Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1959, p. 4

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4 the acton free presi thursday july 16th 19j9 gfr-tni- i allstars whipped 167 roberts hits two homers campbellviite cnme from behind score to 1111 wtngrovo wn snfo a 60 first inning deficit to defeat the league allstan 187 before olyge crowd ih cnmpbellvllle on sunday jack roberts rove up six tills in the first ihtung but sent- tbrcd five over the next ctjht and was the individual hero of the grime iwhtvtoelted iwo homerunt over the leftfield fence couldnt stop them five of the ioniiut lop hurlert tried in vnln to hilt the c-impbill- ville nttirk whuh consislid of ib hits including three norm runs and three doubles off the offulnit of niddell ol milton knox fiom dim dns bink from oakvilto snw chuck from brampton and hughe of bronte belween them they issu ed seven paves and struck out five while their opponent robcas was walking four and striking out eight in the top of the firil singles by scorrow ibmntci mtphml dun das kennedy oakville uwm acton and a homtr by hibblit brampton gave the all sims a 80 lead in the bottom hilt of the inning c impbellvilk gol three of them baek fls early wnlkid ind scored ahead of leaking who dion- jbd homerun over iht lift f u id fence henderson then walked wcnl to second on cairns single and scored as eaton doubted tie score 55 in the bottom of the second cnmpbellvlllc scored twice to tu the wore nt 11 truly singled went to third on hendersons nil and both men scored as wmgrovc singled down hi left field lint in trie bottom of the third ciimp- bcllvllle took he lend foi tht fust on lawrences error to opin the half innini ind wis followed by calms double both men were driven home by fntons single with 11k lalter going to second on the throw in dredge gi oundtd to binkt who wnn pitchinjf for the all stnts ind he look baton going into thud hobiru then honured cor ng dudge vimd of him the all start snrrd i lun in tin top of th fifth to innk hmo uh n ton miphiul idunclm w ilk- d t it si onu and ihhd and rid thr ing crioi talons third hit cimpbi ikilh picked up ihiee moti in thi boitom of the slxih lo binlii the scon to 146 cairns s ngled and wis driven home by filons third hh of the afternoon ihtn with two out roberts walk ed and both mm scored is firly don h lid in the lop of uk tikhth the all- si ii- moitd the fmil rim bitici at ion hirkd wtnt to sicond on t wild pitch ind stond tin t cumpbi llvillc nioi in tht hot torn inlf of the inning cimplh ll villc compktcd tht scoring as dredge wtlked ind crime in on robe t li homer his second of thi iiftiuioon kennedy the oikville outfieldd who pliid the cntiie gime in light fiild for the a stars hit i doubk ind n single whik hibbnt thi brampton shortstop who phved tht fust five innings homerid and tingled scni row bionle hiynrs biimptoni liwieice oikvrlki mcphnl idnndis iivnon ac ton culuv iw iti down i turt it 71 with two out dredge singled all si and two walks loaded the basis takings single thin eliovr- in tht four two rvins pin ir best for village then s the bottom of tin foiulh wnsixrillc cnmpbtllvilles best wining for the scored four runs mri inn ii the fitm footnotes ipnts hi idirt hv urn r mike timmis don ited i nd i mdhil thi gnme an islimntid 100 topli mill i nil ilht i meet he alustars this n the bench lineup belween inmnqs at sundiys all shirs vs gimp bellvillfc fixture which saw ihe all stars from millon acion dundas bronle q ikyillp find bnmp ton corfie out on the losing end of a 16 7 score jack roberts was the bitj trouble for trie all stars he pitched thec8mpbellville club through nine innings and hit two over llie fence homers powerpacked drive in stretch gives nicols triumphant 15 to h win over huntsville down jl4 in ihe early minutes of the second period acton nicols put on iht u strongest stidtch dnvi of tht season to edii huntsvillt hawks ii 14 right on then own bnliwitk saturdny night om 700 shocked fans saw an inspired bind of nicols tnki over the rnllln- iiye fnim the home town h mlc little in five second pei ud lhiis ind six moie in the third slum to win going nwnv diminutive phonsc huiisim r a ihul fm the n tuls ui lo this plnt slioi lln winning m i kn with only mil iniruili ind 211 seconds left to tin lit in hi id flipped ihi lull iv 1 li imiohsl on tht pi i third coal two minutes eirln 1 lolinni hilsoii fed it up with his thud inl of lln nllhl with the buckets m 1 1 iii tulufcr art n thit ittncd to idd t their mucin in ilu fun minulis bill tnlli f hi the post on i bulk i hi t mil al iciwbov g nliiitt i fm jnll two isisl m in f ii tin jewell throws 4 to 1 win over oakville last night nicols hit the nnss inr willi bounce shot nicole wtie with nt the snviiis if twine tindet lun kiitlxlgi mil binv inscoe wis pnstd into ih pids ignnsl iht powei pit kid tjrtwkr a lltth nervous in ih fust thipltr bn ly impiomil 15 uu onii proussid until 111 tn hunt pdioil hi illowed nnl one bill to piss him hv 1 icmj s m mil shot hv ki n woods i he missing fnd ki bint i ki ipi k 11 is ilunts ii s sir ihi nu is hi at 111 tt lit iliuks 10 4 in 1 pi 1 x uis 1 iiinti i in acton pi uiiu ct uh al c 1 bull while his males slammed out i seven hits scored four runs ind gave him stellar support m the field chuck jewell hurled acton inter mediates to a 41 win over the second plnce oakville oaks last night in oakville the youthful righthander allowed four hik onlv one going for cxtin bases it was actons sixth win of tin campaign the lost to binmpli n here siiturdnv bv in ill si u m a nine innine gimi which thi 11 m- foiths won in tin i itt innings j the onks gnrnerect their onlj run inst night whin lawrtnie sincli i nrtd scored on kmnwu s doubk in the first inning fiom th it p nnl thev nnb threatened unci whin dryden wangled a fiee piss ind rdt to third on sueteiding outs lead in third acton mennwhlli scored or in the top half of thi first andi rson singling townsld bonding 1111 111 error nnd pml i iwson si mad an derson with 1 0111 bus hi w thi took tin kad 111 uu thud in put tlhg together thin hits nnd 1 wilk thnt netted them two inns anderson roenved tin piss and then towns1i pml usm ind jewell singk d in lhit oidti in push anderftoti and iowns1t un uu plate the locals niadi it 4 1 in thi sixth when janus received a w ilk and acbred on succud n mrts chuck lewill ld a tin n th plate with two i11u in tlux t- ti ilw while paul liwson hit safth twin in four irks bmrill rolliti in of thi ortks four hits ttllrhle hurls sturda sa turd iv thi adon club nun mltted fii 1 tnirs ignnst 1- 1 ing brimpton danf mhs tht drtti forths collcied 11 h is off on hpm brwjs v hallon rural allstars shade nhlers 1210 halton run spbfrl ill t team whipped hi nal on il ihkti league all tars 12 10 in 1 e o- twilight fixture saturdiv uidu t new lights at omagh pirk 1 if i gar pitch r h irr 7 ilba w is ci edit ed with the in for the it 111 team and along with km biuok and okn rtchardsnn made thi threesbtr lineup for the nttht al sullhan hurled or the n h i entry ant pitched a verv stendv fm with charlfe burns eitchtng m chatridt and cat oamner n rr top of the nhtht for thr visitors selr a zalba owinj to the soddin llness o intended siartlng pilcher john will mott of omah ind the absence of palermo s dbn rfeslop the rura men had to tl on za ba to cam the mail j thompson of hornbv and ken arttftt ot trifakrar did tome jmtahu but roach lnnr naylor called on veteran tjlba 1 pdt tjotlhe ft im ritchie who went the route in tht in mnd f r ihc locals hut ii was uie miscuis thit plnytd thi de- id ing rrile the clubs shvid lierl 11 until hi sixlh whin in nneirned run ivi bi imptoti a kid ihiv ihvii 1 1 nctuihed ihev iddid two mini ineflitud ntn- in ihi sivintli to up vv chm t iccid f 1 hits in il ailoi 1 we 1 mi linu nil box score mi linson sc arrow c hnvms c till hboui hibtmt 1 r h 0 0 bise hv ii 11 old townslcy in the third tiwnshv ilso doubled ind singled 10 leitl the actons it live pi hi bob bruce collected two hits in foiii irns salurriaj s gamr r m f bi imp n 101 irl 210 11 h 1 tun kll 1011 mm 1 7 1 wrdncsdav last mrhtl n n 1 act n 102 001 0 4 7 1 ikvill lllllio 0 14 2 buffalo wins close match in inte rnatioml leigiic plnv it the liih slio1 tmdiv tu onto bow id 1 buffiki folli wm 1 d s li c n c lid m itch fin il r lint iu17 1 s11 s f r ihi v r bui ill ind himtu nd a i ill ov lawn bowling 20 1 nhi 1 mondiv vi mri f 1 tin fust of 1 n si isiin afli 1 fivt sit- don bit vvi 11 ll ivicl hi 111 111 pi km i i i thi t lull h hi w die lichis hid pnpind hiiuli in 11 kits bl colli iii i iw 1 r 11k whih lv 1 ishv 1 11 h k l 1 k i si i ml hum 1 ik 1 1iwii iki tin h iwks im id vvilh 1 ht ml ntl dni msi ind ins lf iv which 1 i i lint i t 111 f j ik ail 11 in- i mi inlf ml 11 till ilu n i 1 i 1 it bin on siimiliv 11 tl1 r nil lull a 1 a c11i111m ii itt 1 i1 t 1 1 1 i ii mini if h ii ii 1 ii wi l 1 ii i m seionil period 1711 1720 1 14 i 4t a h i 11 ii ltd lint c nlnti i ii wn i 1 wo third prrintl h hi it it i h wi nil mght a ol liiniindl a hiri a ci a 1 wi rtne d iv veiling alton s hopis of rem lining 1 op ihi in i 1 l mntv i t iuu win si i 1 v t d it wis i njojirt so 1 is d ciddl lo hive 1 nch minlh thi srnn ti provide luneh thi ihv of align t iosr a curlph i in in vuv in rutiph ii s nndlv in tin 11 1 uli r a hik uu p n in n 1121 12 21 mn 1 w ner m 1 24 a vh 1i- ct rochester 20 montreal h it chi- ir nviiwhilimd m ni 1 il 1 1 in it 2d t h tucsd i m 1 i t pi ivd fin b i but w n hoi h imhd rnhisni pul the on- 1 11 n tin 1 in tli to ruk nil riv chi is 1 mis w nu culph 11 h rirs miss chuuh 11 ait n c v robins m mrs a ih co iph 2 f f ilu 1 mrs p a t in l i go i n m cm iph 21 tt n i in- arl n li g ri mn mis g grim c t it vildhu mi s o ait in 12 a ii ik011 m n i id holmes plumbing and heating eavestroughing pressure systems fill 1 siimal rs piionf 556j behind at first montreal perks tin inti 1 nation il leiue doubk hniild it ihi high sih list ihiimlnn mitnri il npi 1 still rune to lite in the 1 iu fi fiitnis tu squifch frtionln lit i 1lu ditoiinlpr ttlil setwi innings 1 01 iinlo took ihi utia nt tut wllh llie suiri 7 it tilt tut tit ihc mi f ml inuims ilu slition s on ihnniiil 1- m mtieiil iul on lln in it ttnchester 11 ithfraln it i i k phvihi hv ill t mi m m snnd 1 vuloiv foi it h thin ilu aim 1 iviv m 1 id whih ihiffilo fill nil in kilcheher concedes match to oakville li1 lhiustliy in the mlnoi inll h mm kltihelur onndeil tht 11 jmmi iftii thiee innings when ilu si 111 w is 17 it 1 shullis hild tin kltilitiu j it mi sionkss for t 1 innings whih his ti mini m s count id i inns in ilu ic find md 10 initiiis ivi ii 111 ihi thud pt i nd tlf oikiillt illowid tmlv t in 1 m u 11 innini- oikvill i nliniii tin 11 henvv im i ondon t si rimmis l d si i 1 mi- 2 t 21 v is n t il 1 did not 1 11 whin 1 onclnn hi id si oakville kitchener senior loop victors robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists foi mi rly t p u id phone guelph ta 42071 58 st georges square sports calentfar iirrane hat july ib omhlft 41 aftnn tuea july 21 htmuvttle al ae- inlermedlate rancball hal july ib milton at arton tried three tests at skating school a studrnt at the spring nkitini mh ml in mclph aim fclttru 11 h ft three usls mil w is muk s- foi 111 is- lie hum ill in lun in imd his imlimm 11 v f 1 in until a 11 mil run i 1 t oil wi ttln 1 il mi t sl p iv 111 v it 11- aim llirlt hi ii ii iv i lb two victories for ball teams in c init vdvon silurdiv id wit 1 ii 11 ih 1 uk joi th p wif- it w is llom tntlli ivili hit fm il spin 1 ii 1 f 11 ihi vtml lilt hi 111 oils 1 oldfl 1 it 1 wn carlisle downs juves 11 to 5 r1isi dowiiid acion juveniles 11 lo 1 in iheir 1 nenunter lisl night in th pole 11 mia scheduled i w i in w h itx id mo 1 at tlje nd f ihi r in i vvlim cirllsle si ppiil on the pis li roir home sinn nine rnnsjin the last tv0 ill rouniid iwo for the 1 wd hv lnlhirlind md witi ih usi with one monuments brampton ncslpjns subinuiid cemeiery k ht img emnei posit md a j nod diphv in slock wm c aljan prop 68 queen st w bfsmptort shop philne hi 1044 lies ol 111113 rep tom nichoj phone nrarttplort l 1 lwj special offer if yon buy one nnlv alumnitm self storing dnor we sell ou 0 door canopy rfgillar value still for s0 fl if vou buy iwo doort yon get l for sllli ir yon hv two doors and four windows you gpl vour floor anopy fur s911 und if voii buv two doors and elicht uindown any nie yuli jcrt onr dour anopv flirt act fasl ptilt up ynur phftmr nnd phone hi von are uniler no obligation to liny jut jsk i irk to rnme jround ind show jou this icrrlfir offer j e mcmuflen hompecialist acton junior pipe band -draw- to finance trip lo syracuse 1 lawn chair 1 il d hv hn hi n 1 si oil st 2 cutex manicure set draw at acton park aug 3rd ih inks lo 1 forms ir nut c ash don at ion 1 i n no kv 1 cut iph ih act 111 i7 up- i is iv 1 libit 11 the nd d georgitovin miuh 1icui in di st indins foi tin wi t k irt h- w k git cd wn will ptiv lph vlu roikvi id will be churchill victors in two encounters i 1 ii spoils p 1 vs miltv hindi 1h1 llgll v 1 in- ih h nirc h ii t it mki ih 11 v h hvh ltd sot ial sicknfs an dint- 1 1 1 f ni f irko 11 hi m h n intu m n f 11 n m i s ia ict oki hi illh 1 ill hid l 11 h indl i- tlvii it 1 but ih mj enofv 1 n in 1 hll mill k li an mik 117 ed tli 1 th timim r hi 1 vdi i u iv n hf r jr e i huk itch iiuntid hue f shortill sheet metal plumbing heating gar wood furnaces eavestroughtntj 184 churchill road phone 464 grants radiator shop specialists in all types of hadiatoil service repairs recoring boiling trucks tractors cars car heaters quick efficifnt service free pickup and delivery phone 85 acton collect 252 queen st e acton ont suit sale 20 off slock suits 10 off made to measure 30 off jackets example 1 suit leit 20 29 98 5 98 one week onlyi buy now and save henrys mens wear where we make your interest our owni freshness guaranteed insure assure protection life me auto j bert wood 124 mill e phone su acton ont insurance agfncy promotional special f save on no kodak film for emch roll of film lefl at hinton s store for developing vou ma purchase a new- roll of dim tor only 4 ru hintons 5c to 1 store no fuel like this fuel whenever anyone tell you nil bottled gases are alike dont you believe ill for example there a punt tnighiy impor tant if the gat is to burn with a clean blue flame with no toot or smoke to discolor your kitch en walls pyropax gaa is a pure as the most em cling scien tific tests can make it with pyrofax p there is no guess ing about quality about econ omy about dependability call us today 4 prroim gm cwp rvb stovoca always feh available at ledgers root hardware nil construction ltd rockwood ont phone ul 69551 heating in a service out are we supplying a heating service yes we have phonh or w ii phne yo j presently tool t cr we n i mirntin our he ng serv e as uurl summer clernojts md 1 i i rr i i y lu r rj he heitg sasoo to rhos uit we str what is sfrvice 1 er ce s i aledqe led the ah i ty and neseve-r- re to ipply h s wnowietqe root hardware has always and i co je o n i s s r b installation are we supplying a heating installation service yes in a curtailed way vvt sre noi sohc ling heaimg rsfamal op bui nesi be fc i ouallty m her ihan a cut rae product we w l on e gas info it is a d w il a o o aat c o i ou i lit v i wcfv cae y enough o ma nu n our aneinjis enoud to p v de a prot toi th s f tm we w li then ear tv d cfle me a s qwfkly ot beit ng ilr root hardware has no former associations or present affiliation with any firm but will stand on its own merit as a lagitmate bustnoss firm our only responsibility is lo you our customers who have made possible our continued rotn unee 1m0 root hardware construction limited rockwood ont mtemui si

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