Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1959, p. 4

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tht acton frse pre thuuday june 25th 1959 l boxla tilts acton nicols win two straight upset huntsville hawks 104 absorbing m aetbnck m the handi or ferpn thistles lost fri day night in fergus acton nicul bounced baek to edge woodbrldgc 84 here saturday nnd ihrn vuil- loped mic finlriinning hunwvillc hnwkn r 4 mi th liorru biilivsiik tuesday in liicrosit ni linn llu weak smttrtmg under n 194 drnbbtni odmlnlmerid bv huntivlllc enrhj in ihe week ferku k llir crowd pltnty to cheer about as i hey picked up be wore on aclon fn the f im chapter thi took advantage ot cvorj acton pcnitllv to score koala led by utnrtonl and tnwerlnc jack mann wilh whom aclon funs nre am liar whtn in lncnl iiverv the thistles never looked book nt ter the opening fnco off the nicoh brmed to reffnin thi r poise in the second period nnd en mi back very wrong in the final hi inr i but he big lend und bin jtm ru bertions fine neimtndlng tv al home i however hilton in trek in a in the i tuesday the nlenls do mh tun lo serve n two mtniile ent- month ittd fni surprisingly inrre nr f i nl mhlnu lind lli mi mid with crowd that thi v mi itu t mk ivhulltl inter llutrov liromiir cverv 1 mi mil minui lnt- wot f i- bin i own tnekid a io nhtink n kme mliennrtuil out mmii rn itnnduot on to mil n lit i iiilil id 1 lint shoulrik tun ullll b sivill llu list mn fit is in mil mi mid m ik iiu nuiumi 1 nk lue llnl h phsn thc wire full v line fu hie win 1m nt itutlcdii in llu ait n t ovl ihtiituvllv a m nut tin tn w in k n tln hiwk with ml i full ros i i i i it ho r il ln sun utid i plnv i divi till il ml knnii nnd in a ion i lul pound in all il 7 4 k noh ml i thi rin hmlt titifii hutilnvill wh p 2i tin niinlfudd lull llinnk pd iii tin misvver in iii tlnliik n inn h impi ivd lini itutledu i likhl i f me itirv hi lit iii mo minutes of tin ftmt pi rind cuislu wit iiknln u ti nm oft t in 1 mil m hon tein mid it wis in wtii intuited itu nikl with a ma ku on tht op ihiik roil mi in und iliiind li mi hi ii k t i pin a 1 i it stioi i i 11 mk nlniinilrr ni v i it 4 nsntt nu1 it ii 4 fioni mi mid 1h nnli mitt m w is ivi al i ihih vl pnlmtl i it i 1 d muni i p tt rrn ilh mil il- 1 1 riiliit md t s mli tl the loss to fcru md to linllitir calm lh nick down imt on sn ll k i nrrtny liefnu n rixul iii h n p n ni i i t i t k tin mwks i crowd thi aqiumtkid put ww1 1 detteil mi ml t sc mt bride in a thnller whlih siw peiinl hustling gotirtsu ttrnbi vn llu h k wmmni ulh with about two whril inspliod lhi hnwkswltli rntmiles 4ftw u in nculiillnn a o il in llujwiuimjf mimiti of hi time srioml pnod hut thnt wis nullif hr a see iw battle which saw nil hrn ftiltv bummi wndd ins aeton draw firt tli whm n tin i urtli of i in fl i mil al 0 n phvwg tnaet jink uji shw deep m uic wubhlnu m rfll i h t l viltced wtvxjbl dkt tu wimi n mil m nuili tt 7 ii tin iiln thude betlir k if tin m miikuik his own grasb collected twi ot ih- ac n hound ift i us i nij iismis fiom ton tvk while kuilnr ne of ii i r mi nutuhiiil ind it in u the belter of ihi uok mil tmlli l lo k lik i inn iu n f uu fet connected or the nmun1i ixi k ink uh nliiilt nt ilin n in wh tilt 1wk llllt w is i muiuei mil hi i mi iv l ii uns lop 111 in fu munlsvlll w icnll i i irki rt up ml nph t al i iiiikd ilh lii inuli i rfn- rli botrr stinni nit irki up ihi i 1 lk n th ukii miim in srn of th in aioidink tn 1 1 pu f till h is w iii 11 i fu1 i i suit n mi a ion n mis h ii in inly 4 garry crispin son of mr and mrs m crispin of acton is pirllirpil rthove fli he ipavos home for rt iwrt wfliv hnlidny al woein c uup dt uukiop yiuny cjrtiry und i lln spnn sorshtp of ihrt afjun roloiy cluh will om hundn ils of oltuu cuppttnl hildn n viijiofl ahuvu fcit to right ore reihn rohny pti suit nl cjivuuj my i tit nuniilo iiisiiu lium i kn hnlloih rotorian prepmes in kwd tit imij in tlu ir llu- younysiec ws duvin tn tump by ftttry jliwul md mim c in t i no y in i in oakvillest thomas teams win i in senior league baseball gamek j senior league teams hit stride tuesday the ookville oiiis m th m nor spols bahtvill htriii dowruri llu london icim 193 n i inuiu birme al ttu rob t i til puhlu school plm frrotinti on tin srtnv nifht to ntnintmn ihi i mi in the league a timeh homer bv rvdir in lh third with three on biw nnrhri the came for tht ojks aixl 1 stellar pftehlnc of v tunc shnlus kepi team mate ah ad at nil lim london plavcrs ull luck t p trh ing crew but ate kidimllv cuniiir up the ladder ns thv tun m m experience st thorn 9 kitchener 8 st thomas pulled mit a liit minute wltt over the kilchonr club in the senior lenrtu whin tin v edged out u 08 win t the ciih i grounds tuesdav mjilit waller nnd miiuv ihar d the pitching dutus for tht winneis rnekinc up 11 strikeouts while mil- ler and dowd nr for the lotri il lied 12 strikeout- kitchener led with four run in the first nnd st thorn is tdjiid ahead when thv recivd nm in the irst nnd lecnnri and thru in the third lnnmfi kitchener cim liack in lh fourth with four run nnd w ere equalled b thi r opponmts in llu same inntnc w hen ivv re i iv ed another fnur runs the kitchcnerlnds thrntcned to win the biime in the i m utnins bin yonns eddie miwsi t ire d n tnd hnick out thro i i ii row owens mn tbb ittd duvidion each knockid t horn run f r th losers but their efforts ml ji irt n the st thomiis tt im fnldd tht boll to perfection antique cars zoom by at 30 mph on tuesday ii a lllllw l- ml ol i llu thud riekonhikr md i t sill ci s towns nnd v illiii uu f tout ilk t ilil mi lliullhll hill osli iw i i 19j1 dm i i rio ito it 1012 1 isnll fl in lor i 1ijh hull ihnrki fn m d toronto drubbed 303 th nu1 by buffalo players madt r w is emiiiicled bv thi nd h k cur club of nil bu ish nii em oil mpi it in mi md ihi oricmnl imdon rr r il i t nr in fnclmd dnv 1 1 ifili 11 sure lw4 which eele lit tt tin i il f tlu i- ic 1iu hi i w icinnied th it t runne pitted nth hois lis iitiij t wn n ledstri ms aktonndini speed autttti huff il druhh d tn onto llu inliniit mill u iirii h im ball at the art m hih scjuml liusdiy ivtniiir 11 thf ir liitlrs ritked up si horn i wtlli ill pi ii is ml1in hits through mi lh rtntt spirktd hv ihe pitehint of uunii th nnffiln new mil nusteis of nil iii v sun vd md tin fi ihn is i wok of ml in pit of ihi lis- the t until i lhir im ihioiikh w di 11 iikioiils o his upponents 1 montreal ii rochester 1 the ti uu list chill nnd muiiiil dfilil pit hi tpitkhne from inst mmn polish lr on 1 lmi r im th p md eir luliiul in uitidon ink i n ltioriiil i iru tui sd i lurid iv i urn 1 fm n fm il j- s f q luck nnd hrn run t iheir ow n rs motitinl tmk pit ind e mimd it mnrti nj duv r stirtri m ruhp md mntittm li i nanus ud i urd iw iv i hruirh in 1 t nkd in is oiindnj ivuit spi ni of 3d triplet nnd a sinijlc v hile nulls tn him m n lt ll first dn if he t nir took piem d md single f i lh w nn s thi nijh s m ri md ki rtu ner i w itrln lipp rip fu li tut hi it t r a s recovery slow 1h r for hurt trucker third d iv s wretch to k llu ihis ujti hi knw il n i tk- mi b hi it cm n i petcrli okvilh loiiliniurl llu u win milt slunk win ii hi y 1 ippij llu kit hi n i lull in th ai n 1 en i 11 mi i i sp its ins i ii l 1 n dim sil iv inn ill 1 111 h ltil 1 till jiulili sh i ki nn is 111 oiks ipiiud llu m link in 111 fusl inmiu win it 111 v bilked il id with n i in run i id llm in u wn uldd in tlu s nd ind two in tlu thud f i lh win kiielinn m d one in hie sinnd nvio in lh thud nut in in i in tlu r mutt 1 1 thin sioinik spin mill i t uitt lh si 1 fn ht 1 s rs w oi kid nd in hind with his rilchn j m i n is uu v k pt son i- f thi oikvilh liillus hwiiirini st thomas 11 london st thorn is diwnd i ondui ii in thi sicuiid lilt thiusriiv ivn utr wh n hi y ov i re one n fnsl iniinik 1 id inkn hv th 1 md m si it w whili w is ni nniiiiud tin til uu fmil inninr i nndnn oju n d th wring witn thie nn- in th first inn nt nut in tin s i nd md tli in i m 1 k i is montreal buffalo win in international games li i is t mi ill t s wh n lh y 111 lul rim turns in tin list inruiik 1 iiont si nd twi in llu fusl ul ii h in u 11 ml iw i uuiiiiks hut lukd llu dnv ii issii t i ivii irtu tlu i ni lik ti i j tin mnlm il ir nn buffalo 10 rnrhenter h buff 1 w n lh st md kirtu in lh inl niti ml 1 ik i ll llnir it win u tluv h f itd t 10 it in id ise ni it h it w did 1 ii k iiu f tin xlh lh in canada in the 1948 11v p r- lod the total of fwferil privinciil and municipal transit r ptvmms for welfare sericel thcreasid bv 153 pttr cent m i wn ii i g ftnk willis 21 nirold truck iifh driver involved t i in lcrident nn iv 1 ci 3 nulh of act n n fn k t wr div tune ii is till in him hon g nernl bspitil with i friclnrtd t nr ind sivin hood niju its hrn iu iih iti dim chiron tiivllii s mih t w nd milton iri i there s i iqffl t idtlhe too it he tinu of ihe ice d ni tin hi d hi t sk lltd intiquc eir div er w n tr ipped m t it c ih of uie tisiast in oshiw i othir intriix tinck truck ht wxs inv ur is 1 w3jiili5iriercaj3jfitr j 1 iv s t iriri pnridt n mi b uion oldtst cu e it red the 1 mil ii t nil thin fifst rimi f uu s is m st thnmis hiitt is in b i i iir ih 1 ill ind t uu intk with me in th firs thrte in the sn nd ind nn in ihe ihud in uu fin il inn ns th winner wciii on i biitinr spite and knocked in six inns to ind the s nnn md lh rinu in in n he d i i b link pi fush mr willis w i si d li ni th irurk by oris i r m n ti f thi acton olp peiirhiiniit md william idiiui wui w i- f nt on ih ci ni ind 1 1 purled he leculml to ilnff 1 it ins i k il in liunik 1 ind kiui nd linn iiiiis t i win tin kirnt 1 iv id spr mori hil i h un r tin winruiv vvhil mike pi vstis i lor for i hon ih itnhisiir club th irucker wis 1 kn 1 i milni pr v p h s i whir h neeiv ed treimtni t f in buns t ik n t h million bv imoul uici jttr 7 yavaav pt wes drop two games as burlington milton win acton pee wee bnsehall teum si ipv i iiiviuh oot u in went down tn defeat at the hitnl fuml luini a iiiur r il of the biirllnmnn yotinfsteri 11 4 tnt i im ih y i i mh u 1 rt mtrlirwlnn nn flnttirday jmti ht ns the innre eterleneel tin unrlnn lentn held the urnlfi em lesi in every inninn hut one ritrllnglnn marled ihe senrtiui off in the flrl inning with dun millet ii nd scored stendlly in a li inninu until the nevenlh danny arbl rnmtndimnn i i the home learn mm ito innteh u ihe bf union hnt of ihe burhnu inn tnntn who pprird lo bnv yiari uf isperienie nnd em iitnir the aetnn lenm never ifav u riinilrtf lmi i heir effort f 11 shnrt im nurltrtftfon nirtfeil nhrut a p w 1llnt 111 mi nit hiihikiii loan in llu ail o pink in m mlny v niiut wh n ih hi li klovyu hoy f in mill i blirh d hiii ml m nip iim1 lnoin i hindi n th iiioiin luejih 111 lul ii t 1 i liu ri utijki un ml llnvitls is- nt tl llimr scout news strip cars of carrier radio lawn bowling witnrln jl i 17 i mill ot 1 1 ti i t ul i auollh i v 1 i i a ii- in ka- w iii s u vn l 1 1 i t illld to il fit an f tirlfilt a ion 1 t m ii 12 i 1 i 1 1 t m ii i h v 1 a l 1 wl mi i 10 n 11 t w n 13 v illiul hills 111 m a ii iwiit it 1 rinir s lnr in le it aiimrio i 31 i xipt s mm in il ftov siinll will r ive thrli flilminn ind i iff awiicu 11 the mivue it moriiuitf pi yr in lh f hmeh nf m altiin it mnitvi ii siinlnv lh nth dy f i in itev m b si km f will piinl thjhnk i tli ir vt will deii iininly with li ut nut hi s hoyi h iv d iriktiu1i in fioltl mi 1 kli f i nix w ki al itl u uii i n ir ucl i u ii 1ttr- vl th ri m i ivlr hniihh i ty i ut m rm it r 1 lllnl ii i v i r i i nun ii n i ft lump t k ri i a n idi l mwl ill 1 i my f lh fl iy till nd s r hi i tys to ill nd llu llur1i s t u 1 1 1 i ni stindy i in ih lite 1 iys lo ie n hi h idr s in ip i n wl m it hut mini m t ihn i th il md hum spi 1 n w in hi ky on in i iwi in di by p d itn mi lif i iffi ullv by tx i il i 1 h s holden optometrist fyrs rxaminfd cakn nnid 7 douglm st guelph phaiutaylar 37150 express buses dime to new woodbine races juno ut lo july 1 1th ttaves acton mf wrficlil tln return fare 240 include admttilon ik iilt it wiles confectionery thank you i would like to thank ail thosf who suppobttd me at the polls june ii aiso thf many plopi t who worked so hard on my btiiair duping the election campaign sincerely owen f mullin this weeks special loin pork chops 59 all meats government inspected halton health unit at milton phone 589r rasrtxpiin photohnkhino watsons dairy bar restaurant is mill si actut wo futl likm this fuel whenever anyone tells you all bottled gases are alike dont you believe tt for example there i purity mighty impor tant if the gat i to burn with a clean blue flame with no oot or amoke to discolor your kitch en wall ptrofax qai n at pure ai the moat eiacttng icien ttfic teat can make it with pyrofax gaa there it no guesa- incabout quality about econ- omyabout dependability call u todav li mihci root hardware tatt piiuim ou tuw cms passing through acton tuesday morning of automobiles pictured above the rrqtii hand car is a 1i7 ford this wtk etud quite a commotion as residents stared in dvei by jck verroche of st catharines and on the left s rftutrfwrfl at fh rttue vehicles ranging from a 1902 north a 1913 ford driven by laveme crvapmen of ponrypool the cot runabout to a more modem 1932 la salle the vehicles 300 mile aont commemorates the london to bnahton tour taken look pari m the third annual london to brighton tour for antique yearly m england construction ltd ockwood ont phmw til 655t cancelled the rotary club of acton has just received advice from garden bros circus that due to cir cumstances beyond their control they will not be able to brina their wild west circus to acton on june 25th as advertised the club members sincerely regret this can- conation and riirllr wll be maoe w oil tickets presented to them up to july 15th

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