Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1959, p. 6

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the aeton free prwi thurdy jun 25fh 1959 summer arrived officially on the weekend the two one way strcela front of the m z bennett school have been paved about 1 000 phtasftnls will be rtknstd in hilton the end of this month game warden r m rcid reports site of the demlished school attracts plenty of curious visitor many of ihcm recall their school days there since regulir school visits to the libraiy n t over hit vountfsters hitnl nbindontd books at all thty crowd into tht small library cvtrj night ith open tree press office will be closed on s iliri day mornings commcncink july and opm till 6 m fridays schiml clussis are having pic nics this week to mark the end of the year job ifrislr iiioni at iht guclph offict of the unemployment in- auranct commission show this dis tncl tons sharid in the economic pick up tht list of jobltss i much fchorlcr now university of toronto second year arta reaulfe were released last week and elizabeth j suc cessfully passed she is taking modern languages and literatures she has a holiday position in tor onto leaders courses have begun at blue springs scout reserve the many men and tew women taking the tint course attended church services in town sunday morning there will be groups of leaders at the reserve all summer long about 50 high school students went by bus to niagara falls for the day sunday they toured the new ontario hydro plant the gar dens had dinntr and supper and some went on the maid of the mist and uvtr to the slates they had a mott enjoyable day music ttacher miss helen landiborough pupil of mrs scull s will be playing in a recital at calcdon tonight mrs scull feels it is good experience for her pupils to play before audiences and so flcn invites them to take part in recitals of her pupils in other en ires mmhmiwmwmthmmmm engagements mr and mra a hufnagel of ac- ion announce the engagement ot their daughter shirley elaine to alan oeorge spanton son of mr and mrs harry spanton of toron to marriage to take place july 18 acton united church smash new lock at park gates park board authorities this week reported that acts of vandalism have been prominent at the park i this summer and the police have been asked to keep a close check on the park area mrs g fryer secretary for the board staled a new lock had been purchased for the park gates this week and installed after the oiling of the race track had taken place the following morning the- gate was found with the lock smashed and maiks on the race track where a car had driven on the freshly oiled surface damage has also been caused in the eh rtaltw when fixtures were torn off the wall and deface ment to the building took place during a joint meeting with re presentatives from the acton agri cultural society on monday it was agreed to move the cattle tics at the north end of the park and pro vide a parking area tar cars single boy among tapping tots at fourth anrruahdance revue- a btvy of lissome girls with rhythm in their toes surroundtd jaunty tapdnncer michml wolfe sole boy on iht program when the fturtli nnnual dunce ktvue of acton dancing school was staged miss lois aliens pupil perform ed this yiar in st albans parish hall where upstairs was crowd ed with ci lining spectator and sliindtis whik the down slurs is a flurry of tinsel ntt and curl 1 issmg young guls preparing tor n linnets wiih the lulp of wtlui pu lists a u tlil uiithii tin- i tlu i mr w allin and ron uidliv scottish dime pipimmr phil cuddick pljid i he familiar ac i unpuniimnls abuit im wilihid the 10 pupils in hit ir piocmm which ranged from perkv tap dancing to grace ful ballet sister u soloist cm t soloist was the ttacher sisler miss mugnrct allen who i proficient in all the branches of ospringe visitor moving to florida students get summer jobs dancing htr oldtr sister leaches she dunonsliated the irish jig sailors hornpipe ballit tap and complicated baton twirling two groups of brampton girls also took part with a chair dance tap danced monl grnctfully lois allen delighted her pupilo when gowned in bright red she lap danced most gracefully oni group of scene slcalcis was iht tiny top haturs bright eyed undtr ovtrsiitd bowler hats which kipt joggling down over thur briws the pint nied high sleppirs wtie slurry lolt mar ilyn anlhi ny susan mcgilloway ind shiron murtingul olhu ilms on iht pi im wtrt arlety on btage llighhml fling and sword dnnct margarel suaven christ mt foytrs fahnlty klinck jane and ann wjls in modtrnelus hulh everdtll linda rot ptlit balltl vakrii lang elizabeth hurst guys and dolls karen orourke dorothy anne o rourkc mr s tn mi of brjmpt win lonnciu md n tlu 1st lu i un bishw iv w c i wsitor mi mpuii ti luv w fi ind iw i suns pi in in m iik to hoi id t to 1ii t lib summer jobs s mt if i hi i wal hih nho tiiduiis hic vyinotl cmpl umn 1 i tin hilulivs k ith bi ird ii i tin m id ot lilt cuciph i ill ii pu miph un bulluth oalt on sim it i p pr mil m gretmn m s 1 it butsm s tmplimd jk mrs k kloositi md rimih mr ji tin sim of toionlo w is a wiiktml lut r w th mr and mrs t sw in tdihiii out tlu two stmll chldrn of mr nut mr minn vinder htlde und iwmt t n ilictmius at gutlph hopilil list wvrkmd and art mm i loii ikying h mrs riss mifwjii ind duikhui d suidii ind tuiun itlindid uu i ind t urns it dukmin hik i irt macdomld on id f rwluilir n in ht m v siuiik w ih mr ind mrs n ui m fill ii wild ind suin stiwit ind ith r iilitm in the t laikv n m him h w ird 1 h il t t mithu tins li hint h nn f llr kkn ii v 1 hstii gills with m mrl m s m it h w nd jim it tuts i f utlph spin uu wii kind w t i i s k iiidpiunt mr 1 m i ik it i hits n sherry white madeline drtw bcrnict drew michael wolft rock n ride joan palmer arqy langley chair dance elizabilh mccaulty marlenc young gingtr rodgtrs of brampton rainbow ballet cirolyannt bentty susan clark shirk y klinck sailors hornpipe marg aret alkn hopscotch polka mar ilyn anthony susan mcgilloway sherry lott sharon martingcll fcnn go braugh fahtrry whitt maritime drew bern ice drew karen o rourkc dorothy annt o rourkc michael wolft b ill dance eliiabclh mccaulcy mor lent y mng ginger rodgi i s of i brampton walli timt bevcrky liudlaw licne lawrtncc of brim pton rhythmeiies linda rot ruth everdcll i easy tapping susan ford sluit ind twirl marilyn anthony on paudc brcnda frytr carol ktl ly dorothy annt o rourke flash and flourish shirley khnck j youngest in the cat was four ytaruld suim ford who has i betn uking batonlcs for the past six months th linicsl iwirltr ktpt htr cyts firmly on thi leather while she wtnt ihrough her roulint misittps wtre ftw as in my of the ictomplishid youngsk rs luvi bun studying for stviril ytars moihtrs hdd igain helped lo fishmn thc wispy costumes klu it ring with trim added fashion mti michael wolft wore vclvit trousirs with full long sleeved shirts l all h girls ind boy rithi t td on tht stage al iht tnd nf tht pi ki im michiel w ilf pnenttd miss allen with a bouqtut of rid cirn itions ind promptly rtcuvfd ki s in retuin shuky klinck kim htr i box of chicoliits in bthalf of thc pupils mis m j nksori spun thi week nd with rclilies n hilhbuigh wlllllisdj mi h id mis h ti t alton m i s in d mi ml h sp kti mis rini m ji i i i i i u k m and b 1 1 id fir i l m i sv r v is i v m 1 1 vt s s s m l l i 11 ll u 1 i diuj us tin rtunlixi m m u l i it il i ih u tlll i it 11 ml till u c s iu m t m k u kit- i 1 t i v i hvll i 1 m s li i i m s n t r unin i i mis j rull ih monuments brampton deigns mbmilted ten i tti i tog ii rnt r pou md i1 dwp a in stthk wm c allan prop 6t qvmii st w bramptoa shop rhont 1m4s rn gl 1 ui3 rep tom nichol thonr bramptnn til 1 ims freshness guaranteed holmes plumbing and heating eavtstrouo pranwf systems free estimates rilone 556j iltf always resh ledgers now ptaying the shaggy dog ftmi i siiiws 7 ind 11 20 pm nightl mahnt 2 pjn fhdy and saturday si nday aftce mjdmcht hellcats of the navy screaming mimi monday tuesday floods of fear ii wud krcl a anne himaih fort massacre jul mcc ea wen thirs all tolor 1 ktjnimt 1 torpedo run 2 quin cannon frontitr scout look owt for rally round the flag boys program precedes presentation for teacher at ss6 eramosa members of frnnium worm lmlitult und ptirtnlh or pupils nt ss no 0 rmmosn hi id n aotiiil tvtiuiik ut uu nthimil hint fridiy whin u print ii in i ion wim made lo the unihir rrntsl iturhnit who is ifivink to ntbnd ttiuhirs col lifti in ilnmillon uui lull mio i sharon mikmit mndi tht pitsiiiuitnn of a lint blutk lenthtr bill told from tit cliiss slit rind n sho i idilrivs in whith slu exprtssttl tin riknt f nil tliil mr biitliiin wh nvirik prtttdnik i kiuait dunit by iix pupils cory ii and cinryl har from graden 7fl will attend ss no 2 on no 24 highway at thc second line of ernmosa township ritu ktnne cnthtnne oilfilllnn unri sharon mtkenie win n mitnlir of uporti tvtuls wiiiikjh wtre mvnrd ti pnts of mlvir ind t ind- iti auction sale tlurt was nn nudum silt of it nv n ful itfin im will s dillo- loui biiktd k auotiont ir was hiirold itttd who kindly g ivi his tiimls fnii tlu sib will bi us 111 rl llpmtnt mil bo ks ft i tht this full ni g fcrn jiiiiinr xuhiol i h il s mi i ernest buchan teacher al s s no 6 eramosa towns up was presented with a gifl by miss sharon mckeruie on behalf ol the class the teacher is leaving lo attend teachers college a alton jim oi pipi bind in nlttnd iirl two dintis in un union hull s audi ms ihkm in nuvtmbcr uitl mi in april llu bums smppir will bi held in tin hoy il hoi gutlph in jjnu irv is usuil tht rmmniiik imil imitinis will bi the rmulor dintes in lit tvni in nlhly ictembtfnh ip whs -swti- 51 uopcr piison nils will bt ivihblc dlolllv executive details dance club season a mcvllnktf the extculivt torn mlltec of the acton btollisli dim cluh was held it thc homi or mi and mrs bill wiimiii on m uduy june 22 business wai mainly dijliiy with iht progr un tor ihi 1t9 00 si ison tluit an to in 111 nutluiks tom prising four family night with iht robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formtrly e p head phone guelph ta 42071 58 si georges squant boat owners rrnltrt your outboard motor boat and fqulpment float or aiihure al i risks m per 100 1imitfi ovekatf sl50 bidih liijiuv is not tovtred under i but tulles mil only 51 1 pniptrlv dmnki in addition 1iolu obligations with omprfiifnsivfc ftrsonal liability policy lack of it could cmt you everythinu you own arctdenu lo i up pen this protection is cksintiai fo your ptnet of mind dennys jrnura age 39 brock si phono 455 be really refresh ftzwm owsi the mcguire sisters pause for king size cocacola a bracing breeze a friendly sun and king size coke for the famous mcguire sisters thats a true course to king size pleasure for only cocacola gives you the cold crisp taste the welcome lift that really refreshes stow away plenty of king size coke then even if you sail no further than your backyard youu always be ready with plenty of the real refreshment remember king size coke has more for you get value lift refreshment too get cartons of king size 10 day orangeville bottling works orantrrill ontario injuy cwqa after you pour theres still lots mora

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