Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1959, p. 2

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the anon free presj thuraday june 25th 1959 disappointed circus cancels engagement rotarians forced to refund the acton rotary club rettlved disappointment nolwl etback in theit crippled child- e a muisu ihili prsklnt rent welfare plans when a limn this week noted thnt jihe nntm dlilnncc phone call from garden brothen oreua informed them the how scheduled cor aoton today thursday hod been cancelled the caller informed the rotor- lanr thnj n series of unforlunntt and unforeseen event had taken place which would prevent the circus from appearing in acton members of the acton rotary club have apont many ureuw hours ironing out last minute de tails for the big show and also on the advance anle of tickets rot arians report the advance sale was moat gratifying nnd now th re fund of ticket holders money means additional work for thi memberi do not bigrtidgi th fori spent on this project but pointed mil the greit duwippoi ment ml whin inf ugh mmns btynnd thi ir own whole 1 1 f u thi it is ii gruil dinpilnlmi nt li us on a flub and t all alioiiiihii who wre loouinti imwinl wilt iiiiticipnlloii t i tin upp i ii i of tin cirnii mi ilmstii smd in spik of ill s timk aiinri rntnrluns ni not di mini id ml on wtdntsdiy of hm wtk lb t iranspoitcd cm ly nspin of ai ton to wood fditi c imp il 1 m i n where hi will join mini mppl i children tor i two wnk li i it iy il ihi rot try iluh irtmp closing party entire kindergarten in cast mothers see peter rabbit tht normal bumlo and chatter at i you ami quill cirrlo the m z bennett nchoel kinder- then the enlhmuwtlc ilijrlhm aarten ei incriminl monday end band look ov i 1 bain out tueaaar when ihe younnert atu- spirited erle amcludink lh th ii dcmaof theaehool hnd lueata tor favorite th olt mm iii the afternoon cloilnj partiea were yimnlaure had learnil i i iv eld monday and tdcaday tor the syncnptcd and off bint iliuur ihy in 101 ihiln liv llupl mbk ule was allraclively duroraled h wocd slanliig are mis d nil mis i fol mis w borijiani mis h i mlge ami mi w i aik ii s liool wlieie llie fust itlslitule nieelukj wis lield 50 ytvs presentation of awards follows two piano recitals in church councillor sparks heated discussion con p 1 nurd from 1nm one cil hottil alarm nt m slhto nc- ckltnls mr ttiw niki owledxrd council k eonurn mid i ili fl his kn ihtlg of tin iinwini rei but clifford who served acton for 20 vims n n town nilt thiinkiiik oiuull fm unit kindness in ri hi nlinu tilin willi n cjlnpon re t retnint count h npprovd i lv liw n irnvldi mr irlulllonil xiititt f il mad unit sires is iirnniiiliiii i pipe band will play for queen i n ion 1 lif hiii i will de- two cuuuica one of 22 tots and the other of 25 ffi ernr w to come and tty ywouglu innir i ihi well ns ngiilnr lit it ttacher phyed iht piano tllkrm tit rrritiktitnk tlui wt n 1 nuts imd tin pi hi gordon willi mis in m tin lliumi nri i mil even more clumrin ti visit delight hi i rimiiy room full of toys tht toochtr miss betty fosbury hnd her sister nurse intiaming heathir mrculch miss sheila fosbuiy helping her van wytk mi p hopsj im nnd tluir mithr mrs w kosbuiy coltonl nl mini llolm inu of toronto hnd m nt in its for tin win 1 1 1 sh uni m ti luni ii tlni- youngstt m lo tat tint brunt iu chtrl mliv in rmgram fnterutns di nisc onnkw ilti r the imixnim begin with stnse all the pupik to ik put games of words nnd numbers fl n it of ihi guls aim tin ml liiwcd by fnvontc songs nnd verses j birds while tin bni st i two gnmc ftillowed dunce wllh took the r il of gudtni th i rw g barbeaus prompt action averts possible drowning prompt action by g v barbeau suffering m stl from slin viccchnirmnn of the board of young swimn ir wis kt pi pirks mimktmtnl ovirltd i nt u obsmvilion in tin st john drowning t fuir likt mi siuu 111 hi kll ik iikt v is 1 111 day jinn 20 khm fnllj clotlud to his honii n ihi point he divwt intonppiokim itilv li fui l curistiblt 1 m i in of wuter and pulled flrian robin alton dpi 111 k hill nt son eighlyt irold hon of mr uid mrs g htibinstm of aclon u shore us hi rt niggled in tin dei p i kliiini wim nu i ind liken water mattr hum h inlnipilml ii mr rirbemi who- bad just nr rived with his wife nnd family to bi in mi enjoy j swim wns settinn otil inwti chairx on th- bench ana whn hi noticed the voiinuslor sirtigglins in id the wiling ler but hi ird i inting him i i the pu r in lskirt rum win h i id in wjttirm no time the vi rhair oulcr nnd w man t nt red the tit r nnd granped w is uttering his nu nili 1 i the v urikster hauling him tn thoi mi birtu is ml t 1 1 he wos turned owr to the st mis hilted i mikirniu ns john ainbulnnct ri icndi ftn fir tuttiui liomi ui ph nip h s tber atti niton in di i pul i ii hiven on nwniii fo nosl ovntimi pimttn to june bouquet ef flowers at tin lnnlhltioii of he prop h li n hi nlon pi h tiled iiiubilioiiiiikb with n hoiiquit riiili1ttariraiirmrnn tnhnlf lltiuiiiniii ulinpsoilv i nun t iiiidkboioiiuli i i i mull niriii i dint mil b it y md id h l indhiioi iniith ntfihl nnd un the detrtment represontative informed council thai if e agre- d to the 40 mile nrro hit dparl- iiienl would mmt n 40 mile per hour w irntng sign feet from the wn apettl sign mr cok miggtsslitt dint traffic tiltnnls lie considered nt the onrner if v highway nnd main rri he wn informed unlem ihiy were warranted by englneerlut studies sitnnln wtiuld nlv inrrense trnflu in cidenlt in explnrtntlmi oundl wis in firmed that ronr end iirddentk inn the grenlpst 4jiwird nt these piilituliir atenu uiilins ti if w irrunhd slgnnu t unntil agnifl to hnv the ihi i immillei jiurunk th problem further for tin ir recommi ndni i totincil fretmnre rhortafe in pnmnlitih the comtnlldi pxts rfive j h goy informid onnrll hurt n itiiii o th siwu nnd wider h id i viewid n li tl r uindiiiii hiidtrwiltiim a t mum il istns in a to i ul ihi imidi inticv of plv v ii ul lltl nu mii ttlfk- t llm tin pi ii nu wiin inlv ivntitt rmn on tht fi nd llnii bill on yi anm svn illli swiellu ml nnd runn tiv i 1 un otd n bill mis mi mulhn sw ms nn i lnb stepping sto iiiiili is dlit i mini llliu hi 1i- v7cttni ihi owl i ik ill ii urns i ullil 1 1 hop mil swim k ihioii i itll dnnnitti hi liilv duliv r nh om mnntiit nnd omrium binds dm i miiku mtkiniiiiid i mm tnt dn l f klitti a 1 title wihrtttid qui 4tiiil vivi iii smith ndrr eonitirurii aclon ruc purchnnlng iiirperty on ai council bud ritpih d i rfuili t in i a lot 1 pun ntn in f i bit ii tin lor i t ii f sttnd iv lul 3fl rin il 1 1 1 fund l hit inrks bonn apprave aoetminlh iri u i w tin mt v ptoviil 1 ii i ivment pollii 1 adnuiu- rlmn w ifur buildliik it llds 2fi r 104 ot 0317 21 m 33 ini itdny eued city ilriht ul the i w ii n i c high quality merchandise al low budget prices ughtmans dtfm stor acton ir ii ius not mild li i xj jjtiundi jnd hi ttgnvtii wis i in riiiiit i ii itmini irtbi nut vitki nivs u i mdii ni huh nils n scull ii hiking ird nj ii iliintik hi ihankrd u i inilslion ii i ilint do mil ll1 i th v itllllllllmi irnlsli ifiifh pot luck supper precedes meeting of alert auxiliary ah il mi- pui k vnrs if geoigi lowi h id 1 isl bir bus wn nil of m nitidmt it hit smllt ii v w s iskll i mli mpith mi- silent praer i in n period mis nllu d ami s n it imlb iirkin hikisr i tains switmn ann ccwhi me v ann ilium hi will n iiihhnl fiom m dull wolfi bi ik smdi i livun w r but mid i in ii n 0 s inn oh duir i inn i h im id in mis i i 200 parishioners attend at st albans picnic saturday appro matrl 2tk1 parishioners sack rice rimiiiiit hitt i ktundtd the st albsin i sunday diinnt shultk school pi mc nt barbirs beoch at th et itkgtd t n sus kit putlinch list siiturd it to t njt ford nnd jkn fn i k itn gumw ripen and 1 lunch higgin and sill wivn swimmutg wits rurlniled tn a wheel urt w i ut ki in tl i gieat extent b cm i breezrs but g ns si u wikn i mi shn eviryunt tnjtted the af lei noon as and bcmart flui the children participated in gnmi hilhvm k th link and rtdtv and adults chatted among ditid spitisi n themnflvrn whm not uikuir pjii in tin follwiik win umm s mer leuviues events for nun mti l i lrire nners in the da races ti us md nndi r ini is ik i and other events w re as follnw s su phi n mi 11 i t i mis ah girls four and undt r rosalind hall 1 r lint rs ttddt sil s i leslie ann whue ftte and undtr kein rnt li l v chris brum lb doretn flail six teirs lltnd j ii gin p i tears dunne griham rxiroiht t mhi and n tie ti its rr m uilk graham sim tears anne blunn sun c rj km i 1 md it kn nn iiudd f th tik t in ul i ii d lb jotham moore vows given in rockwood united church kereltink guests llu tuesday keelul mtiillk mis slil 111 smil l r of piofn pt m mi f ii itnlliri frank carney and sons ltd hardware plumbing and heating rockwood young wen nlrr danhikj willi ffimpaiahl wanted rif fihly w iii lunior mill n llonl id ii a itmnl fi seft the localmangr the bank of nova sco canadian legion branch 134 giant car bingo saturday june 27th 130000 in cash prizes pius your choice of 1959 rambler deluxe 200000 cash snowball jackpot 200000 55 numbers special game 8 15 pm guelph memorial gardens children under 16 years not allowed to ptay it s buds rtonnn mi shu n biadhy i ule r iprict c isiiih is diino ii in lind f fl it ind lliirolh 1 mdl ind il i 1 ds david sprnston kei 13 tears allan mil gnii m and 1 t 16 years and oter ramers sack nee d i d hill i sit j mo gibbons eighl and nine veara j ickie ler jean sproaton 10 and ii vears god withers barbara cibtxtn it and 13 vears dianne shultis joan palmer 14 and is mars rostmarv flntt ka pun- ctiiwi 1c an and over mrs pope george lee mr monu rowt ihiee leeed inn- n namhy suees stun k tin hi i b i sew tht patch mr william ron spruaton mrs s sail i who i borrow ru pit kick the shoe mrs v gibbon slim iml kem hill hi mrs g le jjtiu- ind stoph n iviit mtrrvi al the gu tl 1 h it 1 m th itn 1 i is lsfl jr t 1 n n 1 n l r n ac n dihk w 1 nn ind mlt h d it s1su t i kit an md m s it ri in a t n it run 1 v s mik fiini t turn ai tun 1 i wi i a bi hi f i ni ludy pipill n itirnli i mluni ind ad lurid imrlsl i if h ind diroth i if i jin sh ws mis birthday party ms i w dillton 9 tenr oh i sir f mrs tt midd etin mrs a v ms ind mis- fannt dut i il r art n wis hinoied hi tl hdies f tp ar n 1 nited 7 ii r h tuesdit with i snip v dd f the i inch am snppl ed b 1t w i ss andrew knox wins award there will r three acton bovs t st andrew t college aurora when the term stents nexl septem ber andrew knox lveuold son i mr and mrs kenneth knox bower ave has been awarded an old bovs foundation award to ihc clhge amterw graduates this weejt from the robert 1 iltle school w he was an ex ps with an average of fjo per refit he is a member of the acton junior pne band the txher two from town at st andrews ere peter woife and bohrt parlree whs also won aeftral- arshjps zeev ladror to tour acton a delegate from urn i li intenationil mn s onfi si green lake w is onsi- 7- ladror w ii ttr n aclon j m fudat mr ladror il lr tuest of th alton mn f afternoon he ptt clllirh si the tn touring acton plan saving susnps lor lhc btshi p 4unstm 4 wuknqynis project here us man membt friends cooperate in vit int thi- stamps thus it s interestini to note that u is the bishop fun- that pats the expi-n- of li ladnir vw internal nni rlelci to lilt envenuun m ihi st i notice to subscribers adon public library will se closed tor ho ht july 6th to july19t1n acton pubuc library pot9brv1ng of qiniral foods kitchilif if your faimily hki s slrnwbtrry jim they ii injoy strnubprry jeuf too hu s the snctissful way u nnki it mtkawnmhty irlly cupk juire about 24 quart 7 nipg i l lbs i tugar nip ttrinned lenutn utet i tntttli rro fruit pnlin to are pa re julrr rush thorough- it aljout 2 j quarts fullt ripe temps place in jtllt cloth or bag and sqneere out jutre meisnre 3 cups juice and l ll lemon juice into a t ery largr taurcpin to make jvlly to the measured juice in saucepan add 74 cups suicar and mis well place oter high heat and bring to a boil stir ring pohstantly at once stir tn i ceno then bring to a full rolling bolt and bon hard i nnnule stir- i nni constant remoe from heat skim oft foam with metal spuon and pour quick i v into ghsses coter at once with 4 inch hot paraffin mdkes abi ut 11 ntcdimn rlaces qititr a jru er hoenolcei hare asked tie shout pectin hht t tt thev soy periia i the jcllina tuhstanrp found tn all fruxlt in carvmo bwimmt- grta u pecrln ertroctrd from ftr rlcli hi tht j na rural ni balance then refined roncenrrated aid pefnnati e rontrolted certain lv nothiwo arfigciel or chemicat about ir t hew wot use cmo ad follou- the tested cerro reripei your yam and jelly aliravs lets perfcrllv if tour church roup or women s club ts lrtcrcted jn homemade jam and jelly i have a certo ftlm i d be happy u loan mi no rharee no obbgaunn it called jelly and jam seswon and runs about 12 minute it t 16 mm has sound and ts in full color if youd like to borrow it please wr me frances barton ceti- frattwhls ktlchefli a hfttmso ae w toronto keys keys keys keys what would you do if you l6st your keys be safe get extra keys today guaranteed to fit oh your money back genuine bran keys a quality product lor cabs home post office box etc see our window display of keys made while you wait regular 35c for only 25c hint on4

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