Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1959, p. 4

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tl adok fl pm ttlurtday july 9th w thistles prick nkols edge 1310 lacrosse win ttith blix jack mann pumping i his wy right through the visitor flv goals past nicol netmindcr i jim rmjcdge who icemcd to be jim rutlcdge fergui thirties j en another shot making it 12 9 handed acton a 1310 defeat satur- off hla game on long ahoti fanned day in front of the larg eat crowd i and then freddy kentner snared to sit in at a boxla tilt here thla larry taillefert paa and made no semester i misuke with a snapshot it was the nicola clad in their bright 12 10 new fid and white uniforms ex- a free throw awarded to bob tended the fergus d last year a dobic of the visitors was cnhed intermediate champions right up to and fergus held on until thi final trie final bell and with a little more whistle practice could end up taking the in the first period it was barry best teams in the loop the rang inwoe and playing coach al gnr- up an early 51 lead on the thlstl butt who provided the scoring eawho immediately changed goal punch for acton each racking up tenders putting jim robertson in a pair of goals and leading a fast in place of the juvenile netmindcr attack taillefcr accounted for the who started off tir4 acton tally that changed the complexion of eighteen penalties were served the game robertson holding the with each team getting nine acton club down while jack mann al garbutl once again led the and bill dobie started to click nicols scoring parade with four down floor score at the end of goals while barry irfoe and lorry the first chapter woi 65 for fcr to i liefer notched a pair each and g i kcntner and graby got singleton i the teams traded goals in the boxla banter acton misled second period with mann potting the n ices of high iconng johnny two and grasby and garbutt not krauck in this game but introduced j ching the acton goals home brew wavne artiic and he come the third period and a vigcnuld hae had a couple of goals orous acton attack backfired as with anj luck tailleftr inscoc scnrrow put the thistles two up and gabtit looktd like the three only to have toillefer playing one stars tor acton while mann dobit of his best games this season score and robertson shone for thi this his second goal and put the nicols ties the nicols could use a back in contention manager on the bench to keep the ttwo quick fergus goals put the lines fresh several fergus goals thistles back in th dnyers seat were sco saturday ag tired andthen al garbutt made it 19 playes tfce arena could also on a neat goal that saw him thrcid use a bell to indicate a ptriod ind teams share honors everybody gets runs the newly formed beginners baseball teams divided the honors in their matches on thursday july a am tuesday july 1 thursday ed store s yankee bowed to don both wet i s church ill s 134 every member of the churchill team counts a run for hh tram bruce bothwoll newton hurst bill dlacock craig perkins allen mckeiulo bill hansen harry oelnch earl butler and gordon losbv scorers for the losers were lcn varey wnyne deforest and 1 dick tuesday the yankees were the winners when they beat churchill 136 this time again the whole team shared the honors when the lads scoring wore lcn varey mike vali wayne deforest dougal dick ri hibbird gordon mcdonald c lii sttwirt nnd george cook baseball scoreboard h i ii 13 13 3 11 camnbeumilr brampion oalci illc milton ualrnlimn ita snmmny cnmpbelmllr m watcrtinun simriiiycampbcllmil bronlr 3 oakmllt 10 milton 1 qmmn xfcli heck iiturdii wntrdtn ul mlltnn fl cnmpballvllle l oakmllo st jdat all bta 1ame at campbtll illf w pn laaiar powless pates indians 104 boxla win tuesday nicols wilt in dying minutes the league lending brnntford swljtons led by canadian ahsinr ross powless show ed a tougli and ready acton club why thty belong- on top of the boxln bunch here tuesday night most of them mo hawk indians from the ohawikm reserve they clippie the locals idfl in a nip nnd luck struggk that once more saw the nlcoh fiidi m tht last few mfmitu after it idinn goal goal tugh n and blimp foi nst of the ho mln ing in vk close by a whack the nose nnd he ww banished tol lowed by musts of lii visitors for inuricrtnce larry tilllefer took orasbys pass from the corner and scored with i hmd shot to tu it all up again nt fl fl 1 hi it am thin pi r i in illv i xli ndid ins thanks to si iii in ih pinilu box fin rntli innngiiii to in off i tin flo i fml to lilin at lids juncture it win anyone garni but the nicols iwgan to wilt as tin steady swltsun offense never i slopped trying and lhry were cnught flat fooled whin crognn slippid in a goal and from there the braves never i inked batk first hill thin powlii and most bint ii tesllid rulhditt ond wrapped till hutu ll iii nliilx hid v mil k hi illltlt lo s but fail i ul to i ipinnti on tin iii mllttelul snttirday cahltle v ml i tor fairground milton 1j acton 6 ttt wr milton 9 arlon 1 dclincd bv the lalt amvil of net minding cqulpnunt from brunt- ford he game was i hard chicking atfaii blemished by onl 10 penul ties the switmins displnitd tht lr swift attack to go d ndvontige while hit nieols tmuldit l ni to xcl imtilikid unlit will ml hit iicond stsuira aw bo and indians pmlcu i towir of hlntigth on diftnre for the visitor ind i if m on tin nllick pivoted s fison s faslbreaktng forw iids stoung four goals md bunji ii bbtd on conn til ss nion ocimtuuis b tin stmdout ni imlndiii of at tons jim rulkdgc ho wis mulched ilniost bj h gh icoring al icovvbi vi cm butt f thi nicols hi plunkid in n hit trick until midw i second session it w is nlmosi cowboj i tht indiniis thin hikon found tin nmk and piclud oji a pjl joiioukj bt- a piovtd unn tiilliftr v i single second stanta rescind lacrosse rules to end fans confusion oaltvit amazes manager suggests 20 runs the little leaguers willing ip score was ifl to eight in fn- 1 of bl thomas al the end of third inning fn the little aenlor lesgua baseball league tuesday bobby turknst n the losing oakvllle team asked man agir ran west what this tram mid do now mr west had just one suggestion givm with a smlli i gin m you 11 linyi to kiunt 20 i uns in tin tu xt inning turkosr and his teammates took lint right lo heart and stepping up to the plnte in succession pounded home id runs to snatch the game right under the nones of the start- lid opposition faltering ihomis only scored an additional thne runt in tin final inning to i si 27 21 for kitchener lee played well at short and batted 1000 two close matches for internationals heores were close in the inter national league play in minor sports bnsebnll at the pork itochester edged mnntrenl 10 to 14 made decisive by a powerful rally in the sixth toronto downed bunto neatly with a 10 to 6 counti a gnrhntt stqrth lhl scoaihi oil b ucmormg the bill less slippid nnd broki clenr to icon but thi all were defeated pee wees to milton acton recorded four losses sat urday in the baseball world when the pee wees bantams intermedi ates and juniors all lost tneir gam es tn the hal ton couir- ball cam paigns ironical part of it all s that the winner n each case were milton teams acion arch mal in any sport jwston lose it 1 hilton juniors playing m acton tn a twilight engagement looked shaky as lh came from behind to win heir game 12 10 af er uk tng a 40 lead in fie thid mng artoo scired seei tjts t the bot torn of the d ho er hen umj chased toot boudvrau after the itrngbeai by le- had issued four wik ard u agged fo- x hi dor c- 1 paced the hu at uck fot mltoi h i triple ad a double scaring three rum h the n irn totrt h cid dv- ptc ol trtjtl f the arton tqad fcd 13 battrn a lowtrg 12 mm ff r hi j and four walks sent to iht sin aw trded i frei nl of tin nieol he mnrii it 2 1 i relay fiom f bantams juniors lose teams in park saturday milton took a 3 0 lead in the op ening inn ng and thtn came back l count two in the second four in the fird i e in the fourth and then four again in the fifth for their w n acton counted two more in le third and managed onh one in the fourth the ser c3 is evened up now ac tot defeated milton 15 14 two wetks ago mason was the big bat witldtr fo- tht locals with two ingks ind a double to his credit just two rons the ill star pee wees from mil ton downed acton 9 to 2 behind the steirti arm of gord hidlej milton took a two run lead in the first inning and stretched it to 8 0 in the sixth before allowing acton to score their two runs ind c martin v bin ind pow less tin iw from m fit in t tucked u nwiy i minute litir on isaac loose bills setmed to fiihui the indinns into iclion ind ctii piektd up om in the acton end nuke it 3 1 gaibutl jot tint bick on i free throw ind hit nicols cnil dubs ind w m ihe btst campbellville favored in sunday allstar tilt the power wnc qv earl r ii f milton acton 3 0 12 13 0 0 7 0 12 154 lr chrr lft hind d p r mi i b3tm ilm r same nflehfwl h he sllunted righ hm b the fairgcionds sourda af r f ik den campbellville merchants headed by aim aims stan henderson and denny eaton ire fif h annuil all stir gime at the home park of he m chants on sund afttrnotn julv 12th at 230 pm six campbellville batters over 300 a zood crowd 11 expected to sit in on the mid summer specticle the t pi et mi rchinu boas of six regulirs batting belli r than 300 t j lti- w it iktlv get ice left handtr jatk robtm f r thi mrs nne or f ir inrings and hi will be followed bv kn ic klc bullir harrv 11 imilt m the merehtnta w ii bi w thout the services of second bnsimin jcki- price ind third basemin kenny moore price will be away on tkldats aid moore n suffering from a badly sprained ankle codch len andn w has handi man stan henderson t till in it nnd and lld enru in tr ingi r around the hot corner w i art at th i j hi in llache to suii on the mound thr a i stirs ai likilv snd br ml i ace girv hushis tn ti rrv ind f r the frl thret nnings c ach birr deik n f the b mil n d-iirth- his n uft h mrti n n id f r ae n rs th min birh riddell id r swthutk wi eh isen b ump n a single and tnpli- il wa by the pileber li tc rr tt for the winner in thi is i slaught f nal icrt l6 lawn bowling wednnmlbv jolv b h acton bowlers overwhilnnd tht ir il r from gergtown 111 i d v n nlng f iur m l unr enabled acton to ukr over i rm pint n the intercount leugur gamcs scores a follow j buck man mm v ionics ai n in c coullng mrs n turk orge town 17 b veldhuu mr i tar nochan acton ii b mcivtnald mrx h dolnin cktirietown l w near mrs b vcldlum anon m j williamson mrs a lrl e ivtrgr town 8 wm hiihomi mrs d cooper acton 24 p rami vrt l boblnaon cersetivn 13 h rogers mrs h heuig art m 21 h kentncr mtt c ucrv georc town n ur ma 1 nupi f i c ampbellvlllr i r u 3r f drrdp ss at c jmpimtlville i all sum a melinpon ib s goodall 2b b iiwrenee cf s hannanl ss p kmnedv hr i tn ib fl bfhop l h cutlv lf hulhts p a chingi mpostd started lo press powk off foi si ishing but some of the netted defensive lacrosst stcn hire this ear kept tht ball in btjnt- fod s posission ind to idd insult injury jim hill scored to kve it brants a 4 2 edge al gtrbtill brought aeton fins to their feet when he cashtd phonse harrisons piss from the corntr to make it 4 3 in tlu cirh mmule of the second period thin hilson seemed to find the range ind he pulled acton even with a mark an followed it with another to sirvid by the ki give the nieols a one goal edge however the period ended in i i idnw when a martin slipped in nnd hit the cords in thi dying mm utes a long shot icnened from rut ledge view gave powless goal n fi number three ind the swilsons an milu other leid i irly in the final kent- plivi fii r tned lo dissuadi powless from issisi brought ibout by thi as intcrpri tid is bt ing mil lists of liros m iltier change n thi goilkeeper pen ali put into force undir rilling un minor ptmlty goilkifpti incuired in his creise or oulsidr his en ase will be sirved bj in ilhi r phvir on the floor it hi limi h mui imlml im kil keeper must be posed mtt d i iciuiptmnt i thinu olficn ind pi n guelph kinsmen club giant car bingo saturday july 11th 130000 in cash prizes plus your choic of 1959 rambler d e v u x e 200000 cash snowball jackpot 230000 56 numbers special game guelph memorial gardens children undr 16 tnit not allowed k play eoumu irnpbillvilk is ind lh liiui with 17 wins ik unit i ciifnts tin v ls wn i pn sc son ixhitmion t ime i illst glkl si tin v inn i si isin s n cord eavestroughing pretiure syitsmt fitff fstimatjs pilonp 556j tv and radio owners i- wiiiitii test your own tv radi6 tubes free l on a testomatic tube tester do it voursflf savf money acton billiards nlhi mstexpttt photohnishino watsons dairy bar restaurant 15 mill st act phone m total iii art fr geotxttrtxri- tttagw sk dnmm rockwood eded cuelph al rocv wood on tuexlay nlfht winntiif three games to two fin aeore ws t7 to t4 and rockwood claimed erghl points gelph four rock wood won the deriding came bv a nnxte shot on the lost end league tnding to date ac on guelphss rockuhklk c4rxe town it fine weather has proed a boon to local bowler eery night ix to ten putyer ar on hand for a gamv we hoi to hav a aocial eenlntprtably nkt monday atgbt and hope that a good number of membtra will bam hand autmorizto deaur canadian scott outboards cefivnint tnni authoiiizeo dealer chestnut canoe co from cartopt to crurton co n van ion t torms at it 1 ii the breezes rr 1 acton tlf dririkg ftne alchllt range horseshoe pitch boats and motors to rtnt parking 30t per car fishing swimming mr retailer which are you looking for this summer sales slump or sales jump last summer s sales gains were tops and why not 9 out of 10 families are at home reading newspaper advertising and buy mg summer business is loaded with pro fik for you summer business is livelier than a 3ring cffcus when you invest in consistent newspaper advertising the acton free press 56 mill st phone 600 etublhlwd sim 1i7s

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