Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1959, p. 2

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tr acfcrtw pril thurdy july 9lh iw personal notes of actonlam visiting outottown polnlt and of vlsliori in acton homts items for the free pre personal column are alway wdcwn phone mo with details ot four vifllu vmtori iwi p mr and mm karl mwwim i family ar hoiittajrln wuum mr kathleen wantlmmits nut r iwtt daughter mr ivm d i barry kirkrtejt tl spendlnr the heart and mim i enure waituhr month of july in new york city nh pel the wwkiiul ioctiitl wih mr annt sm th nut in after a short may in hospital i fua mr and mri o a dill are both i home attain now f win margaret timmcrmtn f necpawa manitoba clumed li mh mr and mm stan norton and v i nflm hllllrt wlln tm daughter barbara are holldayln mr and hn j johnston and olher rclilh 1 district lordon in th near braoebrldae mkrter ruihcit mantles is hoti- dayh with his aunt tm unelf on thf tpchnifm of their torn at brtcebrwge for the qmka wm htu at biwln inn tnd representing mt antl mrs ell master with an puc rr dr and their grandchildren lynn wendy mr r o mr i mr and garry master are hottdaylnf j j mr w d mwn 1 a summer vanuion tn furojn j beaan yeterda somervule and mrs gamble one at whitney mrs q r j c dennis spent a few days dur ing the week with friends in sar- ma and vtemil vacation tn uj fapsur at the puh arthin puvlc rh teachers mr oamble left mil ton airport at 120 am wedncs div and expected to 1md in scot land about midnight mia mildred hollmrr cilled on friends in town on the weekend i nnd mr om master roubi ml euie stewart of toronto is birkner leave milton for srotl md on saturda juu 1 dr duck j ner will be attending the annutl visitors with mr and mrs stilts meeting and conference of th mceaehem on monday were the hbyal medico psrcholoricnl afwici rev w j lane mr lane and ation in glisgow and joinl mcti their three children from unity lna of the british and cnmdinn saskatchewan medical association in ediriburg vuulung in town j i a ol mh c f a wee hnt f p t m t are billy hansen sleen coles rents and brother at presuuck u bobby waston and david watson spend the summer with them di thcv were drivin to camp wednm- bucltner eturni to v on august daj b ted hanen 7 nd mrs bucknir in sipltmhtr mpra tf sf-tx- rap reading in tribute to queen at ladies aictsummer meeting the members of knox ladies aid met jl the home of the presi dent mr a m macpherson on tuesday afterno n of last week i r their summer meeting tec will carry on to complete the project the business concluded by all repeating the lords pnyir tribnte to queen anderwn cuntribuu d obituary x halton teacher over 37 years margaret currie died june mirnnifi b mile pit un in rutin nl ii millun 1ilvil h nptul mi jinn wy i lllllllk ill illiu tialn 1ii1h llnui in hi in i mwiihhi ilmittlit r i iii llf a hi 1 iv jiiii urilr mid mury wlli ml ann ciiniitlull ciinh jtlu irtkini tl m tlr iiunili 1iiljlt hthihil trin n li li hwnhi i nulwi mi vl it mii- 1 sdii 1 unit lrmii n n 1 sih 1 u in lil in 11 ink in ii urn 1 ii s urn iuki a- in lur mint mill h vit 1 17 yiur t li nil nil piiblli nilimil in ilultnn wk iinly liiiiliiiiliut ii r mrttr in h hi uiti in lh inlin ry t om in 11 w j sin ln hirvd in ixifrtmii sdnml 1 h s tli iii ki piilirnii ul ul 71m i niimiii m willlamn robt r hamilton fred a hoffman oplomttrisis frrrly 1 hnd phone ouelph ta 42071 58 st olorgcl squir 9 i sum mai t a l i m s n h i m run nit hist hitmiir ntatl pimm during mass nl si joieph s church the bell in the lower is runq simply by pushing i but ion alldr boy paul bennett demon si raled a control panel mi thir rhurch his n vinely of positions rtt which it moy be sol for ringing of ihe angulus for hie coll lo miss lor tollirifj or for hind oxr1ion ol ihu injivitlunl penis mrs b paige life member of ebenezer auxiliary wms surprise dinner on anniversary rtl mi mid tmi vvhm lliliiibaiv llllllh md li i mr mjcihcnn ireidcd and reb the h opened the program with a beau garbane man mr c g jones ren tifuj thoushi f r the da d a ocal s ilu rot in the bud the dttuttuns were uktn by accompanied bv mrs o mom mrs dian lelie mrs a k man and m j dennis gc a rnd presidtd at the piano and led in ln ln to our queen f 1 the ntunft uf hmns th lurd is lowed by the natmml mthim my shrphud und faith of oui fatheis save labels mrs w mclcod rt ported on th canada packer labels nnd remind ed ttt irudun i do thrir best in purcriusinj lht products hat urifi llir pro in hlrh i steem fi in niilics w i- i id li pit b tin lltv 1 f c il un hid chin th i ns ik is un in uliith hi in th ir mill fiu i is s it lu i id libit w hi mr ulll am hio buck inrt mc di i hi rbuiti i ft ms lx ui tin it j it in if mii mm duiil p irt which bll hi ip i lid ttu i lli imitink il moffit i in muftpiimt mr a rikiiiiu mis h hhuu m duln jntl mi- m ii w discussion on mismlon uiiiu is must in vi a love w i lei i mpin ilili w th lln ir r llu ir mm i iurili clirisl mi t e n intd uilh ion in ii mr puts if th w rid nst pi i ind wmk ih it tin ii boom thtsi mil sum hi iiikhls jji iiud fuim lb i m kd by mrs s rimisdiu fin i i all the usual cup of i 1 contributed b the social ship arranged by ihe committic mrs w j mclcud piopwid i vote nt thnnki lo mrs miipliei n and her hlpirs m ads it mis m c i ml mrs milkim mil w ii im hnikluirl w th llu ixuptiin if mis h all iiiinded the wedding is yeais i ngt il which llu hi llu i w n inlhtm i spum 1 i i mini m uniud k and lunch chimh ff u ild thiy il in thi ung ven ats ihm ilukli fit were listisd jnd per pari of the mrs meculchion repurtid their community findings for thi wurk planned in llu study ai thi ihurch this uas a proved by mombirs so the commit obituary rvmrs james duffield retired to acton guest outlines gideons work james h dnffiild who hid d in aetnn fur lh pjt t ijhl i years pnssid away at thi fjynn j nursing hiimi on tuesdiy juni 30 aftir a brief illness a hrmir nsidint nf giuljih fur aboiii a nr mil i hiilf u in h shi work dim by mcmb rs of the w ik imployd by hill pi in sh cldeun bjbl sticietv was outlined and hi r husbund mmd ti mills- on sunday tnornmj in rockwtiod burgh whtn thev firmid f r f mi united ouirrh by tom pinfold j yi irs thy ihi ouelph fold expressed his gritittide to thi congn i illiin for mv umg him lo speak he snd in reint jears uu gideon snehti hid si id im missed i uhku 1 in d v ilh th iere nn i inn int emiwn t tkltlhl i it pliuing n o in r w aillor h ll ul piixini 1721 mim mil ili iif c i iii it u ion pint ild it w istit slid iihti hum thin fisl i kn p up thi it- work hnuhs thi c rtrons l nf uu ihurch ixtind ehurchec beihusr i f di rmm na sibl the nil thi uufriilds alp win n si id in erin lown she farmd for 46 1 in alton shi thin r er eight yinrs 71 lean of age his 711 v nt 11 mis our is bun in c h ir u t out uui mi pitt i iirin willmm ituiklind c x md m s hi in it 25 red rosrs u fill mfls v ii rcii ind mis adsett tlnl dunnif thi evening t hymn nf in enjoyed by the many ts thiy wire acompanud on piin by mrs francis moyir pucieding the inniursjry dn mr md mis adsitt wire surpns id by a card shiwir when ovir r mngr ilnliitury cards irnvid vii in plti book of lb is it hi i hi lid i ir 1 hi y m nd tin siliu md mrs m mf t kly w a pnurl mrs m m i a di im nd md mis up mis a dm sed thinks i lik m pi 2 mil ion 1nskts il is estimakd the i re 25 mil- liorf inierts in th ilr time every j kin u mil f llu i uth sitimt w hi ii i ch ui- ni ihb ind ri u ft dim gordons driving school home pick up service dual conlrolled cars fully licenced jack spence instructor cm i ol 1 fct tr74t91 georgetown this weeks special rump roast of beef 75 foi free delivery phone 589r art suddaby meats of oimital room rttchihi i in n h a hhi ml hpurkli n witui- fying tiirtnohh to ihirnen thnt inn ken llicm wliiouil in wv ry jim lupboimt you i finj thui rpmk huru rotipe rwuflth in in rry juiu that iilwtiyhhlth per fittly onii timtih uh tumpting hh it lllllkn i hhtm jam 4 tufin prrpttntl fruit about 2 alt nw miur chimps 7 ctipn j lbs httgur i kittle irtn fruit futttn hithi m turr llir i llrrrirn stem mill pit ii bout i nuiiru fully ri wnirthirrtuh hop lint miirture a niph iliipihd fruit into i hry turiit miiuiipiin vl muli ynurjum add nugar to fruit in sjuifipitn mix will ilme ovir high heal bring to a full rolling boil hoil hunt i mttiute stirring iimstantly lie move from huit btir in c erto at onie skim off foam with metal spoon stir and bkim for r minutes to nxil slightly nnd lo pnvent floating fruit ladle into gluhkui lovir at once with k uilii hot hirudin makes about ii medium glnmen mube you rr ut a bit confusnt hihiui this hubnttitmi iiilted teittn if v ut me explain pectin u hintplv the jelling substance found in all fruits m varying amount rrto mpntin extracted from frutta rich m this natural nubstance then refined concentrated and per forma ncrcontrolled i erto ana the i ertn testitl ret ipes make your jam and rllv turn out exactly right you d enjoy seeing our free 12 minute f erto film called jelly and jnm seiwion which shows a homemakcr like yourself rnnk ing jam and jelly by the modern erto method this 16 mm film ut in full color with sound and 1 ii be happy to lend you a free fnnt if you ii just write me rnncea barton denernl foods kitchens 44 rglinton ave w toronto don t hetitate to drop me a line too if vou run into any problems felly mating lit help and watth fo column utth anoint failure proof pirn n ing rectpe the acton free press y 1 irun intlti un nmninmrnl ad kiwmi r ill m pkt c mfnlrn r 1 lll d c ui- un w mini anna wrmmu f trulilm lai mm iy cuisil mm 11 hun mk1al 1 jlhhtj im i awtiiiii so wc pllotlfd ilifdodoi did i atl icilddlt 3 mlllll in illn on ill imm linn- x 1 1 itm n mrlual help 1 tclrilmtn iii iii ltllllllt m ll n li k s 111 irfinii mil pikiltss aid ll rii it tin n naiu in irc mill las i lilklt i a i i ml it m kmi ii iianl in iut a saliicii llu c llll no tt mir tlrilmiic jinnuk limn all- ami n ic ai minimum cost the itll tclcphomc company of canada f th iili mis t sin ilit kir ivid bt sung bt gouith a duet w i itkun ind mnrjorn fiom an n irisl t rev rt b stokreef is padre at camp the rector o m a lb in j angb can chnuh the rs ii h sik reef in assisting ai padrt at t ami aftaban on lik 11 wud ihi eek a iamter th r fr m hi i chillth i lluth ujlh tlimi h harold if ouelph 1 nrn r- md ot f ai in s i n ndihildin gi i it rmdi d h in a s n th bod r sld il 1 ruml slmmaki r futu ti iii 1111 ai t liir th fun s t it 1 nl if it 2 311 pi n o n t r d ir 11 a h mekenu c n hi led th cis ilieri and ri i li i nt rm piiumji s t n 1 iun j r l s miju1 ln the psit h tutt reduced thi of the candian veari mflatinn purehtfling mwir dollpr ba 22 roys ewctric srvk 9mh4 mijmmd nmkt blktrmu complete line of electrical appliance and fixtures repairs to all makes of oil jturten complete rtock of parts motors am controls w sales skrvice repairs it iw bw mill il i it fmnc acton fw frank carney nd sons lid hardware plumino and htatwo rockwood ut soi your authorlnd myits himp maui 1st anniversary sale at depl store acton 20000 free lucky draw ladies summer cotton dresses s m 405 ladies cotton blouses ti- ti v a- 1 i i ii a i i ii h1m s spfl 1 l jlm f ttc ladies swim suits tht i i uu f ladies polished cotton crinolines 399 i k himw s imiicf girls play suits m rrtt r rf itt p i ii htm an s ph t 99c girls swim suits n mr l i n s mr rimmrd pi nd thrri w i mh ii t tn li i tl f r thr younger blue red r ival and bwk uc1itmans price from cir 298 girls sleeveless cotton blouses 99c 1 if ii i man s 1 uk girls polished cotton crinolines 299 i iniittn s i im mens sports shirts tllhtmasi ihu i mens scamper shoes spec hi nu sire t 1 10htkns pru f 550 mens swim suits i j cki jan j bitrr pr a w dr nne cv- r ssll 1 iphtmavs prk f fr 298 mens good quality shorts 299 to 399 and bin ughtmw s boys t shirts i k nri n s i ni y 49c boys swim suits 1 h mtman s pltk r boys scamper shoes ti n mikr sj r 1 ifmtm v s i kli 69c to 149 450 tl m b0ys jeans kuu n hjiji ninc drnim u liohtmavs ihlf f i cotton pillow cases cotton bed sheets oulitc bed si 249 77c 199 bath towels fxr hea- ex ra large bright colors reg ftvi jjghtmahs prick 169

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