conducted the business roll call was respond ed to by naming a hobby for a fatm woman the hostess was a fine example to follow if you really want to do sornethlagyoil con take the time to do il bc- an invitation was received from the mountain union wi lo iheir wth anniversary on juno 17 in mil ton and mrs fryer repoittd the pi ins tr decoration sunday die lunch was arranged for and a c ish d million was voted to help with its exptnses plan bus trip a bus trip to kitchener later in the month has ben arranged under the planning of mrs george liar grave and mrs j bucklind current events wen given by mis george hargrave the repoit of the tb annual din- n meeting wjs given by miss murjune hall and mrs hargiave who attended they both enjoyed the dinner and were happy with the repuits that halton countv is ihe bannu county in the tb diive ind ire abl to issisl others not mi well situated mrs riy brown and mrs g five pi ided j piogiam or minn i ind rieis lo please iveryone ibices held lift it en is nee heather ruch inm gill ntssctt ind connie gor don little boys pttei hargrive lime race miss betty v ning spot rice mis a bucli in in clothes pins in bottle miss annie alkens kicking ahoe mrs lloyd mosaics numbered clothes pin re lay mrs w denny mrs george hargrave there were suckers and balloons for all lhc children the iioram concluded with the queen as the table was well laden with j jtpl imp picnic nwpct that eluded juafctabwt lmtarythinftpj everyone did ample jusllee to this mrs m mcaiiliiy expressed the thinks lo mrs davids n and tbc i dies who pi mnt d the muitmi this was heartily second d b r iy brown who helped wilh the u importation and arm id in lime lo pirtakc uf ihe suppei proficiency award for peter wolfe peter wolf- is home from st andrew s college for the siimm i hulidiys al he 00th niinu il prize day wednesday of list week peter won a prificicncy awird for scholastic standing and also ketchems prize of silk cold mid stirling pin for best novict v p the acton free press u gordons driving school home pick up service dual controlled carl fully licenced jack spence instructor t7419t georgoti pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 204s septic tanks complete septic tank installation trenching a excavating wall tile precait sidewalks concrete steps phone rotkwood ulster 64398 rockwood concrete products r r 2 rockwood ont does housework come between you anttyour family do you often find yourself working so hard for your family you have little time to spend with them think of the most dreary household chores and chanoes are ail of them can be done better and more easily with the help of electricity with the help of safe clean modern electric appliances you get through your housework faster have more time to spend with your family and its always a happy economy to choose electric appliances because electricity is so inexpensive you get more out of life when you get themoet out of electricity r n use silver polish to remove stubborn stains from iron toleplate never scrape or use harsh abrasives is yours jg live better electrically

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