Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1959, p. 1

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ht m mm acton ontario thursday july 16lh 1959 ton pages seven cents attempts to revive a fiveyearold hamilton boy discovered in fairy lake after several hours of searching failed sunday afternoon the lad henry labelte was on a picnic with his parents an intensive search was followed by immediateapplication of artificial respiration on the beach a a h co p the lacldead hamilton fiveyearold on picnic drowns in lake while picnickers stood in a quiet hmlclrclc doctors otk firemen worked over the limp body of a liveyearold lad at acton park sunday afternoon the boy missing for hours was discovered in six feet of water artificial respiration was begun at once and continued for an hour and a hall when the boy was pronounc ed dead shortly after 7 o clock henry labcllc son of mr and mrs aldos labellc hamilton had just arrived for a picnic when he became lust he was with a group of relatives and other children in cluding four brothers and sisters it was the first time the young fieri had been to fairy lake and hey ran excitedly into the water e away they were accuatomed to the shallow water of a wading pool join search after relatives searched the park area for the lad in vain they in formed gate superintendent herb fryer who searched buildings mr and mrs george hargrove called ihc police st john ambulance volunteers and picnickers joined in the search which extended into the lown as well as out into the water op p constable bob moreau patrolled the lake in a motor boat firemen were summoned and the siren alerted many other who fol lowed the truck to the park a human chain was formed to sweep through the witer finally equipped with skin divers equip ment fred fuchs of toronto searched near the dock and locat ed the body 20 feel from shore near the diving pier use he a artiljctal jesjilcalioa wag begun immediately on the shore firemen with theh- resumltator the st john amublancc volunteers dr w g c kennpy of acton dr george sycr milton knelt over the small body in in effort to revive the lad volunteers held t screen of blankets is their w loniiiuied tor 90 minute with thi inibuhnc ready to rush him lo hospital if he responded shortly after the irnv il of the coroner dr syi r i ik bo wn pronounced dcid mr and mrs libdle hive f mr other children michiel 10 cirrmllt 8 dcmse 4 ind dnniel 2 mrs labellcs brother a st purrc and his six motheiltss children ilsn live with them another iabell child died it the age of five as a result of food poisoning hurl in accident henry libellc had sufftied head injuries in a car accident about two months ago and was to re turn to hoipitil another himilton hmih accom panied the labellcs mr st purre ind the r childrm to acton on their tr igic outing its war the wide pread g war hit aden tuesday frfees started dropping until they bit 319 cents at tome stallone a drop of 1l1 cents other stations are top ped temporarily at 3zj cents there is a poealblllty they wlu co even lower accord i of to sta tion the price war still ngea in milton while lack of customers apparently closed two stations in georgetown boalness which dropped off when other centres dropped price has picked up again here now case adjourned for two weeks roy mom who suggested he be charged rattier than pay the admis ion fee to acton pirk came up in couit in acton monday the case ins ad j nurncd for two weeks the board of parks management pref tried chirgei against the mar wh refused to pay admission tc tite attendant bill rosrcli on sun day june 2fl cnibjirector anglicanrreachet rteeve johnny coy was appoint- cd acting mayor at tuesday even lags council meeting reeve goy will take over the mayor s duties i until mavor cook returns to the council table in about two wetkf deputy reeve jack greer re ported to council on behalf of the road committee which had held a committee meeting on july 6 most councillors had attended the meet ing which dealt with installation of driveway culverts sodding of the drainage ditches in clonics a report by the engineer of freezing of water services and the paving and drainage program ask more notice an administratis meeting on july 2 had it a it renewal of tht municipal insu which k to be further investigated councillors suggested quale notice of expiry would be beneficial in that it would allow a more complete study of insurance to be mad before ihe poliey laps ed councillor low reporting for thowclfare cum in telex tlh niln the dti for the cmadlan national institute f i the blind rev canon jacques will be the special preacher at the 11 o clock service at st albans church next sunday the rector rev h b stokreef will celebrate holy eucharist no fines with the library closed for vacation some of the subscribe with books due are beginning worry a bit about those fines that might be mounting up librarians point out that there will be no fines as a direct re mit of ihe library holiday the piggy bank is safe find escapees charge theft 1 hrcc escapees from guelph re- lirmatory are charged with the theft of an eden mills car following water level constant in churchill rd well members of the acton public utilities commiasion met in a re guinr but short meeting thursday evening to transact their normal business in business tuisuig mm the minutes no nplv hid bein ret tie cd from tin enginetr regarding tin depth of w iter serius in gunli i subdivision nu npru mini hud been completed in moving light stand ftrd in the lkvie subdivision finalise agreement an agreement with wm meleod regarding the blinker light it mill and main street and the police light on the meleod building at ihe same comer win rcecived commissioners felt thai thi agu ment should be s gned bv the municipal council the lights wen installed stveinl venr ugo ind this agucment fin iluo responsibility superintendent miism reported the clcclrieil job at bt udmore and co had been conipltitd and wot oluiictoi street light an bt inj linkm rcguuith and oui i f rt lo hdll this unnecewaiv waste of miurinl and re pi icing liuu is to be iakfn record consumption in hi repoil in tin waltrwuik operation miptrintcndtnt lambert repurled the record dallv wtir consumption or this n hid rchehed 31w jmxi us gillon- the dmh e wisump ion iterated in twecn 2ho0oo ind 270000 srill ns he ano reported th dl i i chun hill hmd nuli we- ihm tng iat ik unity and that the itn lev i m the will win remaining comlnnt aecmintt pimd r jjitulu erv rfs follows perfect hand lean harn desli h iimtf a per feci cr bbake hand a the l cioh ftidjv niaht he held i u jack of club five of hcsirts fve i da innd and fnc t pide- in hw hath 4nd i mdsa t 1 on of guelph cut him the f e of club friend mere has ilv ttummoncd ever to the ublc lo tcc for uieni elves mr harru has never had a perfect hand before althotich he has been plasms crlbbage for ill years mr tolton dealt one before to top off the perfect band mr harris won toe game sewerage accounts acton puc acton motors acton woodcrafts harlock a schult svmon h trdwure 126 02 imn 21 20 ai r ltlffli hydro accounts pettj c ish ig a supti market acton puc ww acton motois frbnklm pi 0111c mat r h polrmi the bui telephon co the acton frtt pus lnderwtwid lid s r hart and co ltd johnstone electric mtter sifetv supplv c i tin hepc of ontario smith bios motor bodies elli and huvaid ltd noitluru llectru dtpt of liade com a kurnv coiji t 12 34 2 71 4 42 3 40 60 9t 2100 st 2 9 45 1114 50 wo1 2k1 1 16 s3u 1 440 33 40 1h 54th anniversary for wellknown pair a vull known mrs wilfrid tolc m thin 14th wtridinj m mom ifidiu both tf hum in lei athujh mr c lis pit il no 1 nc it stand n e11 nd with 1 oupl mi ind in the hoi 1952 monarch owned by peter bosch of eden mills but it was re covered when the escapees were or led b brighton 0 pp on wed d ly guelph f isl i liers of thi c aociit on rt h ti hir cinking spring- h 111 one job each sw irmmg ill over the high school ildition ire seven separate groups ol woikimn intent on their own ipecis of the building which is to he reidy bv the first ol september the elecincnns arc wiring the plunibeis ire plumbing the ceiling nun ire v in king on the ceilings ihe pliskrers ne plistenng the ten 10 flooring men are terrazo d ii iv theenpenttis ire carpen itrinj md the block lajers arc lay- appoint johnny goy acting mayor protest passenger train curtailment the ambulance seivjce operator had been suggc that a revi of rates might be desirable a re port will be presented at a later meeting the public buildings fire and police committee reports were presented by councillor meleod drill shed unlocked councillor peel speaking of an inspection at the pirk inquired regarding the drill shed he point ed out that the building was un locked the councillor cxpliiiiedthc difficulties encounteied in trying to maintain the lock and doors he also reported a suggestion that 0 space heater be installed in the park dressing room which then could be used by municipal work men during the winter the clerk was instructed lo pre pare a by law lo enter in an agree ment with w j meleod covering the installation of the blinker light and police light at mill and main trccls the agreement had been forwarded by the puc lo the council prison break tuesday evening parmg enquiries of members county opp said they stole aclfiig mayor goy outllned to council the recent curtailment of use by the inirance company i0t increase a letter received from the dt part men i of highways engtnttr recommended lo the depirtmiiit a study of th inffic pntlein at the junction of high iy 7 imd 21 the recomtnendflli in revealed there hnil been a 200 f inert nm btlween the list two surveys taki 11 ind suft geslrd that 1 growth smci the inn surviy of simihr imuuni woulil warrant the installation of tiaffic lights a lfller from ihe ontario pro 1 vinclai police finvi an incrfajml in list of charges that would apply n i960 a contract based on thi in creased costi was cnclsed tin matter was turned ovi r i the p lice committee for study and t recommendation council decidid to s n1 ligl representntinn to ihfcounty as sessment equalization appeal to lx heard in the tarty fill acting mayor goy suggistfd 1 i nh 11 iii lidy for council 1 ir fr 1111 the ngulir meeting to bt hi hi julv jh aftir discussion ci until decided to hold tht regular mtclintc but to illow e luneillors to sti id in int ting of cinci lling in the year in i rtgular mret- mg a t align t tx vk h luty t lid ind 1 issuid w is dt clared for moclimition wjs ate mnd ti ti or tin 11 tht ree mi lets ind tht fin in tilltd 5313i te committee to- staff i lie in hot black layer of pavement spreads out behind this machine at glenlea subdivision joe oppedesano operated the machine with luigi assalone and bruce kellar assisting goodson paving of toronto have the contract they will be finished this week passenger trhin scivice on the cn i r he outlined the problems zens were faced with when railway had cancelled stops by trains each diy the elerk was in tructed to write the railway re qu citing restorition of the pre vious service or provision of a suit able alternative council agreed to rent the conn cil chambers to halton union fir mers mutual fire insurance com pany for eight meetings in the bil ance of 1039 the rale was reduced lo 12 per day by the frequency of the mhcltui ago thiv t forms off workmen it the new public school look the forms ofr thi 11 are spectiling as footings this wetk they will be starting ihe brick work soon 11 girl campers st john class in first aid at hurrfber glen scheduled for y in september tile 14 acton inns ore honu you cm bt i good suniiiilin- tin e ijii 1 hi n f ih ymf a fiom humbir glen camp jnd 11 tnd 1 tinned imi ures robt rl siiun 1 11 us ft hms in hnt iris hive tiki 11 thtir pi iee hart d vision 1 mipi 1 mundenl of ad l hi njui 1 1 1 durcs set ling in the ir cjbm on sun ht st j ihn ambuliikt brikid buiimiru w in shy s t it mix 1 djy for 1 vnek win s mil 1 livwri wilh cneful l iris in mj uv di 11 n iii st h li 11 s in v mug n imv r kin ilds n h itliv me fur 1 sines of it tines n first nd i 1 sit i k w dopi c 1 vi kuiiti ru hlimb wnd m istir mr if 11 1 isks whil v uld ion d 1 ni uelu li this i i 1 m f nwn caiol bt iltv suidia blingerlind for i rilitiv rnd o sti ui i if in 11 ii lil pti n m ii irt ainu jrvtr k rtn firkins su letrt ht bidlv biiintd s iv sinik ait urn nil vn n sitntli do you p ii it uhi i i inn fee low mis dn i 1ivill v s t imp nurst for iii h s list week intl sht his bun nplitcd bv jnnhir aet n lolun u mr- f i idki 1 the unihd ehurr e imp m r mitt with in midinr i in t mil iliiii iji 1 iw j pt r in u ismsi i per on e h i id d i i fi le lined limb 1 isi tin j i i a i j t ill n f i in is publisht d nd pnvmt furthi i inin ih rn 1 s n k mil 12 hours training 1 h n n li is f 111 1 n il divi mr ii irl point ml th liluis i i ul 1 n nv bol on ft itlirib i gr iv empi sum undid hj t il n- i l 1 1 in 11 e u iinin umlt r i imptimt nsi it 1 m ns n i l k n v ii- r ill t v i hi fundi i i v ii in i ii duly in lie lull kimun mjuiarees ind iwle rntrnr li lining 1 met t th s i id p tk jwuniti nj r 1 rimii uliti up s dniihiil with w h ii ii 1 ti luisl the gills in ifijun enlls issurmce an 1 sk 11 1 s h 1 1 in l y mi ii irt h kes spoils ind no ship it is thi pliin t tl in g id vnh i 1 with ill is isrn md ild w ii- i ssl ct tes thuieh n i hi hh m t tltrk of estimate 15000 damage as small tannery razed in tuesday fire tht hopes of gregor mancc went of water on ihe truck were forced nol home it the lime p in f minis imrly tuesday after tr drive down llu road to i streim ne ght n nluii hs smill tannery wasbefore completing the job o dous re urirfblt t pi half way 1 the par u half oirr and sul j lutlca rerordrd for um n hiioh 10 marriage llrfinm lhfed one 2 i birth and 33 deaths recorded lot line township vital for right fire direction giving ihe cirrrel and full d rcc t -n- t tirrmen w is stressed this k ig i b fire th tf jek n ion rihsel i iht trutk sjhil i i tipltteu destroyed mr mance an mil linner hdd installed new jipinui in un outbuilding at the m mr and mrs nick sem ik it ol two miles north nf riann s corners tind jusl began tiii nitis within iht past few lbs r n i d usiiii tht fl imes in r lliiisfd bu iding estimated the s ji ihomi wrong directions n t 1 1 t ist f me irrect dircc i hlmd tht fire truck after uifiii f i tht tin on the blue r ins lint tht were redirected i m k i vte nd tall from the i a bt liliphom exnployec ii t i u iph i based the k v d i li uir right mg the flames walls collipstd months of uork c nsuim d tx fori the oes of mr and mrs mance ond f mrs seminyk mr semanvk mo tw fuslni otll sctamld ill ft ii ull ttkpi m tmil hi li tru k ic hi i sti i t c anda foir i f ilhrt opcrjlod a n ug in a l fnioi wiui hm wife tl u through area mr nts n rttt tst i il its 1 prt e mis in l lc tsl n buik lo b vtd ocidi ih p n had bein dimribuusd bs turn ptriiiul i alt t i ough the d icu ad llu i el ell r hat sparks ign d wie uing sol- drum x nl v thysc cjrd hisc j tunk f r i le refer th- ix ndl i a ml to lot number tine numbtr and ln i ie rwnir t it tint iuwi slitp in mam case firenicri lhrm tier i 1 a t w a d a fclsr filled in ther blanks n ie jttt mr n t n til 1 cravem before g vmg thtm o h me p e mil lo gut t- u n owners ugtng thai the put them qn mm i nl irjj rrsi beneath gaw bi their phone rtnis u n di nt kn w tlur i in response to requcsta for m rr number 1 nc miibt id fijhp of these mr newton had made so should learn tnern and post theni erl countrv call at his own ex up in a permanent place beside ihe pens since then phone 1 ie i -erjjwi- wcd behind ifi in i a sort distance fnm the h fitunatch trw ind did i t mow pa k- u ignite these b i id ms hoe banted befara i ppn ot n the mind of mr mi k was the memor c an tilw lirr a ihe farm when their hm bu ned rtn in the middle of ik hl mnl sears ago thev have built a new home since then firemen exhausting the aypply small tannery operated by gregor mance at the fam ot n ck delivery were los mr mance an expdrt tanner comet from semanylc ww completely destroyed by fire tuesday afternoon yugojav a flmmg avails had been pushed inward when the sparks from a mqlorjgniled cleaning solvent and the outbuild- photograph pas taken ing wm soon a mau of ftames equipment and hides ready for

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