Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1959, p. 1

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zht pfiess eightyfourth yaar no 52 acton ontario thursday june 25th 1959 twelve pages seven cent i photu calamity corner as it might be called chalked up its second accident within a week wed nesday night when a car and truck pictured above were m collision at the corner of queen and young streets hospitalized as a result of the accident were mrs k eaton of london with a broken nght ankle and mrs l klumpenhuwe rr 2 acton with numerous tacial cuts last saturday a car went out of control and smashed a hydro pole on the same corner and over a year ago an accident claimed the hf i of a toronto man at the corner two in hospital following crash two wumi n win hospitalized one bruised nnii shnkin up nncl two vi hit- its damaged i ihi am ounl of approximately 730 a the result it ii two cur uash lust tiikih iwdnisdny at thi corner di ynunk and queen sireits i mm k f ittm i london ont- inn n passmmr in a westbound vihielc was taken to guilph oen- trul hnspilil wiltwi biokm nghl iiikklt ind mi lklumpmhouw ir k it i acton n passtngtr in a iruek piulieding suulh nn young sti ei t whs li c u tid nt gurlph hospil il for nunieruns fnn il lici i tlions mis klim liiimiid of sunn n councillor sparks seated discussion as glenlea project comes under fire who lit responsibk fni in i iiuiiiill i miuia rushy or d kins hi hit gl n lalivi ly fl it uii tubdivision umnullii t pop ioi in aupi mquiicdhl at on lihiiii il luimln m iiugilio vinlnu spcikmg nt n linthy di itn i unr ii iiissnn wlmh tudil in ii iihkhh ii it 1 s p ip sugnnl d n it jk i nt land tuitibli hud bi i n tin mil intii ysli ni ontinuini slid i tin havi tin xplnin tin lim puss i i in llif balm iiinnr liter itiui to itlp light dnii but wan iillowcd tii pro cud tu hir distmation driver unhurt tin li iv i it ihi easlbound l ii kuimih r hon and two childrin i si aped nnhiirl ns did linus khimpi nhouwer drive r id the half tin tiuck proficding smith on young the halon car v is in collision mill thi kliiinptnliouwr vehicle ii- iich duvir was miking th tin u il tin aj ix fni lory corner report indicates tannery waste similar to disposal plant effluent nit 20 tut h li and uu mild run t tin i msnm art ontario water resources nppr commission riport submitted ti cnbl acton public uliliu s thursday i r t ltd in tin lui llim jum 1ft suggested ihiit wnsle from riu 1 1 it m hi itivt infum d hip the bcardmore tannery was tif n i un bis st it n un tu similar nnitire iih snniplts lik ti j m u ih n p nim- nt of from tin town disposal plant highw ij ehuks in tins mi this npirt folliwed nn mvesli i h iddu u ml im d in gallon by the o w ii c wlun ls n hit m itii nit nt would tcsti inkin it li disuosul pi ml in- 1 sijru ii put dii l i sjmi r ntil dicnltd thi red ml in d w mi l f tt nmi mil it in i uul ilion jljvi ii lannir liki odoi tl riimmibitin liirncd friitn um ittimpl ti pun i im i mil repnrl that the owiic hid isil- f smu f urn tin t un td fivt uidtiktlic in aluui hi- hhim t in pint tl llihl is cludirm uu tnnimiy nd iiftei tak unnndmid uhtn tin imimissi n inn irsls ff waste from tnih pliuit t mtnina until hid ti i found that benrdmorc wante was nf iirin of st iilt i n tn propnh a similar nulurc as llvat found at phi s hit suinnntt ik i n the disposal plant i ported that manholes beintt snised stow decss4 in the glen ha stildiv iun did not sower supirinlendent a dubv met hm npprovnl n mt im d tin informed the commission that since commission ins dtpirlmwil w mid itn owrc inpihtor took ttsts hm tnnildi miurint thim mi and toured th annus induttn lub pmnhrt out ihtuisnni the flow nt ihi disposal pi mi hid f mi i id i hilt foot dt p lioie decrrusd and thi w isu had clin- w kmm muld rr n h ilu op if om of tin f hitini 111 tm uu hi mvr standards up i 1 till i t 1 m r ills it suhd t turn i 11 flm l 111 iiunii 1h in i i illt r ii- ihospitdtize teacher in morning accident miv noiman tuinti r h 3 alton tiichir at ihi m z ben in tt ptiblii xihool wan taken tu ulih amril hoipital this iiiiniink ithinsday whin he car sin w is trivinu cnllidid with a pukid vi hick and flippid ovir n lis loot mdiiik up a complete irk it tin mdi of ihe third line k ks hoiu it l dividaons farm mi i tin in r tiavillmn alone in tlu i ii w is pruiudum south on lln thud im whin sin mil a late ixll c h diimii by waltir h ipi of g urnetown pi oct i ding iih ni ir tin brow of ji hill build r h w mid ti ed il w iv mn ii to mud i of thi full uptt 1 r iidm u tl ficinh and othir pi nitv viittd b the inspect oi wi t mm report of thtir itidimdiui find mr dubv upoild tlial id i a black oih suhsttmi n at the dishini plant and mijsi it could possible eomt f om li k porn r phnl af thi nvpi tnm th owbc hid lim tanned a small m mm f 1 w bs discharged fnn n 41 it the low sworn onr in i whi ttu supt run ndui mikvuii si li tu distil u li of li w f i idii i tl i titd on inn f i i in op m iut 12 thy a tlu lln i in mi t vihicli tiavcllid ins ik ti wist ditch fur i number uwid f m1 -li- a rock and wis as in mm i id ti hivi bliwn i liri a thu is ut d i c l llln lel l road oils whtn slnkiiik i cir ownid by dave tin siibdiv hn r r 2 acton parked at thi suit of thi road 1 d that ih afin sinking the hussill car rwnlkd tic- thi lurntr vehicle flipped over qjv plus sub us roof pinning mrs turni the front siut with hir head out kimd the lu rt u p les hi tt g c kinmy of aclor 1 nt in sin wts alld ti tin semi and order i i is s id un injiiud woman lo ouilph i mil ii- his ii or obm mitnm ind trial i u il ii li mm it is bliid mrs lurnit in u sirfftr r ni broken ribs nl lounifl the mibdivison mayoi look irplnd lln ibh wis lln pirtv r ponsibl 1 ha wlitn liny appiovd lln piojett sum i sou mdilion i hiiitt lik tins d ui hiilliiiul top scholar of the m z bennett grade eighl class joan cook 12 year old daughter of mayor and mrs w h cook acton received a proficiency trophy from mrs r johnson president of the legion ladies auxiliary during the graduation banquet tuesday evening the award donated by the legion and legion ladies auxiliary went to ihe young graduate who received the highest rnarks in her class for the year last year s award was received by jean hart hid they flooded lh dvks sum thmk should bi dom li coin this mr popi concludid the mayor infurmni coiiniil tl ditch nyitini had been insl ill after thorough studies by cnmci ruuncllloi h liwi iiportil an nifineur ikcompnmid by hmistlf hd veiled tin systiin and thi i n jinur was in duuknmmt with hi me hod of dilihiuit at om mm deputy ileevi j ontr hair ii in of tin road uninitti lold conuniltci was n it tt i ippy wi h the depth of ihi dilhs liimselvrj but explaimd hi y hid nded by th uijihi lt mi ii hj suxutslisd thdl possibly n hviiw of tin ii r i u much uriult in a portion of the ditches filled in council also burned hint potsibly thi projeil would not present such i bad appenmnn whin it was m- lirily cuinplded tund tn return cuunul tuisd iy nlrrit rcsolvld to lit ailon bands havi fm usi of ihotown hall for prntllce al uu u own risk without hial hupplud rcsoluliun spifimon d by uikliind puut will nl usi nf thi uppir floor of thi n hall l ih binds couneilltn w mcleiht hiirman of th imild ing tummillii cist thi unly diisi nl ing vote with the building mnunitlii to ii- vuw tlu probhm huikftst kpeed inireasr i s tnw ermiiuu with hie ijipirtmnt if hikiiw ijs siiksstid t ciiini i lint spud limits it hie 1 uiitskiils f 1 wo in iniiid fiom ihi pritxnt it in if p i h in lo 40 thi innuiil bimdl ins siikkistinn n sui vi vs by hit dt pai liinnt vlnth indn tltd hi il i ii th np- iih ih town on numb i 7 tn wir cloikd il mswh rnilis pi i imui lo 3l mil within tin town hound yom hid julll s mi tnw pi dm ni thi hikliway in is uu thi i ft xplu v ik ixciiisl the main outsklrl spt t dx of th town w rt unn asnn ilili mid th it rinviri hnd been kiltina away wiii i si j ml of spud m ui- forcemmt had u1 om or hind ilu iiiitimil nlfh suituiktid only i idir 24 hours a d ty w uld b tti solution lo mm p i cml c inlrol it explained tu luuneil lln same sy was in opi i illu in n tium u hhi mill it found s illtf k mr tnw charce excessive norl n ripristnlink uu hal j ton union rarmru mutuil fu in surance co skid coiiiiiiin con slderatlon regtrdink a sin ill r ri n tal for his lompanys us of th council chainbii mr noitin pimitd out his f om pany had usd lln town hill for the past 00 years for mittinrn on the iiveraitt of 12 times a yiar and although no ohirxt hd btcn made a donation stilling origin illy at 2ft ind hem inert is d to 71 lot ihe use of the room when wi rtcivid nutlet of the 20 chargi pir day for usi of th i ttom we considirid it i littu siv ert we wanted lo cooperilebul can ret an iihir lot iti n for our meetings however we dun t intend to hold this as a threat over coun cil s head as we are willing to pay ji0 to 112 per meeting mr nor ton concluded council agreed to hav the de icgito present at a future meeting khtch 1xt1 1 fetvr one dead two in serious condition five treated in accident msxs aim i and enric in t 1 s s hup- tlu 1 asked i i dium nnd dump i r the l wn svsi m bell request th lommism n ki tiliphoni c iiwn ti t pmal lo mstatl an a toe wnlir town and si ifflc lis could th ls ait n n ju it and is f hi n op i dt nni ind r piiii t s mimid had pull 1 lk hits ti tffic v i titd up a in f r tu irl an ho out wik ns enws i i ii t l id of debri thi hivh as plne imptid lo speaker stresses opportunities to 100 at graduation banquet hd win e and bl mil bdloons dtmrid lh nisiuin of uu vmca tued r t tniou in n th ho bos ind t rl of jjndi n it win in rt iinid b uu hotm ind sch 1 ass nun i 1 in inn i il u du itui i bincut w i lendid b iboul 101 iltiimthii bomiuits dm foil id l mtbridi t sludint ballinaf id ln ted ch uu mntt iff c nutter m mu v hadd i b11 rsprs iir explained tht anlennn w uld u it ad f r he i w i pisinj mli th rt ch an km j an rn m he mh tit serious injuries i mslv injuied in gvulph li highland games parade for band x si irdii ac- n junior pipe band fk piri in c mpttitiont at the id ii k ginns in gilt full rt as v t tiidlrnja i in i avillab i it ii ki tit ils and k tht robirl slreamers f rowers htad table was at ract v s and small i i iik libles fllomed bv imers presented to mr bridly i one usid th tiwn of iiukitiwn is ui i xnmpli of vin ous riitiilntid speeds if n til it was working out iilu silisrnelor- ily m iyoi c ikik rimiiidiil uu ingin r ui it i sihool eiossing ui i wis eludid in tin un aunktltd for 40 ill im uid miiiiied on iiic tun i- jsk iiflij a to thi qui i ry mis ill s i d cric of th pr iptjiid on premntatlon made hi h if f ihi knd el ight heard pre lumc encyclopedi i for tn bcnnell iiehool 1 mrs robert johnson represt nl j ing the ladies auxiliary of the c madtan liglon gave a gift to j an cook who nciivtd ihe hitch i t marks in grade ght thi trophy givin by the legion ind auxiliary was win by jean hart last yiar i shal treasure it always mis c k said after a short sing sogg led bv glenn banks a trio mary beth elliott susan heard and helen benton sang w inspiring htpt jim miller played the piano andrew knox played u bagpipe selection and then beth parsons unit a solo accompanied by mr i irol fvans ind suso r tented a 1 irge painting for their i banlu st hul wn ch is net pud bv cliff moat progresa bradl f ti sinool board on bcholf of the i ode mrs jmntftr taylor and joe massey continued tm fagt three li ii i lillli iii ill iii ihihnm rmt accident victims much improved hospit iliid snturd iy t voning june 11 following u ear aieident near hinkwood dirutu iimbert id year old daughter of mr and mrs o lambert nnd putricia moyne 10yiar old daughter of mr ind mrs h moyse ill of acton are rcportid to be ritcoveiing sat- itfacuinly following then injuries miss lambert pinned under the wrcckid car over which a tree was toppled received a broken back in three places broken breastbone and bad mnrntiuns to hir face the moyse girl suffered a fiaeturcd pdvis duilocatid hip brokm kg and a ltp gnh n hir kg as will as othir nits and c undltlon improved this week darlme limbcrts inndilion was repurtid ai impniv- mg and a parulyid aim is i liivid to be causid fiom pussurc on the n rve systim imstd by the brokin breaslboni although doc tors are unable lo uperati on miss lambert ber condition is n ported al greatly improved pal moyse rteeivitf 12 stitches tu close woundu in hir leg and tin r parts f h r body and a steel pin has been mstrttd f in lur hip to knee whtrc i bad break was restt both girls are nported ti be in good spirits although mlizlng thi ir stay in hospital is expected to be a lea thy one mary mclntyre of actn anoth er passenger in the ear which went ut if control on a ormr suffer- id stunk and minor cuts three guelph youths riding in the front seat of thi car suffind minor in- junis and wire releakd mm hospital following treatment the night of the accident j mm- graduatjmg class of the robert utue public school graduating class of the m z bennett public school

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