Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1959, p. 9

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success out of failure secing lfi lonfl h1 o nomolunu irom ioca nnd dlttnci tcliooh got v ttunkinq about ihoto whose nanwi might not have boon ihcra porhapt il a hmgovtii mm our own v hool days to think aihiui ihc nine the names woront theco acluntly failure of any kuu i a u lcng fvry year oei lis quota ol nlmn in schools and m butiimlsm in uttoitikit t and on furrm nd in every avwhuo of hunt in endeavor fntluro mny not be entituly our own fault or it may come from sluvmy mut the wrong goals and playing our inituwn false aaore often though it is lueil by tlm feflr of fulure by pessimism and cjelumm thoro it no shame in failure wheio iihto has leen genuine effort dislmaitonuta ns it may bo it first many of history s illustrious sons and dough ters have shown that ijiuh even repcifett failure can b but the prelude to a success which is nil tlio sweeter and room nnhta for being long tlolivivl whon you think about it seme of the most iinlikoly tropin invi wnl most of ihot llvts beinij kindel is failures sir wimion huulill is n lmic ftnamplo had h iluilh fts hit like hii litlioi would cor i iinly hivotiittli wntliil nil 01 iit ailolhnr i id en 1 iiiluie inh d tio has hvtd on m uvri liniilt with jlory uul i tin in uiutou i- i olue iinoii hti gliiili aall time uioin is in otusieiuo ihe cliionolorjy of itio hie ol tnotlui in in whom okainpio iniy nive nne i i ill llui v tin hive horn bioiviht lo be mini ol id sjmii by itiluio ii it nl is follow ink i n bumnett u ih i n1 ur i htnre 1 lrth tiled in tuniums j i ole ltd to leiliuie 34 swttllldiii did ii js hid llmvolll illoflk ilowi ia tltvrthl t skmkir j i ilc bile oi o id d teud loi ton jlfii u elthwi t llt s lis d h ited or coiuiftss 111 difituit loi senile r tkfiitetmoi ne pinidcni so infeikd tor tnite u ik it i pit knt 60 lit mm al nh mi ih in back in 1909 taken frem lb tame ml th tr prtai ifcunahr jir im mr w h ournr jtlnve mnnu- facturer wkom factory tit wlngham dtrtyd by riro a fortttixtit hu curcd turner and be i tor primlim and him wmmi nn d html mn i n with t now vhn mid detenu in illnn wliuh m jmx sum mm mi aiiltinny hlphmnn lm rtx turned if id him kfiiiiilhiiii iihki llcrw in m hu iim i lyltr wlio dimeii id attin will kiimtiiik nilt it mr ruphonmni wm n huhiim blnckumllh nut tin ill up i vt y prnfltiibtt li nil durlitk snlunly i viriink how eli i trie tlorm lh inrnn of 11 f mull l imrilitu i vi ilrurk lv hilhlrilnu unit uliillv it mmyd iii inih will in hiivy i m tin irimir mi wim only ii4ik n lllllllllj l coiilintn mr hill li id jiixt t ii ii ed hiiyinu tlml i v miu oit lit 40 lfh wi 1 vi i h 1 a national pasttime every summer us the holidays roll around the deilh toll of drowning victims rises to aslroiftmical heights tns is not xautod by people nnl imnwinrj either some people piefei lo drown them sifety the next best thing is to be sure th t a knowledqe of aitif u i il respirihon hand many fl perioi wlo has seen a victim haijicis texl because of the lick of eye icflexls bieitmng 5etves by diving into shattovv water with out first ascorlainmg the depth others swim straight oul is far as they can entier because of a desire to rjel away from it all for a while or to impress their girlfriends when they illempt lo reach shore again they find they hive none too fir and lack the slrength io reiuin others like to urnp in ust after a heavy meal or when over neated cramps usually occur in such cases changing places in a canoe in ihe middle of ihe lake is another fivounle apart from observing the rules for water and hennbcit the first and last thing to remember about the application of artificial respiration is to begin it right away and not to cease until rigor mortis has set in this last hemq a stiffening of the limbs which indie itcs death most certainly send someone else for the doctor but don l stop giving this aid even on the way to the hospitil in the ambulance but let s have no need to receive ibis aid hy exercising ome rlisonihle ciution in and near water who is this other guy over the next two suitimer months july and august hundreds of people will be kil led thousinds mained and injured and cars will lie wrecked around the ctcx k tluse raffic accidents will happen in the best of weather and m many cases under ide il travelling conditions in view of this it might be a good idea to see who is going to ciuse all this deith and des r l i ion accoidmg to a survey of driver lit ludrs ui the united states the answer is nobody nine oul cf 10 ldults questioned ind all those win a rtcoid of traffic violations rated themselves above average in driving skill and better than average at obeying ttafbc laws typical traffic safety slogans such as dtive safely slow down and live were not intended for them or so they said each one questioned was sure that he drove safety and that traffic educa t on was directed at the other guy safety officials believe that drivers in cinada think along the same lines and are eguilly convinced that their driving skill and tffic renuhl ons lbove obedience to rtpro i- 1 it wou d lppcir tin people re lly w int to be good i iw ibd ng cli vi s in want mg to be good dnvers we tell ourselves we are and therefore convince ourselves we are it is alwiys the other nuy who is the bid dr ver it vrcud seem th avenge driver be h nd ihe whei i lives in two worlds one i nicnt il woid of f niasy where he sees hmi self is i nood lnei ind iho other workl of hn i ph il f ii s vnere he often un kncwmgv corrm the driving sins urge and small winch ciu e tr iff c accidents while this schisophrenic condition is of undoubted intcesi to psythiatnts it s also cause for thought hy every c mad an be cause of it we ae piymg an aimnl lol of more than 300 000 000 m cish ind some 3 000 lives plus abcut 66 000 people maim ed and injured it s t me that all drivers discovered that theie is no room even on a div tied flight iy cr a split peronlly the good old days back in 1939 tkrn frwn uu tmmt at la free rrra tkwwur ialy h i4 ijim frklny nl noon mlm mtir- inrct clnrvtn wo pvercly injured when nlio woi struck by an auto- moluli driven hy a tornrilo woman rii inldinl occurrml orj mill st jutl il th noon hour mlu g ir- viri w i rinini the ttrrrt nijkimtc 1l p ml nflir shr win trll k by i hump n lh- fur4iem1 u i obnk lift ii ini i limine sin liti rimivfhl to the tkisjul il kii ii inn di ii f i urlty weildlnk sit iimi vlikh m flijlth orr h i nn t hi id of mr kir by wil li mi- hi v it i h nine rn l0lit f i s it i ol it wiililiim run- ii u ill wih ill nihil by min m ii il i 1 w ir w s 1 nil lb li i m n ii mii hi lli m 1 i 11 pro billv fur n iiti 1ul 1 f nr in local news networks perhaps we may be excused this week if we take a look at canada s weekly news papers while editors from across canada aie gathered m regma for the annual meet mgs of the canadian weekly newspapers association it will be the 40th convention and editors and publishers of weekly newspapers from newfoundland to vancouver island have gathered m the fimed prame city of regma to discuss ihe problems that confront them in this highly mechanized and rapidly changing world your weekly like the 745 across the countiy has changed in format and mechan eal methods of reproducton i ul its baste respon b l ty as a commuiiicit n network tor tie icimu ty s s ii the sime gone ire the- d lys cf th c is al dei i ne and he qonc tihn s gn wti wef manl fables my way todav h ol d publ sung a wet es ipe s one if the fe lowoi p it i pen na w i in mu ite the i a ii the acton free press pammw4 hy thr nilh prtnunj and fablhhlnc t lhaltrd t inh d n ts lid pub ivd mn piisln i s6 m 1 is 1 i s a sioind h l wn a n a adv h n ditir x r si id ii- i 1 in j sfxl i hffir r qihr c tnd m ii ifcp t tbr nt ptt tr r pblmted in artoa c pitt- fdi t n c 4 hand n d ii mjr lacmi ft 1 business and editobiai office phone 600 acton water baby suqat cutct sftfce simtltniik ut litis imhm such riw ni iiklllld in 11 h in nut fill 11 lollli u m l turn i- rrvl illied w h n 1 imii v unt hi ovtrutnriimk nthituii i in p il f chit iko hid kivtn ihu tu 11 dm uk in i mii thin 1 unnk it s inn ui sh nk iff in m iflm s did th fin thiru ind ff nd in li th un hm slit in line pnl if cm id i its iwimht hiikmtli f t i nn isu it in hum c nudiuii l b iltin a k i 1 but f i b s al v k 1 ii imi lb f 1 litis jf ol mini i wlnl iwmihin n ijri f1n i n ilists buns in uuwdd ml immli tbivd ptibblv w ml in e nn mill r in i ihu is niclicil linitin but lint could b h mdl- dilillid of niltn il kmiiinii w mertv eivi ihem bnev tin i nd tin n fur f nhiis td or w inn oul of mil ill w mid h f i n if i ins ni isl if tint hi l b h him 1 ii h ii t sji nd s niw y lk in fut i 1 i u imil il willi lu ll iiv h ilu k iiisin wui h is i s 1 k itli i in iii il i il mill ln kid- ril h i- ik k i d ni i jii i 1 i n ill f 1 in i it tin m i il h lh is iw mi lh i luindiid d 1 1 11- ill i ml mll lis to lh it i i f ii st id m i an i ii w i i i in 1 n i i in i t i i ni i r i i r i pi 1 s i asilr fmni the ilfi lirls ni 1 w ill i til ik sins if wi 1 k ill t i st nil i u ul i 1 1 i biej 1 mum in th m i i- lit w i in iii wih 20 id wil hu hilf f fiinipe ill si n pi mnn s ii hi tlii ii w nld itnik pu k ld fun tw uld b il i lh i il ituvsi nub i 1 i mil sv sluu il wn t ni 1 i ir hiuii i n ii n u i li iv l 1 11 ii ull i i li hhm t i lixins 1 h n 1 i il lh u t iiiimbikd the biggest m the pobl sh nq f pld not only does he weeky cf can id i compete for business agnnst new and powerful medn but it also his to do an improving job cf report nq local news and interpreting the cenmunt to tuef higher education and i v r sm in ts mite tl s mandatory working together through tier issocn tion weekly ed os over tht vars hive bu t a strong espr t de corns i odjrt d h qhv competetive aw irds mproved the eth c of the weekles in i e d d the sphere of influence mto tho d imtieis of qt vt npn s th week i es cf l ad i a e u ho i i v f i g new prci mt tnd new a evenp ts nil oh t n 1nit l h in i i f i mn i d thu i id mm in 1 i i i h 1 d nl i i ihl w 1 f b run n i t n i i in n i ht id h v hum l k i ii inch mi 1 h isl riu he nuiti rv i k 1 u i it mi i l t i f it i i- d l jii ii i in ii i wh i r m id iii i n 1 unnk wi should j i i tl i w n lb in lu nxl hi thim in it imiil n in bin tu uiw in imp winlth ind cu ijire tlul w uld sjj nl ibem rmhi f lb bil and bi tdi un tiuklri t lppm ill it if tin j uiil it f i n il iiidi n id eh ii lh m i iiumiinl sum so s10j j in id dili u mid i nl in nl i rmtiiiti il dibl but w i unnid 1 l ii iiudnli it ind i nt off witi i len sh i it nil hi l i 1 11 h nd m llu ps f lllllls wbi n ni ik ni mn h in in in silsdhs r r mn l w nr luff lint tu v liid liul wi mid ilh li limn ii tu mu k f mil pul lb in in killmji of c in- ii n d in ihe queliiin i w i in pu 1k nulli ns who fl irkid in i h win n ihiv iiw tin li up mil prsnillv id hiv it i in miiiiii nl lh 1 tlt fn1 till mill i m w uld in sottl- 1 n h f i iim rrmi tludsm i u in vms i h it kits ti 1 u d k p ml il i i i t bilgi i i i n up th ti ilh a id w d riil i i wit i i tin i n 1 1 1 n n u ind i l tin k i c n n ilh no hitch in in rfd lun t 1 i inifii i k u nd ib 1 ff iids i e nth liki pipi isl nt i i id i v at i 1 n m ml in hi in l s i n n r 1 1 sr i v f i 11 i i is i n tijtr i tl old it hi n itorini amkrion i fit i im in shut kinlmr 11 iim rnlm ann itolmi i ind al c i ivkr professional directory and travellers guide m nuiai ihrhtoiis dr w g c kfnnfy phvsnitl lid sniiisri rici in sviniiii hlik a1a mill st h ail i oflke ih mi 7h nee ll hiinh st f ri dr d a garrett on vicition june 2i 141b until aukusi 4 plrt in c ise of inuikiniy jib i i ill dr a n mkmt r ta i ittl gin i ph dr robert d bucknfr phvsionn ind sin sn 31 i mint ii m ait n out phini nt office hmir 68 p m rim fstatr ani insitran f iiiroikactok a d moore dc ilmr spc f i hit ipi ul 17 mill stint ih n 40 r lit on i m ins wid 2 7 sil 2 1 f l wright tl wilbur st ait n oritir ci ipti m am marint aiph e i buchnfr ro opi initnst md ii iriit aid 1 uiultiit ia uti n 4t mill st r ih in it iffir ii ins wdnsdr t i id flhi t ii i i ii nt this sundays church calendar jiil 1 ii ik united church of canada rlon onurlo it g rrfon adnm m nil m nis m u nrl ll si mixs h m 10 il orm mr m p i m m nc h p 1aptkt church acton p 1 ir r i n i ii im n ni presbyterian church in canada knox iii r ii acton i mui ii n i f the church of st alban the martyr vmi if n p t i ii h s kr f 1 ti stii 1 j ti st pi r do you notice any difference k t t m i i tl m n t h m nl dr h leib nntil srrg n off re lrirr mi 1 md rrdtirk s rf ci it nirs ik a pomtmnt in ipiidm- pi dr a j buchanan i mil s i ls n off amis ri 1 ff r it ur b tip in fl pm c f ifatheriand oc robert r hamilton opt intm ens zxi1 ri- d ii i ii a i tti n le ni r i iih st 1 i wn out f itisrf l litis a iii srim iever i hoskin hut r i mlml m i s k ul v w p vi ti r nl 1 ti l i 4h24 fm 4 hi31 travellers guide r pay coach unfs ut hfs ton inl filt 1 v tt mx m ii i ii i ur hu cb svhfiil 11 ml m puhl c worih p 30 p npfi j r cc m he church uwn w lnila 8pm the m d srk s r rr fir rihlr study wit nj mnd priyet ail w wclroma acton pentecostat tabernacle 11 ttnircrult rnad paot rf k n j it- d pi r k s hn h st now jl i s ifh iff i ibflq am sunday vhl 1100 am m rt ni v iaip 7 30 pm evangclibtic 18 tempo medium 18 tempo heavy 18 tempo heavy coed thivr headline iir 11 muchine 1 ml npr i hr in f ni h nn n nfi h y h mi rmhlsi- bat reull n i nit nil iind plf jug mpr pin 1r a s lint r m t it j t j public fin nn li it pt sun unit vf e h ni mm im rnn t- ii 1 11 11 t 2 w p 1 wi i m otl j m i i r ii i i ti p s pi t i i l s mill 1 nf pt u- i is 1- i 1 a t in h i l i 217 pm i 7 n 1 12 pm 11 1 l it r i ntt sun a braida b a 1 ii 1 brit solicit r ntrv p ibl c 171 him st s ac t on ph rw s6 canadian national orftr h ur fi pm 0pm railways t n p m s i 4 1 h i ik si r wlph st md trd t tie ta 42 offirr ileum t j m 1pm duly s40 m unity crept su dr 14 pm s md iv nl sat irrt 9 mm 13 m nn m aih nri sunday r i r it ml i 9 21 am hastings payne erf pm ij v tlwr al ge ik- t wn 10 m m btrrnter and soltctlors w eiboiind nntani- pub ik- dally 1144 pm i7iy ntrept sunday km am u pm sjturdav nly 122 pm sun ia mill st anon office hours man m 10901148 m m dy only 803 m nabip sun- ot onlv flirr it giielph 7hs pm iso 43 pm sjt iflflo- llnim daily except sat uid sun 531 phaac ml pm

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